private string GetDeleteStatement(TypeSchema entityInfo,out List<PropertyInfo> fieldPropertyList) { string query = ""; fieldPropertyList = new List<PropertyInfo>(); foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetKeyFieldInfos()) { if (query != "") query += " AND "; query += GetQuotedName(mfi.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName) + "=@" + mfi.ProInfo.Name; fieldPropertyList.Add(mfi.ProInfo); } return string.Format("WHERE {0}", query); }
public static string GetEntityInfoMessage(object entity) { TypeSchema entityInfo = ORMSchemaCache.GetTypeSchema(entity.GetType()); StringBuilder infoBuilder = new StringBuilder(); infoBuilder.AppendLine("Entity Type: " + entity.GetType().FullName); foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetAllFieldInfos()) { PropertyInfo property = mfi.ProInfo; infoBuilder.AppendLine("[" + property.Name + "]: " + property.GetValue(entity, null)); } return(infoBuilder.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 得到新增数据库中某一对象的DbCommand,modifyCommandCreator的属性Entity不能为空 /// </summary> /// <exception cref="RException(DatabaseErrorCode.CommandTextIsEmpty - 0x00010102)"> /// 属性Entity为null时,引发此异常 /// </exception> /// <returns>新增数据库中某一对象的DbCommand,DbCommand的参数为所传入的Entity的属性</returns> public override DbCommand GetDbCommand() { TypeSchema entityInfo = ORMSchemaCache.GetTypeSchema(Entity.GetType()); List <PropertyInfo> fieldPropertyList = null; string sqlInsert = string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} {1}" , GetQuotedName(entityInfo.MappingTableAttribute.TableName) , GetInsertStatement(entityInfo, out fieldPropertyList)); DbCommand dbCommand = GetDbCommandByEntity(fieldPropertyList, this.Entity); dbCommand.CommandText = sqlInsert; return(dbCommand); }
internal static void EntityIsMappingDatabase(Type type, string message) { TypeSchema entityInfo = ORMSchemaCache.GetTypeSchema(type); if (entityInfo.MappingTableAttribute == null) { throw new ORMException(message); } if (entityInfo.GetKeyFieldInfos() == null || entityInfo.GetKeyFieldInfos().Count == 0) { throw new ORMException(message); } }
/// <summary> /// 得到修改数据库中某一对象的DbCommand,modifyCommandCreator的属性Entity不能为空 /// </summary> /// <exception cref="RException(DatabaseErrorCode.CommandTextIsEmpty - 0x00010102)"> /// 属性Entity为null时,引发此异常 /// </exception> /// <returns>修改数据库中某一对象的DbCommand,DbCommand的参数为所传入的Entity的属性</returns> public override DbCommand GetDbCommand() { TypeSchema entityInfo = ORMSchemaCache.GetTypeSchema(Entity.GetType()); List <PropertyInfo> fieldPropertyList = null; string sqlUpdate = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET {1}" , GetQuotedName(entityInfo.MappingTableAttribute.TableName) , GetUpdateStatement(entityInfo, out fieldPropertyList)); DbCommand dbCommand = GetDbCommandByEntity(fieldPropertyList, Entity); dbCommand.CommandText = sqlUpdate; return(dbCommand); }
private DbCommand GetDbCommand(Criteria criteria, params SortInfo[] orderBy) { TypeSchema entityInfo = ORMSchemaCache.GetTypeSchema(this.ObjectType); List <PropertyInfo> fieldPropertyList = new List <PropertyInfo>(); string sqlFields = GetSelectStatement(entityInfo); List <DbParameter> parameters; string sqlWhere = criteria.GenerateExpression(this.ObjectType, out parameters, DbAccess); string sqlOrder = ToOrderByClause(this.ObjectType, orderBy); StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (NeedPaged) { if (sqlOrder == "") { foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetKeyFieldInfos()) { if (sqlOrder != "") { sqlOrder += ","; } else { sqlOrder += "ORDER BY "; } sqlOrder += GetQuotedName(mfi.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName) + " ASC"; } } sqlBuilder.AppendLine("WITH [TMP] AS("); sqlBuilder.AppendLine("SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (" + sqlOrder + ") AS [ROW]"); sqlBuilder.AppendLine("FROM("); sqlBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("SELECT {0}", sqlFields)); sqlBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("WHERE 1=1 {0}", sqlWhere)); sqlBuilder.AppendLine(") AS [A] )"); sqlBuilder.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM [TMP]"); sqlBuilder.AppendLine("INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT([ROW]) AS [TotalCount] FROM [TMP]) AS [B] ON 1 = 1"); sqlBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format(" AND ROW > {0} AND ROW <= {1}", PageSize * (PageIndex - 1), PageSize * PageIndex)); } else { sqlBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("SELECT {0}", sqlFields)); sqlBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("WHERE 1=1 {0}", sqlWhere)); sqlBuilder.AppendLine(sqlOrder); } DbCommand dbCommand = GetDbCommandByEntity(fieldPropertyList, null); dbCommand.Parameters.AddRange(parameters.ToArray()); dbCommand.CommandText = sqlBuilder.ToString(); return(dbCommand); }
/// <summary> /// 构建无where条件查询的sql语句 /// </summary> /// <param name="fieldPropertyList"></param> /// <param name="tableName">表名</param> /// <returns>sql语句</returns> private string GetSelectStatement(TypeSchema entityInfo) { string fields = ""; foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetAllFieldInfos()) { if (fields != "") { fields += ","; } fields += GetQuotedName(mfi.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName); } return(string.Format("{0} FROM {1}", fields, this.GetQuotedName(entityInfo.MappingTableAttribute.TableName))); }
private string GetDeleteStatement(TypeSchema entityInfo, out List <PropertyInfo> fieldPropertyList) { string query = ""; fieldPropertyList = new List <PropertyInfo>(); foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetKeyFieldInfos()) { if (query != "") { query += " AND "; } query += GetQuotedName(mfi.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName) + "=@" + mfi.ProInfo.Name; fieldPropertyList.Add(mfi.ProInfo); } return(string.Format("WHERE {0}", query)); }
internal virtual void Init(Type objectType, IDBAccess dbAccess) { TypeSchema entityInfo = ORMSchemaCache.GetTypeSchema(objectType); SchemaItem fieldInfo = entityInfo.GetFieldInfoByPropertyName(this._propertyName); if (fieldInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} - Property \"{1}\" not define a mapping field.", this.GetType(), _propertyName)); } Type type = fieldInfo.ProInfo.PropertyType; type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) ?? type; this._dbType = ORMHelper.GetDbTypeByName(type); this._fieldName = fieldInfo.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName; this._dbAccess = dbAccess; }
private string GetInsertStatement(TypeSchema entityInfo, out List<PropertyInfo> fieldPropertyList) { string fields = "", values = ""; fieldPropertyList = new List<PropertyInfo>(); foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetAllFieldInfos()) { if (mfi.MappingFieldAttribute.IsAutoField) continue; if (fields != "") fields += ","; if (values != "") values += ","; fields += GetQuotedName(mfi.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName); values += "@" + mfi.ProInfo.Name; fieldPropertyList.Add(mfi.ProInfo); } return string.Format("({0}) VALUES ({1})", fields, values); }
internal static TypeSchema GetTypeSchema(Type objectType) { TypeSchema entityInfo = null; if (!_entityInfos.TryGetValue(objectType, out entityInfo)) { lock (o) { if (!_entityInfos.TryGetValue(objectType, out entityInfo)) { entityInfo = new TypeSchema(objectType); _entityInfos.Add(objectType, entityInfo); } } } return(entityInfo); }
internal static TypeSchema GetTypeSchema(Type objectType) { TypeSchema entityInfo = null; if (!_entityInfos.TryGetValue(objectType, out entityInfo)) { lock (o) { if (!_entityInfos.TryGetValue(objectType, out entityInfo)) { entityInfo = new TypeSchema(objectType); _entityInfos.Add(objectType, entityInfo); } } } return entityInfo; }
private string GetUpdateStatement(TypeSchema entityInfo,out List<PropertyInfo> fieldPropertyList) { fieldPropertyList = new List<PropertyInfo>(); string sets = ""; string query = ""; foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetKeyFieldInfos()) { if (query != "") query += " AND "; query += GetQuotedName(mfi.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName) + "=@" + mfi.ProInfo.Name; fieldPropertyList.Add(mfi.ProInfo); } foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetNeedUpdateFieldInfos()) { if (sets != "") sets += ","; sets += GetQuotedName(mfi.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName) + "=@" + mfi.ProInfo.Name; fieldPropertyList.Add(mfi.ProInfo); } return string.Format("{0} WHERE {1}", sets, query); }
protected DbCommand GetDbCommandByKeyValue(TypeSchema entityInfo, object keyValue) { DbCommand dbCommand = DbAccess.CreateDbCommand(); foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetKeyFieldInfos()) { Type type = mfi.ProInfo.PropertyType; type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) ?? type; DbType dbType = ORMHelper.GetDbTypeByName(type); DbParameter parameter = DbAccess.CreateDbParameter(); parameter.ParameterName = "@" + mfi.ProInfo.Name; parameter.DbType = dbType; //parameter.Value = Convert.ChangeType(keyValue, fieldProperty.PropertyType); parameter.Value = Convert.ChangeType(keyValue, type); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); } return(dbCommand); }
protected DbCommand GetDbCommandByKeyValue(TypeSchema entityInfo, object keyValue) { DbCommand dbCommand = DbAccess.CreateDbCommand(); foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetKeyFieldInfos()) { Type type = mfi.ProInfo.PropertyType; type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) ?? type; DbType dbType = ORMHelper.GetDbTypeByName(type); DbParameter parameter = DbAccess.CreateDbParameter(); parameter.ParameterName = "@" + mfi.ProInfo.Name; parameter.DbType = dbType; //parameter.Value = Convert.ChangeType(keyValue, fieldProperty.PropertyType); parameter.Value = Convert.ChangeType(keyValue, type); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); } return dbCommand; }
/// <summary> /// 构建select count()语句 /// </summary> /// <param name="entityType">指定实体对象</param> /// <returns></returns> private DbCommand GetCountDbCommand(object entity, string[] filterPerproties) { TypeSchema entityInfo = ORMSchemaCache.GetTypeSchema(entity.GetType()); List <PropertyInfo> fieldPropertyList = null; string sqlSelect = ""; if (filterPerproties == null) { sqlSelect = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0}", this.GetQuotedName(entityInfo.MappingTableAttribute.TableName)); fieldPropertyList = new List <PropertyInfo>();//初始化fieldPropertyList,仅仅为了给GetDbCommandByEntity提供无元素的List } else { sqlSelect = string.Format("SELECT {0}", GetCountSelectStatement(entityInfo, out fieldPropertyList, filterPerproties)); } DbCommand dbCommand = GetDbCommandByEntity(fieldPropertyList, entity); dbCommand.CommandText = sqlSelect; return(dbCommand); }
public static T ConvertDataRowToEntity <T>(DataRow dataRow) where T : new() { PreconditionAssert.IsNotNull(dataRow, ErrorMessages.NullReferenceException); T tempT = new T(); Type entityType = typeof(T); string fieldName; TypeSchema entityInfo = ORMSchemaCache.GetTypeSchema(entityType); foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetAllFieldInfos()) { fieldName = mfi.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName)) { continue; } if (dataRow.Table.Columns.Contains(fieldName)) { object value = null; if (!dataRow[fieldName].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { Type type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(mfi.ProInfo.PropertyType) ?? mfi.ProInfo.PropertyType; if (type.IsEnum) { value = Enum.Parse(type, dataRow[fieldName].ToString()); } else { value = Convert.ChangeType(dataRow[fieldName], type); } } mfi.ProInfo.SetValue(tempT, value, null); } } return(tempT); }
private string ToOrderByClause(Type entityType, params SortInfo[] orderBy) { TypeSchema entityInfo = ORMSchemaCache.GetTypeSchema(entityType); string orderByStr = ""; if (null != orderBy && orderBy.Length > 0) { foreach (SortInfo tempSortInfo in orderBy) { SchemaItem fieldInfo = entityInfo.GetFieldInfoByPropertyName(tempSortInfo.PropertyName); if (fieldInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Sort property not define a mapping field. - \"" + tempSortInfo.PropertyName + "\""); } string tempName = GetQuotedName(fieldInfo.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName); if (tempSortInfo.Direction == SortDirection.Desc) { orderByStr += "," + tempName + " Desc"; } else { orderByStr += "," + tempName; } } if (orderByStr.Length > 0) { orderByStr = orderByStr.Substring(1); //remove the first char ','. } return(string.Format(" ORDER BY {0}", orderByStr)); } else { return(orderByStr); } }
internal static List <SchemaItem> GetSchemaItems(Type objectType) { TypeSchema entityInfo = GetTypeSchema(objectType); return(entityInfo.GetAllFieldInfos()); }
/// <summary> /// 构建带where条件查询的sql语句 /// </summary> /// <param name="fieldPropertyList"></param> /// <param name="tableName">表名</param> /// <param name="filterProterties">要查询的字段</param> /// <returns>sql语句</returns> private string GetSelectStatement(TypeSchema entityInfo, out List<PropertyInfo> fieldPropertyList, string[] filterProterties) { fieldPropertyList = new List<PropertyInfo>(); string fields = "", query = ""; foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetAllFieldInfos()) { PropertyInfo property = mfi.ProInfo; EntityMappingFieldAttribute fieldAttr = mfi.MappingFieldAttribute; if (fields != "") fields += ","; fields += GetQuotedName(fieldAttr.FieldName); //当不选择过滤条件则判定是否是主键、当选择过滤字段则判断当前属性是否包含在过滤字段内 if ((filterProterties == null && fieldAttr.IsKey == true) || (filterProterties != null && filterProterties.Contains(property.Name))) { if (query != "") query += " AND "; query += GetQuotedName(fieldAttr.FieldName) + "=@" + property.Name; fieldPropertyList.Add(property); } } return string.Format("{0} FROM {1} WHERE {2}", fields, this.GetQuotedName(entityInfo.MappingTableAttribute.TableName), query); }
/// <summary> /// 构建无where条件查询的sql语句 /// </summary> /// <param name="fieldPropertyList"></param> /// <param name="tableName">表名</param> /// <returns>sql语句</returns> private string GetSelectStatement(TypeSchema entityInfo) { string fields = ""; foreach (SchemaItem mfi in entityInfo.GetAllFieldInfos()) { if (fields != "") fields += ","; fields += GetQuotedName(mfi.MappingFieldAttribute.FieldName); } return string.Format("{0} FROM {1}", fields, this.GetQuotedName(entityInfo.MappingTableAttribute.TableName)); }