コード例 #1
            protected override object DeserializeCore(JObject json, Type objectType, LoadContext context)
                    var b = new UserCheckins(context);

                    var sets = json["checkins"];
                    if (sets != null)
                        var items = sets["items"];
                        if (items != null)
                            var list = new List <Checkin>();
                            foreach (var s in items)
                                Checkin c = Checkin.ParseJson(s);
                            b.Recent = list;

                    b.IsLoadComplete = true;

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new UserIntendedException(
                              "There was a problem trying to read the list of your recent check-ins.", e);
コード例 #2
        private static object HydrateCompactObject(TargetObjectType type, JToken item)
                if (item != null)
                    switch (type)
                    case TargetObjectType.Badge:

                    case TargetObjectType.Checkin:

                    case TargetObjectType.Special:
                        // VenueId, if null, must be parsed out of the
                        // notification or else it will throw. FYI.
                        return(CompactSpecial.ParseJson(item, null));

                    case TargetObjectType.Tip:

                    case TargetObjectType.Url:
                        Uri uri = Json.TryGetUriProperty(item, "url");

                    case TargetObjectType.User:

                    case TargetObjectType.Venue:

            catch (Exception)

コード例 #3
            protected override object DeserializeCore(JObject json, Type objectType, LoadContext context)
                    var u = new DetailedCheckin(context);
                    //u.IgnoreRaisingPropertyChanges = true;

                    var jcheckin = json["checkin"];
                    if (jcheckin != null)
                        Checkin compactCheckin = Checkin.ParseJson(jcheckin);

                        // So links are not displayed, etc.
                        if (compactCheckin != null)
                            compactCheckin.ReduceFunctionality      = true;
                            compactCheckin.ReduceFunctionalityVis   = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                            compactCheckin.CompleteFunctionalityVis = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;

                        u.CompactCheckin = compactCheckin;

                        List <Photo> photos = new List <Photo>();
                        var          pl     = jcheckin["photos"];
                        if (pl != null)
                            var pll = pl["items"];
                            if (pll != null)
                                foreach (var photo in pll)
                                    var po = Photo.ParseJson(photo);
                                    if (po != null)

                        List <Comment> comments = new List <Comment>();
                        var            cl       = jcheckin["comments"];
                        if (cl != null)
                            var cll = cl["items"];
                            if (cll != null)
                                foreach (var comment in cll)
                                    var co = Comment.ParseJson(comment);
                                    if (co != null)

                        //var list = combined.OrderBy(w => w.CreatedDateTime).ToList();

                        List <object> both = new List <object>(photos.Cast <object>());
                        both.AddRange(comments.Cast <object>());

                        //List<CommentsList> lcl = null;
                        //if (cap.Count > 0)
                        //    lcl = new List<CommentsList>();
                        //    lcl.Add(cap);

                        u.CommentsAndPhotos = both;

                    u.IgnoreRaisingPropertyChanges = false;
                    u.IsLoadComplete = true;

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new UserIntendedException(
                              "There was a problem trying to read information about the checkin.", e);
コード例 #4
            protected override object DeserializeCore(JObject json, Type objectType, LoadContext context)
                    var u = new User(context);
                    u.IgnoreRaisingPropertyChanges = true;

                    var user = json["user"];

                    string uid = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(user, "id");
                    u.UserId = uid;

                    u.First = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(user, "firstName");
                    u.Last  = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(user, "lastName");
#if DEMO
                    if (u.Last != null && u.Last.Length > 0)
                        u.Last = u.Last.Substring(0, 1);
                    u.Pings = Json.TryGetJsonBool(user, "pings");

                    u.HomeCity = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(user, "homeCity");

                    var contact = user["contact"];
                    if (contact != null)
                        u.Phone    = FormatSimpleUnitedStatesPhoneNumberMaybe(Json.TryGetJsonProperty(contact, "phone"));
                        u.Email    = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(contact, "email");
                        u.Twitter  = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(contact, "twitter");
                        u.Facebook = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(contact, "facebook");
#if DEMO
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Phone))
                            u.Phone = "(206) 555-1212";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Email))
                            u.Email = "*****@*****.**";

                    u.FriendStatus = GetFriendStatus(Json.TryGetJsonProperty(user, "relationship"));

                    u.MayorshipsLocalUri     = new Uri(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/JeffWilcox.FourthAndMayor.Profile;component/ProfileMayorships.xaml?id={0}", uid), UriKind.Relative);
                    u.BadgesLocalUri         = new Uri(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/JeffWilcox.FourthAndMayor.Profile;component/ProfileBadges.xaml?id={0}", uid), UriKind.Relative);
                    u.TipsLocalUri           = new Uri(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/JeffWilcox.FourthAndMayor.Profile;component/ProfileTips.xaml?id={0}", uid), UriKind.Relative);
                    u.RecentCheckinsLocalUri = new Uri(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/JeffWilcox.FourthAndMayor.Profile;component/ProfileCheckins.xaml?id={0}", uid), UriKind.Relative);
                    u.TopCategoriesLocalUri  = new Uri(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/JeffWilcox.FourthAndMayor.Profile;component/ProfileMostExploredCategories.xaml?id={0}", uid), UriKind.Relative);
                    u.TopPlacesLocalUri      = new Uri(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/JeffWilcox.FourthAndMayor.Profile;component/ProfileTopPlaces.xaml?id={0}", uid), UriKind.Relative);
                    u.FriendListLocalUri     = new Uri(
                            u.FriendStatus == FriendStatus.Self ? "1" : string.Empty

                    u.FriendRequestsLocalUri = new Uri(
                            u.FriendStatus == FriendStatus.Self ? "1" : string.Empty

                    string uri = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(user, "photo");
                    if (uri != null)
                        if (!uri.Contains(".gif"))
                            u.Photo = new Uri(uri);

                    string gender = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(user, "gender");
                    if (gender != null)
                        u.Gender = gender == "female" ? Model.Gender.Female : Model.Gender.Male;

                    var scores = user["scores"];
                    if (scores != null)
                        u.Scores = LeaderboardItemScores.ParseJson(scores);

                    var checkins = user["checkins"];
                    if (checkins != null)
                        string totalCheckinCount = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(checkins, "count");
                        int    i;
                        if (int.TryParse(totalCheckinCount, out i))
                            if (i > 0)
                                u.TotalCheckins =
                                    + " "
                                    + "check-in"
                                    + (i == 1 ? string.Empty : "s");

                        if (u.TotalCheckins == null)
                            u.TotalCheckins = "No check-ins";

                        // recent checkins
                        var items = checkins["items"];
                        if (items != null)
                            foreach (var item in items)
                                // Just grabbing the first one.
                                u.RecentCheckin = Checkin.ParseJson(item);


                     *           "requests": {
                     * "count": 0
                     * },
                     * "tips": {
                     * "count": 2
                     * },
                     * "todos": {
                     * "count": 0
                     * }
                     * */

                    var tips = user["tips"];
                    if (tips != null)
                        string tipsNumber = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(tips, "count");
                        int    tc;
                        if (int.TryParse(tipsNumber, out tc))
                            if (tc <= 0)
                                u.TipsCount = "No tips";
                            else if (tc == 1)
                                u.TipsCount = "1 tip";
                                u.TipsCount = tc.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " tips";

                    // TODO: V2: TIPS COUNT
                    // TODO: V2: TODOS COUNT

                    var friends = user["friends"];
                    if (friends != null)
                        string friendsCount = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(friends, "count");
                        if (friendsCount != null)
                            u.FriendsCount = "No friends yet";
                            int i = int.Parse(friendsCount, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            if (i == 1)
                                u.FriendsCount = "1 friend";
                            else if (i > 1)
                                u.FriendsCount = i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " friends";

                        // TODO: V2: There is a new concept of friend groups.. hmm.

                         * "friends": {
                         * "count": 22,
                         * "groups": [
                         * {
                         *  "type": "others",
                         *  "name": "other friends",
                         *  "count": 22,
                         *  "items": [ ]
                         * }
                         * ]
                         * },

                    var requests = user["requests"];
                    if (requests != null)
                        string fr = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(requests, "count");
                        int    i;
                        // TODO: V2: VALIDATE THIS JUST TO BE SURE.
                        if (int.TryParse(fr, out i))
                            // TODO: UI: Add pending friend requests to profile.xaml
                            u.PendingFriendRequests = i;

                    //var stats = user["stats"];
                    //if (stats != null)
                    //    // this was deprecated in v2 I believe

                    var badges = user["badges"];
                    u.BadgeCountText = "No badges";
                    if (badges != null)
                        string count = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(badges, "count");
                        if (count != null)
                            int badgeCount = int.Parse(count, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            if (badgeCount == 1)
                                u.HasBadges      = true;
                                u.BadgeCountText = "1 badge";
                                u.HasBadges      = true;
                                u.BadgeCountText = badgeCount + " badges";

                    var mayorships = user["mayorships"];
                    u.MayorshipCountText = "No mayorships";
                    if (mayorships != null)
                        string mayorcount = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(mayorships, "count");
                        var    ml         = new List <CompactVenue>();
                        var    items      = mayorships["items"];
                        if (items != null)
                            foreach (var mayorship in items)
                                CompactVenue bv = CompactVenue.ParseJson(mayorship);

                        if (mayorcount != null)
                            int i = int.Parse(mayorcount, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            if (i == 0)
                                // u.MayorshipCountText = "No mayorships";
                            else if (i == 1)
                                u.MayorshipCountText = "1 mayorship";
                                u.MayorshipCountText = i + " mayorships";

                    u.IgnoreRaisingPropertyChanges = false;
                    u.IsLoadComplete = true;

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new UserIntendedException(
                              "The person's information could not be downloaded at this time, please try again later.", e);
コード例 #5
            protected override object DeserializeCore(JObject json, Type objectType, LoadContext context)
                    var nv = new Checkins(context);
                    nv.IgnoreRaisingPropertyChanges = true;
                    var checkins = (JArray)json["recent"];

                    var groups = new List <CheckinsGroup>();

                    var otherCities = new CheckinsGroup {
                        Name = "Friends in other cities"
                    var older = new CheckinsGroup {
                        Name = "Older"
                    var yesterday = new CheckinsGroup {
                        Name = "Yesterday"
                    var today = new CheckinsGroup {
                        Name = "Today"
                    var last3 = new CheckinsGroup {
                        Name = "Last 3 Hours"
                    var gps = new CheckinsGroup[]

                    var      now        = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    var      nowAsLocal = now.ToLocalTime();
                    DateTime d3         = now - TimeSpan.FromHours(3);
                    DateTime dt         = new DateTime(nowAsLocal.Year, nowAsLocal.Month, nowAsLocal.Day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
                    DateTime ydraw      = nowAsLocal - TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
                    DateTime dy         = new DateTime(ydraw.Year, ydraw.Month, ydraw.Day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
                    DateTime dTooMany   = nowAsLocal - MaxCheckinAge;

                    foreach (JToken checkin in checkins)
                        Checkin c = Checkin.ParseJson(checkin);
                        var     k = c.CreatedDateTime;

                        var kLocal = k.ToLocalTime();

                        string temp = c.Created;

                        var ku = k.ToUniversalTime();
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ku == k);

                        CheckinsGroup g = older;
                        if (c.IsInAnotherCity)
                            g = otherCities;
                        else if (k >= d3.ToUniversalTime())
                            g = last3;
                        else if (kLocal >= dt)
                            g = today;
                        else if (kLocal >= dy)
                            g = yesterday;

                        // If they have not checked in in a while.
                        if (kLocal < dTooMany)


                    foreach (var gp in gps)
                        if (gp.Count > 0)

                    nv.Groups = groups;

                    nv.IgnoreRaisingPropertyChanges = false;
                    nv.IsLoadComplete = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new UserIntendedException(
                              "There was a problem trying to read information about recent checkins.", e);
コード例 #6
            protected override object DeserializeCore(JObject json, Type objectType, LoadContext context)
                var v = new Venue(context);

                    var venue = json["venue"];

                    CompactVenue bv = CompactVenue.ParseJson(venue);
                    v.VenueId = bv.VenueId;
                    Debug.Assert(v.VenueId != null);

                    // TODO: Consider architecture.
                    v.Location    = bv.Location;
                    v.Address     = bv.Address;
                    v.City        = bv.City;
                    v.CrossStreet = bv.CrossStreet;
                    v.State       = bv.State;
                    v.Zip         = bv.Zip;
                    v.Name        = bv.Name;

                    var menuEntry = venue["menu"];
                    if (menuEntry != null)
                        string mobileMenu = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(menuEntry, "mobileUrl");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobileMenu))
                            v.HasMenu = true;

                    string desc = Checkin.SanitizeString(Json.TryGetJsonProperty(venue, "description"));
                    if (desc != null)
                        v.Description = desc;

                    // TODO: V2: timeZone // timeZone: "America/New_York"

                    string swu = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(venue, "shortUrl");
                    if (swu != null)
                        v.ShortWebUri = new Uri(swu);

                    string verif = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(venue, "verified");
                    if (verif != null && verif.ToLowerInvariant() == "true")
                        v.IsVerified = true;

                    // older code.
                    string phone = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(venue, "phone");
                    if (phone != null)
                        v.Phone = phone; // User.FormatSimpleUnitedStatesPhoneNumberMaybe(phone);

                    // newer code for contact stuff.
                    var contact = venue["contact"];
                    if (contact != null)
                        v.Twitter = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(contact, "twitter");

                        string newerPhone = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(contact, "phone");
                        if (newerPhone != null)
                            v.Phone = newerPhone;

                        string bestPhone = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(contact, "formattedPhone");
                        if (bestPhone != null)
                            v.FormattedPhone = bestPhone;

                        // fallback.
                        if (v.FormattedPhone == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.Phone))
                            v.FormattedPhone = User.FormatSimpleUnitedStatesPhoneNumberMaybe(v.Phone);

                    string homepage = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(venue, "url");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(homepage))
                        v.Homepage = new Uri(homepage, UriKind.Absolute);

                    var todos = venue["todos"];
                    if (todos != null)
                        var items = todos["items"];
                        if (items != null)
                            var todosList = new List <Todo>();
                            foreach (var todo in items)
                                var td = Todo.ParseJson(todo);
                                if (td != null)
                            v.Todos = todosList;

                    var events = venue["events"];
                    if (events != null)
                        string pct = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(events, "count");
                        int    pcti;
                        if (int.TryParse(pct, out pcti))
                            v.EventsCount = pcti;

                            if (pcti > 0)
                                v.EventsSummary = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(events, "summary");

                            if (v.HasEvents)
                                // ? will this work ?
                                v.Events = DataManager.Current.Load <VenueEvents>(
                                    new LoadContext(

                    var photos = venue["photos"];
                    if (photos != null)
                        string pct = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(photos, "count");
                        int    pcti;
                        if (int.TryParse(pct, out pcti))
                            if (pcti == 1)
                                v.PhotosCount = "1 photo";
                            else if (pcti > 1)
                                v.PhotosCount = pcti.ToString() + " photos";

                            // get the grounds
                            if (pcti > 0)
                                var groups = photos["groups"];
                                if (groups != null)
                                    var pg = new List <PhotoGroup>();
                                    foreach (var item in groups)
                                        string name  = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(item, "name");
                                        var    items = item["items"];
                                        var    group = new PhotoGroup();
                                        group.Name = name;
                                        foreach (var it in items)
                                            Photo p = Photo.ParseJson(it);
                                            if (p != null)
                                        if (group.Count > 0)
                                    if (pg.Count > 0)
                                        v.PhotoGroups = pg;
                    // Allowing the GIC to show the empty template.
                    if (v.PhotoGroups == null)
                        v.PhotoGroups = new List <PhotoGroup>();

                    string htodo = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(venue, "hasTodo"); // checkin mode only
                    if (htodo != null && htodo.ToLowerInvariant() == "true")
                        v.HasToDo = true;

                    v.HereNow = "Nobody";
                    bool hereNow = false;
                    var  herenow = venue["hereNow"];
                    if (herenow != null)
                        bool isSelfHere = false;

                        string summary = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(herenow, "summary");
                        if (summary != null)
                            v.HereNow = summary;

                        var    groups = herenow["groups"];
                        string hn     = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(herenow, "count");
                        if (/*!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hn) &&*/ groups != null) // I still want to compute this anyway.
                            int totalCount     = int.Parse(hn, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            int remainingCount = totalCount;

                            var hereNowGroups = new List <CheckinsGroup>();
                            foreach (var group in groups)
                                string type  = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(group, "type");  // friends, others
                                string name  = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(group, "name");  // "friends here", "other people here"
                                string count = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(group, "count"); // the count, an int
                                var    items = group["items"];

                                if (items != null)
                                    var cg = new CheckinsGroup {
                                        Name = name

                                    foreach (var item in items)
                                        Checkin cc = Checkin.ParseJson(item);
                                        if (cc.User != null && cc.User.Relationship == FriendStatus.Self)
                                            // Self!
                                            var selfGroup = new CheckinsGroup {
                                                Name = "you're here!"
                                            isSelfHere = true;

                                    if (cg.Count > 0)

                            // Special last item with the remainder count.
                            if (remainingCount > 0 && hereNowGroups.Count > 0)
                                var lastGroup = hereNowGroups[hereNowGroups.Count - 1];
                                var hnr       = new Checkin
                                    HereNowRemainderText =
                                        remainingCount == 1
                                            ? "... plus 1 person"
                                            : "... plus " + remainingCount.ToString() + " people",

                            v.HereNowGroups = hereNowGroups;

                            // subtract one for self
                            if (isSelfHere)
                            string prefix = (isSelfHere ? "You and " : string.Empty);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(summary))
                                if (totalCount > 1)
                                    v.HereNow = prefix + Json.GetPrettyInt(totalCount) + " " + (isSelfHere ? "other " : "") + "people";
                                else if (totalCount == 1)
                                    v.HereNow = prefix + "1 " + (isSelfHere ? "other " : "") + "person";
                                else if (totalCount == 0 && isSelfHere)
                                    v.HereNow = "You are here";

                            if (totalCount > 0)
                                hereNow = true;

                    v.HasHereNow = hereNow;

                    var stats = venue["stats"];
                    if (stats != null)
                        string checkins = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(stats, "checkinsCount");
                        if (checkins != null)
                            int i;
                            if (int.TryParse(checkins, out i))
                                v.Checkins = i;

                        checkins = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(stats, "usersCount");
                        if (checkins != null)
                            int i;
                            if (int.TryParse(checkins, out i))
                                v.TotalPeople = i;

                    var mayor = venue["mayor"];
                    if (mayor != null)
                        string mayorCheckinCount = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(mayor, "count");

                        var user = mayor["user"];
                        if (user != null)
                            v.Mayor = CompactUser.ParseJson(user);

                        // Note there is a mayor.count property, it is the num
                        // of checkins in the last 60 days.

                    var beenHere = venue["beenHere"];
                    if (beenHere != null)
                        string c = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(beenHere, "count");
                        if (c != null)
                            int i;
                            if (int.TryParse(c, out i))
                                v.BeenHere = i;

                    var tips = venue["tips"];
                    if (tips != null)
                        string tipsCountStr = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(tips, "count");
                        if (tipsCountStr != null)
                            int tc;
                            if (int.TryParse(tipsCountStr, out tc))
                                if (tc <= 0)
                                    tipsCountStr = "No tips";
                                else if (tc == 1)
                                    tipsCountStr = "1 tip";
                                    tipsCountStr = tc.ToString() + " tips";
                            tipsCountStr = "No tips";
                        v.TipsCountText = tipsCountStr;

                        var ml        = new List <TipGroup>();
                        var tipGroups = tips["groups"];
                        if (tipGroups != null)
                            foreach (var tipGroup in tipGroups)
                                //string groupType = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(tipGroup, "type"); // others, ???v2
                                string groupName = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(tipGroup, "name"); // tips from others
                                //string countStr = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(tipGroup, "count");

                                var tipSet = tipGroup["items"];
                                if (tipSet != null)
                                    TipGroup tg = new TipGroup {
                                        Name = groupName
                                    foreach (var tip in tipSet)
                                        Tip t = Tip.ParseJson(tip, typeof(Model.Venue), (string)context.Identity);
                                        if (t != null)
                                    if (tg.Count > 0)
                        v.TipGroups = ml;

                    var specials     = venue["specials"];
                    var specialsList = new SpecialGroup {
                        Name = "specials here"
                    if (specials != null)
                            var items = specials["items"];
                            if (items != null)
                                foreach (var s in items)
                                    CompactSpecial cs = CompactSpecial.ParseJson(s, v.VenueId);
                                    if (cs != null)

                                        if (cs.IsUnlocked)
                                            v.SpecialUnlocked = true;
                                if (specialsList.Count == 1)
                                    specialsList.Name = "special here";
                        catch (Exception)
                            // 3.4 moves to a new Foursquare API version and so
                            // we don't want old cached data to throw here.
                    v.Specials = specialsList;

                    var nearby             = venue["specialsNearby"];
                    var nearbySpecialsList = new SpecialGroup {
                        Name = "specials nearby"
                    if (nearby != null)
                        foreach (var s in nearby)
                            CompactSpecial cs = CompactSpecial.ParseJson(s, null);
                            if (cs != null)
                        if (nearbySpecialsList.Count == 1)
                            nearbySpecialsList.Name = "special nearby";
                    v.NearbySpecials = nearbySpecialsList;

                    var cmb = new List <SpecialGroup>(2);
                    if (specialsList.Count > 0)
                    if (nearbySpecialsList.Count > 0)
                    v.CombinedSpecials = cmb;

                    var categories = venue["categories"];
                    if (categories != null)
                        foreach (var cat in categories)
                            var cc = Category.ParseJson(cat);
                            if (cc != null && cc.IsPrimary)
                                v.PrimaryCategory = cc;
                            // Just the first actually!

                    // stats
                    // .herenow
                    // .checkins
                    // beenhere: me:true;

                    // specials

                    var tags = venue["tags"];
                    if (tags != null)
                        List <string> tl = new List <string>();
                        foreach (string tag in tags)

                        if (tl.Count > 0)
                            v.Tags = tl;

                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                            for (int i = 0; i < tl.Count; i++)
                                if (i > 0)
                                    sb.Append(", ");


                            v.TagsString = sb.ToString();
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new UserIntendedException(
                              "There was a problem trying to read the venue information.", e);

                v.IsLoadComplete = true;

コード例 #7
        public static Badge ParseJson(JToken badge)
            Badge b = new Badge();

            b.Id      = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(badge, "id");
            b.BadgeId = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(badge, "badgeId");

            b.Name        = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(badge, "name");
            b.Hint        = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(badge, "hint");
            b.Description = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(badge, "description");

            var image = badge["image"];

            if (image != null)
                    // TODO: Move to using MultiResolutionImage!
                    b.MultiResolutionIcon = MultiResolutionImage.ParseJson(image);

                    string prefix    = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(image, "prefix");
                    string imageName = Json.TryGetJsonProperty(image, "name");
                    var    sizes     = image["sizes"];
                    if (sizes != null)
                        List <int> szz = sizes.Select(size => int.Parse(size.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToList();
                        b.Sizes = szz;
                        if (szz.Count > 0)
                            b.IconUri      = new Uri(prefix + szz[0] + imageName, UriKind.Absolute);
                            b.IconLargeUri = new Uri(prefix + szz[szz.Count - 1] + imageName, UriKind.Absolute);

                            if (szz.Count > 2)
                                b.IconMediumUri = new Uri(prefix + szz[1] + imageName, UriKind.Absolute);
                                // No medium-sized icon available.
                                b.IconMediumUri = b.IconUri;
                        b.ImagePrefix  = prefix;
                        b.ImagePostfix = imageName;
                catch (Exception)

            var unlocks = badge["unlocks"];

            if (unlocks != null)
                List <Checkin> lc = new List <Checkin>();
                foreach (var unlock in unlocks)
                        Checkin c = Checkin.ParseJson(unlock);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // note: silent watchson?
                b.Unlocks = lc;
