public List <string> GetBucketList() { List <string> output = new List <string>(); S3Request request = new S3Request(this); request.Method = S3Request.RequestMethod.rmGet; request.Resource = "/"; S3Response response = null; response = request.Perform(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(response.GetResponseStream()); response.Close(); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("s3", doc.LastChild.NamespaceURI); //""); XmlNodeList xmlBuckets = doc.SelectNodes("/s3:ListAllMyBucketsResult/s3:Buckets/s3:Bucket/s3:Name", nsmgr); foreach (XmlNode xmlBucketName in xmlBuckets) { output.Add(xmlBucketName.InnerText); } return(output); }
public void CreateBucket(string bucketName) { S3Request request = new S3Request(this); request.Resource = "/" + bucketName; request.Method = S3Request.RequestMethod.rmPut; S3Response response = null; try { response = request.Perform(null); } catch (S3Exception ex) { // Check for "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou" server code, which is okay. if (ex.Code != "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou") { throw ex; } } if (response != null) { response.Close(); } }
public void DeleteObject(string path) { S3Request request = new S3Request(this); request.Resource = GetPathForObject(path); request.Method = S3Request.RequestMethod.rmDelete; S3Response response = request.Perform(null); response.Close(); }
// Important: Caller must close the returned Stream! public Stream GetObject(string path) { S3Request request = new S3Request(this); request.Resource = GetPathForObject(path); request.Method = S3Request.RequestMethod.rmGet; S3Response response = request.Perform(); return(response.GetResponseStream()); }
public void PutObject(string path, Stream stream, string encryptionKey) { S3Request request = new S3Request(this); request.Resource = GetPathForObject(path); request.Method = S3Request.RequestMethod.rmPut; request.EncryptionKey = encryptionKey; S3Response response = request.Perform(stream); response.Close(); }
public List<string> GetBucketList() { List<string> output = new List<string>(); S3Request request = new S3Request(this); request.Method = S3Request.RequestMethod.rmGet; request.Resource = "/"; S3Response response = null; response = request.Perform(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(response.GetResponseStream()); response.Close(); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("s3", doc.LastChild.NamespaceURI); //""); XmlNodeList xmlBuckets = doc.SelectNodes("/s3:ListAllMyBucketsResult/s3:Buckets/s3:Bucket/s3:Name", nsmgr); foreach(XmlNode xmlBucketName in xmlBuckets) output.Add(xmlBucketName.InnerText); return output; }
public List <string> GetObjectList(string prefix, ref string marker, int maxEntries, string delimiter, ReceiveContentsDelegate contentsDelegate, ReceivePrefixDelegate prefixDelegate) { bool cancelled = false; // True if we have been asked to stop (not presently used). bool truncated = false; // True if there were too many entries to list in one go. string lastKey = marker; List <string> output = new List <string>(); do { string signPath = "/"; if (IsUS) { signPath += bucket; } string path = signPath + "?prefix=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pathPrefix + prefix); int prefixLength = (pathPrefix + prefix).Length; if (marker.Length > 0) { path += "&marker=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(marker); } if (delimiter != null && delimiter.Length > 0) { path += "&delimiter=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(delimiter); } S3Request request = new S3Request(this); request.Resource = path; request.Method = S3Request.RequestMethod.rmGet; S3Response response = request.Perform(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(response.GetResponseStream()); response.Close(); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("s3", doc.LastChild.NamespaceURI); //""); XmlNode truncatedNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//s3:IsTruncated", nsmgr); truncated = truncatedNode.InnerText.ToUpper().StartsWith("T"); XmlNodeList contentNodes = doc.SelectNodes("//s3:Contents", nsmgr); foreach (XmlNode contentNode in contentNodes) { string key = contentNode.SelectSingleNode("./s3:Key", nsmgr).InnerText; if (contentsDelegate != null) { contentsDelegate(key.Remove(0, prefixLength)); } lastKey = key; } XmlNodeList prefixNodes = doc.SelectNodes("//s3:CommonPrefixes/s3:Prefix", nsmgr); if (prefixDelegate != null) { foreach (XmlNode prefixNode in prefixNodes) { prefixDelegate(prefixNode.InnerText.Remove(0, prefixLength)); } } } while (truncated && (maxEntries == 0 || output.Count < maxEntries) && !cancelled); marker = truncated ? lastKey : ""; return(output); }
public void CreateBucket(string bucketName) { S3Request request = new S3Request(this); request.Resource = "/" + bucketName; request.Method = S3Request.RequestMethod.rmPut; S3Response response = null; try { response = request.Perform(null); } catch (S3Exception ex) { // Check for "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou" server code, which is okay. if (ex.Code != "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou") throw ex; } if(response != null) response.Close(); }
// Important: Caller must close the returned Stream! public Stream GetObject(string path) { S3Request request = new S3Request(this); request.Resource = GetPathForObject(path); request.Method = S3Request.RequestMethod.rmGet; S3Response response = request.Perform(); return response.GetResponseStream(); }
public List<string> GetObjectList(string prefix, ref string marker, int maxEntries, string delimiter, ReceiveContentsDelegate contentsDelegate, ReceivePrefixDelegate prefixDelegate) { bool cancelled = false; // True if we have been asked to stop (not presently used). bool truncated = false; // True if there were too many entries to list in one go. string lastKey = marker; List<string> output = new List<string>(); do { string signPath = "/"; if (IsUS) signPath += bucket; string path = signPath + "?prefix=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pathPrefix + prefix); int prefixLength = (pathPrefix + prefix).Length; if (marker.Length > 0) path += "&marker=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(marker); if (delimiter != null && delimiter.Length > 0) path += "&delimiter=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(delimiter); S3Request request = new S3Request(this); request.Resource = path; request.Method = S3Request.RequestMethod.rmGet; S3Response response = request.Perform(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(response.GetResponseStream()); response.Close(); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("s3", doc.LastChild.NamespaceURI); //""); XmlNode truncatedNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//s3:IsTruncated", nsmgr); truncated = truncatedNode.InnerText.ToUpper().StartsWith("T"); XmlNodeList contentNodes = doc.SelectNodes("//s3:Contents", nsmgr); foreach (XmlNode contentNode in contentNodes) { string key = contentNode.SelectSingleNode("./s3:Key", nsmgr).InnerText; if(contentsDelegate != null) contentsDelegate(key.Remove(0, prefixLength)); lastKey = key; } XmlNodeList prefixNodes = doc.SelectNodes("//s3:CommonPrefixes/s3:Prefix", nsmgr); if(prefixDelegate != null) foreach (XmlNode prefixNode in prefixNodes) prefixDelegate(prefixNode.InnerText.Remove(0, prefixLength)); } while (truncated && (maxEntries == 0 || output.Count < maxEntries) && !cancelled); marker = truncated ? lastKey : ""; return output; }