コード例 #1
 public void Awake()
     instance = this;
     j        = new List <Joycon>();
コード例 #2
        public void CheckForNewControllers()

            // move all code for initializing devices here and well as the initial code from Start()
            bool   isLeft = false;
            IntPtr ptr    = HIDapi.hid_enumerate(vendor_id, 0x0);
            //IntPtr top_ptr = ptr;

            hid_device_info enumerate;             // Add device to list
            bool            foundNew = false;

            while (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                enumerate = (hid_device_info)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(hid_device_info));

                if (enumerate.serial_number == null)
                    ptr = enumerate.next;                     // can't believe it took me this long to figure out why USB connections used up so much CPU.
                    // it was getting stuck in an inf loop here!

                if (mActivity.nonOriginal)
                    enumerate.product_id = product_pro;

                bool validController = (enumerate.product_id == product_l || enumerate.product_id == product_r ||
                                        enumerate.product_id == product_pro || enumerate.product_id == product_snes);
                if (validController && !ControllerAlreadyAdded(enumerate.path))
                    switch (enumerate.product_id)
                    case product_l:
                        isLeft = true;
                        mActivity.AppendTextBox("Left Joy-Con connected.\r\n"); break;

                    case product_r:
                        isLeft = false;
                        mActivity.AppendTextBox("Right Joy-Con connected.\r\n"); break;

                    case product_pro:
                        isLeft = true;
                        mActivity.AppendTextBox("Pro controller connected.\r\n"); break;

                    case product_snes:
                        isLeft = true;
                        mActivity.AppendTextBox("SNES controller connected.\r\n"); break;

                        mActivity.AppendTextBox("Non Joy-Con Nintendo input device skipped.\r\n"); break;

                    IntPtr handle = HIDapi.hid_open_path(enumerate.path);
                        HIDapi.hid_set_nonblocking(handle, 1);
                        mActivity.AppendTextBox("Unable to open path to device - are you using the correct (64 vs 32-bit) version for your PC?\r\n");

                    bool isPro  = enumerate.product_id == product_pro;
                    bool isSnes = enumerate.product_id == product_snes;
                    j.Add(new Joycon(handle, EnableIMU, EnableLocalize & EnableIMU, 0.05f, isLeft, enumerate.path, enumerate.serial_number, j.Count, isPro, isSnes));

                    foundNew = true;
                    j.Last().mActivity = mActivity;

                    if (j.Count < 5)
                        int ii = -1;
                        foreach (Button v in mActivity.con)
                            if (!v.Enabled)
                                int temp;
                                switch (enumerate.product_id)
                                case (product_l):
                                    temp = Resource.Drawable.jc_left_s; break;

                                case (product_r):
                                    temp = Resource.Drawable.jc_right_s; break;

                                case (product_pro):
                                    temp = Resource.Drawable.pro; break;

                                case (product_snes):
                                    temp = Resource.Drawable.snes; break;

                                    temp = Resource.Drawable.cross; break;

                                v.Tag     = j.Last();                                     // assign controller to button
                                v.Enabled = true;
                                v.Click  += new EventHandler(mActivity.conBtnClick);


                                mActivity.loc[ii].Tag    = v;
                                mActivity.loc[ii].Click += new EventHandler(mActivity.locBtnClick);


                    byte[] mac = new byte[6];
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("mac address =>      {0}", enumerate.serial_number));
                    //onsole.WriteLine("mac address => {0} , len => {1}",, enumerate.serial_number.Length);
                    for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++)
                        mac[n] = byte.Parse(enumerate.serial_number.Substring(n * 2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);                         //TODO
                    j[j.Count - 1].PadMacAddress = new PhysicalAddress(mac);

                ptr = enumerate.next;

            if (foundNew)
            {             // attempt to auto join-up joycons on connection
                Joycon temp = null;
                foreach (Joycon v in j)
                    if (!v.isPro)
                        if (temp == null)
                            temp = v;
                        else if (temp.isLeft != v.isLeft && v.other == null)
                            temp.other = v;
                            v.other    = temp;

                            //Set both Joycon LEDs to the one with the lowest ID
                            byte led = temp.LED <= v.LED ? temp.LED : v.LED;
                            temp.LED = led;
                            v.LED    = led;

                             * if (temp.xin != null)
                             * {
                             *      try
                             *      {
                             *              temp.xin.Disconnect();
                             *      }
                             *      catch (Exception e)
                             *      {
                             *              // it wasn't connected in the first place, go figure
                             *      }
                             * }
                             * if (temp.ds4 != null)
                             * {
                             *      try
                             *      {
                             *              temp.ds4.Disconnect();
                             *      }
                             *      catch (Exception e)
                             *      {
                             *              // it wasn't connected in the first place, go figure
                             *      }
                             * }
                             * temp.xin = null;
                             * temp.ds4 = null;

                            foreach (Button b in mActivity.con)
                                if (b.Tag == (Object)v || b.Tag == (Object)temp)
                                    Joycon tt = (b.Tag == (Object)v) ? v : (b.Tag == (Object)temp) ? temp : v;
                                    //b.BackgroundImage = tt.isLeft ? Properties.Resources.jc_left : Properties.Resources.jc_right;
                                    b.SetBackgroundResource(tt.isLeft ? Resource.Drawable.jc_left : Resource.Drawable.jc_right);

                            temp = null;                                // repeat


            foreach (Joycon jc in j)
            {             // Connect device straight away
                if (jc.state == Joycon.state_.NOT_ATTACHED)
                     * if (jc.xin != null)
                     *      jc.xin.Connect();
                     * if (jc.ds4 != null)
                     *      jc.ds4.Connect();
                    jc.Attach(leds_: jc.LED);

                    bool on = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HomeLEDOn"].ToLower() == "true";                      //TODO
                    foreach (Joycon j in Program.mgr.j)

                    if (mActivity.nonOriginal)