public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { RegisterCallback1(Add1); RegisterCallback2(Add2); nativeInit(IntPtr.Zero); }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { /* * By default, OpenGL enables features that improve quality * but reduce performance. One might want to tweak that * especially on software renderer. */ gl.GlDisable(GL10.GlDither); /* * Some one-time OpenGL initialization can be made here * probably based on features of this particular context */ gl.GlHint(GL10.GlPerspectiveCorrectionHint, GL10.GlFastest); if (mTranslucentBackground) { gl.GlClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); } else { gl.GlClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } gl.GlEnable(GL10.GlCullFaceCapability); gl.GlShadeModel(GL10.GlSmooth); gl.GlEnable(GL10.GlDepthTest); }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { GLES20.GlClearColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f); // Create the texture and pass it to ARCore session to be filled during update(). mBackgroundRenderer.CreateOnGlThread(/*context=*/ this); mSession.SetCameraTextureName(mBackgroundRenderer.TextureId); // Prepare the other rendering objects. try { mVirtualObject.CreateOnGlThread(/*context=*/ this, "andy.obj", "andy.png"); mVirtualObject.SetMaterialProperties(0.0f, 3.5f, 1.0f, 6.0f); mVirtualObjectShadow.CreateOnGlThread(/*context=*/ this, "andy_shadow.obj", "andy_shadow.png"); mVirtualObjectShadow.BlendMode = BlendMode.Shadow; mVirtualObjectShadow.SetMaterialProperties(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } catch (Java.IO.IOException e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Failed to read obj file"); } try { mPlaneRenderer.CreateOnGlThread(/*context=*/ this, "trigrid.png"); } catch (Java.IO.IOException e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Failed to read plane texture"); } mPointCloud.CreateOnGlThread(/*context=*/ this); }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { if (mShuttingDown) { return; } mRenderer.OnSurfaceCreated(config); }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { lock (this) { if (_baseMapView != null) { _baseMapView.OnSurfaceCreated(); } } }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { lock (this) { BaseMapView baseMapView = null; _baseMapView.TryGetTarget(out baseMapView); if (baseMapView != null) { baseMapView.OnSurfaceCreated(); } } }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { gl.GlClearColor(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); gl.GlShadeModel(GL10.GlSmooth); gl.GlHint(GL10.GlPerspectiveCorrectionHint, GL10.GlNicest); gl.GlHint(GL10.GlLineSmoothHint, GL10.GlNicest); gl.GlHint(GL10.GlPolygonSmoothHint, GL10.GlNicest); gl.GlEnable(GL10.GlLineSmooth); gl.GlDisable(GL10.GlDepthTest); gl.GlDisable(GL10.GlCullFaceCapability); mObserver.OnSurfaceCreated(); }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { // Set background color and enable depth testing GLES20.GlClearColor(1f, 1f, 1f, 1.0f); GLES20.GlEnable(GLES20.GlDepthTest); resetModelMatCalculator(); mCameraFrustum = new CameraFrustum(); mFloorGrid = new Grid(); mCameraFrustumAndAxis = new CameraFrustumAndAxis(); mTrajectory = new Trajectory(3); // Construct the initial view matrix Matrix.SetIdentityM(mViewMatrix, 0); Matrix.SetLookAtM(mViewMatrix, 0, 5f, 5f, 5f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1f, 0f); mCameraFrustumAndAxis.ModelMatrix = ModelMatCalculator.ModelMatrix; }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { if (RenderManager.externalPaused) { RenderManager.initShaders(); } else { RenderManager.createObjects(); } GLES20.GlClearColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.9f, 0.0f); GLES20.GlEnable(GLES20.GlDepthTest); GLES20.GlEnable(GLES20.GlCullFaceMode); GLES20.GlCullFace(GLES20.GlBack); }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { // Create the triangle SetupTriangle(); // Create the image information SetupImage(); // Set the clear color to yellow GLES20.GlClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 0f, 1); GLES20.GlEnable(GLES20.GlBlend); GLES20.GlBlendFunc(GLES20.GlOne, GLES20.GlOneMinusSrcAlpha); #region Solid colors mode /* * // Create the shaders, solid color * int vertexShader = ShaderHelper.LoadShader(GLES20.GlVertexShader, ShaderHelper.VsSolidColor); * int fragmentShader = ShaderHelper.LoadShader(GLES20.GlFragmentShader, ShaderHelper.FsSolidColor); * * ShaderHelper.SpSolidColor = GLES20.GlCreateProgram(); // create empty OpenGL ES Program * GLES20.GlAttachShader(ShaderHelper.SpSolidColor, vertexShader); // add the vertex shader to program * GLES20.GlAttachShader(ShaderHelper.SpSolidColor, fragmentShader); // add the fragment shader to program * GLES20.GlLinkProgram(ShaderHelper.SpSolidColor); // creates OpenGL ES program executables * * // Set our shader programm * GLES20.GlUseProgram(ShaderHelper.SpSolidColor); */ #endregion #region Texture mode // Create the shaders, images int vertexShader = ShaderHelper.LoadShader(GLES20.GlVertexShader, ShaderHelper.VsImage); int fragmentShader = ShaderHelper.LoadShader(GLES20.GlFragmentShader, ShaderHelper.FsImage); ShaderHelper.SpImage = GLES20.GlCreateProgram(); GLES20.GlAttachShader(ShaderHelper.SpImage, vertexShader); GLES20.GlAttachShader(ShaderHelper.SpImage, fragmentShader); GLES20.GlLinkProgram(ShaderHelper.SpImage); // Set our shader programm GLES20.GlUseProgram(ShaderHelper.SpImage); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// This method will clear the surface view from its last rendered pixels. /// This is used to avoid seeing the previous video rendering when setting /// a video source to null. /// </summary> internal void Clear() { #pragma warning disable 618 // The solution is as described here: // if (Holder?.Surface == null) { return; } var egl = Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast <IEGL10>(); var display = egl.EglGetDisplay(EGL10.EglDefaultDisplay); egl.EglInitialize(display, null); int[] attribList = { EGL10.EglRedSize, 8, EGL10.EglGreenSize, 8, EGL10.EglBlueSize, 8, EGL10.EglAlphaSize, 8, EGL10.EglRenderableType, EGL10.EglWindowBit, EGL10.EglNone, 0, // placeholder for recordable [@-3] EGL10.EglNone }; var configs = new Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig[1]; var numConfigs = new int[1]; egl.EglChooseConfig(display, attribList, configs, configs.Length, numConfigs); var config = configs[0]; var context = egl.EglCreateContext(display, config, EGL10.EglNoContext, new int[] { 12440, 2, EGL10.EglNone }); var eglSurface = egl.EglCreateWindowSurface(display, config, Holder.Surface, new int[] { EGL10.EglNone }); egl.EglMakeCurrent(display, eglSurface, eglSurface, context); GLES20.GlClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); GLES20.GlClear(GLES20.GlColorBufferBit); egl.EglSwapBuffers(display, eglSurface); egl.EglDestroySurface(display, eglSurface); egl.EglMakeCurrent(display, EGL10.EglNoSurface, EGL10.EglNoSurface, EGL10.EglNoContext); egl.EglDestroyContext(display, context); egl.EglTerminate(display); #pragma warning restore 618 }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { GLES20.GlClearColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f); // Create the texture and pass it to ARCore session to be filled during update(). mBackgroundRenderer.CreateOnGlThread(/*context=*/ this); if (mSession != null) { mSession.SetCameraTextureName(mBackgroundRenderer.TextureId); } // Prepare the other rendering objects. try { mVirtualObject.CreateOnGlThread(/*context=*/ this, "andy.obj", "andy2.png"); mVirtualObject.setMaterialProperties(0.0f, 3.5f, 1.0f, 6.0f); mVirtualObjectShadow.CreateOnGlThread(/*context=*/ this, "andy_shadow.obj", "vsplogo.png"); mVirtualObjectShadow.SetBlendMode(ObjectRenderer.BlendMode.Shadow); mVirtualObjectShadow.setMaterialProperties(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); showLoadingObjMessage("1. loaded obj file"); } catch (Java.IO.IOException e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Failed to read obj file"); showLoadingObjMessage("2. Failed to read obj file"); } try { mPlaneRenderer.CreateOnGlThread(/*context=*/ this, "dot4.png"); showLoadingObjMessage("3. load floor image file"); } catch (Java.IO.IOException e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Failed to read plane texture"); } mPointCloud.CreateOnGlThread(/*context=*/ this); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="eglDisplay"> </param> /// <param name="glConfig"> </param> /// <param name="shareList"> </param> /// <returns> </returns> public EGLCONTEXT CreateNewContext( EGLDisplay eglDisplay, EGLConfig glConfig, EGLCONTEXT shareList ) { var contexAttrs = new int[] { 1, 2, EGL10Consts.EglNone }; EGLCONTEXT context = null; if ( eglDisplay == null ) { context = EGLCONTEXT.EGL11.EglCreateContext( this._glDisplay, glConfig, shareList, contexAttrs ); } else { context = EGLCONTEXT.EGL11.EglCreateContext( this._glDisplay, glConfig, null, contexAttrs ); } if ( context == null ) { throw new AxiomException( "Fail to create New context" ); } return context; }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="attribList"> </param> /// <param name="elements"> </param> /// <returns> </returns> public EGLConfig[] ChooseGLConfig( int[] attribList, int[] elements ) { EGLConfig[] configs; if ( Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLContext.EGL11.EglChooseConfig( this._glDisplay, attribList, null, 0, elements ) == false ) { throw new AxiomException( "Failed to choose config" ); } configs = new EGLConfig[ Marshal.SizeOf( typeof ( EGLConfig ) ) * elements.Length ]; if ( Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLContext.EGL11.EglChooseConfig( this._glDisplay, attribList, configs, configs.Length, elements ) == false ) { throw new AxiomException( "Failed to choose config" ); } return configs; }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="glConfig"> </param> /// <param name="attribute"> </param> /// <param name="value"> </param> /// <returns> </returns> public bool GetGLConfigAttrib( EGLConfig glConfig, int attribute, int[] value ) { bool status = false; status = Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLContext.EGL11.EglGetConfigAttrib( this._glDisplay, glConfig, attribute, value ); return status; }
public EGLSurface CreatePBufferSurface (EGLConfig config, int[] attribList) { IEGL10 egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast<IEGL10> (); EGLSurface result = egl.EglCreatePbufferSurface (eglDisplay, config, attribList); if (result == null || result == EGL10.EglNoSurface) throw EglException.GenerateException ("EglCreatePBufferSurface", egl, null); return result; }
public void CreatePBufferSurface (EGLConfig config) { eglSurface = CreatePBufferSurface (config, null); }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { nativeInit(IntPtr.Zero); }
public void CreateSurface (EGLConfig config) { if (refHolder == null) { CreatePBufferSurface (config); return; } IEGL10 egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast<IEGL10> (); eglSurface = egl.EglCreateWindowSurface (eglDisplay, config, ((Java.Lang.Object)Holder), null); if (eglSurface == null || eglSurface == EGL10.EglNoSurface) throw EglException.GenerateException ("EglCreateWindowSurface", egl, null); }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { }
/** * Creates the buffers we use to store information about the 3D world. * * OpenGL doesn't use Java arrays, but rather needs data in a format it can understand. * Hence we use ByteBuffers. */ public void OnSurfaceCreated(Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig config) { Android.Util.Log.Info(TAG, "onSurfaceCreated"); GLES20.GlClearColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.5f); // Dark background so text shows up well. var bbVertices = ByteBuffer.AllocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.CUBE_COORDS.Length * 4); bbVertices.Order(ByteOrder.NativeOrder()); cubeVertices = bbVertices.AsFloatBuffer(); cubeVertices.Put(WorldLayoutData.CUBE_COORDS); cubeVertices.Position(0); var bbColors = ByteBuffer.AllocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.CUBE_COLORS.Length * 4); bbColors.Order(ByteOrder.NativeOrder()); cubeColors = bbColors.AsFloatBuffer(); cubeColors.Put(WorldLayoutData.CUBE_COLORS); cubeColors.Position(0); var bbFoundColors = ByteBuffer.AllocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.CUBE_FOUND_COLORS.Length * 4); bbFoundColors.Order(ByteOrder.NativeOrder()); cubeFoundColors = bbFoundColors.AsFloatBuffer(); cubeFoundColors.Put(WorldLayoutData.CUBE_FOUND_COLORS); cubeFoundColors.Position(0); var bbNormals = ByteBuffer.AllocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.CUBE_NORMALS.Length * 4); bbNormals.Order(ByteOrder.NativeOrder()); cubeNormals = bbNormals.AsFloatBuffer(); cubeNormals.Put(WorldLayoutData.CUBE_NORMALS); cubeNormals.Position(0); // make a floor var bbFloorVertices = ByteBuffer.AllocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_COORDS.Length * 4); bbFloorVertices.Order(ByteOrder.NativeOrder()); floorVertices = bbFloorVertices.AsFloatBuffer(); floorVertices.Put(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_COORDS); floorVertices.Position(0); var bbFloorNormals = ByteBuffer.AllocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_NORMALS.Length * 4); bbFloorNormals.Order(ByteOrder.NativeOrder()); floorNormals = bbFloorNormals.AsFloatBuffer(); floorNormals.Put(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_NORMALS); floorNormals.Position(0); var bbFloorColors = ByteBuffer.AllocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_COLORS.Length * 4); bbFloorColors.Order(ByteOrder.NativeOrder()); floorColors = bbFloorColors.AsFloatBuffer(); floorColors.Put(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_COLORS); floorColors.Position(0); int vertexShader = loadGLShader(GLES20.GlVertexShader, Resource.Raw.light_vertex); int gridShader = loadGLShader(GLES20.GlFragmentShader, Resource.Raw.grid_fragment); int passthroughShader = loadGLShader(GLES20.GlFragmentShader, Resource.Raw.passthrough_fragment); cubeProgram = GLES20.GlCreateProgram(); GLES20.GlAttachShader(cubeProgram, vertexShader); GLES20.GlAttachShader(cubeProgram, passthroughShader); GLES20.GlLinkProgram(cubeProgram); GLES20.GlUseProgram(cubeProgram); CheckGLError("Cube program"); cubePositionParam = GLES20.GlGetAttribLocation(cubeProgram, "a_Position"); cubeNormalParam = GLES20.GlGetAttribLocation(cubeProgram, "a_Normal"); cubeColorParam = GLES20.GlGetAttribLocation(cubeProgram, "a_Color"); cubeModelParam = GLES20.GlGetUniformLocation(cubeProgram, "u_Model"); cubeModelViewParam = GLES20.GlGetUniformLocation(cubeProgram, "u_MVMatrix"); cubeModelViewProjectionParam = GLES20.GlGetUniformLocation(cubeProgram, "u_MVP"); cubeLightPosParam = GLES20.GlGetUniformLocation(cubeProgram, "u_LightPos"); CheckGLError("Cube program params"); floorProgram = GLES20.GlCreateProgram(); GLES20.GlAttachShader(floorProgram, vertexShader); GLES20.GlAttachShader(floorProgram, gridShader); GLES20.GlLinkProgram(floorProgram); GLES20.GlUseProgram(floorProgram); CheckGLError("Floor program"); floorModelParam = GLES20.GlGetUniformLocation(floorProgram, "u_Model"); floorModelViewParam = GLES20.GlGetUniformLocation(floorProgram, "u_MVMatrix"); floorModelViewProjectionParam = GLES20.GlGetUniformLocation(floorProgram, "u_MVP"); floorLightPosParam = GLES20.GlGetUniformLocation(floorProgram, "u_LightPos"); floorPositionParam = GLES20.GlGetAttribLocation(floorProgram, "a_Position"); floorNormalParam = GLES20.GlGetAttribLocation(floorProgram, "a_Normal"); floorColorParam = GLES20.GlGetAttribLocation(floorProgram, "a_Color"); CheckGLError("Floor program params"); Matrix.SetIdentityM(modelFloor, 0); Matrix.TranslateM(modelFloor, 0, 0, -floorDepth, 0); // Floor appears below user. // Avoid any delays during start-up due to decoding of sound files. System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => { // Start spatial audio playback of SOUND_FILE at the model postion. The returned //soundId handle is stored and allows for repositioning the sound object whenever // the cube position changes. gvrAudioEngine.PreloadSoundFile(SOUND_FILE); soundId = gvrAudioEngine.CreateSoundObject(SOUND_FILE); gvrAudioEngine.SetSoundObjectPosition( soundId, modelPosition [0], modelPosition [1], modelPosition [2]); gvrAudioEngine.PlaySound(soundId, true /* looped playback */); }); UpdateModelPosition(); CheckGLError("onSurfaceCreated"); }
private EGLConfig ChooseConfigEGL(EGLConfig[] configs) { if(configs.Length == 0) throw new NotSupportedException("The graphic device configuration demanded is not supported."); var readableConfigs = new UserReadableEglConfig[configs.Length]; // convert the configs into user readable configs for (int i = 0; i < configs.Length; i++) readableConfigs[i] = EglConfigToUserReadableEglConfig(configs[i]); return configs[0]; }
// This method is called everytime the context needs // to be recreated. Use it to set any egl-specific settings // prior to context creation protected override void CreateFrameBuffer () { IEGL10 egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast<IEGL10> (); var win = new AndroidWindow (Holder); win.InitializeDisplay (); int[] num_configs = new int[1]; if (!egl.EglGetConfigs (win.Display, null, 0, num_configs)) { throw EglException.GenerateException ("Failed to retrieve GraphicsMode configurations", egl); } EGLConfig[] configs = new EGLConfig[num_configs[0]]; if (!egl.EglGetConfigs (win.Display, configs, num_configs[0], num_configs)) { throw EglException.GenerateException ("Failed to retrieve GraphicsMode configurations", egl); } Log.Verbose ("GLDiag", "Testing {0} graphics configurations", num_configs[0]); Dictionary<IntPtr, AndroidGraphicsMode> validModes = new Dictionary<IntPtr, AndroidGraphicsMode> (); int count = 0; foreach (var c in configs) { var r = GetAttrib (egl, win.Display, c, EGL11.EglRedSize); var g = GetAttrib (egl, win.Display, c, EGL11.EglGreenSize); var b = GetAttrib (egl, win.Display, c, EGL11.EglBlueSize); var a = GetAttrib (egl, win.Display, c, EGL11.EglAlphaSize); var depth = GetAttrib (egl, win.Display, c, EGL11.EglDepthSize); var stencil = GetAttrib (egl, win.Display, c, EGL11.EglStencilSize); var s = GetAttrib (egl, win.Display, c, EGL11.EglSampleBuffers); var samples = GetAttrib (egl, win.Display, c, EGL11.EglSamples); Log.Verbose ("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Testing graphics mode: {8} red {0} green {1} blue {2} alpha {3} ({4}) depth {5} stencil {6} samples {7}", r, g, b, a, r+g+b+a, depth, stencil, samples, count++); try { win.CreateSurface (c); win.DestroySurface (); validModes.Add (c.Handle, new AndroidGraphicsMode (r+g+b+a, depth, stencil, s > 0 ? samples : 0, 2, true)); Log.Verbose ("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Graphics mode {0} valid", count-1); } catch { Log.Verbose ("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Graphics mode {0} invalid", count-1); } } win.TerminateDisplay (); if (validModes.Count == 0) throw new EglException ("There is no valid graphics mode, aborting"); IntPtr key = IntPtr.Zero; foreach (var k in validModes) { if (key == IntPtr.Zero) key = k.Key; var a = k.Value; Log.Verbose ("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Valid graphics mode: {9} red {0} green {1} blue {2} alpha {3} ({4}) depth {5} stencil {6} samples {7} buffers {8}", a.ColorFormat.Red, a.ColorFormat.Green, a.ColorFormat.Blue, a.ColorFormat.Alpha, a.ColorFormat.BitsPerPixel, a.Depth, a.Stencil, a.Samples, a.Buffers, (int)k.Key); } GraphicsMode = validModes[key]; // if you don't call this, the context won't be created base.CreateFrameBuffer (); }
int GetAttrib (IEGL10 egl, EGLDisplay display, EGLConfig config, int attrib) { int[] ret = new int [1]; try { egl.EglGetConfigAttrib (display, config, attrib, ret); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warn ("AndroidGraphicsMode", "EglGetConfigAttrib {0} threw exception {1}", attrib, e); } return ret[0]; }
void ChooseConfig (EGLDisplay display) { #if LOGGING Log.Verbose ("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Requested graphics mode on display {7} with red {0} green {1} blue {2} alpha {3} depth {4} stencil {5} buffers {6}", ColorFormat.Red, ColorFormat.Green, ColorFormat.Blue, ColorFormat.Alpha, Depth, Stencil, Buffers, display); #endif var egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast<IEGL10> (); try { if (display == null) display = egl.EglGetDisplay (EGL11.EglDefaultDisplay); } catch { throw EglException.GenerateException ("Failed to get default display", egl, null); } List<int> configSpec = new List<int> { }; if (ColorFormat.Red > 0) { configSpec.Add (EGL11.EglRedSize); configSpec.Add (ColorFormat.Red); } if (ColorFormat.Green > 0) { configSpec.Add (EGL11.EglGreenSize); configSpec.Add (ColorFormat.Green); } if (ColorFormat.Blue > 0) { configSpec.Add (EGL11.EglBlueSize); configSpec.Add (ColorFormat.Blue); } if (ColorFormat.Alpha > 0) { configSpec.Add (EGL11.EglAlphaSize); configSpec.Add (ColorFormat.Alpha); } if (Depth > 0) { configSpec.Add (EGL11.EglDepthSize); configSpec.Add (Depth); } if (Stencil > 0) { configSpec.Add (EGL11.EglStencilSize); configSpec.Add (Stencil); } // if (Samples > 0) { // Enable Multi Sampling if we can configSpec.Add (EGL11.EglSampleBuffers); configSpec.Add (1); configSpec.Add (EGL11.EglSamples); configSpec.Add (Samples); } if (Version > 1) { configSpec.Add (EGL11.EglRenderableType); configSpec.Add (4); } configSpec.Add (EGL11.EglNone); int[] num_configs = new int[1]; if (!egl.EglGetConfigs (display, null, 0, num_configs) || num_configs[0] < 1) { throw EglException.GenerateException ("Failed to retrieve GraphicsMode configurations", egl, null); } EGLConfig[] configs = new EGLConfig[1]; if (!egl.EglChooseConfig (display, configSpec.ToArray(), configs, configs.Length, num_configs)) { Log.Warn ("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Failed to choose GraphicsMode with red {0} green {1} blue {2} alpha {3} depth {4} stencil {5} buffers {6}: egl error {7}. Falling back go lowest configuration available.", ColorFormat.Red, ColorFormat.Green, ColorFormat.Blue, ColorFormat.Alpha, Depth, Stencil, Buffers, egl.EglGetError ()); configSpec = new List<int> { EGL11.EglRedSize, 4, EGL11.EglGreenSize, 4, EGL11.EglBlueSize, 4, EGL11.EglNone }; if (!egl.EglChooseConfig (display, configSpec.ToArray(), configs, configs.Length, num_configs)) { throw EglException.GenerateException ("Failed to find a valid GraphicsMode configuration", egl, null); } } EGLConfig active_config = configs[0]; #if LOGGING Log.Verbose ("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Checking selected config {0}", active_config); #endif if (active_config == null) throw EglException.GenerateException ("Failed to find a valid GraphicsMode configuration", egl, null); var r = GetAttrib (egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglRedSize); var g = GetAttrib (egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglGreenSize); var b = GetAttrib (egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglBlueSize); var a = GetAttrib (egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglAlphaSize); var depth = GetAttrib (egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglDepthSize); var stencil = GetAttrib (egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglStencilSize); var s = GetAttrib (egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglSampleBuffers); var samples = GetAttrib (egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglSamples); var bufs = GetAttrib (egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglRenderBuffer); var surfaceType = GetAttrib (egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglSurfaceType); #if LOGGING Log.Verbose ("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Requested graphics mode with red {0} green {1} blue {2} alpha {3} depth {4} stencil {5} buffers {6} samples {7}", ColorFormat.Red, ColorFormat.Green, ColorFormat.Blue, ColorFormat.Alpha, Depth, Stencil, Buffers, Samples); #endif this.Index = active_config.Handle; this.ColorFormat = new ColorFormat (r, g, b, a); this.Depth = depth; this.Stencil = stencil; this.Samples = s > 0 ? samples : 0; this.Config = active_config; this.Buffers = bufs; this.PBufferSupported = (surfaceType & EGL11.EglPbufferBit) == EGL11.EglPbufferBit; #if LOGGING Log.Verbose ("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Selected graphics mode with red {0} green {1} blue {2} alpha {3} depth {4} stencil {5} buffers {6}, samples {7}", ColorFormat.Red, ColorFormat.Green, ColorFormat.Blue, ColorFormat.Alpha, Depth, Stencil, Buffers, Samples); #endif }
private void CreateEGLContext() { ExEnLog.WriteLine("ExEnAndroidSurfaceView.CreateEGLContext Begin"); // Assumes lockObject is locked lostEglContext = false; egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast<IEGL10>(); eglDisplay = egl.EglGetDisplay(EGL10Consts.EglDefaultDisplay); if(eglDisplay == EGL10Consts.EglNoDisplay) throw new ExEnSurfaceException("Could not get EGL display"); int[] version = new int[2]; if(!egl.EglInitialize(eglDisplay, version)) throw new ExEnSurfaceException(AddEGLError("Could not initialize EGL display")); ExEnLog.WriteLine("EGL Version: " + version[0] + "." + version[1]); // TODO: allow GraphicsDeviceManager to specify a frame buffer configuration // TODO: test this configuration works on many devices: int[] configAttribs = new int[] { //EGL10Consts.EglRedSize, 5, //EGL10Consts.EglGreenSize, 6, //EGL10Consts.EglBlueSize, 5, //EGL10Consts.EglAlphaSize, 0, //EGL10Consts.EglDepthSize, 4, //EGL10Consts.EglStencilSize, 0, EGL10Consts.EglNone }; EGLConfig[] configs = new EGLConfig[1]; int[] numConfigs = new int[1]; if(!egl.EglChooseConfig(eglDisplay, configAttribs, configs, 1, numConfigs)) throw new ExEnSurfaceException(AddEGLError("Could not get EGL config")); if(numConfigs[0] == 0) throw new ExEnSurfaceException("No valid EGL configs found"); eglConfig = configs[0]; const int EglContextClientVersion = 0x3098; int[] contextAttribs = new int[] { EglContextClientVersion, 1, EGL10Consts.EglNone }; eglContext = egl.EglCreateContext(eglDisplay, eglConfig, EGL10Consts.EglNoContext, contextAttribs); if(eglContext == null || eglContext == EGL10Consts.EglNoContext) { eglContext = null; throw new ExEnSurfaceException(AddEGLError("Could not create EGL context")); } eglContextAvailable = true; ExEnLog.WriteLine("ExEnAndroidSurfaceView.CreateEGLContext End"); }
private UserReadableEglConfig EglConfigToUserReadableEglConfig(EGLConfig eglConfig) { var surfaceType = new int[1]; var renderableType = new int[1]; var redSize = new int[1]; var greenSize = new int[1]; var blueSize = new int[1]; var alphaSize = new int[1]; var depthSize = new int[1]; var stencilSize = new int[1]; var samples = new int[1]; if (!egl.EglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay, eglConfig, EGL10.EglSurfaceType, surfaceType)) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglGetConfigAttrib {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); if (!egl.EglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay, eglConfig, EGL10.EglRenderableType, renderableType)) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglGetConfigAttrib {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); if (!egl.EglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay, eglConfig, EGL10.EglRedSize, redSize)) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglGetConfigAttrib {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); if (!egl.EglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay, eglConfig, EGL10.EglGreenSize, greenSize)) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglGetConfigAttrib {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); if (!egl.EglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay, eglConfig, EGL10.EglBlueSize, blueSize)) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglGetConfigAttrib {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); if (!egl.EglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay, eglConfig, EGL10.EglAlphaSize, alphaSize)) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglGetConfigAttrib {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); if (!egl.EglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay, eglConfig, EGL10.EglDepthSize, depthSize)) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglGetConfigAttrib {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); if (!egl.EglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay, eglConfig, EGL10.EglStencilSize, stencilSize)) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglGetConfigAttrib {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); if (!egl.EglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay, eglConfig, EGL10.EglSamples, samples)) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglGetConfigAttrib {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); return new UserReadableEglConfig { SurfaceType = surfaceType[0], RenderableType = renderableType[0], RedSize = redSize[0], GreenSize = greenSize[0], BlueSize = blueSize[0], AlphaSize = alphaSize[0], DepthSize = depthSize[0], StencilSize = stencilSize[0], Samples = samples[0] }; }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(IGL10 gl, EGLConfig config) { nativeInit(IntPtr.Zero); }
internal AndroidAsyncGraphicsContext(AndroidGraphicsContext graphicsContext, AndroidWindow androidWindow, int versionMajor) { egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast<IEGL10>(); var pbufferAttribList = new[] { EGL10.EglWidth, 1, EGL10.EglHeight, 1, EGL10.EglNone }; EGLDisplay = androidWindow.Display; var androidGraphicsContext = graphicsContext; var config = androidGraphicsContext.EGLConfig; var attribList = new[] { EGL10.EglSurfaceType, EGL10.EglPbufferBit, EGL10.EglRenderableType, 4, // (opengl es 2.0) EGL10.EglRedSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.ColorFormat.Red, EGL10.EglGreenSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.ColorFormat.Green, EGL10.EglBlueSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.ColorFormat.Blue, EGL10.EglAlphaSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.ColorFormat.Alpha, EGL10.EglDepthSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.Depth, EGL10.EglStencilSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.Stencil, //Egl.SAMPLE_BUFFERS, samples > 0 ? 1 : 0, EGL10.EglSamples, 0, EGL10.EglNone, }; // first ask the number of config available var numConfig = new int[1]; if (!egl.EglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay, attribList, null, 0, numConfig)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglChooseConfig {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); } // retrieve the available configs var configs = new EGLConfig[numConfig[0]]; if (!egl.EglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay, attribList, configs, configs.Length, numConfig)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglChooseConfig {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); } // choose the best config EGLConfig = ChooseConfigEGL(configs); // create the surface EGLSurface = egl.EglCreatePbufferSurface(EGLDisplay, EGLConfig, pbufferAttribList); if (EGLSurface == EGL10.EglNoSurface) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglCreatePBufferSurface {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); } // 0x3098 is EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION var attribList3 = new[] { 0x3098, versionMajor, EGL10.EglNone }; EGLContext = egl.EglCreateContext(EGLDisplay, config, androidGraphicsContext.EGLContext, attribList3); if (EGLContext == EGL10.EglNoContext) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglCreateContext {0:x}", egl.EglGetError())); } }
public void OnSurfaceCreated(Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl.EGLConfig paramEGLConfig) { mStereoRenderer.OnSurfaceCreated(paramEGLConfig); }