コード例 #1
		public bool Init(AnimeEpisode aniepisode)
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Password))
					return false;
				username = ServerSettings.Trakt_Username;
				password = Utils.CalculateSHA1(ServerSettings.Trakt_Password, Encoding.Default);

				imdb_id = "";
				AnimeSeries ser = aniepisode.GetAnimeSeries();
				if (ser == null) return false;

				CrossRef_AniDB_TraktRepository repCrossRef = new CrossRef_AniDB_TraktRepository();
				CrossRef_AniDB_Trakt xref = repCrossRef.GetByAnimeID(ser.AniDB_ID);
				if (xref == null) return false;

				Trakt_ShowRepository repShows = new Trakt_ShowRepository();
				Trakt_Show show = repShows.GetByTraktID(xref.TraktID);
				if (show == null) return false;
				if (!show.TvDB_ID.HasValue) return false;

				tvdb_id = show.TvDB_ID.Value.ToString();
				title = show.Title;
				year = show.Year;

				int retEpNum = 0, retSeason = 0;
				GetTraktEpisodeNumber(aniepisode, show, xref.TraktSeasonNumber, ref retEpNum, ref retSeason);
				if (retEpNum < 0) return false;

				episode = retEpNum.ToString();
				season = retSeason.ToString();

				AniDB_Episode aniep = aniepisode.AniDB_Episode;
				if (aniep != null)
					TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(aniep.LengthSeconds + 14);
					int toMinutes = int.Parse(Math.Round(t.TotalMinutes).ToString());
					duration = toMinutes.ToString();
					duration = "25";

				progress = "100";

				plugin_version = "0.4";
				media_center_version = "";
				media_center_date = "Dec 17 2010";

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
				return false;

			return true;
コード例 #2
		public void Init(AnimeEpisode episode)
			username = ServerSettings.Trakt_Username;
			password = Utils.CalculateSHA1(ServerSettings.Trakt_Password, Encoding.Default);

コード例 #3
		public void Save(AnimeEpisode obj)
			using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
				Save(session, obj);
コード例 #4
        public AnimeEpisode GetLastEpisodeWatched(int userID)
            AnimeEpisode      watchedep         = null;
            AnimeEpisode_User userRecordWatched = null;

            foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in GetAnimeEpisodes())
                AnimeEpisode_User userRecord = ep.GetUserRecord(userID);
                if (userRecord != null && ep.EpisodeTypeEnum == AniDBAPI.enEpisodeType.Episode)
                    if (watchedep == null)
                        watchedep         = ep;
                        userRecordWatched = userRecord;

                    if (userRecord.WatchedDate > userRecordWatched.WatchedDate)
                        watchedep         = ep;
                        userRecordWatched = userRecord;
コード例 #5
		public void Save(ISession session, AnimeEpisode obj)
			// populate the database
			using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
コード例 #6
		public void PopulateManually(VideoLocal vid, AnimeEpisode ep)
			Hash = vid.ED2KHash;
			FileName = Path.GetFileName(vid.FullServerPath);
			FileSize = vid.FileSize;
			CrossRefSource = (int)JMMServer.CrossRefSource.User;
			AnimeID = ep.GetAnimeSeries().AniDB_ID;
			EpisodeID = ep.AniDB_EpisodeID;
			Percentage = 100;
			EpisodeOrder = 1;
コード例 #7
 public void PopulateManually(VideoLocal vid, AnimeEpisode ep)
     Hash           = vid.ED2KHash;
     FileName       = Path.GetFileName(vid.FullServerPath);
     FileSize       = vid.FileSize;
     CrossRefSource = (int)JMMServer.CrossRefSource.User;
     AnimeID        = ep.GetAnimeSeries().AniDB_ID;
     EpisodeID      = ep.AniDB_EpisodeID;
     Percentage     = 100;
     EpisodeOrder   = 1;
コード例 #8
ファイル: AniDB_Episode.cs プロジェクト: gocheap/ShokoServer
        public void CreateAnimeEpisode(ISession session, int animeSeriesID)
            // check if there is an existing episode for this EpisodeID
            AnimeEpisode existingEp = RepoFactory.AnimeEpisode.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(EpisodeID);

            if (existingEp == null)
                AnimeEpisode animeEp = new AnimeEpisode();
                animeEp.AnimeSeriesID = animeSeriesID;
コード例 #9
ファイル: AniDB_Episode.cs プロジェクト: pmcleish/jmmserver
        public void CreateAnimeEpisode(ISession session, int animeSeriesID)
            // check if there is an existing episode for this EpisodeID
            AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps     = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
            AnimeEpisode           existingEp = repEps.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(session, EpisodeID);

            if (existingEp == null)
                AnimeEpisode animeEp = new AnimeEpisode();
                animeEp.AnimeSeriesID = animeSeriesID;
                repEps.Save(session, animeEp);
コード例 #10
        private static EpisodeSyncDetails ReconSyncTraktEpisode(AnimeSeries ser, AnimeEpisode ep, TraktSummaryContainer traktSummary, List<JMMUser> traktUsers,
            List<TraktV2ShowCollectedResult> collected, List<TraktV2ShowWatchedResult> watched, bool sendNow)
                // get the Trakt Show ID for this episode
                string traktShowID = string.Empty;
                int season = -1;
                int epNumber = -1;

                GetTraktEpisodeIdV2(ep, ref traktShowID, ref season, ref epNumber);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(traktShowID) || season < 0 || epNumber < 0) return null;

                // get the current collected records for this series on Trakt
                TraktV2CollectedEpisode epTraktCol = null;
                TraktV2ShowCollectedResult col = collected.FirstOrDefault(x => x.show.ids.slug == traktShowID);
                if (col != null)
                    TraktV2CollectedSeason sea = col.seasons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.number == season);
                    if (sea != null)
                        epTraktCol = sea.episodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.number == epNumber);

                bool onlineCollection = epTraktCol != null;

                // get the current watched records for this series on Trakt
                TraktV2WatchedEpisode epTraktWatched = null;
                TraktV2ShowWatchedResult wtc = watched.FirstOrDefault(x => x.show.ids.slug == traktShowID);
                if (wtc != null)
                    TraktV2WatchedSeason sea = wtc.seasons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.number == season);
                    if (sea != null)
                        epTraktWatched = sea.episodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.number == epNumber);

                bool onlineWatched = epTraktWatched != null;

                bool localCollection = false;
                bool localWatched = false;

                if (ep.GetVideoLocals().Count > 0)
                    // let's check if this episode has a user record against it
                    // if it does, it means a user has watched it
                    localCollection = true;

                    AnimeEpisode_User userRecord = null;
                    foreach (JMMUser juser in traktUsers)
                        userRecord = ep.GetUserRecord(juser.JMMUserID);
                        if (userRecord != null) break;

                    if (userRecord != null) localWatched = true;

                string msg1 = string.Format("Sync Check Status:  AniDB: {0} - {1} - {2} - Collection: {3} - Watched: {4}", ser.AniDB_ID, ep.EpisodeTypeEnum, ep.AniDB_EpisodeID, localCollection, localWatched);
                string msg2 = string.Format("Sync Check Status:  Trakt: {0} - S:{1} - EP:{2} - Collection: {3} - Watched: {4}", traktShowID, season, epNumber, onlineCollection, onlineWatched);


                // sync the collection status
                if (localCollection)
                    // is in the local collection, but not Trakt, so let's ADD it
                    if (!onlineCollection)
                        string msg = string.Format("SYNC LOCAL: Adding to Trakt Collection:  Slug: {0} - S:{1} - EP:{2}", traktShowID, season, epNumber);
                        DateTime epDate = GetEpisodeDateForSync(ep, TraktSyncType.CollectionAdd);
                        if (sendNow)
                            SyncEpisodeToTrakt(TraktSyncType.CollectionAdd, traktShowID, season, epNumber, epDate, false);
                            return new EpisodeSyncDetails(TraktSyncType.CollectionAdd, traktShowID, season, epNumber, epDate);
                    // is in the trakt collection, but not local, so let's REMOVE it
                    if (onlineCollection)
                        string msg = string.Format("SYNC LOCAL: Removing from Trakt Collection:  Slug: {0} - S:{1} - EP:{2}", traktShowID, season, epNumber);
                        DateTime epDate = GetEpisodeDateForSync(ep, TraktSyncType.CollectionRemove);
                        if (sendNow)
                            SyncEpisodeToTrakt(TraktSyncType.CollectionRemove, traktShowID, season, epNumber, epDate, false);
                            return new EpisodeSyncDetails(TraktSyncType.CollectionRemove, traktShowID, season, epNumber, epDate);


                // sync the watched status
                if (localWatched)
                    // is watched locally, but not Trakt, so let's ADD it
                    if (!onlineWatched)
                        string msg = string.Format("SYNC LOCAL: Adding to Trakt History:  Slug: {0} - S:{1} - EP:{2}", traktShowID, season, epNumber);
                        DateTime epDate = GetEpisodeDateForSync(ep, TraktSyncType.HistoryAdd);
                        if (sendNow)
                            SyncEpisodeToTrakt(TraktSyncType.HistoryAdd, traktShowID, season, epNumber, epDate, false);
                            return new EpisodeSyncDetails(TraktSyncType.HistoryAdd, traktShowID, season, epNumber, epDate);
                    // is watched on trakt, but not locally, so let's REMOVE it
                    if (onlineWatched)
                        string msg = string.Format("SYNC LOCAL: Removing from Trakt History:  Slug: {0} - S:{1} - EP:{2}", traktShowID, season, epNumber);
                        DateTime epDate = GetEpisodeDateForSync(ep, TraktSyncType.HistoryRemove);
                        if (sendNow)
                            SyncEpisodeToTrakt(TraktSyncType.HistoryRemove, traktShowID, season, epNumber, epDate, false);
                            return new EpisodeSyncDetails(TraktSyncType.HistoryRemove, traktShowID, season, epNumber, epDate);


                return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException("Error in TraktTVHelper.SyncTraktEpisode: " + ex.ToString(), ex);
                return null;
コード例 #11
        private static int? GetTraktEpisodeIdV2(AnimeEpisode ep, ref string traktID, ref int season, ref int epNumber)
            AniDB_Episode aniep = ep.AniDB_Episode;
            if (aniep == null) return null;

            AniDB_AnimeRepository repAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();
            AniDB_Anime anime = repAnime.GetByAnimeID(aniep.AnimeID);
            if (anime == null) return null;

            return GetTraktEpisodeIdV2(anime, aniep, ref traktID, ref season, ref epNumber);
コード例 #12
        private static DateTime GetEpisodeDateForSync(AnimeEpisode ep, TraktSyncType syncType)
            DateTime epDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (syncType == TraktSyncType.CollectionAdd || syncType == TraktSyncType.CollectionRemove)
                epDate = DateTime.Now; // not relevant for a remove
                if (syncType == TraktSyncType.CollectionAdd)
                    // get the the first file that was added to this episode
                    DateTime? thisDate = null;
                    foreach (VideoLocal vid in ep.GetVideoLocals())
                        if (!thisDate.HasValue)
                            thisDate = vid.DateTimeCreated;

                        if (vid.DateTimeCreated < thisDate)
                            thisDate = vid.DateTimeCreated;
                    if (thisDate.HasValue)
                        epDate = thisDate.Value;
                epDate = DateTime.Now; // not relevant for a remove
                if (syncType == TraktSyncType.HistoryAdd)
                    // get the latest user record and find the latest date this episode was watched
                    DateTime? thisDate = null;
                    JMMUserRepository repUsers = new JMMUserRepository();
                    List<JMMUser> traktUsers = repUsers.GetTraktUsers();
                    if (traktUsers.Count > 0)
                        AnimeEpisode_User userRecord = null;
                        foreach (JMMUser juser in traktUsers)
                            userRecord = ep.GetUserRecord(juser.JMMUserID);
                            if (userRecord != null)
                                if (!thisDate.HasValue && userRecord.WatchedDate.HasValue)
                                    thisDate = userRecord.WatchedDate;
                                if (userRecord.WatchedDate.HasValue && thisDate.HasValue && userRecord.WatchedDate > thisDate)
                                    thisDate = userRecord.WatchedDate;

                        if (thisDate.HasValue)
                            epDate = thisDate.Value;

            return epDate;
コード例 #13
        public static void SyncEpisodeToTrakt(AnimeEpisode ep, TraktSyncType syncType, bool secondaryAction = true)
                if (!ServerSettings.Trakt_IsEnabled || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_AuthToken))

                string traktShowID = string.Empty;
                int season = -1;
                int epNumber = -1;

                GetTraktEpisodeIdV2(ep, ref traktShowID, ref season, ref epNumber);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(traktShowID) || season < 0 || epNumber < 0) return;

                DateTime epDate = GetEpisodeDateForSync(ep, syncType);

                //SyncEpisodeToTrakt(syncType, traktEpisodeId.Value, secondaryAction);
                SyncEpisodeToTrakt(syncType, traktShowID, season, epNumber, epDate, secondaryAction);

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException("Error in TraktTVHelper.MarkEpisodeWatched: " + ex.ToString(), ex);
コード例 #14
ファイル: VideoLocal.cs プロジェクト: RickDB/jmmserver
        public void ToggleWatchedStatus(bool watched, bool updateOnline, DateTime?watchedDate, bool updateStats,
                                        bool updateStatsCache, int userID,
                                        bool syncTrakt, bool updateWatchedDate)
            JMMUser user = RepoFactory.JMMUser.GetByID(userID);

            if (user == null)

            List <JMMUser> aniDBUsers = RepoFactory.JMMUser.GetAniDBUsers();

            // update the video file to watched
            int mywatched = watched ? 1 : 0;

            if (user.IsAniDBUser == 0)
                SaveWatchedStatus(watched, userID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);
                // if the user is AniDB user we also want to update any other AniDB
                // users to keep them in sync
                foreach (JMMUser juser in aniDBUsers)
                    if (juser.IsAniDBUser == 1)
                        SaveWatchedStatus(watched, juser.JMMUserID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);

            // now lets find all the associated AniDB_File record if there is one
            if (user.IsAniDBUser == 1)
                AniDB_File aniFile = RepoFactory.AniDB_File.GetByHash(this.Hash);
                if (aniFile != null)
                    aniFile.IsWatched = mywatched;

                    if (watched)
                        if (watchedDate.HasValue)
                            aniFile.WatchedDate = watchedDate;
                            aniFile.WatchedDate = DateTime.Now;
                        aniFile.WatchedDate = null;

                    RepoFactory.AniDB_File.Save(aniFile, false);

                if (updateOnline)
                    if ((watched && ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_SetWatched) ||
                        (!watched && ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_SetUnwatched))
                        CommandRequest_UpdateMyListFileStatus cmd = new CommandRequest_UpdateMyListFileStatus(
                            this.Hash, watched, false,
                            watchedDate.HasValue ? Utils.GetAniDBDateAsSeconds(watchedDate) : 0);

            // now find all the episode records associated with this video file
            // but we also need to check if theer are any other files attached to this episode with a watched
            // status,

            AnimeSeries ser = null;
            // get all files associated with this episode
            List <CrossRef_File_Episode>  xrefs          = RepoFactory.CrossRef_File_Episode.GetByHash(this.Hash);
            Dictionary <int, AnimeSeries> toUpdateSeries = new Dictionary <int, AnimeSeries>();

            if (watched)
                // find the total watched percentage
                // eg one file can have a % = 100
                // or if 2 files make up one episodes they will each have a % = 50

                foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in xrefs)
                    // get the episodes for this file, may be more than one (One Piece x Toriko)
                    AnimeEpisode ep = RepoFactory.AnimeEpisode.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(xref.EpisodeID);
                    // get all the files for this episode
                    int epPercentWatched = 0;
                    foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode filexref in ep.FileCrossRefs)
                        VideoLocal_User vidUser = filexref.GetVideoLocalUserRecord(userID);
                        if (vidUser != null && vidUser.WatchedDate.HasValue)
                            // if not null means it is watched
                            epPercentWatched += filexref.Percentage;

                        if (epPercentWatched > 95)

                    if (epPercentWatched > 95)
                        ser = ep.GetAnimeSeries();
                        if (!toUpdateSeries.ContainsKey(ser.AnimeSeriesID))
                            toUpdateSeries.Add(ser.AnimeSeriesID, ser);
                        if (user.IsAniDBUser == 0)
                            ep.SaveWatchedStatus(true, userID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);
                            // if the user is AniDB user we also want to update any other AniDB
                            // users to keep them in sync
                            foreach (JMMUser juser in aniDBUsers)
                                if (juser.IsAniDBUser == 1)
                                    ep.SaveWatchedStatus(true, juser.JMMUserID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);

                        if (syncTrakt && ServerSettings.Trakt_IsEnabled &&
                            CommandRequest_TraktHistoryEpisode cmdSyncTrakt =
                                new CommandRequest_TraktHistoryEpisode(ep.AnimeEpisodeID, TraktSyncAction.Add);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Username) &&
                            CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus cmdMAL =
                                new CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus(ser.AniDB_ID);
                // if setting a file to unwatched only set the episode unwatched, if ALL the files are unwatched
                foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xrefEp in xrefs)
                    // get the episodes for this file, may be more than one (One Piece x Toriko)
                    AnimeEpisode ep = RepoFactory.AnimeEpisode.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(xrefEp.EpisodeID);
                    ser = ep.GetAnimeSeries();
                    if (!toUpdateSeries.ContainsKey(ser.AnimeSeriesID))
                        toUpdateSeries.Add(ser.AnimeSeriesID, ser);
                    // get all the files for this episode
                    int epPercentWatched = 0;
                    foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode filexref in ep.FileCrossRefs)
                        VideoLocal_User vidUser = filexref.GetVideoLocalUserRecord(userID);
                        if (vidUser != null && vidUser.WatchedDate.HasValue)
                            epPercentWatched += filexref.Percentage;

                        if (epPercentWatched > 95)

                    if (epPercentWatched < 95)
                        if (user.IsAniDBUser == 0)
                            ep.SaveWatchedStatus(false, userID, watchedDate, true);
                            // if the user is AniDB user we also want to update any other AniDB
                            // users to keep them in sync
                            foreach (JMMUser juser in aniDBUsers)
                                if (juser.IsAniDBUser == 1)
                                    ep.SaveWatchedStatus(false, juser.JMMUserID, watchedDate, true);

                        if (syncTrakt && ServerSettings.Trakt_IsEnabled &&
                            CommandRequest_TraktHistoryEpisode cmdSyncTrakt =
                                new CommandRequest_TraktHistoryEpisode(ep.AnimeEpisodeID, TraktSyncAction.Remove);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Username) &&
                    CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus cmdMAL =
                        new CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus(ser.AniDB_ID);

            // update stats for groups and series
            if (toUpdateSeries.Count > 0 && updateStats)
                foreach (AnimeSeries s in toUpdateSeries.Values)
                    // update all the groups above this series in the heirarchy
                    s.UpdateStats(true, true, true);
                //ser.TopLevelAnimeGroup.UpdateStatsFromTopLevel(true, true, true);

            //if (ser != null && updateStatsCache)
コード例 #15
ファイル: TraktTVHelper.cs プロジェクト: dizzydezz/jmm
		public static void MarkEpisodeUnwatched(AnimeEpisode ep)
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Password))

				CrossRef_AniDB_Trakt xref = ep.GetAnimeSeries().CrossRefTrakt;
				if (xref == null) return;

				Trakt_ShowRepository repShows = new Trakt_ShowRepository();
				Trakt_Show show = repShows.GetByTraktID(xref.TraktID);
				if (show == null) return;
				if (!show.TvDB_ID.HasValue) return;

				Dictionary<int, int> dictTraktSeasons = null;
				Dictionary<int, Trakt_Episode> dictTraktEpisodes = null;
				Dictionary<int, Trakt_Episode> dictTraktSpecials = null;
				GetDictTraktEpisodesAndSeasons(show, ref dictTraktEpisodes, ref dictTraktSpecials, ref dictTraktSeasons);

				TraktTVPost_ShowEpisodeUnseen postUnseen = new TraktTVPost_ShowEpisodeUnseen();
				postUnseen.episodes = new List<TraktTVSeasonEpisode>();
				postUnseen.imdb_id = "";
				postUnseen.title = show.Title;
				postUnseen.year = show.Year;
				postUnseen.tvdb_id = show.TvDB_ID.Value.ToString();

				int retEpNum = -1;
				int retSeason = -1;

				GetTraktEpisodeNumber(ep, ep.GetAnimeSeries(), show, xref.TraktSeasonNumber, ref retEpNum, ref retSeason, dictTraktEpisodes, dictTraktSpecials, dictTraktSeasons);
				if (retEpNum < 0) return;

				TraktTVSeasonEpisode traktEp = new TraktTVSeasonEpisode();
				traktEp.episode = retEpNum.ToString();
				traktEp.season = retSeason.ToString();

				logger.Trace("Marking episode as unwatched on Trakt: {0} - S{1} - EP{2}", show.Title, retSeason, retEpNum);

				string urlUnseen = string.Format(Constants.TraktTvURLs.URLPostShowEpisodeUnseen, Constants.TraktTvURLs.APIKey);
				string json = JSONHelper.Serialize<TraktTVPost_ShowEpisodeUnseen>(postUnseen);

				SendData(urlUnseen, json);

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.ErrorException("Error in TraktTVHelper.MarkEpisodeWatched: " + ex.ToString(), ex);

コード例 #16
            public void Add(AnimeEpisode ep, bool available)
                if ((AnimeType == enAnimeType.OVA) || (AnimeType == enAnimeType.Movie))
                    AniDB_Episode aniEp = ep.AniDB_Episode;
                    string        ename = aniEp.EnglishName.ToLower();
                    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m = partmatch.Match(ename);
                    StatEpisodes.StatEpisode             s = new StatEpisodes.StatEpisode();
                    s.Available = available;
                    if (m.Success)
                        int part_number = 0;
                        int part_count  = 0;
                        int.TryParse(m.Groups[1].Value, out part_number);
                        int.TryParse(m.Groups[2].Value, out part_count);
                        string rname = partmatch.Replace(ename, string.Empty);
                        rname = remsymbols.Replace(rname, string.Empty);
                        rname = remmultispace.Replace(rname, " ");

                        s.EpisodeType = StatEpisodes.StatEpisode.EpType.Part;
                        s.PartCount   = part_count;
                        s.Match       = rname.Trim();
                        if ((s.Match == "complete movie") || (s.Match == "movie") || (s.Match == "ova"))
                            s.Match = string.Empty;
                        if ((ename == "complete movie") || (ename == "movie") || (ename == "ova"))
                            s.Match = string.Empty;
                            string rname = partmatch.Replace(aniEp.EnglishName.ToLower(), string.Empty);
                            rname   = remsymbols.Replace(rname, string.Empty);
                            rname   = remmultispace.Replace(rname, " ");
                            s.Match = rname.Trim();
                        s.EpisodeType = StatEpisodes.StatEpisode.EpType.Complete;
                        s.PartCount   = 0;
                    StatEpisodes fnd = null;
                    foreach (StatEpisodes k in this)
                        foreach (StatEpisodes.StatEpisode ss in k)
                            if (ss.Match == s.Match)
                                fnd = k;
                        if (fnd != null)
                    if (fnd == null)
                        StatEpisodes eps = new StatEpisodes();
                    StatEpisodes             eps = new StatEpisodes();
                    StatEpisodes.StatEpisode es  = new StatEpisodes.StatEpisode();
                    es.Match       = string.Empty;
                    es.EpisodeType = StatEpisodes.StatEpisode.EpType.Complete;
                    es.PartCount   = 0;
                    es.Available   = available;
コード例 #17
ファイル: TraktTVHelper.cs プロジェクト: dizzydezz/jmm
		private static void GetTraktEpisodeNumber(AnimeEpisode aniepisode, AnimeSeries ser, Trakt_Show show, int season, ref int traktEpNum, ref int traktSeason)
			Dictionary<int, int> dictTraktSeasons = null;
			Dictionary<int, Trakt_Episode> dictTraktEpisodes = null;
			Dictionary<int, Trakt_Episode> dictTraktSpecials = null;
			GetDictTraktEpisodesAndSeasons(show, ref dictTraktEpisodes, ref dictTraktSpecials, ref dictTraktSeasons);

			GetTraktEpisodeNumber(aniepisode, ser, show, season, ref traktEpNum, ref traktSeason, dictTraktEpisodes, dictTraktSpecials, dictTraktSeasons);
コード例 #18
ファイル: TraktTVHelper.cs プロジェクト: dizzydezz/jmm
		private static void GetTraktEpisodeNumber(AnimeEpisode aniepisode, AnimeSeries ser, Trakt_Show show, int season, ref int traktEpNum, ref int traktSeason,
			Dictionary<int, Trakt_Episode> dictTraktEpisodes, Dictionary<int, Trakt_Episode> dictTraktSpecials, Dictionary<int, int> dictTraktSeasons)
				traktEpNum = -1;
				traktSeason = -1;

				int epNum = aniepisode.AniDB_Episode.EpisodeNumber;

				if (season > 0)
					if (aniepisode.EpisodeTypeEnum == AniDBAPI.enEpisodeType.Episode)
						if (dictTraktEpisodes != null && dictTraktSeasons != null)
							if (dictTraktSeasons.ContainsKey(season))
								int absEpisodeNumber = dictTraktSeasons[season] + epNum - 1;
								if (dictTraktEpisodes.ContainsKey(absEpisodeNumber))
									Trakt_Episode tvep = dictTraktEpisodes[absEpisodeNumber];
									traktEpNum = tvep.EpisodeNumber;
									traktSeason = tvep.Season;

					if (aniepisode.EpisodeTypeEnum == AniDBAPI.enEpisodeType.Special)
						traktSeason = 0;
						traktEpNum = epNum;
					traktSeason = 0;
					traktEpNum = epNum;

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
コード例 #19
        public void CreateAnimeEpisode(ISession session, int animeSeriesID)
            // check if there is an existing episode for this EpisodeID
            AnimeEpisode existingEp = RepoFactory.AnimeEpisode.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(EpisodeID);

            if (existingEp == null)
                AnimeEpisode animeEp = new AnimeEpisode();
                animeEp.AnimeSeriesID = animeSeriesID;
コード例 #20
ファイル: AniDB_Episode.cs プロジェクト: dizzydezz/jmm
		public void CreateAnimeEpisode(ISession session, int animeSeriesID)
			// check if there is an existing episode for this EpisodeID
			AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
			List<AnimeEpisode> existingEps = repEps.GetByAniEpisodeIDAndSeriesID(session, EpisodeID, animeSeriesID);

			if (existingEps.Count == 0)
				AnimeEpisode animeEp = new AnimeEpisode();
				animeEp.AnimeSeriesID = animeSeriesID;
				repEps.Save(session, animeEp);
コード例 #21
		private void GetTraktEpisodeNumber(AnimeEpisode aniepisode, Trakt_Show show, int season, ref int traktEpNum, ref int traktSeason)
				traktEpNum = -1;
				traktSeason = -1;

				AnimeSeries ser = aniepisode.GetAnimeSeries();
				if (ser == null) return;

				//Dictionary<int, int> dictTraktSeasons = GetDictTraktSeasons(show);
				//Dictionary<int, Trakt_Episode> dictTraktEpisodes = GetDictTraktEpisodes(show);

				Dictionary<int, int> dictTraktSeasons = null;
				Dictionary<int, Trakt_Episode> dictTraktEpisodes = null;
				GetDictTraktEpisodesAndSeasons(show, ref dictTraktEpisodes, ref dictTraktSeasons);

				int epNum = aniepisode.AniDB_Episode.EpisodeNumber;
				if (aniepisode.EpisodeTypeEnum == AniDBAPI.enEpisodeType.Episode)
					if (dictTraktEpisodes != null && dictTraktSeasons != null)
						if (dictTraktSeasons.ContainsKey(season))
							int absEpisodeNumber = dictTraktSeasons[season] + epNum - 1;
							if (dictTraktEpisodes.ContainsKey(absEpisodeNumber))
								Trakt_Episode tvep = dictTraktEpisodes[absEpisodeNumber];
								traktEpNum = tvep.EpisodeNumber;
								traktSeason = tvep.Season;

				if (aniepisode.EpisodeTypeEnum == AniDBAPI.enEpisodeType.Special)
					traktSeason = 0;
					traktEpNum = epNum;

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
コード例 #22
ファイル: VideoLocal.cs プロジェクト: ewelike23/jmm
        public void ToggleWatchedStatus(bool watched, bool updateOnline, DateTime?watchedDate, bool updateStats, bool updateStatsCache, int userID,
                                        bool scrobbleTrakt, bool updateWatchedDate)
            VideoLocalRepository            repVids     = new VideoLocalRepository();
            AnimeEpisodeRepository          repEpisodes = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
            AniDB_FileRepository            repAniFile  = new AniDB_FileRepository();
            CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repCross    = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();
            VideoLocal_UserRepository       repVidUsers = new VideoLocal_UserRepository();
            JMMUserRepository           repUsers        = new JMMUserRepository();
            AnimeEpisode_UserRepository repEpisodeUsers = new AnimeEpisode_UserRepository();

            JMMUser user = repUsers.GetByID(userID);

            if (user == null)

            List <JMMUser> aniDBUsers = repUsers.GetAniDBUsers();

            // update the video file to watched
            int mywatched = watched ? 1 : 0;

            if (user.IsAniDBUser == 0)
                SaveWatchedStatus(watched, userID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);
                // if the user is AniDB user we also want to update any other AniDB
                // users to keep them in sync
                foreach (JMMUser juser in aniDBUsers)
                    if (juser.IsAniDBUser == 1)
                        SaveWatchedStatus(watched, juser.JMMUserID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);

            // now lets find all the associated AniDB_File record if there is one
            if (user.IsAniDBUser == 1)
                AniDB_File aniFile = repAniFile.GetByHash(this.Hash);
                if (aniFile != null)
                    aniFile.IsWatched = mywatched;

                    if (watched)
                        if (watchedDate.HasValue)
                            aniFile.WatchedDate = watchedDate;
                            aniFile.WatchedDate = DateTime.Now;
                        aniFile.WatchedDate = null;

                    repAniFile.Save(aniFile, false);

                if (updateOnline)
                    if ((watched && ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_SetWatched) || (!watched && ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_SetUnwatched))
                        CommandRequest_UpdateMyListFileStatus cmd = new CommandRequest_UpdateMyListFileStatus(this.Hash, watched, false,
                                                                                                              watchedDate.HasValue ? Utils.GetAniDBDateAsSeconds(watchedDate) : 0);

            // now find all the episode records associated with this video file
            // but we also need to check if theer are any other files attached to this episode with a watched
            // status,

            AnimeSeries ser = null;
            // get all files associated with this episode
            List <CrossRef_File_Episode> xrefs = repCross.GetByHash(this.Hash);

            if (watched)
                // find the total watched percentage
                // eg one file can have a % = 100
                // or if 2 files make up one episodes they will each have a % = 50

                foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in xrefs)
                    // get the episode for this file
                    AnimeEpisode ep = repEpisodes.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(xref.EpisodeID);
                    if (ep == null)

                    // get all the files for this episode
                    int epPercentWatched = 0;
                    foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode filexref in ep.FileCrossRefs)
                        VideoLocal_User vidUser = filexref.GetVideoLocalUserRecord(userID);
                        if (vidUser != null)
                            // if not null means it is watched
                            epPercentWatched += filexref.Percentage;

                        if (epPercentWatched > 95)

                    if (epPercentWatched > 95)
                        ser = ep.GetAnimeSeries();

                        if (user.IsAniDBUser == 0)
                            ep.SaveWatchedStatus(true, userID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);
                            // if the user is AniDB user we also want to update any other AniDB
                            // users to keep them in sync
                            foreach (JMMUser juser in aniDBUsers)
                                if (juser.IsAniDBUser == 1)
                                    ep.SaveWatchedStatus(true, juser.JMMUserID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);

                        if (scrobbleTrakt && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Password))
                            CommandRequest_TraktShowScrobble cmdScrobble = new CommandRequest_TraktShowScrobble(ep.AnimeEpisodeID);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Password))
                            CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus cmdMAL = new CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus(ser.AniDB_ID);
                // if setting a file to unwatched only set the episode unwatched, if ALL the files are unwatched
                foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xrefEp in xrefs)
                    AnimeEpisode ep = repEpisodes.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(xrefEp.EpisodeID);
                    if (ep == null)
                    ser = ep.GetAnimeSeries();

                    // get all the files for this episode
                    int epPercentWatched = 0;
                    foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode filexref in ep.FileCrossRefs)
                        VideoLocal_User vidUser = filexref.GetVideoLocalUserRecord(userID);
                        if (vidUser != null)
                            epPercentWatched += filexref.Percentage;

                        if (epPercentWatched > 95)

                    if (epPercentWatched < 95)
                        if (user.IsAniDBUser == 0)
                            ep.SaveWatchedStatus(false, userID, watchedDate, true);
                            // if the user is AniDB user we also want to update any other AniDB
                            // users to keep them in sync
                            foreach (JMMUser juser in aniDBUsers)
                                if (juser.IsAniDBUser == 1)
                                    ep.SaveWatchedStatus(false, juser.JMMUserID, watchedDate, true);

                        CommandRequest_TraktShowEpisodeUnseen cmdUnseen = new CommandRequest_TraktShowEpisodeUnseen(ep.AnimeEpisodeID);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Password))
                    CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus cmdMAL = new CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus(ser.AniDB_ID);

            // update stats for groups and series
            if (ser != null && updateStats)
                // update all the groups above this series in the heirarchy
                ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);
                //ser.TopLevelAnimeGroup.UpdateStatsFromTopLevel(true, true, true);

            if (ser != null && updateStatsCache)
コード例 #23
ファイル: TraktTVHelper.cs プロジェクト: dizzydezz/jmm
		/*public static void MarkEpisodeWatched(AnimeEpisode ep)
			TraktTVPost_ShowScrobble tt = new TraktTVPost_ShowScrobble();
			if (!tt.Init(ep)) return;

				string url = string.Format(Constants.TraktTvURLs.URLPostShowScrobble, Constants.TraktTvURLs.APIKey);
				logger.Trace("GetShowInfo: {0}", url);

				logger.Trace("Marking episode as unwatched on Trakt: {0} - S{1} - EP{2}", show.Title, retSeason, retEpNum);

				string json = JSONHelper.Serialize<TraktTVPost_ShowScrobble>(tt);

				SendData(url, json);

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.ErrorException("Error in TraktTVHelper.MarkEpisodeWatched: " + ex.ToString(), ex);


		public static void MarkEpisodeWatched(AnimeEpisode ep)
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Password))

				CrossRef_AniDB_Trakt xref = ep.GetAnimeSeries().CrossRefTrakt;
				if (xref == null) return;

				Trakt_ShowRepository repShows = new Trakt_ShowRepository();
				Trakt_Show show = repShows.GetByTraktID(xref.TraktID);
				if (show == null) return;
				if (!show.TvDB_ID.HasValue) return;

				Dictionary<int, int> dictTraktSeasons = null;
				Dictionary<int, Trakt_Episode> dictTraktEpisodes = null;
				Dictionary<int, Trakt_Episode> dictTraktSpecials = null;
				GetDictTraktEpisodesAndSeasons(show, ref dictTraktEpisodes, ref dictTraktSpecials, ref dictTraktSeasons);

				int retEpNum = -1;
				int retSeason = -1;

				GetTraktEpisodeNumber(ep, ep.GetAnimeSeries(), show, xref.TraktSeasonNumber, ref retEpNum, ref retSeason, dictTraktEpisodes, dictTraktSpecials, dictTraktSeasons);
				if (retEpNum < 0) return;

				TraktTVPost_ShowScrobble postScrobble = new TraktTVPost_ShowScrobble();
				postScrobble.imdb_id = "";
				postScrobble.title = show.Title;
				postScrobble.year = show.Year;
				postScrobble.tvdb_id = show.TvDB_ID.Value.ToString();
				postScrobble.episode = retEpNum.ToString();
				postScrobble.season = retSeason.ToString();

				AniDB_Episode aniep = ep.AniDB_Episode;
				if (aniep != null)
					TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(aniep.LengthSeconds + 14);
					int toMinutes = int.Parse(Math.Round(t.TotalMinutes).ToString());
					postScrobble.duration = toMinutes.ToString();
					postScrobble.duration = "25";

				postScrobble.progress = "100";

				postScrobble.plugin_version = "0.4";
				postScrobble.media_center_version = "";
				postScrobble.media_center_date = "Dec 17 2010";
				logger.Trace("Marking episode as watched (scrobble) on Trakt: {0} - S{1} - EP{2}", show.Title, retSeason, retEpNum);

				string url = string.Format(Constants.TraktTvURLs.URLPostShowScrobble, Constants.TraktTvURLs.APIKey);
				string json = JSONHelper.Serialize<TraktTVPost_ShowScrobble>(postScrobble);

				SendData(url, json);

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.ErrorException("Error in TraktTVHelper.MarkEpisodeWatched: " + ex.ToString(), ex);
