public void Show() { Debug.Log("Ripple on " + name); if (rect == null) //Use rect to get the size. { rect = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); } if (parent == null) { parent = transform; } //make the ripple GameObject g = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Ripple"), Input.mousePosition, Quaternion.identity, parent); rippleRect = g.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); g.GetComponent <Image>().color = color; //Find the smallest size float size = (rect.sizeDelta.x < rect.sizeDelta.y) ? rect.sizeDelta.x : rect.sizeDelta.y; //Set the size rippleRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(size, size) * 0.5f; //Aaaaaand animate if (animationFramework == null) { animationFramework = FindObjectOfType <UIAnimationFramework>(); } if (moveToMiddle) { animationFramework.Move(rippleRect, rect.anchoredPosition, duration, 0); } animationFramework.Scale(rippleRect, * scaleFactor, duration); animationFramework.Fade(g.GetComponent <Image>(), Color.clear, duration * 0.75f, duration * 0.25f); Destroy(g, duration + 0.1f); }
public void Invoke(UIAnimationFramework effects) { foreach (RectMoveAnimationSingle m in move) { effects.Move(m.rect, m.point, m.time); } foreach (RectScaleAnimationSingle s in scale) { effects.Scale(s.rect, s.point, s.time); } foreach (RectRotateAnimationSingle a in rotate) { effects.Rotate(a.rect, Quaternion.Euler(a.rotation), a.time, a.delay); } foreach (TextFadeAnimationSingle a in textFade) { effects.Fade(a.text, a.color, a.time, a.delay); } foreach (ImageFadeAnimationSingle a in imageFade) { effects.Fade(a.image, a.color, a.time, a.delay); } foreach (ImageFillAnimationSingle a in imageFill) { effects.Fill(a.image, a.value, a.time, a.delay); } foreach (CanvasGroupFadeAnimationSingle a in cg) { effects.Fade(, a.value, a.time, a.delay); } }
private void Animate() { if (effect == null) { effect = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <UIAnimationFramework>(); } OnStart.Invoke(new UIAnimation.UIAnimationEvent(name, isOpen, id)); if ((moveAnimations.Count + scaleAnimations.Count + rotateAnimation.Count + textFadeAnimations.Count + imageFadeAnimations.Count + imageFillAnimations.Count + canvasGroupFadeAnimation.Count) == 0) { OnEnd.Invoke(new UIAnimation.UIAnimationEvent(name, isOpen, id)); return; } bool first = true; foreach (UIAnimation.RectMoveAnimation move in moveAnimations) { Vector3 point = (isOpen) ? : move.close; float animDelay = (isOpen) ? move.openDelay : move.closeDelay; if (first) { //Only fire OnOver event one time. effect.Move(move.rect, point, time, delay + animDelay, OnOver, curve); first = false; } else { effect.Move(move.rect, point, time, delay + animDelay, null, curve); } } foreach (UIAnimation.RectScaleAnimation scale in scaleAnimations) { Vector3 point = (isOpen) ? : scale.close; float animDelay = (isOpen) ? scale.openDelay : scale.closeDelay; if (first) { //Only fire OnOver event one time. effect.Scale(scale.rect, point, time, delay + animDelay, OnOver, curve); first = false; } else { effect.Scale(scale.rect, point, time, delay + animDelay, null, curve); } } foreach (UIAnimation.RectRotateAnimation rotate in rotateAnimation) { Vector3 point = (isOpen) ? : rotate.close; float animDelay = (isOpen) ? rotate.openDelay : rotate.closeDelay; if (first) { //Only fire OnOver event one time. effect.Rotate(rotate.rect, Quaternion.Euler(point), time, delay + animDelay, OnOver, curve); first = false; } else { effect.Rotate(rotate.rect, Quaternion.Euler(point), time, delay + animDelay, null, curve); } } foreach (UIAnimation.TextFadeAnimation fade in textFadeAnimations) { Color color = (isOpen) ? : fade.close; float animDelay = (isOpen) ? fade.openDelay : fade.closeDelay; if (first) { //Only fire OnOver event one time. effect.Fade(fade.text, color, time, delay + animDelay, OnOver, curve); first = false; } else { effect.Fade(fade.text, color, time, delay + animDelay, null, curve); } } foreach (UIAnimation.ImageFadeAnimation image in imageFadeAnimations) { Color color = (isOpen) ? : image.close; float animDelay = (isOpen) ? image.openDelay : image.closeDelay; if (first) { //Only fire OnOver event one time. effect.Fade(image.image, color, time, delay + animDelay, OnOver, curve); first = false; } else { effect.Fade(image.image, color, time, delay + animDelay, null, curve); } } foreach (UIAnimation.ImageFillAnimation img in imageFillAnimations) { float value = (isOpen) ? : img.close; float animDelay = (isOpen) ? img.openDelay : img.closeDelay; if (first) { //Only fire OnOver event one time. effect.Fill(img.image, value, time, delay + animDelay, OnOver, curve); first = false; } else { effect.Fill(img.image, value, time, delay + animDelay, null, curve); } } foreach (UIAnimation.CanvasGroupFadeAnimation cg in canvasGroupFadeAnimation) { float visible = (isOpen) ? : cg.close; float animDelay = (isOpen) ? cg.openDelay : cg.closeDelay; if (first) { //Only fire OnOver event one time. effect.Fade(, visible, time, delay + animDelay, OnOver, curve); first = false; } else { effect.Fade(, visible, time, delay + animDelay, null, curve); } } }
public void Init(string text, int textSize, TextAlignmentOptions alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineJustified) { if (animations == null) { animations = FindObjectOfType <UIAnimationFramework>(); } if (animations == null) { Debug.LogError("Couldn't find UI Animations"); } textComponent = new GameObject("text").AddComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); start = new GameObject("Start").AddComponent <Image>(); fill = new GameObject("Fill").AddComponent <Image>(); textComponent.color = Color.clear; start.color = Color.clear; fill.color = Color.clear; //Load start sprite Sprite toolTipStart = Resources.Load <Sprite>("tooltip_start"); if (toolTipStart == null) { Debug.LogError("Couldn't find tool tip start sprite!"); } startRect = start.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); fillRect = fill.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); textRect = textComponent.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); start.transform.SetParent(transform); fill.transform.SetParent(transform); textComponent.transform.SetParent(fill.transform); //set everything to 0. startRect.anchoredPosition =; start.sprite = toolTipStart; //assign the start sprite //Fix sizing with the textComponent.text = text; textComponent.fontSize = textSize; float width = textComponent.preferredWidth * 1.1f; float height = textComponent.preferredHeight * 1.1f; startRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(height, height); //set height and width. (height in both vars, because the ratio is 1/1.) fillRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(width, height); fillRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2((height - width + (textComponent.preferredWidth * 0.1f)) * 0.9f, 0); textComponent.alignment = alignment; //assign the text aligment textComponent.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 0); textComponent.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMax = new Vector2(1, 1); textRect.offsetMin = textRect.offsetMax =; //Animations! animations.Fade(start, Color.white, FADETIME); animations.Fade(fill, Color.white, FADETIME); animations.Scale(startRect,, SCALETIME); animations.Scale(fillRect,, SCALETIME); animations.Fade(textComponent,, FADETIME); animations.Scale(textRect,, SCALETIME); }