void btnTest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTCookieHeader = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUsername.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter BakaBT login details", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); txtUsername.Focus(); return; } UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTUsername = txtUsername.Text.Trim(); Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this); parentWindow.Cursor = Cursors.Wait; this.IsEnabled = false; TorrentsBakaBT bakaBT = new TorrentsBakaBT(); UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTCookieHeader = bakaBT.Login(UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTUsername, UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTPassword); parentWindow.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; this.IsEnabled = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTCookieHeader)) MessageBox.Show("Connected sucessfully", "Sucess", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); else { MessageBox.Show("Failed! See log for more details if needed", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); txtUsername.Focus(); return; } }
void btnTest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTCookieHeader = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUsername.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(Properties.Resources.Downloads_BakaBTDetails, Properties.Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); txtUsername.Focus(); return; } UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTUsername = txtUsername.Text.Trim(); Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this); parentWindow.Cursor = Cursors.Wait; this.IsEnabled = false; TorrentsBakaBT bakaBT = new TorrentsBakaBT(); UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTCookieHeader = bakaBT.Login(UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTUsername, UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTPassword); parentWindow.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; this.IsEnabled = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTCookieHeader)) MessageBox.Show(Properties.Resources.Downloads_Connected, Properties.Resources.Success, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); else { MessageBox.Show(Properties.Resources.Downloads_Failed, Properties.Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); txtUsername.Focus(); return; } }
public List <TorrentLinkVM> BrowseTorrents() { List <TorrentLinkVM> links = new List <TorrentLinkVM>(); if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.Nyaa) { TorrentsNyaa nyaa = new TorrentsNyaa(); List <TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = nyaa.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(ttLinks); } if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAnime) { TorrentsTokyoToshokan tt = new TorrentsTokyoToshokan(TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAnime); List <TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = tt.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(ttLinks); } if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAll) { TorrentsTokyoToshokan tt = new TorrentsTokyoToshokan(TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAll); List <TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = tt.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(ttLinks); } if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.AnimeSuki) { TorrentsAnimeSuki suki = new TorrentsAnimeSuki(); List <TorrentLinkVM> sukiLinks = suki.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(sukiLinks); } if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.BakaBT) { TorrentsBakaBT bakbt = new TorrentsBakaBT(); List <TorrentLinkVM> bakauLinks = bakbt.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(bakauLinks); } if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.AnimeBytes) { TorrentsAnimeBytes abytes = new TorrentsAnimeBytes(); List <TorrentLinkVM> abytesLinks = abytes.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(abytesLinks); } foreach (TorrentLinkVM torLink in links) { NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Trace(torLink.ToStringMatch()); } return(links); }
public void PopulateTorrentDownloadLink(ref TorrentLinkVM torLink) { if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.BakaBT) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(torLink.TorrentDownloadLink)) { TorrentsBakaBT bakbt = new TorrentsBakaBT(); bakbt.PopulateTorrentLink(ref torLink); } } return; }
public List<TorrentLinkVM> BrowseTorrents() { List<TorrentLinkVM> links = new List<TorrentLinkVM>(); if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.Nyaa) { TorrentsNyaa nyaa = new TorrentsNyaa(); List<TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = nyaa.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(ttLinks); } if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.Sukebei) { TorrentsSukebei sukebei = new TorrentsSukebei(); List<TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = sukebei.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(ttLinks); } if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAnime) { TorrentsTokyoToshokan tt = new TorrentsTokyoToshokan(TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAnime); List<TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = tt.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(ttLinks); } if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAll) { TorrentsTokyoToshokan tt = new TorrentsTokyoToshokan(TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAll); List<TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = tt.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(ttLinks); } if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.BakaBT) { TorrentsBakaBT bakbt = new TorrentsBakaBT(); List<TorrentLinkVM> bakauLinks = bakbt.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(bakauLinks); } if (TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.AnimeBytes) { TorrentsAnimeBytes abytes = new TorrentsAnimeBytes(); List<TorrentLinkVM> abytesLinks = abytes.BrowseTorrents(); links.AddRange(abytesLinks); } foreach (TorrentLinkVM torLink in links) NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Trace(torLink.ToStringMatch()); return links; }
public static List<TorrentLinkVM> SearchTorrents(DownloadSearchCriteria search) { List<string> parms = search.GetParms(); List<TorrentLinkVM> links = new List<TorrentLinkVM>(); List<string> episodeGroupParms = new List<string>(); // get the sources that are in both the selected sources and the default sources // default sources have an order List<TorrentSourceVM> orderedSources = new List<TorrentSourceVM>(); // if only full torrent sites bool onlyFullSites = false; if (search.SearchType == DownloadSearchType.Series) { if (UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTOnlyUseForSeriesSearches && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTUsername) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTPassword)) { onlyFullSites = true; TorrentSourceVM src = new TorrentSourceVM(TorrentSourceType.BakaBT, true); orderedSources.Add(src); } if (UserSettingsVM.Instance.AnimeBytesOnlyUseForSeriesSearches && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserSettingsVM.Instance.AnimeBytesUsername) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserSettingsVM.Instance.AnimeBytesPassword)) { onlyFullSites = true; TorrentSourceVM src = new TorrentSourceVM(TorrentSourceType.AnimeBytes, true); orderedSources.Add(src); } } if (!onlyFullSites) { foreach (TorrentSourceVM src in UserSettingsVM.Instance.SelectedTorrentSources) { foreach (TorrentSourceVM srcCur in UserSettingsVM.Instance.CurrentSearchTorrentSources) { if (srcCur.IsDisabled) continue; if (src.TorrentSource == srcCur.TorrentSource) orderedSources.Add(srcCur); } } // now get any sources that we missed foreach (TorrentSourceVM src in UserSettingsVM.Instance.CurrentSearchTorrentSources) { if (src.IsDisabled) continue; bool foundSource = false; foreach (TorrentSourceVM srcDone in orderedSources) { if (srcDone.TorrentSource == src.TorrentSource) foundSource = true; } if (!foundSource) orderedSources.Add(src); } } foreach (TorrentSourceVM src in orderedSources) { if (src.IsDisabled) continue; if (src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.Nyaa) { TorrentsNyaa nyaa = new TorrentsNyaa(); List<TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = null; Dictionary<string, TorrentLinkVM> dictLinks = new Dictionary<string, TorrentLinkVM>(); foreach (string grp in episodeGroupParms) { List<string> tempParms = new List<string>(); foreach (string parmTemp in parms) tempParms.Add(parmTemp); tempParms.Insert(0, grp); ttLinks = nyaa.GetTorrents(tempParms); logger.Trace("Searching for: " + search.ToString() + "(" + grp + ")"); // only use the first 10 int x = 0; foreach (TorrentLinkVM link in ttLinks) { if (x == 10) break; dictLinks[link.TorrentDownloadLink] = link; logger.Trace("Adding link: " + link.ToString()); } } logger.Trace("Searching for: " + search.ToString()); ttLinks = nyaa.GetTorrents(parms); foreach (TorrentLinkVM link in ttLinks) { dictLinks[link.TorrentDownloadLink] = link; //logger.Trace("Adding link: " + link.ToString()); } links.AddRange(dictLinks.Values); } if (src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.AnimeSuki) { TorrentsAnimeSuki suki = new TorrentsAnimeSuki(); List<TorrentLinkVM> sukiLinks = suki.GetTorrents(parms); links.AddRange(sukiLinks); } if (src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.BakaBT) { TorrentsBakaBT bakaBT = new TorrentsBakaBT(); List<TorrentLinkVM> bbLinks = bakaBT.GetTorrents(parms); links.AddRange(bbLinks); } if (src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.AnimeBytes) { TorrentsAnimeBytes abytes = new TorrentsAnimeBytes(); List<TorrentLinkVM> abytesLinks = abytes.GetTorrents(parms); links.AddRange(abytesLinks); } if (src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAll || src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAnime) { TorrentsTokyoToshokan tt = new TorrentsTokyoToshokan(src.TorrentSource); List<TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = null; Dictionary<string, TorrentLinkVM> dictLinks = new Dictionary<string, TorrentLinkVM>(); foreach (string grp in episodeGroupParms) { List<string> tempParms = new List<string>(); foreach (string parmTemp in parms) tempParms.Add(parmTemp); tempParms.Insert(0, grp); ttLinks = tt.GetTorrents(tempParms); logger.Trace("Searching for: " + search.ToString() + "(" + grp + ")"); // only use the first 10 int x = 0; foreach (TorrentLinkVM link in ttLinks) { if (x == 0) break; dictLinks[link.TorrentDownloadLink] = link; //logger.Trace("Adding link: " + link.ToString()); } } logger.Trace("Searching for: " + search.ToString()); ttLinks = tt.GetTorrents(parms); foreach (TorrentLinkVM link in ttLinks) { dictLinks[link.TorrentDownloadLink] = link; //logger.Trace("Adding link: " + link.ToString()); } links.AddRange(dictLinks.Values); } } return links; }
public static List <TorrentLinkVM> SearchTorrents(DownloadSearchCriteria search) { List <string> parms = search.GetParms(); List <TorrentLinkVM> links = new List <TorrentLinkVM>(); List <string> episodeGroupParms = new List <string>(); // get the sources that are in both the selected sources and the default sources // default sources have an order List <TorrentSourceVM> orderedSources = new List <TorrentSourceVM>(); // if only full torrent sites bool onlyFullSites = false; if (search.SearchType == DownloadSearchType.Series) { if (UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTOnlyUseForSeriesSearches && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTUsername) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserSettingsVM.Instance.BakaBTPassword)) { onlyFullSites = true; TorrentSourceVM src = new TorrentSourceVM(TorrentSourceType.BakaBT, true); orderedSources.Add(src); } if (UserSettingsVM.Instance.AnimeBytesOnlyUseForSeriesSearches && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserSettingsVM.Instance.AnimeBytesUsername) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserSettingsVM.Instance.AnimeBytesPassword)) { onlyFullSites = true; TorrentSourceVM src = new TorrentSourceVM(TorrentSourceType.AnimeBytes, true); orderedSources.Add(src); } } if (!onlyFullSites) { foreach (TorrentSourceVM src in UserSettingsVM.Instance.SelectedTorrentSources) { foreach (TorrentSourceVM srcCur in UserSettingsVM.Instance.CurrentSearchTorrentSources) { if (srcCur.IsDisabled) { continue; } if (src.TorrentSource == srcCur.TorrentSource) { orderedSources.Add(srcCur); } } } // now get any sources that we missed foreach (TorrentSourceVM src in UserSettingsVM.Instance.CurrentSearchTorrentSources) { if (src.IsDisabled) { continue; } bool foundSource = false; foreach (TorrentSourceVM srcDone in orderedSources) { if (srcDone.TorrentSource == src.TorrentSource) { foundSource = true; } } if (!foundSource) { orderedSources.Add(src); } } } foreach (TorrentSourceVM src in orderedSources) { if (src.IsDisabled) { continue; } if (src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.Nyaa) { TorrentsNyaa nyaa = new TorrentsNyaa(); List <TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = null; Dictionary <string, TorrentLinkVM> dictLinks = new Dictionary <string, TorrentLinkVM>(); foreach (string grp in episodeGroupParms) { List <string> tempParms = new List <string>(); foreach (string parmTemp in parms) { tempParms.Add(parmTemp); } tempParms.Insert(0, grp); ttLinks = nyaa.GetTorrents(tempParms); logger.Trace("Searching for: " + search.ToString() + "(" + grp + ")"); // only use the first 10 int x = 0; foreach (TorrentLinkVM link in ttLinks) { if (x == 10) { break; } dictLinks[link.TorrentDownloadLink] = link; logger.Trace("Adding link: " + link.ToString()); } } logger.Trace("Searching for: " + search.ToString()); ttLinks = nyaa.GetTorrents(parms); foreach (TorrentLinkVM link in ttLinks) { dictLinks[link.TorrentDownloadLink] = link; //logger.Trace("Adding link: " + link.ToString()); } links.AddRange(dictLinks.Values); } if (src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.AnimeSuki) { TorrentsAnimeSuki suki = new TorrentsAnimeSuki(); List <TorrentLinkVM> sukiLinks = suki.GetTorrents(parms); links.AddRange(sukiLinks); } if (src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.BakaBT) { TorrentsBakaBT bakaBT = new TorrentsBakaBT(); List <TorrentLinkVM> bbLinks = bakaBT.GetTorrents(parms); links.AddRange(bbLinks); } if (src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.AnimeBytes) { TorrentsAnimeBytes abytes = new TorrentsAnimeBytes(); List <TorrentLinkVM> abytesLinks = abytes.GetTorrents(parms); links.AddRange(abytesLinks); } if (src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAll || src.TorrentSource == TorrentSourceType.TokyoToshokanAnime) { TorrentsTokyoToshokan tt = new TorrentsTokyoToshokan(src.TorrentSource); List <TorrentLinkVM> ttLinks = null; Dictionary <string, TorrentLinkVM> dictLinks = new Dictionary <string, TorrentLinkVM>(); foreach (string grp in episodeGroupParms) { List <string> tempParms = new List <string>(); foreach (string parmTemp in parms) { tempParms.Add(parmTemp); } tempParms.Insert(0, grp); ttLinks = tt.GetTorrents(tempParms); logger.Trace("Searching for: " + search.ToString() + "(" + grp + ")"); // only use the first 10 int x = 0; foreach (TorrentLinkVM link in ttLinks) { if (x == 0) { break; } dictLinks[link.TorrentDownloadLink] = link; //logger.Trace("Adding link: " + link.ToString()); } } logger.Trace("Searching for: " + search.ToString()); ttLinks = tt.GetTorrents(parms); foreach (TorrentLinkVM link in ttLinks) { dictLinks[link.TorrentDownloadLink] = link; //logger.Trace("Adding link: " + link.ToString()); } links.AddRange(dictLinks.Values); } } return(links); }