public static string RGraph_Intraday(string ticker, CacheRepositoryManager cacheMgr, int startDay=0) { string[] colors = { "black", "purple", "blue", "green", "red" }; List<string> cacheList = cacheMgr.GetCacheIntradayPathList(ticker, colors.Length); string script = string.Format("##### {0} #####", ticker) + NEWLINE; script += "library(\"ggplot2\")" + NEWLINE; script += string.Format("graph <- ggplot()") + NEWLINE; int i = 0; foreach (string path in cacheList) { if (i++ < startDay) continue; string date = cacheMgr.GetCacheFileDate(path, ticker); if (long.Parse(date) < 20150917) //converted time column was added in the csv after this date { script += string.Format( "qIntraday{0} = read.table(\"{1}\", header=F, sep=\",\", skip=17, col.names=c(\"TS\",\"C\",\"H\",\"L\",\"O\",\"Volume\"))", i - startDay - 1, path.Replace("\\", "/")) + NEWLINE; } else { script += string.Format( "qIntraday{0} = read.table(\"{1}\", header=F, sep=\",\", skip=17, col.names=c(\"TS\",\"C\",\"H\",\"L\",\"O\",\"Volume\",\"T\"))", i - startDay - 1, path.Replace("\\", "/")) + NEWLINE; } if ((i-startDay) == colors.Length) break; } // ggplot2 script for(i=0; i<colors.Length; i++) { script += string.Format( "graph <- graph + geom_point(data=qIntraday{0}, aes(seq(qIntraday{1}$C),qIntraday{2}$C,size=qIntraday{3}$Volume,alpha=.7), colour=\"{4}\")", i, i, i, i, colors[i]) + NEWLINE; } script += string.Format("graph <- graph + labs(title=\"{0} Intraday\") + ylab(\"Close\")", ticker) + NEWLINE; script += string.Format("graph") + NEWLINE; return script; }
public static string RScriptIntraday(string ticker, CacheRepositoryManager cacheMgr, int days = 15) { string script = string.Format("##### {0}: Auto R Script Generated #####", ticker) + NEWLINE; script += string.Format("ticker = \"{0}\"", ticker) + NEWLINE; // Initial R variables script += "date = c()" + NEWLINE; foreach (string key in R_metaVars.Keys) { script += key + " = c()" + NEWLINE; } int i = 0; foreach (string path in cacheMgr.GetCacheIntradayPathList(ticker, days)) { string date = cacheMgr.GetCacheFileDate(path, ticker); if (long.Parse(date) < 20150917) //converted time column was add in the csv later { script += string.Format( "qIntraday{0} = read.table(\"{1}\", header=F, sep=\",\", skip=17, col.names=c(\"TS\",\"C\",\"H\",\"L\",\"O\",\"Volume\"))", i, path.Replace("\\", "/")) + NEWLINE; } else { script += string.Format( "qIntraday{0} = read.table(\"{1}\", header=F, sep=\",\", skip=17, col.names=c(\"TS\",\"C\",\"H\",\"L\",\"O\",\"Volume\",\"T\"))", i, path.Replace("\\", "/")) + NEWLINE; } //meta info script += string.Format("date = c(\"{0}\", date)", date) + NEWLINE; foreach (string key in R_metaVars.Keys) { script += string.Format(R_metaVars[key], i, i, i, i, i, i) + NEWLINE; } i++; } script += "jb_meta = data.frame(date=date"; foreach (string key in R_metaVars.Keys) { script += string.Format(",{0} = {1}", key, key); } script += ")" + NEWLINE; //script += "options(\"width\"=300)" + NEWLINE; // set output width in //script += "sortByC = qIntraday0[order(qIntraday0$C),c(\"C\", \"Volume\")]"; //script += "sortByC = qIntraday0[order(qIntraday0$C),]" + NEWLINE; //script += "groupByC = aggregate(Volume ~ C, qIntraday0, sum)" + NEWLINE; //script += "min_date = jb_meta[jb_meta$low == min(jb_meta$low), ]" + Environment.NewLine; //script += string.Format("message(\"***** {0} *****\")", Ticker) + NEWLINE; //script += "jb_meta[jb_meta$low == min(jb_meta$low), ]" + NEWLINE; //Console.Write(script); return script; }