コード例 #1
ファイル: Mid_3_4.cs プロジェクト: akira-Hong/MyTestProject
        public void Run()
            Array.Clear(mid3_4, 0, mid3_4.Length);
            for (Step = 0; Step < MaxStep; Step++)
                rnext = null;
                rnext = new R1pnList();

                R1pnList rsubset = new R1pnList();
                sw.WriteLine("NEW R1PN Start: step:" + Step + " 's  R1pn List ");
                // make subset of the R1PN_X step.
                int indexofbaseR1pn = 0;
                foreach (R1pn r1 in rlist.rList)
                    r1.printPercent(ref sw);
                    MakeSubsetofR1pn(ref rsubset, indexofbaseR1pn, r1);

                sw.WriteLine("rsubset's List  ");
                rsubset.printPercent(ref sw);

                // process each subset.
                foreach (R1pn r1 in rsubset.rList)

                sw.WriteLine("rnext's List  ");
                rnext.printPercent(ref sw);

                if (rnext.Count == 0)
                    sw.WriteLine("rnext's List is empty ");
                    sw.WriteLine("exit this stage and go to final processing ");
                    rnext   = null;
                    rsubset = null;

                // Remove Current R1pn_X List
                // Set Next R1pn_X1 List
                rlist.rList = null;
                rlist.rList = rnext.rList;

                //Common.printArray("MID3_4 :(" + Step.ToString() + ") ", mid2, ref sw);

                rnext   = null;
                rsubset = null;

            // count each pn how many times it comes in all of rlist
            temp = new int[m33.Cols];
            rlist.FinalProcessing_PNS(ref temp);
            // then, sort the count by pn
            // choose highest pn count as much as tspn number.
            int[] temp2 = new int[m33.Cols];
            Array.Copy(temp, temp2, temp.Length);
            Common.printArrayPercent("MID3-4 : %SP values (this means how many times does each %SP appear in the List)", temp, ref sw);
            //Common.printArrayPercent("Temp2 :(temp2) ", temp2, ref sw);

#if false
            int[] perTemp = new int[m33.Cols];
            Array.Clear(perTemp, 0, perTemp.Length);
            int val = 0, flag = 0, count = 0;
            for (int i = temp2.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (flag == 1 || temp2[i] == 0)
                if (temp2[i] != val)
                    val = temp2[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < temp.Length; j++)
                    if (temp[j] == val)
                        perTemp[j] = 1;
                    if (count == rd.tpsn + 2)
                        flag = 1; break;
            perTemp = new int[m33.Cols];
            Array.Clear(perTemp, 0, perTemp.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                if (temp[i] == temp2[temp2.Length - 1])
                    perTemp[i] = 1;
            maxSpcCount = temp2[temp2.Length - 1];
            sw.WriteLine("max %SP value : " + maxSpcCount.ToString());
            Common.printArrayPercent("MID3-4 :(Choose %SPs' that have max %SP value) ", perTemp, ref sw);

            // make mid3_4
            //Common.printArray("RawData %SP: ", rd.PerSP, ref sw);

            cplistcount = 0;
            Array.Clear(mid3_4, 0, mid3_4.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < perTemp.Length; i++)
                if (perTemp[i] > 0)
                    // get interval
                    double intmin, intmax;
                    intmax = (i + 1) * Common.GpspInterval;
                    intmin = intmax - Common.GpspInterval;
                    string pns = "";
                    pns  = "Interval(%SP): " + (intmin).ToString("###0.0") + "% ~ " + intmax.ToString("###0.0") + "%  , ";
                    pns += " PN's : ";
                    cpnlist[cplistcount] = new Cpnlist(rd.Cols);
                    // get PNs between intmax and intmin
                    for (int j = 0; j < rd.Cols; j++)
                        double persp = rd.PerSP[j];
                        if (persp > intmin && persp <= intmax)
                            //mid3_4[j] = 1;
                            pns += ((j + 1).ToString() + " ");

            // find max list in cpnlist[]
            int index = cpnlist.Length, cmax = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < cplistcount; i++)
                if (cpnlist[i] == null)
                if (cpnlist[i].count > cmax)
                    cmax = cpnlist[i].count; index = i;
            if (index < cpnlist.Length)
                for (int i = 0; i < cpnlist[index].count; i++)
                    mid3_4[cpnlist[index].pns[i]] = 1;
            Common.printArray("MID3_4 :(LAST) ", mid3_4, ref sw);
            //Common.printIndex("MID3_4 INDEX Print :(LAST) ", mid3_4, ref sw);

            // make rank
            // temp: %sp values that is already counted
            // temp2 :  sorted array of temp as an order of ascent
            Common.printArray("MID3_4 :(temp) ", temp, ref sw);
            Common.printArray("MID3_4 :(temp2) ", temp2, ref sw);

            rank3_4 = new int[rd.Cols];
            Array.Clear(rank3_4, 0, rank3_4.Length);
            int rank = 1, prank = 1;
            int idx = 0, val;
            while (temp2[temp2.Length - 1 - idx] > 0)
                val = temp2[temp2.Length - 1 - idx];
                if (idx > 0 && temp2[temp2.Length - 1 - idx] == temp2[temp2.Length - 1 - (idx - 1)])
                    idx++; continue;
                prank = rank;
                for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                    if (temp[i] == val)
                        // i: index of %sp ,
                        double intmin, intmax;
                        intmax = (i + 1) * Common.GpspInterval;
                        intmin = intmax - Common.GpspInterval;
                        for (int k = 0; k < rd.Cols; k++)
                            if (rd.PerSP[k] > intmin && rd.PerSP[k] <= intmax)
                                rank3_4[k] = prank; rank++;
            Common.printArray("MID3_4 :(RANK) ", rank3_4, ref sw);