コード例 #1
        public string DeletePlaylist(int playlistID)
                PlaylistRepository repPlaylist = new PlaylistRepository();

                Playlist pl = repPlaylist.GetByID(playlistID);
                if (pl == null)
                    return "Playlist not found";


                return "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return ex.Message;
コード例 #2
        public Contract_Playlist GetPlaylist(int playlistID)
                PlaylistRepository repPlaylist = new PlaylistRepository();

                Playlist pl = repPlaylist.GetByID(playlistID);
                if (pl == null)
                    return null;

                return pl.ToContract();
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return null;
コード例 #3
        public Contract_Playlist_SaveResponse SavePlaylist(Contract_Playlist contract)
            Contract_Playlist_SaveResponse contractRet = new Contract_Playlist_SaveResponse();
            contractRet.ErrorMessage = "";

                PlaylistRepository repPlaylist = new PlaylistRepository();

                // Process the playlist
                Playlist pl = null;
                if (contract.PlaylistID.HasValue)
                    pl = repPlaylist.GetByID(contract.PlaylistID.Value);
                    if (pl == null)
                        contractRet.ErrorMessage = "Could not find existing Playlist with ID: " + contract.PlaylistID.Value.ToString();
                        return contractRet;
                    pl = new Playlist();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contract.PlaylistName))
                    contractRet.ErrorMessage = "Playlist must have a name";
                    return contractRet;

                pl.DefaultPlayOrder = contract.DefaultPlayOrder;
                pl.PlaylistItems = contract.PlaylistItems;
                pl.PlaylistName = contract.PlaylistName;
                pl.PlayUnwatched = contract.PlayUnwatched;
                pl.PlayWatched = contract.PlayWatched;


                contractRet.Playlist = pl.ToContract();
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                contractRet.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                return contractRet;

            return contractRet;
コード例 #4
        public List<Contract_Playlist> GetAllPlaylists()
            List<Contract_Playlist> pls = new List<Contract_Playlist>();
                PlaylistRepository repPlaylist = new PlaylistRepository();

                List<Playlist> allPls = repPlaylist.GetAll();
                foreach (Playlist pl in allPls)

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
            return pls;
コード例 #5
        private System.IO.Stream GetItemsFromPlaylist(int userid, string id, HistoryInfo info)
            var PlaylistID = -1;
            int.TryParse(id, out PlaylistID);
            var playlistRepository = new PlaylistRepository();
            var repo = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
            if (PlaylistID == 0)
                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    var ret = new PlexObject(PlexHelper.NewMediaContainer(MediaContainerTypes.Show,info,false));
                    if (!ret.Init())
                        return new MemoryStream();
                    var retPlaylists = new List<Video>();
                    var playlists = playlistRepository.GetAll();
                    foreach (var playlist in playlists)
                        var dir = new Directory();
                        dir.Key= PlexHelper.ConstructPlaylistIdUrl(userid, playlist.PlaylistID);
                        dir.Title = playlist.PlaylistName;
                        var episodeID = -1;
                        if (int.TryParse(playlist.PlaylistItems.Split('|')[0].Split(';')[1], out episodeID))
                            var anime = repo.GetByID(session, episodeID).GetAnimeSeries(session).GetAnime(session);
                            dir.Thumb = anime.GetDefaultPosterDetailsNoBlanks(session).GenPoster();
                            dir.Art = anime.GetDefaultFanartDetailsNoBlanks(session).GenArt();
                            dir.Thumb = PlexHelper.ConstructSupportImageLink("plex_404V.png");
                        dir.LeafCount = playlist.PlaylistItems.Split('|').Count().ToString();
                        dir.ViewedLeafCount = "0";
                    retPlaylists = retPlaylists.OrderBy(a => a.Title).ToList();
                    ret.Childrens = retPlaylists;
                    return ret.GetStream();
            if (PlaylistID > 0)
                //iOS Hack, since it uses the previous thumb, as overlay image on the episodes
                bool iosHack = false;
                if (WebOperationContext.Current != null && WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("X-Plex-Product"))
                    string kh = WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.Headers.Get("X-Plex-Product").ToUpper();
                    if (kh.Contains(" IOS"))
                        iosHack = true;

                var playlist = playlistRepository.GetByID(PlaylistID);
                var playlistItems = playlist.PlaylistItems.Split('|');
                var vids = new List<Video>();
                var ret = new PlexObject(PlexHelper.NewMediaContainer(MediaContainerTypes.Episode, info, true));
                if (!ret.Init())
                    return new MemoryStream();
                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    foreach (var item in playlistItems)
                        var episodeID = -1;
                        int.TryParse(item.Split(';')[1], out episodeID);
                        if (episodeID < 0) return new MemoryStream();
                        var ep = repo.GetByID(session, episodeID);
                        var v = new Video();
                        var locals = ep.GetVideoLocals(session);
                        if ((locals == null) || (locals.Count == 0))
                        var current = locals[0];
                            PlexHelper.PopulateVideo(v, current, JMMType.File, userid);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.Duration))
                                vids.Add(v, info);
                                if (iosHack)
                                    v.Art = v.Thumb;
                                    v.Thumb = ret.MediaContainer.ParentThumb;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            //Fast fix if file do not exist, and still is in db. (Xml Serialization of video info will fail on null)
                    ret.Childrens = vids;
                    return ret.GetStream();
            return new MemoryStream();
コード例 #6
        public System.IO.Stream GetFilters(string uid)
            int t = 0;
            int.TryParse(uid, out t);
            JMMUser user = t > 0 ? PlexHelper.GetJMMUser(uid) : PlexHelper.GetUser(uid);
            if (user==null)
                return new MemoryStream();
            int userid = user.JMMUserID;
            HistoryInfo info = new HistoryInfo { Key = PlexHelper.ConstructFiltersUrl(userid), Title = "Anime" };
            PlexObject ret = new PlexObject(PlexHelper.NewMediaContainer(MediaContainerTypes.Show,info,false));
            if (!ret.Init())
                return new MemoryStream();
            List<Video> dirs = new List<Video>();
                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    GroupFilterRepository repGF = new GroupFilterRepository();
                    List<GroupFilter> allGfs = repGF.GetAll(session);
                    Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> gstats = StatsCache.Instance.StatUserGroupFilter[userid];
                    foreach (GroupFilter gg in allGfs.ToArray())
                        if ((!StatsCache.Instance.StatUserGroupFilter.ContainsKey(userid)) ||

                    AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();
                    allGfs.Insert(0, new GroupFilter() {GroupFilterName = "All", GroupFilterID = -999});
                    foreach (GroupFilter gg in allGfs)

                        Random rnd = new Random(123456789);
                        Directory pp = new Directory { Type="show" };
                        pp.Key =  PlexHelper.ConstructFilterIdUrl(userid, gg.GroupFilterID);
                        pp.Title = gg.GroupFilterName;
                        HashSet<int> groups;
                        groups = gg.GroupFilterID == -999 ? new HashSet<int>(repGroups.GetAllTopLevelGroups(session).Select(a => a.AnimeGroupID)) : gstats[gg.GroupFilterID];
                        if (groups.Count != 0)
                            bool repeat;
                            int nn = 0;
                            pp.LeafCount = groups.Count.ToString();
                            pp.ViewedLeafCount = "0";

                                repeat = true;
                                int grp = groups.ElementAt(rnd.Next(groups.Count));
                                AnimeGroup ag = repGroups.GetByID(grp);
                                List<AnimeSeries> sers = ag.GetSeries(session);
                                if (sers.Count > 0)
                                    AnimeSeries ser = sers[rnd.Next(sers.Count)];
                                    AniDB_Anime anim = ser.GetAnime(session);
                                    if (anim != null)

                                        ImageDetails poster = anim.GetDefaultPosterDetailsNoBlanks(session);
                                        ImageDetails fanart = anim.GetDefaultFanartDetailsNoBlanks(session);
                                        if (poster != null)
                                            pp.Thumb = poster.GenPoster();
                                        if (fanart != null)
                                            pp.Art = fanart.GenArt();
                                        if (poster != null)
                                            repeat = false;
                                if ((repeat) && (nn == 15))
                                    repeat = false;

                            } while (repeat);
                    VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
                    List<VideoLocal> vids = repVids.GetVideosWithoutEpisode();
                    if (vids.Count > 0)
                        Directory pp = new Directory() { Type = "show" };
                        pp.Key = PlexHelper.ConstructUnsortUrl(userid);
                        pp.Title = "Unsort";
                        pp.Thumb = PlexHelper.ConstructSupportImageLink("plex_unsort.png");
                        pp.LeafCount = vids.Count.ToString();
                        pp.ViewedLeafCount = "0";
                        dirs.Add(pp, info);
                    var repPlaylist = new PlaylistRepository();
                    var playlists = repPlaylist.GetAll();
                    if (playlists.Count > 0)
                        Directory pp = new Directory() { Type="show" };
                        pp.Key = PlexHelper.ConstructPlaylistUrl(userid);
                        pp.Title = "Playlists";
                        pp.Thumb = PlexHelper.ConstructSupportImageLink("plex_playlists.png");
                        pp.LeafCount = playlists.Count.ToString();
                        pp.ViewedLeafCount = "0";
                        dirs.Add(pp, info);
                    dirs = dirs.OrderBy(a => a.Title).ToList();
                ret.Childrens = dirs;
                return ret.GetStream();
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return new MemoryStream();
コード例 #7
        public System.IO.Stream GetFilters(string uid)
            JMMUser user = PlexHelper.GetUser(uid);
            if (user==null)
                return new MemoryStream();
            int userid = user.JMMUserID;
            PlexObject ret=new PlexObject(PlexHelper.NewMediaContainer("Anime", false));
            if (!ret.Init())
                return new MemoryStream();
            List<Video> dirs = new List<Video>();
                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())

                    GroupFilterRepository repGF = new GroupFilterRepository();
                    List<GroupFilter> allGfs = repGF.GetAll(session);
                    Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> gstats = StatsCache.Instance.StatUserGroupFilter[userid];
                    foreach (GroupFilter gg in allGfs.ToArray())
                        if ((!StatsCache.Instance.StatUserGroupFilter.ContainsKey(userid)) ||

                    AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();
                    allGfs.Insert(0, new GroupFilter() {GroupFilterName = "All", GroupFilterID = -999});
                    foreach (GroupFilter gg in allGfs)

                        Random rnd = new Random(123456789);
                        Directory pp = new Directory();
                        pp.Key = PlexHelper.PlexProxy(PlexHelper.ServerUrl(int.Parse(ServerSettings.JMMServerPort),
                                        MainWindow.PathAddressPlex + "/GetMetadata/" + userid + "/" +
                                        (int) JMMType.GroupFilter + "/" + gg.GroupFilterID));
                        pp.PrimaryExtraKey = pp.Key;
                        pp.Title = gg.GroupFilterName;
                        HashSet<int> groups;
                        groups = gg.GroupFilterID == -999 ? new HashSet<int>(repGroups.GetAllTopLevelGroups(session).Select(a => a.AnimeGroupID)) : gstats[gg.GroupFilterID];
                        if (groups.Count != 0)
                            bool repeat;
                            int nn = 0;
                            pp.LeafCount = groups.Count.ToString();
                            pp.ViewedLeafCount = "0";

                                repeat = true;
                                int grp = groups.ElementAt(rnd.Next(groups.Count));
                                AnimeGroup ag = repGroups.GetByID(grp);
                                List<AnimeSeries> sers = ag.GetSeries(session);
                                if (sers.Count > 0)
                                    AnimeSeries ser = sers[rnd.Next(sers.Count)];
                                    AniDB_Anime anim = ser.GetAnime(session);
                                    if (anim != null)

                                        ImageDetails poster = anim.GetDefaultPosterDetailsNoBlanks(session);
                                        ImageDetails fanart = anim.GetDefaultFanartDetailsNoBlanks(session);
                                        if (poster != null)
                                            pp.Thumb = poster.GenPoster();
                                        if (fanart != null)
                                            pp.Art = fanart.GenArt();
                                        if (poster != null)
                                            repeat = false;
                                if ((repeat) && (nn == 15))
                                    repeat = false;

                            } while (repeat);
                    VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
                    List<VideoLocal> vids = repVids.GetVideosWithoutEpisode();
                    if (vids.Count > 0)
                        JMMContracts.PlexContracts.Directory pp = new JMMContracts.PlexContracts.Directory();
                        pp.Key = pp.PrimaryExtraKey = PlexHelper.PlexProxy(
                                     MainWindow.PathAddressPlex + "/GetMetadata/0/" + (int) JMMType.GroupUnsort + "/0"));
                        pp.Title = "Unsort";
                        pp.Thumb = PlexHelper.ServerUrl(int.Parse(ServerSettings.JMMServerPort),
                            MainWindow.PathAddressPlex + "/GetSupportImage/plex_unsort.png");
                        pp.LeafCount = vids.Count.ToString();
                        pp.ViewedLeafCount = "0";
                    var repPlaylist = new PlaylistRepository();
                    var playlists = repPlaylist.GetAll();
                    if (playlists.Count > 0)
                        var pDir = new Directory();
                        pDir.Key = pDir.PrimaryExtraKey = PlexHelper.PlexProxy(
                                 MainWindow.PathAddressPlex + "/GetMetadata/0/" + (int)JMMType.Playlist + "/0"));
                        pDir.Title = "Playlists";
                        pDir.Thumb = PlexHelper.ServerUrl(int.Parse(ServerSettings.JMMServerPort),
                        MainWindow.PathAddressPlex + "/GetSupportImage/plex_404V.png");
                        pDir.LeafCount = playlists.Count.ToString();
                        pDir.ViewedLeafCount = "0";
                    dirs = dirs.OrderBy(a => a.Title).ToList();
                ret.Childrens = dirs;
                return ret.GetStream();
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return new MemoryStream();
コード例 #8
        private System.IO.Stream GetItemsFromPlaylist(int userid, string id)
            var PlaylistID = -1;
            int.TryParse(id, out PlaylistID);
            var playlistRepository = new PlaylistRepository();
            var repo = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
            if (PlaylistID == 0)
                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    var ret = new PlexObject(PlexHelper.NewMediaContainer("Playlists", false));
                    if (!ret.Init())
                        return new MemoryStream();
                    var retPlaylists = new List<Video>();
                    var playlists = playlistRepository.GetAll();
                    foreach (var playlist in playlists)
                        var dir = new Directory();
                        dir.Key = dir.PrimaryExtraKey = PlexHelper.PlexProxy(
                                MainWindow.PathAddressPlex + "/GetMetadata/0/" + (int)JMMType.Playlist + "/" +
                        dir.Title = playlist.PlaylistName;
                        var episodeID = -1;
                        if (int.TryParse(playlist.PlaylistItems.Split('|')[0].Split(';')[1], out episodeID))
                            var anime =
                                repo.GetByID(session, episodeID)
                            var poster = anime.GetDefaultPosterDetailsNoBlanks(session);
                            var fanart = anime.GetDefaultFanartDetailsNoBlanks(session);
                            if (poster != null)
                                dir.Thumb = poster.GenPoster();
                            if (fanart != null)
                                dir.Art = fanart.GenArt();
                            dir.Thumb = PlexHelper.ServerUrl(int.Parse(ServerSettings.JMMServerPort),
                            MainWindow.PathAddressPlex + "/GetSupportImage/plex_404V.png");
                        dir.LeafCount = playlist.PlaylistItems.Split('|').Count().ToString();
                        dir.ViewedLeafCount = "0";
                    retPlaylists = retPlaylists.OrderBy(a => a.Title).ToList();
                    ret.Childrens = retPlaylists;
                    return ret.GetStream();
            else if (PlaylistID > 0)
                var playlist = playlistRepository.GetByID(PlaylistID);
                var playlistItems = playlist.PlaylistItems.Split('|');
                var vids = new List<Video>();
                var ret = new PlexObject(PlexHelper.NewMediaContainer(playlist.PlaylistName, true));
                if (!ret.Init())
                    return new MemoryStream();
                ret.MediaContainer.ViewMode = "65586";
                ret.MediaContainer.ViewGroup = "video";
                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    foreach (var item in playlistItems)
                        var episodeID = -1;
                        int.TryParse(item.Split(';')[1], out episodeID);
                        if (episodeID < 0) return new MemoryStream();

                        var ep = repo.GetByID(session, episodeID);
                        var v = new Video();
                        var locals = ep.GetVideoLocals(session);
                        if ((locals == null) || (locals.Count == 0))
                        var current = locals[0];
                            PlexHelper.PopulateVideo(v, current, JMMType.File, userid);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.Duration))
                        catch (Exception e)
                            //Fast fix if file do not exist, and still is in db. (Xml Serialization of video info will fail on null)
                    ret.Childrens = vids;
                    return ret.GetStream();
            return new MemoryStream();