public void FindAllWords(string name, int top) { if (_isthreecc == 1) { ObservableCollection <Word> list = (Application.Current as App).ThreeCCDB.SelectObservableCollection <Word>(string.Format("select Name,Description_EN,Description_CN,Detail_EN,Detail_CN from ThreeCharClassic where Name like '{0}%' ", name)); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { AllWordsFound(null); } else { int count = Math.Min(list.Count, top); ObservableCollection <Word> retlist = new ObservableCollection <Word>(); for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) { retlist.Add(list[ix]); } AllWordsFound(retlist); } } else { ObservableCollection <Word> list = (Application.Current as App).GlossaryDB.SelectObservableCollection <Word>(string.Format("select Name from SAPDictionary where Name like '{0}%' and Language='{1}' ", name, _lang)); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { if (!EnableRemote) { if (AllWordsFound != null) { AllWordsFound(null); } } else { SAPDictionaryService.SAPDictionarySoapClient client = new SAPDictionaryService.SAPDictionarySoapClient(); client.FindAllWordsAsync(name, _lang, top); client.FindAllWordsCompleted += new System.EventHandler <SAPDictionaryService.FindAllWordsCompletedEventArgs>(client_FindAllWordsCompleted); } } else { int count = Math.Min(list.Count, top); ObservableCollection <Word> retlist = new ObservableCollection <Word>(); for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) { retlist.Add(list[ix]); } AllWordsFound(retlist); } } }
public void FindWordsByAlphabet(char letter) { if (_isthreecc == 1) { ObservableCollection <Word> list = (Application.Current as App).ThreeCCDB.SelectObservableCollection <Word>(string.Format("select Name,Description_EN,Description_CN,Detail_EN,Detail_CN from ThreeCharClassic where Name like '{0}%' ", letter)); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { WordsByAlphabetFound(null); } else { WordsByAlphabetFound(list); } } else { ObservableCollection <Word> list = (Application.Current as App).GlossaryDB.SelectObservableCollection <Word>(string.Format("select Name from SAPDictionary where Name like '{0}%' and Language='{1}' ", letter, _lang)); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { if (!EnableRemote) { if (WordsByAlphabetFound != null) { WordsByAlphabetFound(null); } } else { SAPDictionaryService.SAPDictionarySoapClient client = new SAPDictionaryService.SAPDictionarySoapClient(); client.FindWordsByAlphabetAsync(letter, _lang); client.FindWordsByAlphabetCompleted += new EventHandler <SAPDictionaryService.FindWordsByAlphabetCompletedEventArgs>(client_FindWordsByAlphabetCompleted); } } else { if (WordsByAlphabetFound != null) { WordsByAlphabetFound(list); } } } }
public void FindTheWord(string name) { if (_isthreecc == 1) { List <Word> list = (Application.Current as App).ThreeCCDB.SelectList <Word>(string.Format("select Name,Description_EN,Description_CN,Detail_EN,Detail_CN from ThreeCharClassic where Name='{0}' ", name.ToUpper())); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { _theword = null; } else { _theword = list[0]; } } else { List <Word> list = (Application.Current as App).GlossaryDB.SelectList <Word>(string.Format("select Name, Domain, Description from SAPDictionary where Name like '{0}' and Language='{1}' ", name, _lang)); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { if (!EnableRemote) { _theword = null; } else { SAPDictionaryService.SAPDictionarySoapClient client = new SAPDictionaryService.SAPDictionarySoapClient(); client.FindTheWordAsync(name, _lang); client.FindTheWordCompleted += new EventHandler <SAPDictionaryService.FindTheWordCompletedEventArgs>(client_FindTheWordCompleted); } } else { _theword = list[0]; } } if (TheWordFound != null) { TheWordFound(_theword); } }