public static void UpdatePhotos() { using (var ctx = new JamieEntityModelContainer()) { foreach (var owner in ctx.Owners) { var service = GetService(owner); if (ctx.Albums.Count() > 0) { owner.Albums.Run(album => { var googleAlbum = GetAlbum(service, album.Id); if (googleAlbum.Updated != album.LastUpdated) { var query = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(owner.Name, album.Id)) { ExtraParameters = "imgmax=1280" }; var googlePhotos = service.Query(query).Entries.Select(entry => new Google.Picasa.Photo { AtomEntry = entry }).ToArray(); var albumPhotos = album.Photos.ToArray(); albumPhotos.Run(photo => { if (googlePhotos.FirstOrDefault(gPhoto => gPhoto.Id == photo.Id) != null) return; album.Photos.Remove(photo); ctx.Photos.DeleteObject(photo); }); googlePhotos.Run(photo => { if (albumPhotos.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == photo.Id) != null || ctx.Photos.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == photo.Id) != null) return; var newPhoto = new Photo { Id = photo.Id, TimeTaken = FromUnixTimeStamp(photo.Timestamp), ThumbUri = ((PicasaEntry)photo.AtomEntry).Media.Thumbnails.Last().Url, FullUri = photo.AtomEntry.Content.AbsoluteUri }; album.Photos.Add(newPhoto); }); album.LastUpdated = googleAlbum.Updated; } }); } } ctx.SaveChanges(); } }
// NOTE: This class is used to add the extra custom actions used in the application ( public static void RefreshAll(JamieEntityModelContainer context, CustomActionArgs e) { Picasa.UpdatePhotos(); }