public StatementNode Statement() { StatementNode statementNode = null; if (token.value == "if") { var ifStatementNode = new IfThenStatementNode(); Match(TokenTypes.ID, "if"); ifStatementNode.ifExpression = Expression(); Match(TokenTypes.ID, "then"); ifStatementNode.thenStatement = Statement(); Match(TokenTypes.ID, "else"); ifStatementNode.elseStatement = Statement(); statementNode = ifStatementNode; } else if (token.value == "while") { var whileStatementNode = new WhileStatementNode(); Match(TokenTypes.ID, "while"); whileStatementNode.whileExpression = Expression(); Match(TokenTypes.ID, "do"); whileStatementNode.doStatement = Statement(); statementNode = whileStatementNode; } else if (token.value == "begin") { var statementList = new List <StatementNode>(); CompoundStatement(statementList); } else if (token.value == "read") { Match(TokenTypes.ID, "read"); Match(TokenTypes.LPAR); Match(TokenTypes.ID); var readStatementNode = new ReadStatementNode(returnToken.value); Match(TokenTypes.RPAR); statementNode = readStatementNode; } else if (token.value == "write") { Match(TokenTypes.ID, "write"); Match(TokenTypes.LPAR); var writeStatementNode = new WriteStatementNode(); writeStatementNode.expression = Expression(); Match(TokenTypes.RPAR); statementNode = writeStatementNode; } //else if(nextToken.type==TokenTypes.ASSIGNOP) else { Match(TokenTypes.ID); string id = returnToken.value; bool array = false; var index = new ExpressionNode(); //for use in array assignops var expressionList = new List <ExpressionNode>(); //for use in procedure statement if (token.value == "[") { Match(TokenTypes.LBRACKET); index = Expression(); Match(TokenTypes.RBRACKET); array = true; } else if (token.value == "(") { Match(TokenTypes.LPAR); do { expressionList.Add(Expression()); } while (token.value == ","); Match(TokenTypes.RPAR); } if (token.type == TokenTypes.ASSIGNOP)//assignop statement { var assignStatementNode = new AssignOpStatementNode(); int i = 0; while (program.Declarations.variableList[i].variableName != id) { i++; if (i > program.Declarations.variableList.Count) { throw new Exception(""); } } if (array) { ArrayVariableNode tempArrayVar = program.Declarations.variableList[i] as ArrayVariableNode; if (tempArrayVar == null) { throw new Exception(""); } assignStatementNode.variable = new ArrayVariableNode(id, program.Declarations.variableList[i].type, tempArrayVar.startIndex, tempArrayVar.endIndex); assignStatementNode.arrayExpression = index; } else { assignStatementNode.variable = new VariableNode(id, program.Declarations.variableList[i].type); } Match(TokenTypes.ASSIGNOP); assignStatementNode.expression = Expression(); statementNode = assignStatementNode; } else//procedure statement { var procedureStatementNode = new ProcedureStatementNode(); = id; procedureStatementNode.expressionList = expressionList; statementNode = procedureStatementNode; } } return(statementNode); }
public DeclarationsNode Declarations() { var declarations = new DeclarationsNode(); while (token.value == "var") { Match(TokenTypes.ID, "var"); VarTypes type = VarTypes.NONE; var tempList = new List <string>();//holds the names of declared variables Match(TokenTypes.ID); tempList.Add(returnToken.value); while (token.value == ",") { Match(TokenTypes.COMMA); Match(TokenTypes.ID); tempList.Add(returnToken.value); } Match(TokenTypes.COLON); if (token.value == "array")//if its an array { Match(TokenTypes.ID, "array"); Match(TokenTypes.LBRACKET); Match(TokenTypes.NUM); int startIndex = int.Parse(returnToken.value); Match(TokenTypes.COLON); Match(TokenTypes.NUM); int endIndex = int.Parse(returnToken.value); Match(TokenTypes.RBRACKET); Match(TokenTypes.ID, "of"); if (token.value == "integer") { type = VarTypes.INT; } else if (token.value == "real") { type = VarTypes.REAL; } Match(TokenTypes.ID); foreach (var name in tempList) { var var = new ArrayVariableNode(name, type, startIndex, endIndex); declarations.variableList.Add(var); } } else//if its not an array { if (token.value == "integer") { type = VarTypes.INT; } else if (token.value == "real") { type = VarTypes.REAL; } Match(TokenTypes.ID); foreach (var name in tempList) { var vari = new VariableNode(name, type); declarations.variableList.Add(vari); } } Match(TokenTypes.SEMICOLON); } return(declarations); }
public SubProgramNode SubProgram() { SubProgramNode subProgramNode = new SubProgramNode(); Match(TokenTypes.ID); = returnToken.value; if (token.value == "(") { bool end; Match(TokenTypes.LPAR); do { VarTypes type = VarTypes.NONE; var tempList = new List <string>();//holds the names of declared variables Match(TokenTypes.ID); tempList.Add(returnToken.value); while (token.value == ",") { Match(TokenTypes.COMMA); Match(TokenTypes.ID); tempList.Add(returnToken.value); } Match(TokenTypes.COLON); if (token.value == "array")//if its an array { Match(TokenTypes.ID, "array"); Match(TokenTypes.LBRACKET); Match(TokenTypes.NUM); int startIndex = int.Parse(returnToken.value); Match(TokenTypes.COLON); Match(TokenTypes.NUM); int endIndex = int.Parse(returnToken.value); Match(TokenTypes.RBRACKET); Match(TokenTypes.ID, "of"); if (token.value == "integer") { type = VarTypes.INT; } else if (token.value == "real") { type = VarTypes.REAL; } Match(TokenTypes.ID); foreach (var name in tempList) { var var = new ArrayVariableNode(name, type, startIndex, endIndex); subProgramNode.argumentList.Add(var); } } else//if its not an array { if (token.value == "integer") { type = VarTypes.INT; } else if (token.value == "real") { type = VarTypes.REAL; } Match(TokenTypes.ID); foreach (var name in tempList) { var vari = new VariableNode(name, type); subProgramNode.argumentList.Add(vari); } } end = token.value == ")"; if (!end) { Match(TokenTypes.SEMICOLON); } } while (!end); Match(TokenTypes.RPAR); if (token.value == ":") { Match(TokenTypes.COLON); Match(TokenTypes.ID); subProgramNode.type = returnToken.value; } Match(TokenTypes.SEMICOLON); } subProgramNode.declarations = Declarations(); SubProgramDeclarations(subProgramNode.methodList); CompoundStatement(subProgramNode.statementList); return(subProgramNode); }