private void Launch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { saveChange(); if (!File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Nick.Text + ".authL")) { Guid G = Guid.NewGuid(); File.WriteAllLines(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Nick.Text + ".authL", new string[] { G.ToString(), G.ToString() }); } JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\JLConfig.json")); MCLaunchArgs mcla = new MCLaunchArgs(); YggDrasilAuth yda = new YggDrasilAuth(); JSONObject mca = jo.getJSONObject("MCLSettings"); JSONArray ya = jo.getJSONArray("YggDrasilLogin"); mcla.MaxMem = short.Parse(mca.getString("MaxMemorySize")); mcla.Nick = jo.getString("Nick"); JSONObject[] yas = ya.toJSONObjects(); JSONObject yt = new JSONObject(); foreach (JSONObject yd in yas) { if (yd.getObject("Selected") == "True") { yt = yd; } } yda.UserName = yt.getString("UserName"); yda.Password = yt.getString("Password"); yda.Yggauth = Boolean.Parse(mca.getObject("doYgg")); mcla.JrePath = mca.getString("JrePath"); mcla.ExtraJreArgs = mca.getString("ExtraJreArgs"); if (mca.getObject("doServerC") == "True") { mcla.ExtraMCArgs = mcla.ExtraMCArgs + "--server " + mca.getString("ServerIp").Split(":".ToCharArray())[0] + " --port " + mca.getString("ServerIp").Split(":".ToCharArray())[1] + " "; } if (mca.getObject("FullScreen") == "True") { mcla.ExtraMCArgs = mcla.ExtraMCArgs + "--fullscreen "; } if (mca.getObject("Demo") == "True") { mcla.ExtraMCArgs = mcla.ExtraMCArgs + "--demo "; } mcla.ExtraMCArgs = mcla.ExtraMCArgs + "--width " + mca.getObject("WindowWidth") + " --height " + mca.getObject("WindowHeight") + " "; mcla.ExtraMCArgs = mcla.ExtraMCArgs + mca.getString("ExtraMCArgs"); mcla.CurrentDir = jo.getString("CurrentDir"); mcla.VerName = jo.getString("SelectedVersion"); yda.uuid = File.ReadAllLines(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Nick.Text + ".authL")[0]; yda.accessToken = File.ReadAllLines(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Nick.Text + ".authL")[1]; this.Enabled = false; this.Text = "果汁启动器正在启动……"; label3.Text = "果汁启动器正在启动……"; new Launcher().LaunchMC(mcla, yda); }
public LauncherReturn LaunchMC(MCLaunchArgs argument, YggDrasilAuth auth, int whatToReturn = 0) { auth.Login(); LauncherReturn lr = new LauncherReturn(); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(File.ReadAllText(argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\").Replace("./", Application.StartupPath + "/") + "\\versions\\" + argument.VerName + "\\" + argument.VerName + ".json")); String Libcmd = ""; List <JSONObject> libs = new List <JSONObject>(); libs.AddRange(jo.getJSONArray("libraries").toJSONObjects()); JSONObject ji = jo; string jar = argument.VerName; #region 处理继承 if (jo.Contains("inheritsFrom")) { jar = jo.getString("jar"); ji = new JSONObject(File.ReadAllText(argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\").Replace("./", Application.StartupPath + "/") + "\\versions\\" + jo.getString("inheritsFrom") + "\\" + jo.getString("inheritsFrom") + ".json")); libs.AddRange(ji.getJSONArray("libraries").toJSONObjects()); if (ji.Contains("inheritsFrom")) { ji = new JSONObject(File.ReadAllText(argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\").Replace("./", Application.StartupPath + "/") + "\\versions\\" + ji.getString("inheritsFrom") + "\\" + ji.getString("inheritsFrom") + ".json")); libs.AddRange(ji.getJSONArray("libraries").toJSONObjects()); if (ji.Contains("inheritsFrom")) { ji = new JSONObject(File.ReadAllText(argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\").Replace("./", Application.StartupPath + "/") + "\\versions\\" + ji.getString("inheritsFrom") + "\\" + ji.getString("inheritsFrom") + ".json")); libs.AddRange(ji.getJSONArray("libraries").toJSONObjects()); } } } #endregion #region 处理库 String lnsuffix = ""; List <TaskToDo> tl = new List <TaskToDo>(); foreach (JSONObject libdata in libs) { String[] libname = libdata.getString("name").Split(":".ToCharArray()); if (libdata.Contains("natives") && libdata.getJSONObject("natives").Contains("windows")) { lnsuffix = "-" + libdata.getJSONObject("natives").getString("windows"); lnsuffix = lnsuffix.Replace("${arch}", "32"); } String libpath = argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\") + "\\libraries\\" + libname[0].Replace(".", "\\") + "\\" + libname[1] + "\\" + libname[2] + "\\" + libname[1] + "-" + libname[2] + lnsuffix + ".jar"; if (Libcmd.Contains(libpath)) { continue; } if (File.Exists(libpath)) { if (libdata.Contains("extract")) { Unzipper.decompress(libpath, argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\") + "\\versions\\" + argument.VerName + "\\" + argument.VerName + "-natives"); } else { Libcmd = Libcmd + libpath + ";"; } } else { TaskToDo ttd = new TaskToDo(); ttd.Type = "Download"; ttd.param = "" + libname[0].Replace(".", "/") + "/" + libname[1] + "/" + libname[2] + "/" + libname[1] + "-" + libname[2] + lnsuffix + ".jar;" + libpath; tl.Add(ttd); } lnsuffix = ""; } #endregion #region 处理资源文件 bool virt = false; if (jo.Contains("assets") && !jo.Contains("assetIndex")) { var I = new JSONObject(); I.putString("id", jo.getString("assets")); jo.putJSONObject("assetIndex", I); ji = jo; } if (!File.Exists(argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\") + "\\assets\\indexes\\" + ji.getJSONObject("assetIndex").getString("id") + ".json")) { TaskToDo tt = new TaskToDo(); tt.Type = "Download"; tt.param = ji.getJSONObject("assetIndex").getString("url") + ";" + argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\") + "\\assets\\indexes\\" + ji.getJSONObject("assetIndex").getString("id") + ".json"; tl.Add(tt); } else { JSONObject joa = new JSONObject(File.ReadAllText(argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\") + "\\assets\\indexes\\" + ji.getJSONObject("assetIndex").getString("id") + ".json")); List <string> files = joa.getJSONObject("objects").getKeys(); List <string> hashes = new List <string>(); virt = joa.Contains("virtual"); JSONObject job = joa.getJSONObject("objects"); foreach (string keyf in files) { hashes.Add(job.getJSONObject(keyf).getString("hash")); } bool lackasset = false; string fp, nfp; nfp = argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\") + "\\assets\\virtual\\" + ji.getJSONObject("assetIndex").getString("id"); for (int j = 0; j < files.Count; j++) { fp = argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\") + "\\assets\\objects\\" + hashes[j].Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + hashes[j]; if (virt) { if (!File.Exists(nfp + "\\" + files[j].Replace("/", "\\"))) { lackasset = true; break; } } else { if (!File.Exists(fp)) { lackasset = true; break; } } } if (lackasset) { if (MessageBox.Show("资源文件不完整,是否补全?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { for (int j = 0; j < files.Count; j++) { if (virt) { if (!File.Exists(nfp + "\\" + files[j].Replace("/", "\\"))) { TaskToDo to = new TaskToDo(); to.Type = "Download"; to.param = "" + hashes[j].Substring(0, 2) + "/" + hashes[j] + ";" + nfp + "\\" + files[j].Replace("/", "\\"); tl.Add(to); } } else { fp = argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\") + "\\assets\\objects\\" + hashes[j].Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + hashes[j]; if (!File.Exists(fp)) { TaskToDo to = new TaskToDo(); to.Type = "Download"; to.param = "" + hashes[j].Substring(0, 2) + "/" + hashes[j] + ";" + fp; tl.Add(to); } } } } } } #endregion if (tl.Count != 0) { ShowTask st = new ShowTask(tl.ToArray()); st.yda = auth; st.mcla = argument; st.wtr = whatToReturn; if (whatToReturn == 0) { st.onTaskCompleteA += new ShowTask.onTaskCompleteEventHandler(LaunchMC); } st.beginTask(); lr.rtv = "缺少文件,正在下载。"; return(lr); } try { Directory.Delete(argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\") + "\\versions\\" + argument.VerName + "\\" + argument.VerName + "-natives\\META-INF", true); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { } Libcmd = Libcmd + argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\").Replace("./", Application.StartupPath + "/") + "\\versions\\" + jar + "\\" + jar + ".jar"; String RunCommand; if (auth.Nick != "") { argument.Nick = auth.Nick; } String minecraftArguments = ""; if (jo.Contains("minecraftArguments")) { minecraftArguments = jo.getString("minecraftArguments"); } else if (jo.Contains("arguments")) { JSONObject ag = jo.getJSONObject("arguments"); var gmja = ag.getJSONArray("game"); var gl = gmja.length(); for (int l = 0; l < gl; l++) { if (gmja.getString(l).Contains(",")) { continue; } minecraftArguments = minecraftArguments + gmja.getString(l).Replace("\n", "").Replace(" ", "") + " "; } minecraftArguments = minecraftArguments.Substring(0, minecraftArguments.Length - 1); } minecraftArguments = minecraftArguments.Replace("${auth_player_name}", argument.Nick).Replace("${version_name}", "JuicyLauncher_2").Replace("${game_directory}", "\"" + argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\").Replace("./", Application.StartupPath + "/") + "\"").Replace("${assets_index_name}", ji.getJSONObject("assetIndex").getString("id")).Replace("${auth_uuid}", auth.uuid).Replace("${auth_access_token}", auth.accessToken).Replace("${user_type}", auth.UserType).Replace("${version_type}", "JuicyLauncher_2").Replace("${user_properties}", auth.userProperties.toString()).Replace("${game_assets}", "${assets_root}"); if (virt == true) { minecraftArguments = minecraftArguments.Replace("${assets_root}", "\"" + argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\").Replace("./", Application.StartupPath + "/") + "\\assets\\virtual\\" + ji.getJSONObject("assetIndex").getString("id") + "\""); } else { minecraftArguments = minecraftArguments.Replace("${assets_root}", "\"" + argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\").Replace("./", Application.StartupPath + "/") + "\\assets\""); } RunCommand = "-Xmx" + argument.MaxMem.ToString() + "m -Djava.library.path=\"" + argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\").Replace("./", Application.StartupPath + "/") + "\\versions\\" + argument.VerName + "\\" + argument.VerName + "-natives\" " + argument.ExtraJreArgs + " -cp \"" + Libcmd + "\" " + jo.getString("mainClass") + " " + minecraftArguments + " " + argument.ExtraMCArgs; Process p = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(argument.JrePath, RunCommand); psi.WorkingDirectory = argument.CurrentDir.Replace(".\\", Application.StartupPath + "\\").Replace("./", Application.StartupPath + "/"); psi.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo = psi; if (whatToReturn == 1) { lr.MCMain = p; return(lr); } p.Start(); Application.Exit(); return(lr); }
private void button18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { gop.Append("已启动游戏。"); gameOut.Text = gop.ToString(); if (!File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Nick.Text + ".authL")) { Guid G = Guid.NewGuid(); File.WriteAllLines(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Nick.Text + ".authL", new string[] { G.ToString(), G.ToString() }); } JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\JLConfig.json")); MCLaunchArgs mcla = new MCLaunchArgs(); YggDrasilAuth yda = new YggDrasilAuth(); JSONObject mca = jo.getJSONObject("MCLSettings"); JSONArray ya = jo.getJSONArray("YggDrasilLogin"); mcla.MaxMem = short.Parse(mca.getString("MaxMemorySize")); mcla.Nick = jo.getString("Nick"); JSONObject[] yas = ya.toJSONObjects(); JSONObject yt = new JSONObject(); foreach (JSONObject yd in yas) { if (yd.getObject("Selected") == "True") { yt = yd; } } yda.UserName = yt.getString("UserName"); yda.Password = yt.getString("Password"); yda.Yggauth = Boolean.Parse(mca.getObject("doYgg")); mcla.JrePath = mca.getString("JrePath"); mcla.ExtraJreArgs = mca.getString("ExtraJreArgs"); if (mca.getObject("doServerC") == "True") { mcla.ExtraMCArgs = mcla.ExtraMCArgs + "--server " + mca.getObject("ServerIp").Split(":".ToCharArray())[0] + " --port " + mca.getObject("ServerIp").Split(":".ToCharArray())[1] + " "; } if (mca.getObject("FullScreen") == "True") { mcla.ExtraMCArgs = mcla.ExtraMCArgs + "--fullscreen "; } if (mca.getObject("Demo") == "True") { mcla.ExtraMCArgs = mcla.ExtraMCArgs + "--demo "; } mcla.ExtraMCArgs = mcla.ExtraMCArgs + "--width " + mca.getObject("WindowWidth") + " --height " + mca.getObject("WindowHeight") + " "; mcla.ExtraMCArgs = mcla.ExtraMCArgs + mca.getString("ExtraMCArgs"); mcla.CurrentDir = jo.getString("CurrentDir"); mcla.VerName = jo.getString("SelectedVersion"); yda.uuid = File.ReadAllLines(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Nick.Text + ".authL")[0]; yda.accessToken = File.ReadAllLines(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Nick.Text + ".authL")[1]; lr = new Launcher().LaunchMC(mcla, yda, 1); if (lr.rtv == "缺少文件,正在下载。") { gop.Append("\n对不起,游戏缺少重要文件,启动失败。请先在主界面点击“启动”下载好他们后再进行调试。"); gameOut.Text = gop.ToString(); } else { lr.MCMain.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; lr.MCMain.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(OutputDataReceived); lr.MCMain.Start(); lr.MCMain.BeginOutputReadLine(); } }