コード例 #1
        public string SendMail(int jobId, string renterMail, string mailType, string renterName)
                MailMessage mail       = new MailMessage();
                SmtpClient  SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("mail.realwheelsdavao.com"); //smtp server

                MailDefinition md = new MailDefinition();
                md.From       = "*****@*****.**"; //sender mail
                md.IsBodyHtml = true;                        //set true to enable use of html tags
                md.Subject    = "RealWheels Reservation";    //mail title

                ListDictionary replacements = new ListDictionary();
                replacements.Add("{name}", "Martin");
                replacements.Add("{unit}", "Honda City");
                replacements.Add("{tour}", "City Tour");
                replacements.Add("{type}", "w/ Driver");
                replacements.Add("{days}", "2");
                replacements.Add("{total}", "5500");

                string body, message;

                //get job details

                md.Subject = renterName + ": NEW RealWheels Reservation";   //mail title

                if (mailType == "ADMIN")
                    //mail content for admin
                    //id = carReservation Id

                    CarReservation reserve = db.CarReservations.Find(jobId);

                    message = "A NEW Reservation Inquiry has been made. Please follow the link for the reservation details. <a href='http://*****:*****@realwheelsdavao.com", "Real123!");
                SmtpServer.EnableSsl   = false; //enable for gmail smtp server
                System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
                SmtpServer.Send(msg);           //send message
            catch (Exception ex)
                return("error: " + ex);
コード例 #2
ファイル: EMailHandler.cs プロジェクト: assalvatierra/eJobs
        public string SendMail(int jobId, string renterMail, string mailType, string renterName, string site)
                // configure mail server
                MailMessage mail       = new MailMessage();
                SmtpClient  SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("mail.realwheelsdavao.com"); //smtp server

                //create email
                MailDefinition md = new MailDefinition();
                // md.From = "*****@*****.**";      //sender mail
                md.From       = "*****@*****.**"; //sender mail
                md.IsBodyHtml = true;                                         //set true to enable use of html tags
                md.Subject    = "RealWheels Reservation";                     //mail title

                ListDictionary replacements = new ListDictionary();
                replacements.Add("{name}", "Reservation");

                string body, message;
                string siteName = site;

                //get job details
                JobMain job = db.JobMains.Find(jobId);
                //encode white space
                string jobDesc = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(job.Description);

                md.Subject = renterName + ": NEW RealWheels Reservation";   //mail title

                switch (mailType)
                case "ADMIN":
                    //mail title
                    md.Subject = renterName + ": Reservation ";

                    //find reservation
                    CarReservation reserve = db.CarReservations.Find(jobId);

                    //email content
                    message = "A NEW Reservation Inquiry has been made. Please follow the link for the reservation details. <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Month + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Day + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Year + "/" + reserve.RenterName + "/' " +
                              "> View Reservation Details  </a> ";

                case "PAYMENT-SUCCESS":
                    //mail content for successful payment
                    //mail title
                    md.Subject = renterName + ": Reservation ";

                    //find reservation
                    reserve = db.CarReservations.Find(jobId);

                    //email content
                    message = "Paypal Payment is successful. Please follow the link for the invoice details. <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Month + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Day + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Year + "/" + reserve.RenterName + "/' " +
                              "> View Invoice Details  </a> ";

                case "PAYMENT-DENIED":
                    //mail content for denied payment
                    //mail title
                    md.Subject = renterName + ": Reservation ";

                    //find reservation
                    reserve = db.CarReservations.Find(jobId);

                    //email content
                    message = "Paypal Payment have been DENIED. Please follow the link for the invoice details. <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Month + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Day + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Year + "/" + reserve.RenterName + "/' " +
                              "> View Invoice Details  </a> ";

                case "PAYMENT-PENDING":
                    //mail content for pending payment
                    //mail title
                    md.Subject = renterName + ": Reservation ";

                    //find reservation
                    reserve = db.CarReservations.Find(jobId);

                    //email content
                    message = "Paypal Payment has been sent. Please follow the link for the invoice details. <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Month + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Day + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Year + "/" + reserve.RenterName + "/' " +
                              "> View Invoice  </a> ";

                case "CLIENT-PENDING":
                    //mail title
                    md.Subject = "Realwheels Reservation";

                    reserve = db.CarReservations.Find(jobId);

                    //mail content for pending payment
                    message = "We are happy to recieved your inquiry. We will contact you after we have processed your reservation. Please click the link below for your reservation details, Thank you. <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Month + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Day + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Year + "/" + reserve.RenterName + "/' " +
                              "> View Booking Details  </a> ";

                case "CLIENT-INQUIRY":
                    //Client Inquiry
                    //mail title
                    md.Subject = "Realwheels Reservation";

                    //find reservation
                    reserve = db.CarReservations.Find(jobId);

                    //mail content for pending payment
                    message = "We are happy to recieved your inquiry. We will contact you after we have" +
                              " processed your reservation. Please click the link below for your reservation details," +
                              " Thank you.<br> <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Month + "/" +
                              reserve.DtTrx.Day + "/" + reserve.DtTrx.Year + "/" + reserve.RenterName + "/' " +
                              "> View Booking Details  </a> ";

                case "CLIENT-INVOICE-SEND":
                    //mail title
                    md.Subject = "Realwheels Invoice";

                    //find reservation
                    reserve = db.CarReservations.Find(jobId);

                    //mail content for pending payment
                    message = "Good day, please follow the link for the invoice and payment of your reservation." +
                              "<br> <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" + job.JobDate.Month + "/" + job.JobDate.Day +
                              "/" + job.JobDate.Year + "/" + jobDesc + "/' " +
                              "> View Invoice </a> ";

                case "CLIENT-PAYMENT-SUCCESS":
                    //mail title
                    md.Subject = "Realwheels Payment";

                    //find reservation
                    reserve = db.CarReservations.Find(jobId);

                    //mail content for pending payment
                    message = "Thank you for your payment. Please follow the link for the invoice and payment." +
                              "<br> <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" + job.JobDate.Month + "/" + job.JobDate.Day +
                              "/" + job.JobDate.Year + "/" + jobDesc + "/' " +
                              "> View Invoice </a> ";

                case "ADMIN-INVOICE-SENT":

                    //mail title
                    md.Subject = job.Description + " Invoice Sent";

                    //mail content for client inquiries
                    message = " An invoice link has been sent to " + job.Description + ". Please follow the link" +
                              " for the invoice and payment.<br> <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" +
                              job.JobDate.Month + "/" + job.JobDate.Day + "/" + job.JobDate.Year + "/" + jobDesc + "/' " +
                              "> View Invoice </a> ";

                case "ADMIN-PAYMENT-SUCCESS":

                    //mail title
                    md.Subject = job.Description + " Payment Success";

                    //mail content for client inquiries
                    message = "A New Payment has been made. Please follow the link for the invoice and payment.<br>" +
                              " <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" + job.JobDate.Month + "/" + job.JobDate.Day + "/" +
                              job.JobDate.Year + "/" + jobDesc + "/' " +
                              "> View Invoice </a> ";

                    //new reservation

                    //send email in /joborder
                    md.Subject = "Realwheels Reservation";

                    //mail content for client inquiries
                    message = " Your inquiry have been processed to confirm your reservation, please follow the link" +
                              "for the invoice and payment. <a href='" + siteName + "" + jobId + "/" + job.JobDate.Month +
                              "/" + job.JobDate.Day + "/" + job.JobDate.Year + "/" + jobDesc + "/' " +
                              "> View Booking Details  </a> ";
                    //" style='display:block;background-color:dodgerblue;margin:20px;padding:20px;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bolder;font-size:300;color:white;border-radius:3px;min-width:100px;'> View Booking Details </a> ";


                body =
                    "" +
                    " <div style='background-color:#f4f4f4;padding:20px' align='center'>" +
                    " <div style='background-color:white;min-width:200px;margin:30px;padding:30px;text-align:center;color:#555555;font:normal 300 16px/21px 'Helvetica Neue',Arial'>  <h1> RealWheels Car Reservation </h1>" +
                    message +
                    " <p> This is an auto-generated email. DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE </p> " +
                    " <p> For further inquiries kindly email us through [email protected] or dial(+63) 82 297 1831. </p> " +
                    " </div></div>" +

                MailMessage msg = md.CreateMailMessage(renterMail, replacements, body, new System.Web.UI.Control());

                SmtpServer.Port        = 587;   //default smtp port
                SmtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Real123!");
                SmtpServer.EnableSsl   = false; //enable for gmail smtp server
                System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
                SmtpServer.Send(msg);           //send message
            catch (Exception ex)
                return("error: " + ex);