/// <summary> /// Generates CIL for the logical operators. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> private void GenerateLogical(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo) { // Get the statically-determined types of the left and right operands. PrimitiveType leftType = this.Left.ResultType; PrimitiveType rightType = this.Right.ResultType; // Load the left-hand side operand. this.Left.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); // Make sure the output type is consistant. if (leftType != rightType) { if (PrimitiveTypeUtilities.IsNumeric(leftType) == true && PrimitiveTypeUtilities.IsNumeric(rightType) == true) { EmitConversion.ToNumber(generator, leftType); leftType = PrimitiveType.Number; } else { EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, leftType); leftType = PrimitiveType.Any; } } // Duplicate and convert to a Boolean. generator.Duplicate(); EmitConversion.ToBool(generator, leftType); // Stack contains "left, (bool)left" var endOfIf = generator.CreateLabel(); if (this.OperatorType == OperatorType.LogicalAnd) { generator.BranchIfFalse(endOfIf); } else { generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfIf); } // Stack contains "left". Load the right-hand side operand. generator.Pop(); this.Right.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); // Make sure the output type is consistant. if (leftType != rightType) { if (PrimitiveTypeUtilities.IsNumeric(leftType) == true && PrimitiveTypeUtilities.IsNumeric(rightType) == true) { EmitConversion.ToNumber(generator, rightType); } else { EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, rightType); } } // Define the label used above. generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfIf); }
/// <summary> /// Pops the value on the stack, converts it from one type to another, then pushes the /// result onto the stack. Undefined is converted to the given default value. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The IL generator. </param> /// <param name="fromType"> The type to convert from. </param> /// <param name="targetParameter"> The type to convert to and the default value, if there is one. </param> private static void EmitTypeConversion(ILGenerator generator, Type fromType, BinderArgument argument) { // Emit either the default value if there is one, otherwise emit "undefined". if (argument.HasDefaultValue) { // Check if the input value is undefined. var elseClause = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.Duplicate(); generator.BranchIfNull(elseClause); generator.Duplicate(); generator.LoadField(ReflectionHelpers.Undefined_Value); generator.CompareEqual(); generator.BranchIfTrue(elseClause); // Convert as per normal. EmitTypeConversion(generator, fromType, argument.Type); // Jump to the end. var endOfIf = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.Branch(endOfIf); generator.DefineLabelPosition(elseClause); // Pop the existing value and emit the default value. generator.Pop(); EmitUndefined(generator, argument); // Define the end of the block. generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfIf); } else { // Convert as per normal. EmitTypeConversion(generator, fromType, argument.Type); } }
/// <summary> /// Generates CIL for the in operator. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> private void GenerateIn(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo) { // Emit the left-hand side expression and convert it to a string. this.Left.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToString(generator, this.Left.ResultType); // Store the left-hand side expression in a temporary variable. var temp = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(string)); generator.StoreVariable(temp); // Emit the right-hand side expression. this.Right.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, this.Right.ResultType); // Check the right-hand side is a javascript object - if not, throw an exception. generator.Duplicate(); generator.IsInstance(typeof(ObjectInstance)); var endOfTypeCheck = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfTypeCheck); // Throw an nicely formatted exception. var rightValue = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(rightValue); generator.LoadEnumValue(ErrorType.TypeError); generator.LoadString("The in operator expected an object, but found '{0}' instead"); generator.LoadInt32(1); generator.NewArray(typeof(object)); generator.Duplicate(); generator.LoadInt32(0); generator.LoadVariable(rightValue); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.TypeUtilities_TypeOf); generator.StoreArrayElement(typeof(object)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.String_Format); generator.LoadInt32(optimizationInfo.SourceSpan.StartLine); generator.LoadStringOrNull(optimizationInfo.Source.Path); generator.LoadStringOrNull(optimizationInfo.FunctionName); generator.NewObject(ReflectionHelpers.JavaScriptException_Constructor_Error); generator.Throw(); generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfTypeCheck); generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(rightValue); generator.ReinterpretCast(typeof(ObjectInstance)); // Load the left-hand side expression from the temporary variable. generator.LoadVariable(temp); // Call ObjectInstance.HasProperty(object) generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_HasProperty); // Allow the temporary variable to be reused. generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(temp); }
/// <summary> /// Generates CIL for the statement. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> public override void GenerateCode(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo) { // Generate code for the start of the statement. var statementLocals = new StatementLocals() { NonDefaultSourceSpanBehavior = true }; GenerateStartOfStatement(generator, optimizationInfo, statementLocals); // Unlike in .NET, in javascript there are no restrictions on what can appear inside // try, catch and finally blocks. The one restriction which causes problems is the // inability to jump out of .NET finally blocks. This is required when break, continue // or return statements appear inside of a finally block. To work around this, when // inside a finally block these instructions throw an exception instead. // Setting the InsideTryCatchOrFinally flag converts BR instructions into LEAVE // instructions so that the finally block is executed correctly. var previousInsideTryCatchOrFinally = optimizationInfo.InsideTryCatchOrFinally; optimizationInfo.InsideTryCatchOrFinally = true; // Finally requires two exception nested blocks. if (this.FinallyBlock != null) generator.BeginExceptionBlock(); // Begin the exception block. generator.BeginExceptionBlock(); // Generate code for the try block. this.TryBlock.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); // Generate code for the catch block. ILLocalVariable skipFinallyBlock = null; // Begin a catch block. The exception is on the top of the stack. generator.BeginCatchBlock(typeof(Exception)); // Check the exception is catchable by calling CanCatchException(ex). // We need to handle the case where JS code calls into .NET code which then throws // a JavaScriptException from a different ScriptEngine. // If CatchBlock is null, we need to rethrow the exception in every case. var endOfIfLabel = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.Duplicate(); // ex var exceptionTemporary = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(Exception)); generator.StoreVariable(exceptionTemporary); EmitHelpers.LoadScriptEngine(generator); generator.LoadVariable(exceptionTemporary); generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(exceptionTemporary); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ScriptEngine_CanCatchException); generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfIfLabel); if (this.FinallyBlock != null) { generator.LoadBoolean(true); skipFinallyBlock = generator.DeclareVariable(typeof(bool), "skipFinallyBlock"); generator.StoreVariable(skipFinallyBlock); } if (this.CatchBlock == null) generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfIfLabel); generator.Rethrow(); if (this.CatchBlock != null) generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfIfLabel); if (this.CatchBlock != null) { // Create a new DeclarativeScope. this.CatchScope.GenerateScopeCreation(generator, optimizationInfo); // Store the error object in the variable provided. generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.JavaScriptException_ErrorObject); var catchVariable = new NameExpression(this.CatchScope, this.CatchVariableName); catchVariable.GenerateSet(generator, optimizationInfo, PrimitiveType.Any, false); // Make sure the scope is reverted even if an exception is thrown. generator.BeginExceptionBlock(); // Emit code for the statements within the catch block. this.CatchBlock.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); // Revert the scope. generator.BeginFinallyBlock(); this.CatchScope.GenerateScopeDestruction(generator, optimizationInfo); generator.EndExceptionBlock(); } // Generate code for the finally block. if (this.FinallyBlock != null) { generator.BeginFinallyBlock(); // If an exception was thrown that wasn't handled by the catch block, then don't // run the finally block either. This prevents user code from being run when a // ThreadAbortException is thrown. var endOfFinallyBlock = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.LoadVariable(skipFinallyBlock); generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfFinallyBlock); var branches = new List<ILLabel>(); var previousStackSize = optimizationInfo.LongJumpStackSizeThreshold; optimizationInfo.LongJumpStackSizeThreshold = optimizationInfo.BreakOrContinueStackSize; var previousCallback = optimizationInfo.LongJumpCallback; optimizationInfo.LongJumpCallback = (generator2, label) => { // It is not possible to branch out of a finally block - therefore instead of // generating LEAVE instructions we throw an exception then catch it to transfer // control out of the finally block. generator2.LoadInt32(branches.Count); generator2.NewObject(ReflectionHelpers.LongJumpException_Constructor); generator2.Throw(); // Record any branches that are made within the finally code. branches.Add(label); }; // Emit code for the finally block. this.FinallyBlock.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); // Define the position at the end of the finally block. generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfFinallyBlock); // End the main exception block. generator.EndExceptionBlock(); // Begin a catch block to catch any LongJumpExceptions. The exception object is on // the top of the stack. generator.BeginCatchBlock(typeof(LongJumpException)); if (branches.Count > 0) { // switch (exception.RouteID) // { // case 0: goto label1; // case 1: goto label2; // } ILLabel[] switchLabels = new ILLabel[branches.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < branches.Count; i++) switchLabels[i] = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.LongJumpException_RouteID); generator.Switch(switchLabels); for (int i = 0; i < branches.Count; i++) { generator.DefineLabelPosition(switchLabels[i]); generator.Leave(branches[i]); } } // Reset the state we clobbered. optimizationInfo.LongJumpStackSizeThreshold = previousStackSize; optimizationInfo.LongJumpCallback = previousCallback; } // End the exception block. generator.EndExceptionBlock(); // Reset the InsideTryCatchOrFinally flag. optimizationInfo.InsideTryCatchOrFinally = previousInsideTryCatchOrFinally; // Generate code for the end of the statement. GenerateEndOfStatement(generator, optimizationInfo, statementLocals); }
/// <summary> /// Generates code to push the "this" value for a function call. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> public void GenerateThis(ILGenerator generator) { // Optimization: if there are no with scopes, simply emit undefined. bool scopeChainHasWithScope = false; var scope = this.Scope; do { if (scope is ObjectScope && ((ObjectScope)scope).ProvidesImplicitThisValue == true) { scopeChainHasWithScope = true; break; } scope = scope.ParentScope; } while (scope != null); if (scopeChainHasWithScope == false) { // No with scopes in the scope chain, use undefined as the "this" value. EmitHelpers.EmitUndefined(generator); return; } var end = generator.CreateLabel(); scope = this.Scope; ILLocalVariable scopeVariable = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(Scope)); EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); generator.StoreVariable(scopeVariable); do { if (scope is DeclarativeScope) { if (scope.HasDeclaredVariable(this.Name)) { // The variable exists but declarative scopes always produce undefined for // the "this" value. EmitHelpers.EmitUndefined(generator); break; } } else { var objectScope = (ObjectScope)scope; // Check if the property exists by calling scope.ScopeObject.HasProperty(propertyName) if (objectScope.ProvidesImplicitThisValue == false) { EmitHelpers.EmitUndefined(generator); } generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); generator.CastClass(typeof(ObjectScope)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectScope_ScopeObject); if (objectScope.ProvidesImplicitThisValue == true) { generator.Duplicate(); } generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_HasProperty); generator.BranchIfTrue(end); generator.Pop(); // If the name is not defined, use undefined for the "this" value. if (scope.ParentScope == null) { EmitHelpers.EmitUndefined(generator); } } // Try the parent scope. if (scope.ParentScope != null && scope.ExistsAtRuntime == true) { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_ParentScope); generator.StoreVariable(scopeVariable); } scope = scope.ParentScope; } while (scope != null); // Release the temporary variable. generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(scopeVariable); // Define a label at the end. generator.DefineLabelPosition(end); }
/// <summary> /// Stores the value on the top of the stack in the reference. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> /// <param name="valueType"> The primitive type of the value that is on the top of the stack. </param> /// <param name="throwIfUnresolvable"> <c>true</c> to throw a ReferenceError exception if /// the name is unresolvable; <c>false</c> to create a new property instead. </param> public void GenerateSet(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo, PrimitiveType valueType, bool throwIfUnresolvable) { // The value is initially on the top of the stack but is stored in this variable // at the last possible moment. ILLocalVariable value = null; var scope = this.Scope; ILLocalVariable scopeVariable = null; var endOfSet = generator.CreateLabel(); do { if (scope is DeclarativeScope) { // Get information about the variable. var variable = scope.GetDeclaredVariable(this.Name); if (variable != null) { // The variable was declared in this scope. if (scope.ExistsAtRuntime == false) { // The scope has been optimized away. The value of the variable is stored // in an ILVariable. // Declare an IL local variable if no storage location has been allocated yet. if (variable.Store == null) { variable.Store = generator.DeclareVariable(typeof(object), variable.Name); } if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to the // storage type of the variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, variable.Type, optimizationInfo); } else { // The value to store is in a temporary variable. generator.LoadVariable(value); EmitConversion.Convert(generator, PrimitiveType.Any, variable.Type, optimizationInfo); } // Store the value in the variable. generator.StoreVariable(variable.Store); } else if (variable.Writable == true) { if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to an // object and store it in a temporary variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, PrimitiveType.Any, optimizationInfo); value = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(value); } // scope.Values[index] = value if (scopeVariable == null) { EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.CastClass(typeof(DeclarativeScope)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.DeclarativeScope_Values); generator.LoadInt32(variable.Index); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.StoreArrayElement(typeof(object)); } else { // The variable exists, but is read-only. // Pop the value off the stack (if it is still there). if (value == null) { generator.Pop(); } } // The variable was found - no need to search any more parent scopes. break; } else { // The variable was not defined at compile time, but may have been // introduced by an eval() statement. if (optimizationInfo.MethodOptimizationHints.HasEval == true) { if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to an // object and store it in a temporary variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, PrimitiveType.Any, optimizationInfo); value = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(value); } // Check the variable exists: if (scope.HasValue(variableName) == true) { if (scopeVariable == null) { EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.CastClass(typeof(DeclarativeScope)); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_HasValue); var hasValueClause = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfFalse(hasValueClause); // Set the value of the variable. if (scopeVariable == null) { EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.CastClass(typeof(DeclarativeScope)); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_SetValue); generator.Branch(endOfSet); // } generator.DefineLabelPosition(hasValueClause); } } } else { if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to an // object and store it in a temporary variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, PrimitiveType.Any, optimizationInfo); value = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(value); } if (scope.ParentScope == null) { // Optimization: if this is the global scope, use hidden classes to // optimize variable access. // Global variable modification // ---------------------------- // __object_cacheKey = null; // __object_property_cachedIndex = 0; // ... // if (__object_cacheKey != object.InlineCacheKey) // object.InlineSetPropertyValueIfExists("property", value, strictMode, out __object_property_cachedIndex, out __object_cacheKey) // else // object.InlinePropertyValues[__object_property_cachedIndex] = value; // Get a reference to the global object. if (scopeVariable == null) { EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.CastClass(typeof(ObjectScope)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectScope_ScopeObject); // TODO: share these variables somehow. var cacheKey = generator.DeclareVariable(typeof(object)); var cachedIndex = generator.DeclareVariable(typeof(int)); // Store the object into a temp variable. var objectInstance = generator.DeclareVariable(PrimitiveType.Object); generator.StoreVariable(objectInstance); // if (__object_cacheKey != object.InlineCacheKey) generator.LoadVariable(cacheKey); generator.LoadVariable(objectInstance); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_InlineCacheKey); var elseClause = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfEqual(elseClause); // xxx = object.InlineSetPropertyValueIfExists("property", value, strictMode, out __object_property_cachedIndex, out __object_cacheKey) generator.LoadVariable(objectInstance); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.LoadBoolean(optimizationInfo.StrictMode); generator.LoadAddressOfVariable(cachedIndex); generator.LoadAddressOfVariable(cacheKey); if (throwIfUnresolvable == false) { // Set the property value unconditionally. generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_InlineSetPropertyValue); } else { // Set the property value if the property exists. generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_InlineSetPropertyValueIfExists); // The return value is true if the property was defined, and false if it wasn't. generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfSet); } var endOfIf = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.Branch(endOfIf); // else generator.DefineLabelPosition(elseClause); // object.InlinePropertyValues[__object_property_cachedIndex] = value; generator.LoadVariable(objectInstance); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_InlinePropertyValues); generator.LoadVariable(cachedIndex); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.StoreArrayElement(typeof(object)); generator.Branch(endOfSet); // End of the if statement generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfIf); } else { // Slow route. if (scopeVariable == null) { EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.CastClass(typeof(ObjectScope)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectScope_ScopeObject); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.LoadBoolean(optimizationInfo.StrictMode); if (scope.ParentScope == null && throwIfUnresolvable == false) { // Set the property value unconditionally. generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_SetPropertyValue_Object); } else { // Set the property value if the property exists. generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_SetPropertyValueIfExists); // The return value is true if the property was defined, and false if it wasn't. generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfSet); } } } // Try the parent scope. if (scope.ParentScope != null && scope.ExistsAtRuntime == true) { if (scopeVariable == null) { scopeVariable = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(Scope)); EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_ParentScope); generator.StoreVariable(scopeVariable); } scope = scope.ParentScope; } while (scope != null); // The value might be still on top of the stack. if (value == null && scope == null) { generator.Pop(); } // Throw an error if the name does not exist and throwIfUnresolvable is true. if (scope == null && throwIfUnresolvable == true) { EmitHelpers.EmitThrow(generator, ErrorType.ReferenceError, this.Name + " is not defined", optimizationInfo); } // Release the temporary variables. if (value != null) { generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(value); } if (scopeVariable != null) { generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(scopeVariable); } // Define a label at the end. generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfSet); }
/// <summary> /// Generates CIL for the statement. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> public override void GenerateCode(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo) { // Generate code for the start of the statement. var statementLocals = new StatementLocals() { NonDefaultBreakStatementBehavior = true }; GenerateStartOfStatement(generator, optimizationInfo, statementLocals); // We need a label for each case clause and one for the default case. var jumpTargets = new ILLabel[this.CaseClauses.Count]; int defaultIndex = -1; ILLabel endOfSwitch = generator.CreateLabel(); // Generate code for the switch value. var startOfSwitch = generator.CreateLabel(); this.Value.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, this.Value.ResultType); // Save the switch value in a variable. var switchValue = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(switchValue); for (int i = 0; i < this.CaseClauses.Count; i++) { var caseClause = this.CaseClauses[i]; // Create a label for each clause. jumpTargets[i] = generator.CreateLabel(); if (caseClause.Value == null) { // This is a default clause. defaultIndex = i; continue; } // TypeComparer.StrictEquals(switchValue, caseValue) generator.LoadVariable(switchValue); caseClause.Value.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, caseClause.Value.ResultType); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.TypeComparer_StrictEquals); // if (TypeComparer.StrictEquals(switchValue, caseValue) == true) // goto case i generator.BranchIfTrue(jumpTargets[i]); } // None of the cases matched, jump to the default clause or the end of the switch. if (defaultIndex >= 0) { generator.Branch(jumpTargets[defaultIndex]); } else { generator.Branch(endOfSwitch); } for (int i = 0; i < this.CaseClauses.Count; i++) { // Define a label at the start of the case clause. generator.DefineLabelPosition(jumpTargets[i]); // Set up the information needed by the break statement. optimizationInfo.PushBreakOrContinueInfo(this.Labels, endOfSwitch, null, labelledOnly: false); // Emit the case clause statements. foreach (var statement in this.CaseClauses[i].BodyStatements) { statement.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); } // Revert the information needed by the break statement. optimizationInfo.PopBreakOrContinueInfo(); } // Define a label for the end of the switch statement. generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfSwitch); // Release the switch value variable for use elsewhere. generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(switchValue); // Generate code for the end of the statement. GenerateEndOfStatement(generator, optimizationInfo, statementLocals); }
/// <summary> /// Generates CIL for the logical operators. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> private void GenerateLogical(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo) { // Get the statically-determined types of the left and right operands. PrimitiveType leftType = this.Left.ResultType; PrimitiveType rightType = this.Right.ResultType; // Load the left-hand side operand. this.Left.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); // Make sure the output type is consistant. if (leftType != rightType) { if (PrimitiveTypeUtilities.IsNumeric(leftType) == true && PrimitiveTypeUtilities.IsNumeric(rightType) == true) { EmitConversion.ToNumber(generator, leftType); leftType = PrimitiveType.Number; } else { EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, leftType); leftType = PrimitiveType.Any; } } // Duplicate and convert to a Boolean. generator.Duplicate(); EmitConversion.ToBool(generator, leftType); // Stack contains "left, (bool)left" var endOfIf = generator.CreateLabel(); if (this.OperatorType == OperatorType.LogicalAnd) generator.BranchIfFalse(endOfIf); else generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfIf); // Stack contains "left". Load the right-hand side operand. generator.Pop(); this.Right.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); // Make sure the output type is consistant. if (leftType != rightType) { if (PrimitiveTypeUtilities.IsNumeric(leftType) == true && PrimitiveTypeUtilities.IsNumeric(rightType) == true) EmitConversion.ToNumber(generator, rightType); else EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, rightType); } // Define the label used above. generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfIf); }
/// <summary> /// Generates CIL for the expression. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> public override void GenerateCode(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo) { // Check if this is a direct call to eval(). if (this.Target is NameExpression && ((NameExpression)this.Target).Name == "eval") { GenerateEval(generator, optimizationInfo); return; } // Check if this is a super() call. if (this.Target is SuperExpression) { // executionContext.CallSuperClass(arguments) EmitHelpers.LoadExecutionContext(generator); GenerateArgumentsArray(generator, optimizationInfo); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ExecutionContext_CallSuperClass); return; } // Emit the function instance first. ILLocalVariable targetBase = null; if (this.Target is MemberAccessExpression) { // The function is a member access expression (e.g. "Math.cos()"). // Evaluate the left part of the member access expression. var baseExpression = ((MemberAccessExpression)this.Target).Base; baseExpression.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, baseExpression.ResultType); targetBase = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(targetBase); // Evaluate the right part of the member access expression. var memberAccessExpression = new MemberAccessExpression(((MemberAccessExpression)this.Target).Operator); memberAccessExpression.Push(new TemporaryVariableExpression(targetBase)); memberAccessExpression.Push(((MemberAccessExpression)this.Target).GetOperand(1)); memberAccessExpression.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, this.Target.ResultType); } else { // Something else (e.g. "my_func()"). this.Target.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, this.Target.ResultType); } // Check the object really is a function - if not, throw an exception. generator.Duplicate(); generator.IsInstance(typeof(FunctionInstance)); var endOfTypeCheck = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfTypeCheck); // Throw an nicely formatted exception. generator.Pop(); EmitHelpers.EmitThrow(generator, ErrorType.TypeError, string.Format("'{0}' is not a function", this.Target.ToString()), optimizationInfo); generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfTypeCheck); // Pass in the path, function name and line. generator.ReinterpretCast(typeof(FunctionInstance)); generator.LoadStringOrNull(optimizationInfo.Source.Path); generator.LoadStringOrNull(optimizationInfo.FunctionName); generator.LoadInt32(optimizationInfo.SourceSpan.StartLine); // Generate code to produce the "this" value. There are three cases. if (this.Target is NameExpression) { // 1. The function is a name expression (e.g. "parseInt()"). // If we are inside a with() block, then there is an implicit 'this' value, // otherwise 'this' is undefined. Scope.GenerateReference(generator, optimizationInfo); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.RuntimeScope_ImplicitThis); } else if (this.Target is MemberAccessExpression targetMemberAccessExpression) { // 2. The function is a member access expression (e.g. "Math.cos()"). // In this case this = Math. // Unless it's a super call like super.blah(). if (targetMemberAccessExpression.Base is SuperExpression) { EmitHelpers.LoadThis(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(targetBase); } } else { // 3. Neither of the above (e.g. "(function() { return 5 })()") // In this case this = undefined. EmitHelpers.EmitUndefined(generator); } // Emit an array containing the function arguments. GenerateArgumentsArray(generator, optimizationInfo); // Call FunctionInstance.CallLateBound(thisValue, argumentValues) generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.FunctionInstance_CallWithStackTrace); // Allow reuse of the temporary variable. if (targetBase != null) { generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(targetBase); } }
/// <summary> /// Stores the value on the top of the stack in the reference. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> /// <param name="valueType"> The primitive type of the value that is on the top of the stack. </param> /// <param name="throwIfUnresolvable"> <c>true</c> to throw a ReferenceError exception if /// the name is unresolvable; <c>false</c> to create a new property instead. </param> public void GenerateSet(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo, PrimitiveType valueType, bool throwIfUnresolvable) { // The value is initially on the top of the stack but is stored in this variable // at the last possible moment. ILLocalVariable value = null; var scope = this.Scope; ILLocalVariable scopeVariable = null; var endOfSet = generator.CreateLabel(); do { if (scope is DeclarativeScope) { // Get information about the variable. var variable = scope.GetDeclaredVariable(this.Name); if (variable != null) { // The variable was declared in this scope. if (scope.ExistsAtRuntime == false) { // The scope has been optimized away. The value of the variable is stored // in an ILVariable. // Declare an IL local variable if no storage location has been allocated yet. if (variable.Store == null) { variable.Store = generator.DeclareVariable(typeof(object), variable.Name); } if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to the // storage type of the variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, variable.Type, optimizationInfo); } else { // The value to store is in a temporary variable. generator.LoadVariable(value); EmitConversion.Convert(generator, PrimitiveType.Any, variable.Type, optimizationInfo); } // Store the value in the variable. generator.StoreVariable(variable.Store); } else if (variable.Writable == true) { if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to an // object and store it in a temporary variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, PrimitiveType.Any, optimizationInfo); value = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(value); } // scope.Values[index] = value if (scopeVariable == null) { EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.CastClass(typeof(DeclarativeScope)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.DeclarativeScope_Values); generator.LoadInt32(variable.Index); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.StoreArrayElement(typeof(object)); } else { // The variable exists, but is read-only. // Pop the value off the stack (if it is still there). if (value == null) { generator.Pop(); } } // The variable was found - no need to search any more parent scopes. break; } else { // The variable was not defined at compile time, but may have been // introduced by an eval() statement. if (optimizationInfo.MethodOptimizationHints.HasEval == true) { if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to an // object and store it in a temporary variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, PrimitiveType.Any, optimizationInfo); value = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(value); } // Check the variable exists: if (scope.HasValue(variableName) == true) { if (scopeVariable == null) { EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.CastClass(typeof(DeclarativeScope)); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_HasValue); var hasValueClause = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfFalse(hasValueClause); // Set the value of the variable. if (scopeVariable == null) { EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.CastClass(typeof(DeclarativeScope)); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_SetValue); generator.Branch(endOfSet); // } generator.DefineLabelPosition(hasValueClause); } } } else { if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to an // object and store it in a temporary variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, PrimitiveType.Any, optimizationInfo); value = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(value); } if (scopeVariable == null) { EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.CastClass(typeof(ObjectScope)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectScope_ScopeObject); if (scope.ParentScope == null && throwIfUnresolvable == false) { // Sets the value of a global variable. // JS: object.property = value // C# ==> // if (propertyName == null) // propertyName = new PropertyName("property"); // object.SetPropertyValue(propertyName, value, strictMode); ILLocalVariable propertyName = optimizationInfo.GetGlobalPropertyReferenceVariable(generator, this.Name); generator.LoadVariable(propertyName); generator.Duplicate(); var afterIf = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfNotNull(afterIf); generator.Pop(); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.NewObject(ReflectionHelpers.PropertyName_Constructor); generator.Duplicate(); generator.StoreVariable(propertyName); generator.DefineLabelPosition(afterIf); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.LoadBoolean(optimizationInfo.StrictMode); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_SetPropertyValue_PropertyReference); } else { // Setting a variable within a "with" scope. generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.LoadBoolean(optimizationInfo.StrictMode); // Set the property value if the property exists. generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_SetPropertyValueIfExists); // The return value is true if the property was defined, and false if it wasn't. generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfSet); } } // Try the parent scope. if (scope.ParentScope != null && scope.ExistsAtRuntime == true) { if (scopeVariable == null) { scopeVariable = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(Scope)); EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_ParentScope); generator.StoreVariable(scopeVariable); } scope = scope.ParentScope; } while (scope != null); // The value might be still on top of the stack. if (value == null && scope == null) { generator.Pop(); } // Throw an error if the name does not exist and throwIfUnresolvable is true. if (scope == null && throwIfUnresolvable == true) { EmitHelpers.EmitThrow(generator, ErrorType.ReferenceError, this.Name + " is not defined", optimizationInfo); } // Release the temporary variables. if (value != null) { generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(value); } if (scopeVariable != null) { generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(scopeVariable); } // Define a label at the end. generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfSet); }
/// <summary> /// Pops the value on the stack, converts it to an object, then pushes the result onto the /// stack. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The IL generator. </param> /// <param name="fromType"> The type to convert from. </param> internal static void EmitConversionToObject(ILGenerator generator, Type fromType) { // If the from type is a reference type, check for null. ILLabel endOfNullCheck = null; if (fromType.IsValueType == false) { var startOfElse = generator.CreateLabel(); endOfNullCheck = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.Duplicate(); generator.BranchIfNotNull(startOfElse); generator.Pop(); EmitHelpers.EmitNull(generator); generator.Branch(endOfNullCheck); generator.DefineLabelPosition(startOfElse); } switch (Type.GetTypeCode(fromType)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: generator.Box(typeof(bool)); break; case TypeCode.Byte: generator.Box(typeof(int)); break; case TypeCode.Char: generator.LoadInt32(1); generator.NewObject(ReflectionHelpers.String_Constructor_Char_Int); break; case TypeCode.DBNull: throw new NotSupportedException("DBNull is not a supported return type."); case TypeCode.Decimal: generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Decimal_ToDouble); generator.Box(typeof(double)); break; case TypeCode.Double: generator.Box(typeof(double)); break; case TypeCode.Empty: throw new NotSupportedException("Empty is not a supported return type."); case TypeCode.Int16: generator.Box(typeof(int)); break; case TypeCode.Int32: generator.Box(typeof(int)); break; case TypeCode.Int64: generator.ConvertToDouble(); generator.Box(typeof(double)); break; case TypeCode.DateTime: case TypeCode.Object: // Check if the type must be wrapped with a ClrInstanceWrapper. // Note: if the type is a value type it cannot be a primitive or it would // have been handled elsewhere in the switch. ILLabel endOfWrapCheck = null; if (fromType.IsValueType == false) { generator.Duplicate(); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.TypeUtilities_IsPrimitiveOrObject); endOfWrapCheck = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfWrapCheck); } // The type must be wrapped. var temp = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(fromType); generator.StoreVariable(temp); generator.LoadArgument(0); generator.LoadVariable(temp); if (fromType.IsValueType == true) generator.Box(fromType); generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(temp); generator.NewObject(ReflectionHelpers.ClrInstanceWrapper_Constructor); // End of wrap check. if (fromType.IsValueType == false) generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfWrapCheck); break; case TypeCode.SByte: generator.Box(typeof(int)); break; case TypeCode.Single: generator.Box(typeof(double)); break; case TypeCode.String: break; case TypeCode.UInt16: generator.Box(typeof(int)); break; case TypeCode.UInt32: generator.Box(typeof(uint)); break; case TypeCode.UInt64: generator.ConvertUnsignedToDouble(); generator.Box(typeof(double)); break; } // Label the end of the null check. if (fromType.IsValueType == false) generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfNullCheck); }
/// <summary> /// Pops the value on the stack, converts it to an object, then pushes the result onto the /// stack. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The IL generator. </param> /// <param name="fromType"> The type to convert from. </param> internal static void EmitConversionToObject(ILGenerator generator, Type fromType) { // If the from type is a reference type, check for null. ILLabel endOfNullCheck = null; if (fromType.IsValueType == false) { var startOfElse = generator.CreateLabel(); endOfNullCheck = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.Duplicate(); generator.BranchIfNotNull(startOfElse); generator.Pop(); EmitHelpers.EmitNull(generator); generator.Branch(endOfNullCheck); generator.DefineLabelPosition(startOfElse); } // Handle Nullable<>. var isNullable = fromType.IsGenericType && fromType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>); if (isNullable) { endOfNullCheck = generator.CreateLabel(); var v = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(fromType); generator.StoreVariable(v); generator.LoadAddressOfVariable(v); var hasValue = ReflectionHelpers.GetInstanceMethod(fromType, "get_HasValue"); generator.Call(hasValue); generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfNullCheck); // Return null. generator.LoadNull(); generator.Return(); // Jump here if it was NOT null. generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfNullCheck); // Get the underlying value. generator.LoadAddressOfVariable(v); var getValue = ReflectionHelpers.GetInstanceMethod(fromType, "get_Value"); generator.Call(getValue); // Now let the normal conversion work. fromType = fromType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; } switch (Type.GetTypeCode(fromType)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: generator.Box(typeof(bool)); break; case TypeCode.Byte: generator.Box(typeof(int)); break; case TypeCode.Char: generator.LoadInt32(1); generator.NewObject(ReflectionHelpers.String_Constructor_Char_Int); break; case TypeCode.DBNull: throw new NotSupportedException("DBNull is not a supported return type."); case TypeCode.Decimal: generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Decimal_ToDouble); generator.Box(typeof(double)); break; case TypeCode.Double: generator.Box(typeof(double)); break; case TypeCode.Empty: throw new NotSupportedException("Empty is not a supported return type."); case TypeCode.Int16: generator.Box(typeof(int)); break; case TypeCode.Int32: generator.Box(typeof(int)); break; case TypeCode.Int64: generator.ConvertToDouble(); generator.Box(typeof(double)); break; case TypeCode.DateTime: case TypeCode.Object: // Check if the type must be wrapped with a ClrInstanceWrapper. // Note: if the type is a value type it cannot be a primitive or it would // have been handled elsewhere in the switch. ILLabel endOfWrapCheck = null; if (fromType.IsValueType == false) { generator.Duplicate(); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.TypeUtilities_IsPrimitiveOrObject); endOfWrapCheck = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfWrapCheck); } // The type must be wrapped. var temp = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(fromType); generator.StoreVariable(temp); generator.LoadArgument(0); generator.LoadVariable(temp); if (fromType.IsValueType == true) { generator.Box(fromType); } generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(temp); generator.CallStatic(ReflectionHelpers.ClrInstanceWrapper_Create); // End of wrap check. if (fromType.IsValueType == false) { generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfWrapCheck); } break; case TypeCode.SByte: generator.Box(typeof(int)); break; case TypeCode.Single: generator.Box(typeof(double)); break; case TypeCode.String: break; case TypeCode.UInt16: generator.Box(typeof(int)); break; case TypeCode.UInt32: generator.Box(typeof(uint)); break; case TypeCode.UInt64: generator.ConvertUnsignedToDouble(); generator.Box(typeof(double)); break; } // Label the end of the null check. if (fromType.IsValueType == false) { generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfNullCheck); } }
/// <summary> /// Stores the value on the top of the stack in the reference. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> /// <param name="valueType"> The primitive type of the value that is on the top of the stack. </param> /// <param name="throwIfUnresolvable"> <c>true</c> to throw a ReferenceError exception if /// the name is unresolvable; <c>false</c> to create a new property instead. </param> public void GenerateSet(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo, PrimitiveType valueType, bool throwIfUnresolvable) { // The value is initially on the top of the stack but is stored in this variable // at the last possible moment. ILLocalVariable value = null; var scope = this.Scope; ILLocalVariable scopeVariable = null; var endOfSet = generator.CreateLabel(); do { if (scope is DeclarativeScope) { // Get information about the variable. var variable = scope.GetDeclaredVariable(this.Name); if (variable != null) { // The variable was declared in this scope. if (scope.ExistsAtRuntime == false) { // The scope has been optimized away. The value of the variable is stored // in an ILVariable. // Declare an IL local variable if no storage location has been allocated yet. if (variable.Store == null) variable.Store = generator.DeclareVariable(typeof(object), variable.Name); if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to the // storage type of the variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, variable.Type, optimizationInfo); } else { // The value to store is in a temporary variable. generator.LoadVariable(value); EmitConversion.Convert(generator, PrimitiveType.Any, variable.Type, optimizationInfo); } // Store the value in the variable. generator.StoreVariable(variable.Store); } else if (variable.Writable == true) { if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to an // object and store it in a temporary variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, PrimitiveType.Any, optimizationInfo); value = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(value); } // scope.Values[index] = value if (scopeVariable == null) EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); else generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); generator.CastClass(typeof(DeclarativeScope)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.DeclarativeScope_Values); generator.LoadInt32(variable.Index); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.StoreArrayElement(typeof(object)); } else { // The variable exists, but is read-only. // Pop the value off the stack (if it is still there). if (value == null) generator.Pop(); } // The variable was found - no need to search any more parent scopes. break; } else { // The variable was not defined at compile time, but may have been // introduced by an eval() statement. if (optimizationInfo.MethodOptimizationHints.HasEval == true) { if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to an // object and store it in a temporary variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, PrimitiveType.Any, optimizationInfo); value = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(value); } // Check the variable exists: if (scope.HasValue(variableName) == true) { if (scopeVariable == null) EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); else generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); generator.CastClass(typeof(DeclarativeScope)); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_HasValue); var hasValueClause = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfFalse(hasValueClause); // Set the value of the variable. if (scopeVariable == null) EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); else generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); generator.CastClass(typeof(DeclarativeScope)); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_SetValue); generator.Branch(endOfSet); // } generator.DefineLabelPosition(hasValueClause); } } } else { if (value == null) { // The value to store is on the top of the stack - convert it to an // object and store it in a temporary variable. EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, PrimitiveType.Any, optimizationInfo); value = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(value); } if (scope.ParentScope == null) { // Optimization: if this is the global scope, use hidden classes to // optimize variable access. // Global variable modification // ---------------------------- // __object_cacheKey = null; // __object_property_cachedIndex = 0; // ... // if (__object_cacheKey != object.InlineCacheKey) // object.InlineSetPropertyValueIfExists("property", value, strictMode, out __object_property_cachedIndex, out __object_cacheKey) // else // object.InlinePropertyValues[__object_property_cachedIndex] = value; // Get a reference to the global object. if (scopeVariable == null) EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); else generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); generator.CastClass(typeof(ObjectScope)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectScope_ScopeObject); // TODO: share these variables somehow. var cacheKey = generator.DeclareVariable(typeof(object)); var cachedIndex = generator.DeclareVariable(typeof(int)); // Store the object into a temp variable. var objectInstance = generator.DeclareVariable(PrimitiveType.Object); generator.StoreVariable(objectInstance); // if (__object_cacheKey != object.InlineCacheKey) generator.LoadVariable(cacheKey); generator.LoadVariable(objectInstance); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_InlineCacheKey); var elseClause = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfEqual(elseClause); // xxx = object.InlineSetPropertyValueIfExists("property", value, strictMode, out __object_property_cachedIndex, out __object_cacheKey) generator.LoadVariable(objectInstance); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.LoadBoolean(optimizationInfo.StrictMode); generator.LoadAddressOfVariable(cachedIndex); generator.LoadAddressOfVariable(cacheKey); if (throwIfUnresolvable == false) { // Set the property value unconditionally. generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_InlineSetPropertyValue); } else { // Set the property value if the property exists. generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_InlineSetPropertyValueIfExists); // The return value is true if the property was defined, and false if it wasn't. generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfSet); } var endOfIf = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.Branch(endOfIf); // else generator.DefineLabelPosition(elseClause); // object.InlinePropertyValues[__object_property_cachedIndex] = value; generator.LoadVariable(objectInstance); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_InlinePropertyValues); generator.LoadVariable(cachedIndex); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.StoreArrayElement(typeof(object)); generator.Branch(endOfSet); // End of the if statement generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfIf); } else { // Slow route. if (scopeVariable == null) EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); else generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); generator.CastClass(typeof(ObjectScope)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectScope_ScopeObject); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.LoadVariable(value); generator.LoadBoolean(optimizationInfo.StrictMode); if (scope.ParentScope == null && throwIfUnresolvable == false) { // Set the property value unconditionally. generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_SetPropertyValue_Object); } else { // Set the property value if the property exists. generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_SetPropertyValueIfExists); // The return value is true if the property was defined, and false if it wasn't. generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfSet); } } } // Try the parent scope. if (scope.ParentScope != null && scope.ExistsAtRuntime == true) { if (scopeVariable == null) { scopeVariable = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(Scope)); EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); } else { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); } generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_ParentScope); generator.StoreVariable(scopeVariable); } scope = scope.ParentScope; } while (scope != null); // The value might be still on top of the stack. if (value == null && scope == null) generator.Pop(); // Throw an error if the name does not exist and throwIfUnresolvable is true. if (scope == null && throwIfUnresolvable == true) EmitHelpers.EmitThrow(generator, ErrorType.ReferenceError, this.Name + " is not defined", optimizationInfo); // Release the temporary variables. if (value != null) generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(value); if (scopeVariable != null) generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(scopeVariable); // Define a label at the end. generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfSet); }
/// <summary> /// Generates CIL for the statement. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> public override void GenerateCode(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo) { // Generate code for the start of the statement. var statementLocals = new StatementLocals() { NonDefaultBreakStatementBehavior = true }; GenerateStartOfStatement(generator, optimizationInfo, statementLocals); // We need a label for each case clause and one for the default case. var jumpTargets = new ILLabel[this.CaseClauses.Count]; int defaultIndex = -1; ILLabel endOfSwitch = generator.CreateLabel(); // Generate code for the switch value. var startOfSwitch = generator.CreateLabel(); this.Value.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, this.Value.ResultType); // Save the switch value in a variable. var switchValue = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(switchValue); for (int i = 0; i < this.CaseClauses.Count; i ++) { var caseClause = this.CaseClauses[i]; // Create a label for each clause. jumpTargets[i] = generator.CreateLabel(); if (caseClause.Value == null) { // This is a default clause. defaultIndex = i; continue; } // TypeComparer.StrictEquals(switchValue, caseValue) generator.LoadVariable(switchValue); caseClause.Value.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, caseClause.Value.ResultType); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.TypeComparer_StrictEquals); // if (TypeComparer.StrictEquals(switchValue, caseValue) == true) // goto case i generator.BranchIfTrue(jumpTargets[i]); } // None of the cases matched, jump to the default clause or the end of the switch. if (defaultIndex >= 0) generator.Branch(jumpTargets[defaultIndex]); else generator.Branch(endOfSwitch); for (int i = 0; i < this.CaseClauses.Count; i++) { // Define a label at the start of the case clause. generator.DefineLabelPosition(jumpTargets[i]); // Set up the information needed by the break statement. optimizationInfo.PushBreakOrContinueInfo(this.Labels, endOfSwitch, null, labelledOnly: false); // Emit the case clause statements. foreach (var statement in this.CaseClauses[i].BodyStatements) statement.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); // Revert the information needed by the break statement. optimizationInfo.PopBreakOrContinueInfo(); } // Define a label for the end of the switch statement. generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfSwitch); // Release the switch value variable for use elsewhere. generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(switchValue); // Generate code for the end of the statement. GenerateEndOfStatement(generator, optimizationInfo, statementLocals); }
/// <summary> /// Generates code to push the "this" value for a function call. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> public void GenerateThis(ILGenerator generator) { // Optimization: if there are no with scopes, simply emit undefined. bool scopeChainHasWithScope = false; var scope = this.Scope; do { if (scope is ObjectScope && ((ObjectScope)scope).ProvidesImplicitThisValue == true) { scopeChainHasWithScope = true; break; } scope = scope.ParentScope; } while (scope != null); if (scopeChainHasWithScope == false) { // No with scopes in the scope chain, use undefined as the "this" value. EmitHelpers.EmitUndefined(generator); return; } var end = generator.CreateLabel(); scope = this.Scope; ILLocalVariable scopeVariable = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(Scope)); EmitHelpers.LoadScope(generator); generator.StoreVariable(scopeVariable); do { if (scope is DeclarativeScope) { if (scope.HasDeclaredVariable(this.Name)) { // The variable exists but declarative scopes always produce undefined for // the "this" value. EmitHelpers.EmitUndefined(generator); break; } } else { var objectScope = (ObjectScope)scope; // Check if the property exists by calling scope.ScopeObject.HasProperty(propertyName) if (objectScope.ProvidesImplicitThisValue == false) EmitHelpers.EmitUndefined(generator); generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); generator.CastClass(typeof(ObjectScope)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectScope_ScopeObject); if (objectScope.ProvidesImplicitThisValue == true) generator.Duplicate(); generator.LoadString(this.Name); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.ObjectInstance_HasProperty); generator.BranchIfTrue(end); generator.Pop(); // If the name is not defined, use undefined for the "this" value. if (scope.ParentScope == null) { EmitHelpers.EmitUndefined(generator); } } // Try the parent scope. if (scope.ParentScope != null && scope.ExistsAtRuntime == true) { generator.LoadVariable(scopeVariable); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.Scope_ParentScope); generator.StoreVariable(scopeVariable); } scope = scope.ParentScope; } while (scope != null); // Release the temporary variable. generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(scopeVariable); // Define a label at the end. generator.DefineLabelPosition(end); }
/// <summary> /// Generates CIL for the expression. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param> /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param> public override void GenerateCode(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo) { // Note: we use GetRawOperand() so that grouping operators are not ignored. var operand = this.GetRawOperand(0); // There is only one operand, and it can be either a reference or a function call. // We need to split the operand into a function and some arguments. // If the operand is a reference, it is equivalent to a function call with no arguments. if (operand is FunctionCallExpression) { // Emit the function instance first. var function = ((FunctionCallExpression)operand).Target; function.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, function.ResultType); } else { // Emit the function instance first. operand.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo); EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, operand.ResultType); } // Check the object really is a function - if not, throw an exception. generator.Duplicate(); generator.IsInstance(typeof(FunctionInstance)); var endOfTypeCheck = generator.CreateLabel(); generator.BranchIfTrue(endOfTypeCheck); // Throw an nicely formatted exception. var targetValue = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(object)); generator.StoreVariable(targetValue); generator.LoadEnumValue(ErrorType.TypeError); generator.LoadString("The new operator requires a function, found a '{0}' instead"); generator.LoadInt32(1); generator.NewArray(typeof(object)); generator.Duplicate(); generator.LoadInt32(0); generator.LoadVariable(targetValue); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.TypeUtilities_TypeOf); generator.StoreArrayElement(typeof(object)); generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.String_Format); generator.LoadInt32(optimizationInfo.SourceSpan.StartLine); generator.LoadStringOrNull(optimizationInfo.Source.Path); generator.LoadStringOrNull(optimizationInfo.FunctionName); generator.NewObject(ReflectionHelpers.JavaScriptException_Constructor_Error); generator.Throw(); generator.DefineLabelPosition(endOfTypeCheck); generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(targetValue); // Store the function reference. generator.ReinterpretCast(typeof(FunctionInstance)); var functionReference = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(FunctionInstance)); generator.Duplicate(); generator.StoreVariable(functionReference); // Pass in the path, function name and line. generator.LoadStringOrNull(optimizationInfo.Source.Path); generator.LoadStringOrNull(optimizationInfo.FunctionName); generator.LoadInt32(optimizationInfo.SourceSpan.StartLine); // Pass in the value of 'new.target'. generator.LoadVariable(functionReference); generator.ReleaseTemporaryVariable(functionReference); if (operand is FunctionCallExpression) { // Emit an array containing the function arguments. ((FunctionCallExpression)operand).GenerateArgumentsArray(generator, optimizationInfo); } else { // Emit an empty array. generator.LoadInt32(0); generator.NewArray(typeof(object)); } // FunctionInstance.ConstructLateBound(string path, string function, int line, FunctionInstance newTarget, object[] argumentValues) generator.Call(ReflectionHelpers.FunctionInstance_ConstructWithStackTrace); }