コード例 #1
ファイル: Form1_Random_Access.cs プロジェクト: jweite/JoeMidi
        // Every button on the button grid uses this as its click handler.
        private void btnProgramChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the patchNo from within the button that was clicked
            MidiProgram midiProgram = (MidiProgram)(((Button)sender).Tag);

            // And switch to it.
            if (midiProgram != null && midiProgram.myPatchNumber >= 0)
                // Override the default intput device in the mapping to be the on for this tab
                LogicalInputDevice deviceForThisMidiProgram = mapper.configuration.primaryInputDevice;
                if (tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag != null && tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag is LogicalInputDevice)
                    deviceForThisMidiProgram = (LogicalInputDevice)tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag;

                // Rebind it to make the device override take effect
                midiProgram.bind(mapper.configuration.logicalInputDeviceDict, mapper.configuration.soundGenerators, mapper.configuration.mappings, deviceForThisMidiProgram);

                // Fire the program change
                mapper.ProgramChange((midiProgram.myBankNumber * 128) + midiProgram.myPatchNumber);
                mapper.masterTranspose = 0;

            // Select (only) this button
            ((Button)sender).BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Mapper.cs プロジェクト: jweite/JoeMidi
        public void changeMasterVol(int vol)
            LogicalInputDevice logicalInputDevice = configuration.logicalInputDeviceDict[configuration.volSliderInputDeviceName];

            if (logicalInputDevice != null)
                ControlChange(logicalInputDevice.device, configuration.volSliderMidiChannel, configuration.volSliderControlNum, vol); // Ctl 75 is assigned in the
コード例 #3
ファイル: Form1_Random_Access.cs プロジェクト: jweite/JoeMidi
        private void Form1_Random_Access_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Populate the 8x8 button matrix with buttons to access the MidiPrograms defined.  Each gets a button in th 8x8 grid based on its midi program number.
            //  I'm not dealing in banks yet, but imagine having multiple banks of 8x8 selected by a bank select command.

            // If there's at least one setlist define, make the first one the current one.
            if (mapper.configuration.setlists.Count > 0)
                currentSetlist = mapper.configuration.setlists[0];

            // Initialize patch TreeViews and set to SG (Sound Generator) organization by "clicking" the "SG" button.
            btnPatchTreeViewBySG_Click(null, null);
            btnMappingEditPatchTreeViewBySG_Click(null, null);

            // Initialize the Input Device dropdown on the RandomAccess (and Misc) pages.
            foreach (String sourceDeviceLogicalName in mapper.configuration.logicalInputDeviceDict.Keys)
                LogicalInputDevice logicalInputDevice = mapper.configuration.logicalInputDeviceDict[sourceDeviceLogicalName];
                if (logicalInputDevice.device != null)
                    lbInputDevices.Items.Add(logicalInputDevice.logicalDeviceName + " -> " + logicalInputDevice.device.Name);

            // Assocaite each Random Access Tab Page with the Logical Input Device it's been configured to manage
            foreach (TabPage tabPage in tabControl1.TabPages)
                if (tabPage.Text.StartsWith("Random Access"))
                    if (mapper.configuration.randomAccessTabInputDeviceNames.ContainsKey(tabPage.Text))
                        String inputDeviceName = mapper.configuration.randomAccessTabInputDeviceNames[tabPage.Text];
                        if (mapper.configuration.logicalInputDeviceDict.ContainsKey(inputDeviceName))
                            tabPage.Tag = mapper.configuration.logicalInputDeviceDict[mapper.configuration.randomAccessTabInputDeviceNames[tabPage.Text]];
                            tabPage.Tag = mapper.configuration.primaryInputDevice;
                        tabPage.Tag = mapper.configuration.primaryInputDevice;

            // Select the current tab's Logical Input Device in its Input Device selector
            if (tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag != null && tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag is LogicalInputDevice)
                cbRandomAccessInputDevice.Text = ((LogicalInputDevice)tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag).logicalDeviceName;
コード例 #4
        public static void createTrialConfiguration(Dictionary <String, LogicalInputDevice> logicalInputDeviceDict)

            LogicalInputDevice logicalInputDevice = new LogicalInputDevice();

            logicalInputDevice.logicalInputDeviceNumber = 1;
            logicalInputDevice.logicalDeviceName        = "Input Device 1";
            logicalInputDevice.physicalDevicePreferenceList.Add("Oxygen 61");
            logicalInputDevice.physicalDevicePreferenceList.Add("In From MIDI Yoke:  1");
            logicalInputDeviceDict.Add(logicalInputDevice.logicalDeviceName, logicalInputDevice);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Configuration.cs プロジェクト: jweite/JoeMidi
        public void createTrialConfiguration()
            dirty = true;

                Mapping.PerDeviceChannelMapping globalPerInputDeviceChannelMapping = new Mapping.PerDeviceChannelMapping();
                globalPerInputDeviceChannelMapping.logicalInputDeviceName = "Input Device 1";
                globalPerInputDeviceChannelMapping.inputDeviceChannel     = 0;

                ControlMapping globalControlMapping = new ControlMapping();
                globalControlMapping.soundGeneratorName            = "Reaper";
                globalControlMapping.soundGeneratorRelativeChannel = 0;
                globalControlMapping.sourceControlNumber           = 75; // Top Left Rotary Knob on Oxygen
                globalControlMapping.mappedControlNumber           = 9;  // I've got Reaper Master Volume mapped to this.
                globalControlMapping.min = 30;                           // This provides a nice workable vol range
                globalControlMapping.max = 91;


                primaryInputDeviceName = "Input Device 1";






                Setlist.createTrialConfiguration(songDict, setlists);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Exception creating trial configurations: " + e);
コード例 #6
        private void enableUiDeviceLabelsForFirstTwoInputDevices()
            lblMappingInputDevice1.Text = mapper.configuration.primaryInputDeviceName;

            // Only make InputDevice2 mapping def fields visible if we find a second InputDevices configured (ie, with logicalInputDeviceNumber == 2)
            if (mapper.configuration.logicalInputDeviceDict.Count > 1)
                LogicalInputDevice secondaryInputDevice = null;
                // Look for logicalInputDevice with number == 2
                foreach (LogicalInputDevice inputDevice in mapper.configuration.logicalInputDeviceDict.Values)
                    if (inputDevice.logicalInputDeviceNumber == 2)
                        secondaryInputDevice = inputDevice;
                if (secondaryInputDevice != null)
                    // Found it.  Enable UI elements for it
                    lblMappingInputDevice2.Text    = secondaryInputDevice.logicalDeviceName;
                    lblMappingInputDevice2.Visible = true;
                    cbMappingSplitDevice2.Visible  = true;
                    // Not found.  We probably should use whatever non-primary one we find, but for now we're hiding InputDevice2 mapping.
                    lblMappingInputDevice2.Visible = false;
                    cbMappingSplitDevice2.Visible  = false;
                // Only one InputDevice.  Hide all InputDevice2 mapping def fields
                lblMappingInputDevice2.Visible = false;
                cbMappingSplitDevice2.Visible  = false;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Form1_Random_Access.cs プロジェクト: jweite/JoeMidi
        // When you click on a program in the Programs treeview that program is activated.
        private void tvProgramPatches_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeNode node = tvProgramPatches.SelectedNode;

            if (node != null)
                if (node.Tag is SoundGenerator)
                    // Route out to this SG, but send no program change...
                    //  Allows user to select an SG and then set sound directly from it.  Useful during configuration.
                else if (node.Tag is SoundGeneratorPatch)
                    // Create an MidiProgram that won't be assigned to any buttons.  Use it to formulate a Mapping and make that the current Mapping.
                    SoundGeneratorPatch soundGeneratorPatch = (SoundGeneratorPatch)node.Tag;
                    MidiProgram         midiProgram         = new MidiProgram();
                    midiProgram.bSingle = true;
                    midiProgram.SingleSoundGeneratorName = soundGeneratorPatch.soundGenerator.name;
                    midiProgram.SinglePatchName          = soundGeneratorPatch.name;
                    // Determine the input device for this midiProgram: the tab's currently selected input device
                    LogicalInputDevice deviceForThisMidiProgram = mapper.configuration.primaryInputDevice;
                    if (tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag != null && tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag is LogicalInputDevice)
                        deviceForThisMidiProgram = (LogicalInputDevice)tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag;

                    // Have the midiProgram flesh out its inner details
                    midiProgram.bind(mapper.configuration.logicalInputDeviceDict, mapper.configuration.soundGenerators, mapper.configuration.mappings, deviceForThisMidiProgram);
                else if (node.Tag is Mapping)
                    Mapping mapping = (Mapping)node.Tag;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Song.cs プロジェクト: jweite/JoeMidi
 public void bind(Dictionary <String, LogicalInputDevice> logicalInputDeviceDict, Dictionary <String, SoundGenerator> soundGenerators, Dictionary <String, Mapping> mappings, LogicalInputDevice primaryInputDevice)
     foreach (SongProgram songProgram in programs)
         songProgram.bind(logicalInputDeviceDict, soundGenerators, mappings, primaryInputDevice);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Configuration.cs プロジェクト: jweite/JoeMidi
        public bool bind()
            foreach (String key in logicalInputDeviceDict.Keys)
                LogicalInputDevice device = logicalInputDeviceDict[key];
                if (device.bind() == false)

            // Resolve the Primary Input Device.  (If non defined, pick the first on in the dict.)
            if (primaryInputDeviceName == null && logicalInputDeviceDict.Count > 0)
                primaryInputDeviceName = logicalInputDeviceDict.Keys.First <String>();
                dirty = true;

            if (logicalInputDeviceDict.ContainsKey(primaryInputDeviceName))
                primaryInputDevice = logicalInputDeviceDict[primaryInputDeviceName];
                MessageBox.Show("Cannot find primary logical input device by configured name " + primaryInputDeviceName);

            foreach (String key in logicalOutputDeviceDict.Keys)
                LogicalOutputDevice device = logicalOutputDeviceDict[key];
                if (device.bind() == false)

            foreach (String key in soundGenerators.Keys)
                SoundGenerator soundGenerator = soundGenerators[key];
                if (soundGenerator.bind(logicalOutputDeviceDict) == false)

            foreach (Mapping.PerDeviceChannelMapping perDeviceChannelMapping in globalControlMappings)
                perDeviceChannelMapping.bind(logicalInputDeviceDict, soundGenerators);

            foreach (String key in mappings.Keys)
                Mapping mapping = mappings[key];
                if (mapping.bind(logicalInputDeviceDict, soundGenerators) == false)

            foreach (int bankAndProgram in midiPrograms.Keys)
                MidiProgram midiProgram = midiPrograms[bankAndProgram];
                midiProgram.bind(logicalInputDeviceDict, soundGenerators, mappings, primaryInputDevice);

            // Drop up any non-bound midiPrograms (ie, that point to mappings or SoundGeneratorPatches that no longer exist)
            List <MidiProgram> midiProgramListClone = midiPrograms.Values.ToList <MidiProgram>();

            foreach (MidiProgram midiProgram in midiProgramListClone)
                if (midiProgram.mapping == null)

            foreach (String songTitle in songDict.Keys)
                Song song = songDict[songTitle];
                song.bind(logicalInputDeviceDict, soundGenerators, mappings, primaryInputDevice);

            foreach (Setlist setlist in setlists)
                setlist.bind(songDict, logicalInputDeviceDict, soundGenerators, mappings, primaryInputDevice);

            if (primaryControllerButtonProgramNumbers.Count == 0)
                int[] casioPx3Buttons = new int[8] {
                    0x0, 0x4, 0x5, 0x7, 0x12, 0x30, 0x19, 0x3D
                primaryControllerButtonProgramNumbers.Add("CASIO USB-MIDI", casioPx3Buttons);

            if (primaryControllerButtonProgramNumbers.ContainsKey(primaryInputDevice.device.Name))
                currentPrimaryControllerButtonProgramNumbers = primaryControllerButtonProgramNumbers[primaryInputDevice.device.Name];
                currentPrimaryControllerButtonProgramNumbers = new int[8] {
                    -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1

コード例 #10
ファイル: MidiProgram.cs プロジェクト: jweite/JoeMidi
        virtual public bool bind(Dictionary <String, LogicalInputDevice> logicalInputDeviceDict, Dictionary <String, SoundGenerator> soundGenerators, Dictionary <String, Mapping> mappings, LogicalInputDevice primaryInputDevice)
            // Find or create a Mapping for this MidiProgram that it will point to

            if (bSingle == false)       // If it's not a single, then it's a mapping, so just find the one named.
                if (mappings.ContainsKey(this.MappingName))
                    mapping = mappings[this.MappingName];
                    MessageBox.Show("MidiProgram Mapping " + this.MappingName + " not defined in this configuration.");
                // If it's a single, then we create a mapping on the fly for it.

                mapping = new Mapping();

                String candidateName = "(S) " + this.SinglePatchName;
                if (mappings.ContainsKey(candidateName))
                    // Patch Name alone isn't a unique mapping name.  Fully qualify it with the SG name too.
                    candidateName = "(S) " + this.SingleSoundGeneratorName + " - " + this.SinglePatchName;
                mapping.name = candidateName;

                // Create a single mapping with some settings values on the fly
                Mapping.PerDeviceChannelMapping perDeviceChannelMapping = new Mapping.PerDeviceChannelMapping();
                perDeviceChannelMapping.logicalInputDeviceName = primaryInputDevice.logicalDeviceName;
                perDeviceChannelMapping.inputDeviceChannel     = 0;

                NoteMapping noteMapping = new NoteMapping();
                noteMapping.soundGeneratorName            = this.SingleSoundGeneratorName;
                noteMapping.soundGeneratorRelativeChannel = 0;
                noteMapping.lowestNote  = 0;
                noteMapping.highestNote = 127;
                noteMapping.pitchOffset = 0;

                MappingPatch mappingPatch = new MappingPatch();
                mappingPatch.soundGeneratorName            = this.SingleSoundGeneratorName;
                mappingPatch.soundGeneratorRelativeChannel = 0;
                mappingPatch.patchName = this.SinglePatchName;

                PitchBendMapping pitchBendMapping = new PitchBendMapping();
                pitchBendMapping.soundGeneratorName            = this.SingleSoundGeneratorName;
                pitchBendMapping.soundGeneratorRelativeChannel = 0;
                pitchBendMapping.scale = 1.0;

                ControlMapping controlMapping = new ControlMapping();
                controlMapping.soundGeneratorName            = this.SingleSoundGeneratorName;
                controlMapping.soundGeneratorRelativeChannel = 0;
                controlMapping.sourceControlNumber           = 1; // Mod Wheel
                controlMapping.mappedControlNumber           = 1;
                controlMapping.min          = 0;
                controlMapping.max          = 127;
                controlMapping.initialValue = -1;

                controlMapping = new ControlMapping();
                controlMapping.soundGeneratorName            = this.SingleSoundGeneratorName;
                controlMapping.soundGeneratorRelativeChannel = 0;
                controlMapping.sourceControlNumber           = -1;
                controlMapping.mappedControlNumber           = 7; // Vol
                controlMapping.min          = 0;
                controlMapping.max          = 127;
                controlMapping.initialValue = 127;

                controlMapping = new ControlMapping();
                controlMapping.soundGeneratorName            = this.SingleSoundGeneratorName;
                controlMapping.soundGeneratorRelativeChannel = 0;
                controlMapping.sourceControlNumber           = 64; // Damper
                controlMapping.mappedControlNumber           = 64;
                controlMapping.min          = 0;
                controlMapping.max          = 127;
                controlMapping.initialValue = -1;

                // Kurzweil Artis Variation Button...
                controlMapping = new ControlMapping();
                controlMapping.soundGeneratorName            = this.SingleSoundGeneratorName;
                controlMapping.soundGeneratorRelativeChannel = 0;
                controlMapping.sourceControlNumber           = 0x1D;
                controlMapping.mappedControlNumber           = 0x1D;
                controlMapping.min          = 0;
                controlMapping.max          = 127;
                controlMapping.initialValue = -1;

                mapping.perDeviceChannelMappings.Add(perDeviceChannelMapping.key, perDeviceChannelMapping);

                return(mapping.bind(logicalInputDeviceDict, soundGenerators));
コード例 #11
ファイル: Form1_Random_Access.cs プロジェクト: jweite/JoeMidi
        private void btnRandAccessCol_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("btnRandAccessCol DragDrop: " + e);
            if (e.Data.GetDataPresent("System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode", false))
                // Figure out the table layout panel column of heading button that this TreeNode got dropped onto
                int col = tlpRandomAccess.GetColumn((System.Windows.Forms.Control)sender);

                // Find the first unoccupied row in that column
                int row;
                for (row = 0; row < N_RANDOMACCESS_ROWS; ++row)
                    if (tlpRandomAccess.GetControlFromPosition(col, row + FIRST_RANDOMACCESS_BTN_ROW) == null)
                if (row == N_RANDOMACCESS_ROWS)
                    MessageBox.Show("No room in this column");

                // Get the dropped node
                TreeNode droppedNode = (TreeNode)e.Data.GetData("System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode");

                // Get the SoundGeneratorPatch or Mapping that it points to
                Object o = droppedNode.Tag;

                // Create a new midiProgram to capture the action of the random access button we're about to create
                MidiProgram midiProgram;

                // Initialize the midiProgram appropriately, depending on whether there was a SoundGeneratorPatch or a Mapping in the droppped TreeNode
                if (o is SoundGeneratorPatch)
                    midiProgram = new MidiProgram((SoundGeneratorPatch)o);
                else if (o is Mapping)
                    midiProgram = new MidiProgram((Mapping)o);

                // Determine the input device for this midiProgram: the tab's currently selected input device
                LogicalInputDevice deviceForThisMidiProgram = mapper.configuration.primaryInputDevice;
                if (tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag != null && tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag is LogicalInputDevice)
                    deviceForThisMidiProgram = (LogicalInputDevice)tabControl1.SelectedTab.Tag;

                // Have the midiProgram flesh out its inner details
                midiProgram.bind(mapper.configuration.logicalInputDeviceDict, mapper.configuration.soundGenerators, mapper.configuration.mappings, deviceForThisMidiProgram);

                // Assign this Midi Program a patch number based on where it was dropped in the button matrix.
                midiProgram.myPatchNumber = (row * N_RANDOMACCESS_COLS) + col - FIRST_RANDOMACCESS_BTN_COL;

                // Assign it a bank number based on which Random Access page it's dropped on (which is captured in currentRandomAccessBank)
                midiProgram.myBankNumber = currentRandomAccessBank;

                // Add the newly created midiProgram to the master dictionary of such things.  Mark config as dirty so this change gets saved on close.
                mapper.configuration.midiPrograms.Add(midiProgram.key, midiProgram);
                mapper.configuration.dirty = true;

                // Create a new button for this sound generator patch
                Button btn = new Button();
                btn.Font      = buttonFont;
                btn.Text      = midiProgram.mapping.name;
                btn.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DimGray;
                btn.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                btn.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat;
                btn.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen;
                btn.Visible          = true;
                btn.Dock             = DockStyle.Fill;
                btn.MouseDown       += btnPrograms_MouseDown;
                btn.ContextMenuStrip = this.contextMenuStrip1;
                btn.Tag = midiProgram;
                midiProgram.activationButton = btn;
                btn.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnProgramChange_Click);

                // And add it to the table layout panel in the designated spot.
                tlpRandomAccess.Controls.Add(btn, col, row + FIRST_RANDOMACCESS_BTN_ROW);
コード例 #12
        public void bind(Dictionary <String, Song> songDict, Dictionary <String, LogicalInputDevice> logicalInputDeviceDict, Dictionary <String, SoundGenerator> soundGenerators, Dictionary <String, Mapping> mappings, LogicalInputDevice primaryInputDevice)

            foreach (String songTitle in songTitles)
                if (songDict.ContainsKey(songTitle))
                    Song song = songDict[songTitle];
//                    song.bind(logicalInputDeviceDict, soundGenerators, mappings, primaryInputDevice);