public void compareExpenseEntries(ExpenseEntry tt)
            switch (tt.oldEntryStatus)
            case 6:
                //6 means they should be in tdb but NOT in unbilled or billedtime

                if (tt.tbdid == 0)
                    addToErrorsExp(0, "Recorded expense was not in ExpBatchDetail. Setting to Draft", tt);
                else         //it IS in tbd but it should NOT be in unbilled or billed time
                    if (tt.utid != 0)
                        //see if it is in prebillfeeitem
                        if ((tt.pbrec != 0 && tt.pbbatch != 0) || (tt.pbrec1 != 0 && tt.pbbatch1 != 0))         //it IS in unbilled AND prebill
                            addToErrorsExp(8, "Recorded expense was on a PreBill. Setting to 'On PreBill'", tt);
                        else         //it is NOT in PreBill but IS in unbilledTime
                            addToErrorsExp(7, "Recorded expense was on in UnbilledExp. Setting to Posted", tt);
                    else if (tt.btid != 0)         //it IS in billed so it needs to be 9
                        addToErrorsExp(9, "Recorded expense was in BilledExp. Setting to Billed", tt);

            case 7:
                //7 means they should be in unbilledtime AND TBD but NOT in prebillfeeitem or billedtime

                if (tt.tbdid == 0)
                    addToErrorsExp(0, "Unbilled expense was not in ExpBatchDetail. Setting to Draft", tt);
                else         //it IS in tbd but it needs to be in unbilledtime
                    if (tt.utid != 0)        //if it IS
                        //see if it is in prebillfeeitem
                        if ((tt.pbrec != 0 && tt.pbbatch != 0) || (tt.pbrec1 != 0 && tt.pbbatch1 != 0))         //it IS in unbilled AND prebill
                            addToErrorsExp(8, "Unbilled expense was on a PreBill. Setting to 'On PreBill'", tt);
                        // else it is NOT in PreBill so we do nothing because it is IN tbd and IN unbilledtime
                    else         //it is in tbd but NOT unbilledtime so we see if it is in billedtime
                        if (tt.btid != 0)         //it IS in billed so it needs to be 9
                            addToErrorsExp(9, "Recorded expense was in BilledExp. Setting to Billed", tt);
                        else         //not in billedtime, unbilledtime or prebill so it is a 6
                            addToErrorsExp(6, "Unbilled expense was in ExpBatchDetail but NOT UnbilledExp. Setting to Recorded", tt);

            case 8:
                //8 means they should be in tdb AND unbilledtime AND prebillfeeitem

                if (tt.tbdid == 0)
                    addToErrorsExp(0, "Prebill expense was not in ExpBatchDetail. Setting to Draft", tt);
                else         //it IS in tbd
                    if (tt.utid != 0)        //if it IS
                        //see if it is not in prebillfeeitem
                        if ((tt.pbrec != 0 && tt.pbbatch != 0) || (tt.pbrec1 != 0 && tt.pbbatch1 != 0))         //it IS NOT in prebill
                            addToErrorsExp(7, "Prebill expense was not on PreBill but WAS in UnbilledExp. Setting to Posted", tt);
                        //else do nothing because it is in all 3 tables
                    else         //NOT in unbilledtime but it IS in tbd
                        if (tt.btid != 0)         //it IS in billed so it needs to be 9
                            addToErrorsExp(9, "Prebill texpense was in BilledExp. Setting to Billed", tt);
                        else         //not in unbilled, billed but IS in tbd
                            addToErrorsExp(6, "Prebill expense was not in UnbilledExp but IS in ExpBatchDetail. Setting to Recorded", tt);

            case 9:
                //9 means it SHOULD be in TBD and billedtime but NOT in unbilledTime or PreBillFeeItem

                if (tt.tbdid == 0)
                    addToErrorsExp(0, "Billed expense was not in ExpBatchDetail. Setting to Draft", tt);
                else         //it IS in tbd but it should NOT be in unbilled or billed time
                    if (tt.utid != 0)        //if it IS
                        //see if it is in prebillfeeitem
                        if (tt.pbrec != 0 && tt.pbbatch != 0)         //it IS in unbilled AND prebill
                            addToErrorsExp(8, "Billed expense was on a PreBill. Setting to 'On PreBill'", tt);
                        else         //it is NOT in PreBill
                            addToErrorsExp(7, "Billed expense was in UnbilledExp. Setting to Posted", tt);
                    else if (tt.btid == 0)         //it IS NOT in billed so it needs to be 0
                        addToErrorsExp(0, "Billed expense was not in BilledExp. Setting to Draft", tt);
            }//end switch
 private void addToErrorsExp(int entryType, string message, ExpenseEntry entry)
     entry.explanation    = message;
     entry.newEntryStatus = entryType;
        public void processExpenseEntries(string ID)
            if (ds != null)
            //go through each status individually

            //due to the size and nature of the data, we will do them by EntryType (6, 7, 8, 9). We ignore all draft time (0-5)
            string SQL = "SELECT  t.EntryID, dbo.jfn_FormatClientCode(CliCode) as clicode,dbo.jfn_FormatMatterCode(MatCode) as matcode " +
                         "   ,t.EntryDate ,ExpenseScheduleCode ,Units ,Amount, Summarize, EntryStatus " +
                         "   ,tbd.ebdid, ut.ueid, pb.PBEDUEBatch, pb.PBEDUERecNbr, bt.BeID, " +
                         "  pb1.PBESDUEBatch, pb1.PBESDUERecNbr " +
                         "   FROM ExpenseEntry t " +
                         "   inner join matter m on m.matsysnbr = t.MatterSysNbr  " +
                         "   inner join client c on c.clisysnbr = ClientSysNbr  " +
                         "   left outer join ExpenseEntryLink tel on tel.entryid = t.entryid  " +
                         "  left outer join ExpBatchDetail tbd on tel.ebdid = tbd.ebdid  " +
                         "  left outer join UnbilledExpense ut on ut.ueid = tbd.ebdid  " +
                         "  left outer join PreBillExpDetailItem pb on pb.PBEDUEBatch = ut.uebatch and pb.PBEDUERecNbr = ut.UeRecNbr  " +
                         "  left outer join PreBillExpSumDetail pb1 on pb1.PBESDUEBatch = ut.uebatch and pb1.PBESDUERecNbr = ut.UeRecNbr  " +
                         "   left outer join BilledExpenses bt on bt.beid = tbd.ebdid  " +
                         "   where t.entrystatus = " + ID;

            ds = _jurisUtility.RecordsetFromSQL(SQL);

            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                ExpenseEntry te = new ExpenseEntry();
                te.amount         = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Amount"].ToString().Trim());
                te.quantity       = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Units"].ToString().Trim());
                te.ClientNo       = dr["clicode"].ToString().Trim();
                te.MatterNo       = dr["matcode"].ToString().Trim();
                te.ID             = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EntryID"].ToString().Trim());
                te.Date           = DateTime.Parse(dr["EntryDate"].ToString().Trim()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                te.oldEntryStatus = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EntryStatus"].ToString().Trim());
                te.ExpCode        = dr["ExpenseScheduleCode"].ToString().Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ebdid"].ToString().Trim()))
                    te.tbdid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ebdid"].ToString().Trim());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ueid"].ToString().Trim()))
                    te.utid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ueid"].ToString().Trim());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["PBEDUEBatch"].ToString().Trim()))
                    te.pbbatch = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PBEDUEBatch"].ToString().Trim());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["PBEDUERecNbr"].ToString().Trim()))
                    te.pbrec = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PBEDUERecNbr"].ToString().Trim());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["PBESDUEBatch"].ToString().Trim()))
                    te.pbbatch1 = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PBESDUEBatch"].ToString().Trim());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["PBESDUERecNbr"].ToString().Trim()))
                    te.pbrec1 = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PBESDUERecNbr"].ToString().Trim());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["BeID"].ToString().Trim()))
                    te.btid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["BeID"].ToString().Trim());
                if (dr["Summarize"].ToString().Trim() == "Y")
                    te.isBillable = true;
                    te.isBillable = false;
                te.explanation    = "";
                te.Timekeeper     = "";
                te.hours          = 0;
                te.isBillable     = true;
                te.newEntryStatus = -1;
