コード例 #1
        public bool AgregarRecurso(RecursosPlantilla recursoPlantilla)
            if (!contenedorRecursos.ContainsKey(recursoPlantilla.idRecurso))
                contenedorRecursos.Add(recursoPlantilla.idRecurso, recursoPlantilla);

コード例 #2
        public Entity CrearRecurso(int idRecurso, float3 posicion)
            if (contenedorRecursos.ContainsKey(idRecurso))
                AdministradorMateriales adminMaterial    = AdministradorMateriales.Instanciar();
                RecursosPlantilla       recursoPlantilla = contenedorRecursos[idRecurso];

                LocalToWorld localToWorld = new LocalToWorld();
                localToWorld.Value = float4x4.TRS(posicion, Quaternion.Euler(0, recursoPlantilla.angulo, 0), new float3(1, 1, 1));

                Translation translation = new Translation {
                    Value = posicion
                RenderMesh renderMesh = new RenderMesh {
                    mesh     = recursoPlantilla.mallaMaestra,
                    material = adminMaterial.ObtenerMaterial(recursoPlantilla.idMaterial).material,
                    layer    = 1
                RenderBounds redn = new RenderBounds();
                //redn.Value = recursoPlantilla.mallaMaestra.bounds.ToAABB().Extents;

                /*   redn.Value = new AABB
                 * {
                 *     Center = posicion
                 *     ,Extents = recursoPlantilla.mallaMaestra.bounds.ToAABB().Extents
                 * };*/

                Recurso recurso = new Recurso {
                    idRecurso       = recursoPlantilla.idRecurso,
                    cantidadRecurso = recursoPlantilla.cantidadRecurso
                EntityManager   entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager;
                EntityArchetype archetype     = entityManager.CreateArchetype(
                Entity myEntity = entityManager.CreateEntity(archetype);

                entityManager.AddComponentData(myEntity, localToWorld);
                // entityManager.AddComponentData(myEntity, translation);
                //    entityManager.AddComponentData(myEntity, redn);
                entityManager.AddSharedComponentData(myEntity, renderMesh);
                entityManager.AddComponentData(myEntity, recurso);

コード例 #3
ファイル: Mundo.cs プロジェクト: katherin2096/VideoGameV12
        public void AgregarRecurso(int idRecurso, Vector3Int posicion, Vector2 ini, Vector2 fin)
            if (PosicionValida(posicion))
                posicion.y = posicion.y + 1;
                if (!mapaVoxel.ExisteVoxel(posicion))
                    RecursosPlantilla rp = AdministradorRecursos.Instanciar().ObtenerRecurso(idRecurso);

                    bool flag = false;
                    for (int x = (int)ini.x; x <= (int)fin.x; x++)
                        for (int z = (int)ini.y; z <= (int)fin.y; z++)
                            if (!mapaPosiciones.PosicionLibre(new Vector3Int(x, posicion.y, z)))
                            flag = true;
                    if (flag)
                        Entity ent = AdministradorRecursos.Instanciar().CrearRecurso(idRecurso, new Unity.Mathematics.float3(posicion.x - 1, posicion.y, posicion.z - 1));

                        mapaRecursos.AgregarAzulejo(ent, new Vector3Int(posicion.x, posicion.y - 1, posicion.z));
                        for (int x = (int)ini.x; x <= (int)fin.x; x++)
                            for (int z = (int)ini.y; z <= (int)fin.y; z++)
                                mapaPosiciones.AgregarAzulejo(1, new Vector3Int(x, posicion.y, z));
コード例 #4
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            // Assign values to local variables captured in your job here, so that it has
            // everything it needs to do its work when it runs later.
            // For example,
            //     float deltaTime = Time.DeltaTime;

            // This declares a new kind of job, which is a unit of work to do.
            // The job is declared as an Entities.ForEach with the target components as parameters,
            // meaning it will process all entities in the world that have both
            // Translation and Rotation components. Change it to process the component
            // types you want.

            Entities.ForEach((ref EdicionModoActualData modo) =>
                ModoEdicion modoEdicion = modo.modoEdicion;
                TipoEdicion tipoEdicion = modo.tipoEdicion;
                int idAnterior          = modo.idAnterior;
                capa                = modo.capaActual;
                int idAzulejo       = modo.idActual;
                modo.posicionValida = 0;
                Vector3Int pos      = AdministradorMundos.MundoActual().ObtenerPosicionIsometrica(capa);

                if (pos.x > 0 && pos.z > 0)
                    Vector3 posPreview = new Vector3(0, capa - 0.48f, 0);

                    if (modoEdicion == ModoEdicion.Crear)
                        if (tipoEdicion == TipoEdicion.Recursos && idAnterior != idAzulejo)
                            modo.idAnterior             = idAzulejo;
                            Entity entidadPreview       = AdministradorRecursos.Instanciar().CrearRecurso(idAzulejo, new Unity.Mathematics.float3(0, 0, 0));
                            EntityManager entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager;
                            entityManager.SetName(entidadPreview, "AzulejoPreview");
                            Rotation rotation = new Rotation {
                                Value = quaternion.Euler(0, 45, 0)
                            Translation translation = new Translation {
                                Value = new float3(0, 0, 0)
                            entityManager.AddComponent <AzulejoPreviewComponent>(entidadPreview);
                            entityManager.AddComponentData(entidadPreview, rotation);
                            entityManager.AddComponentData(entidadPreview, translation);

                            RecursosPlantilla recurso = AdministradorRecursos.Instanciar().ObtenerRecurso(idAzulejo);
                            xAzul = recurso.xMax;
                            zAzul = recurso.zMax;
                            gridPrevioGameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.1f * recurso.xMax, 1, 0.1f * recurso.zMax);

                            gridPrevioGameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetVector("Vector2_642EB6F1", new Vector4(recurso.xMax, recurso.zMax, 0, 0));
                    if (modoEdicion == ModoEdicion.Seleccion || modoEdicion == ModoEdicion.Eliminar)
                        if (HasSingleton <AzulejoPreviewComponent>())
                            modo.idActual               = modo.idAnterior;
                            modo.idAnterior             = -1;
                            Entity ent                  = GetSingletonEntity <AzulejoPreviewComponent>();
                            EntityManager entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager;
                            Debug.Log("entre seleccion");

                        xAzul = 1;
                        zAzul = 1;
                    modo.posicionTileActual = pos;
                    modo.posicionValida     = 1;
                    actualizarPosicionGrid(posPreview, pos);

            Entities.ForEach((ref AzulejoPreviewComponent azulejoPreview, ref Translation translation, ref Rotation rotation, ref LocalToWorld localToWorld) =>
                Vector3Int pos = AdministradorMundos.MundoActual().ObtenerPosicionIsometrica(capa);

                if (pos.x > 0 && pos.z > 0)
                    azulejoPreview.posicionInicial = new Vector2(pos.x - xInferiorAzul, pos.z - zInferiorAzul);
                    azulejoPreview.posicionFinal   = new Vector2(pos.x + xMedioAzul, pos.z + zMedioAzul);
                    azulejoPreview.posicionAzulejo = pos;
                    pos.x              = pos.x - 1;
                    pos.z              = pos.z - 1;
                    Vector3 medio      = puntoMedio(pos, new Vector3(pos.x + xAzul, 0, pos.z + zAzul));
                    localToWorld.Value = float4x4.TRS(new float3(medio.x - (0.5f * xAzul), pos.y + 1, medio.z - (0.5f * zAzul)), Quaternion.Euler(0, 45, 0), new float3(1, 1, 1));

                    /*  translation = new Translation { Value = new float3(pos.x-1, pos.y+1, pos.z-1) };
                     * rotation = new Rotation { Value = quaternion.Euler(0, 45, 0) };*/