protected void LoadDefaultData() { JourList.Models.JourListDMContainer dm = new Models.JourListDMContainer(); MembershipUser muc; if ( dm.Members.SingleOrDefault(z => z.Name == "TeamBrett") == null && (muc = Membership.GetUser("TeamBrett")) != null) { mod.Member m = new mod.Member(); m.UserId = (Guid)muc.ProviderUserKey; m.Name = muc.UserName; dm.AddToMembers(m); dm.SaveChanges(); } // Recurrence Intervals if (dm.RecurrenceIntervals.Count() == 0) { mod.RecurrenceInterval rid = new Models.RecurrenceInterval(); rid.Description = "Daily"; dm.AddToRecurrenceIntervals(rid); mod.RecurrenceInterval riw = new Models.RecurrenceInterval(); riw.Description = "Weekly"; dm.AddToRecurrenceIntervals(riw); mod.RecurrenceInterval rim = new Models.RecurrenceInterval(); rim.Description = "Monthly"; dm.AddToRecurrenceIntervals(rim); mod.RecurrenceInterval riy = new Models.RecurrenceInterval(); riy.Description = "Yearly"; dm.AddToRecurrenceIntervals(riy); mod.RecurrenceInterval rin = new Models.RecurrenceInterval(); rin.Description = "Never"; dm.AddToRecurrenceIntervals(rin); dm.SaveChanges(); } // Unit Types if (dm.UnitTypes.Count() == 0) { string[] icDescriptions = new string[] { "Other", "Volume", "Distance", "Weight", "Time", "Temperature", "None" }; // Can't just insert the same object with changes over and over, so we need a list of unique item categories List<mod.UnitType> ic = new List<mod.UnitType>(icDescriptions.Length); // Populate the item category descriptions with our list for (int i = 0; i < icDescriptions.Length; i++) { ic.Add(new mod.UnitType()); ic[i].Description = icDescriptions[i]; dm.AddToUnitTypes(ic[i]); } dm.SaveChanges(); } // Inventory Actions if (dm.InventoryActions.Count() == 0) { string[] icDescriptions = Enum.GetNames(typeof(mod.StockUpdateEnum)); ; // Can't just insert the same object with changes over and over, so we need a list of unique item categories List<mod.InventoryAction> ic = new List<mod.InventoryAction>(icDescriptions.Length); // Populate the item category descriptions with our list for (int i = 0; i < icDescriptions.Length; i++) { ic.Add(new mod.InventoryAction()); ic[i].Description = icDescriptions[i]; dm.AddToInventoryActions(ic[i]); } dm.SaveChanges(); } // Recurrence Interval if (dm.RecurrenceIntervals.Count() == 0) { string[] Descriptions = new string[] { "Minute", "Hour", "Day", "Week", "Month", "Year" }; long[] Minutes = new long[] { 1, 60, 1440, 10080, 0, 525600 }; // Can't just insert the same object with changes over and over, so we need a list of unique item categories List<mod.RecurrenceInterval> ic = new List<mod.RecurrenceInterval>(Descriptions.Length); // Populate the item category descriptions with our list for (int i = 0; i < Descriptions.Length; i++) { ic.Add(new mod.RecurrenceInterval()); ic[i].Description = Descriptions[i]; ic[i].Minutes = Minutes[i]; dm.AddToRecurrenceIntervals(ic[i]); } dm.SaveChanges(); } // Units if (dm.Units.Count() == 0) { object[,] values = { {"Gram", "gm", 1.0, "Weight"} ,{"Pound", "lb", 453.59237, "Weight"} ,{"Ounces", "oz", 28.3495231, "Weight"} ,{"Liter", "l" , 1.0, "Volume"} ,{"Fluid Once", "fl oz",0.02395735296, "Volume"} ,{"Gallon", "gal", 3.78541178, "Volume"} ,{"Cubic Feet", "ft3", 28.3168466, "Volume"} ,{"Cubic Meter","m3", 1000.0, "Volume"} ,{"Cubic Inch", "in3", 0.016387064, "Volume"} ,{"Cubic Yards","yd3", 28.3495231, "Volume"} ,{"Ounces", "oz", 764.554858, "Weight"} ,{"Mile", "m", 1609.344, "Distance"} ,{"Inch", "in", 0.0254, "Distance"} ,{"Yard", "yd", 0.9144, "Distance"} ,{"Foot", "ft", 0.3048, "Distance"} ,{"Kilometer", "km", 1000.0, "Distance"} ,{"Meter", "m", 1.0, "Distance"} ,{"Centimeter", "cm", .01, "Distance"} ,{"Second", "s", 0.016666666666, "Time"} ,{"Hour", "h", 60.0, "Time"} ,{"Minute", "m", 1.0, "Time"} ,{"Day", "d", 1440.0, "Time"} ,{"Celsius", "C", 1.0, "Temperature"} ,{"Unit", "u", 1.0, "Other"} }; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length/4; i++) { int j = 0; var u = new mod.Unit(); u.Description = (string)values[i, j++]; u.Abbreviation = (string)values[i, j++]; u.ConversionFactor = (double)values[i, j++]; string utDesc = (string)values[i, j]; u.UnitType = dm.UnitTypes.Single(z => z.Description == utDesc); dm.AddToUnits(u); } foreach (var type in dm.UnitTypes) type.DefaultUnit = type.Units.FirstOrDefault(z => z.ConversionFactor == 1); dm.SaveChanges(); } foreach (var type in dm.UnitTypes) type.DefaultUnit = type.Units.FirstOrDefault(z => z.ConversionFactor == 1); dm.SaveChanges(); // Item Categories if (dm.ItemCategories.Count() == 0) { string[] icDescriptions = new string[] {"Food","Clothes","Appliances","Bath","Electronics"}; // Can't just insert the same object with changes over and over, so we need a list of unique item categories List<mod.ItemCategory> ic = new List<mod.ItemCategory>(icDescriptions.Length); // Populate the item category descriptions with our list for (int i = 0; i < icDescriptions.Length; i++) { ic.Add(new mod.ItemCategory()); ic[i].Description = icDescriptions[i]; dm.AddToItemCategories(ic[i]); } dm.SaveChanges(); } dm.Dispose(); }