public static void CreateXlsx(string path, string name, IDictionary <string, IEnumerable> sheets, Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> > propertyNames, Dictionary <string, Func <object, string, object> > getFields, Dictionary <string, Func <string, string> > getLabels, Dictionary <string, Func <string, CellDataType> > getCellTypes = null) { name = GetXlsxFileName(name); var workSheets = new List <WorksheetDfn>(); foreach (var sheet in sheets) { var thesePropertyNames = propertyNames != null && propertyNames.ContainsKey(sheet.Key) ? propertyNames[sheet.Key] : throw new NullReferenceException("No Property Names For Sheet " + sheet.Key); var getField = getFields != null && getFields.ContainsKey(sheet.Key) ? getFields[sheet.Key] : throw new NullReferenceException("No Get Field Method For Sheet " + sheet.Key); var getLabel = getLabels != null && getLabels.ContainsKey(sheet.Key) ? getLabels[sheet.Key] : (s) => s; var getCellType = getCellTypes != null && getCellTypes.ContainsKey(sheet.Key) ? getCellTypes[sheet.Key] : (s) => CellDataType.String; var workSheet = new WorksheetDfn(); workSheet.Name = sheet.Key.Replace(" ", "_"); workSheet.TableName = sheet.Key.Replace(" ", "_"); workSheet.ColumnHeadings = thesePropertyNames.Select(p => new CellDfn() { Bold = true, Value = getLabel(p) }).ToArray(); var rows = new List <RowDfn>(); foreach (var e in sheet.Value) { rows.Add(new RowDfn { Cells = thesePropertyNames.Select(p => new CellDfn { Value = getField(e, p), CellDataType = getCellType(p) }).ToArray() }); } workSheet.Rows = rows.ToArray(); workSheets.Add(workSheet); } var wb = new WorkbookDfn(); wb.Worksheets = workSheets.ToArray(); var outXlsx = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(path, name)); SpreadsheetWriter.Write(outXlsx.FullName, wb); }
public static void Write(string fileName, WorkbookDfn workbook) { try { if (fileName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); } if (workbook == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("workbook"); } FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName); if (fi.Exists) { fi.Delete(); } // create the blank workbook char[] base64CharArray = _EmptyXlsx .Where(c => c != '\r' && c != '\n').ToArray(); byte[] byteArray = System.Convert.FromBase64CharArray(base64CharArray, 0, base64CharArray.Length); File.WriteAllBytes(fi.FullName, byteArray); // open the workbook, and create the TableProperties sheet, populate it using (SpreadsheetDocument sDoc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fi.FullName, true)) { WorkbookPart workbookPart = sDoc.WorkbookPart; XDocument wXDoc = workbookPart.GetXDocument(); XElement sheetElement = wXDoc .Root .Elements(S.sheets) .Elements(S.sheet) .Where(s => (string)s.Attribute( == "Sheet1") .FirstOrDefault(); if (sheetElement == null) { throw new SpreadsheetWriterInternalException(); } string id = (string)sheetElement.Attribute(; sheetElement.Remove(); workbookPart.PutXDocument(); WorksheetPart sPart = (WorksheetPart)workbookPart.GetPartById(id); workbookPart.DeletePart(sPart); XDocument appXDoc = sDoc .ExtendedFilePropertiesPart .GetXDocument(); XElement vector = appXDoc .Root .Elements(EP.TitlesOfParts) .Elements(VT.vector) .FirstOrDefault(); if (vector != null) { vector.SetAttributeValue(SSNoNamespace.size, 0); XElement lpstr = vector.Element(VT.lpstr); lpstr.Remove(); } XElement vector2 = appXDoc .Root .Elements(EP.HeadingPairs) .Elements(VT.vector) .FirstOrDefault(); XElement variant = vector2 .Descendants(VT.i4) .FirstOrDefault(); if (variant != null) { variant.Value = "1"; } sDoc.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart.PutXDocument(); var tableCounter = 0; if (workbook.Worksheets != null) { foreach (var worksheet in workbook.Worksheets) { AddWorksheet(sDoc, worksheet, ++tableCounter); } } workbookPart.WorkbookStylesPart.PutXDocument(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Unhandled exception: {0} in {1}", e.ToString(), e.Source); throw e; } }