private void FormDyhptl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int firstyear = 0; int endyear = 0; Ps_Forecast_Setup pfs = new Ps_Forecast_Setup(); pfs.Forecast = type; pfs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); if (li.Count != 0) { firstyear = li[0].StartYear; endyear = li[0].EndYear; } Ps_Calc pcs = new Ps_Calc(); pcs.Forecast = type; pcs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; list1 = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Calc>("SelectPs_CalcByForecast", pcs); if (list1.Count>0) { spinEdit1.Value = (decimal)list1[0].Value1; } }
private void barButtonItem26_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { if (treeList1.Nodes.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("�����ݣ����ܲ�����"); return; } if (barButtonItem26.Caption == "��ʼ��ȡ��ʷ����") { barButtonItem26.Caption = "������ȡ��ʷ����"; firstyear = "0"; endyear = "0"; selectdral = false; this.simpleButton2.Enabled = false; this.barButtonItem17.Enabled = false; //this.simpleButton4.Enabled = false; treeList1.OptionsSelection.MultiSelect = true; treeList1.OptionsBehavior.Editable = false; treeList1.Refresh(); } else if (barButtonItem26.Caption == "������ȡ��ʷ����") { barButtonItem26.Caption = "��ʼ��ȡ��ʷ����"; selectdral = true; this.simpleButton2.Enabled = true; this.barButtonItem17.Enabled = true; //this.simpleButton4.Enabled = true; if (firstyear != "Title") { Ps_Forecast_Setup pfs = new Ps_Forecast_Setup(); pfs.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); pfs.Forecast = type; pfs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; pfs.StartYear = int.Parse(firstyear.Replace("y", "")); pfs.EndYear = int.Parse(endyear.Replace("y", "")); IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); if (li.Count == 0) Services.BaseService.Create<Ps_Forecast_Setup>(pfs); else Services.BaseService.Update("UpdatePs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); } treeList1.OptionsSelection.MultiSelect = false; treeList1.OptionsBehavior.Editable = true; } }
//������ʷ��� private void SetHistoryYear() { Ps_Forecast_Setup pfs = new Ps_Forecast_Setup(); pfs.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); pfs.Forecast = type; pfs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; pfs.StartYear = forecastReport.StartYear; pfs.EndYear = forecastReport.EndYear; IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); if (li.Count == 0) Services.BaseService.Create<Ps_Forecast_Setup>(pfs); else Services.BaseService.Update("UpdatePs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li2 = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); if (li2.Count != 0) { firstyear = li2[0].StartYear.ToString(); endyear = li2[0].EndYear.ToString(); } }
private void Form8Forecast_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HideToolBarButton(); //chart1.Series.Clear(); //Show(); Application.DoEvents(); //this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; //treeList1.BeginUpdate(); LoadData(); //treeList1.EndUpdate(); RefreshChart(); //this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; Ps_Forecast_Setup pfs = new Ps_Forecast_Setup(); pfs.Forecast = type; pfs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; pfs.StartYear = int.Parse(firstyear.Replace("y", "")); pfs.EndYear = int.Parse(endyear.Replace("y", "")); IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); if (li.Count != 0) { if ((li[0].StartYear >= forecastReport.StartYear && forecastReport.EndYear >= li[0].EndYear)) { firstyear = li[0].StartYear.ToString(); endyear = li[0].EndYear.ToString(); } else { endyear = "0"; firstyear = "0"; } } }
private void FormForecastCalc4_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region ������չʵ�� Ps_YearRange py = new Ps_YearRange(); py.Col4 = "������չʵ������"; py.Col5 = Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID; IList<Ps_YearRange> li2 = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_YearRange>("SelectPs_YearRangeByCol5andCol4", py); if (li2.Count > 0) { firstyear1 = li2[0].StartYear; endyear1 = li2[0].FinishYear; } //�¾������� //Ps_History psp_Type = new Ps_History(); //psp_Type.Forecast = 5; //psp_Type.Col4 = Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID; //IList<Ps_History> listTypes = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_History>("SelectPs_HistoryByForecast", psp_Type); //DataTable dataTable = Itop.Common.DataConverter.ToDataTable((IList)listTypes, typeof(Ps_History)); //DataRow[] rows1 = dataTable.Select("Title like 'ȫ����GDP%'"); Ps_Forecast_Math psp_Type = new Ps_Forecast_Math(); psp_Type.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; psp_Type.Forecast = type; IList listTypes = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPs_Forecast_MathByForecastIDAndForecast", psp_Type); dataTable = Itop.Common.DataConverter.ToDataTable(listTypes, typeof(Ps_Forecast_Math)); DataRow[] rows1 = dataTable.Select("Title like 'ȫ����GDP%'"); DataRow[] rows4 = dataTable.Select("Title like 'ȫ����õ���%'"); //�µ������� //Ps_History psp_Type2 = new Ps_History(); //psp_Type2.Forecast = 6; //psp_Type2.Col4 = Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID; //IList<Ps_History> listTypes2 = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_History>("SelectPs_HistoryByForecast", psp_Type2); //DataTable dataTable2 = Itop.Common.DataConverter.ToDataTable((IList)listTypes2, typeof(Ps_History)); //DataRow[] rows4 = dataTable2.Select("Title like 'ȫ����õ���%'"); if (rows1.Length == 0 ) { MessageBox.Show("ȱ�١�ȫ����GDP�����ݣ�"); this.Close(); return; } if (rows4.Length==0) { MessageBox.Show("����������ȱ�١�ȫ����õ��������ݣ�"); this.Close(); return; } #endregion Ps_Forecast_Setup pfs = new Ps_Forecast_Setup(); pfs.Forecast = type; pfs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); if (li.Count != 0) { firstyear = li[0].StartYear; endyear = li[0].EndYear; } Ps_Calc pcs = new Ps_Calc(); pcs.Forecast = type; pcs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; list1 = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Calc>("SelectPs_CalcByForecast", pcs); HideToolBarButton(); dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("ID"); dt.Columns.Add("Name"); newrow1 = dt.NewRow(); newrow1["ID"] = "ID"; newrow1["Name"] = "����ϵ��"; //newrow2 = dt.NewRow(); //newrow2["Name"] = "GDP������"; for (int i = firstyear; i <= forecastReport.YcEndYear; i++) { dt.Columns.Add(i.ToString(), typeof(double)); DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Rows.EditorRow editorRow = new DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Rows.EditorRow(); editorRow.Properties.FieldName = i.ToString().Trim(); editorRow.Properties.Caption =i.ToString().Trim(); editorRow.Height = 20; editorRow.Properties.RowEdit = this.repositoryItemCalcEdit4; this.vGridControl2.Rows.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Rows.BaseRow[] { editorRow }); double s1 = 0; double s2 = 0; double s3 = 0; double s4 = 0; double s5 = 0; double s6 = 0; double s7 = 0; try { s1 = Convert.ToDouble(rows1[0]["y" + i]); } catch { } try { s2 = Convert.ToDouble(rows1[0]["y" + (i-1)]); } catch { } try { s3 = Convert.ToDouble(rows4[0]["y" + i]); } catch { } try { s4 = Convert.ToDouble(rows4[0]["y" + (i - 1)]); } catch { } if (s2 != 0) s5 = (s1 - s2) / s2; if (s4 != 0) s6 = (s3 - s4) / s4; if (s5 != 0) s7 = s6 / s5; newrow1[i.ToString()] = Math.Round(s7,3); //newrow2[i.ToString()] =Math.Round( s5,3); if (i>=forecastReport.YcStartYear) { foreach (Ps_Calc pcs2 in list1) { if (i == pcs2.Year) { newrow1[i.ToString()] = Math.Round(pcs2.Value1, 3); } } } } dt.Rows.Add(newrow1); //dt.Rows.Add(newrow2); // gridControl1.DataSource = dt; vGridControl2.DataSource = dt; }
private void FormForecastCalcTX_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region ������չʵ�� ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); IList<Base_Data> li1 = Common.Services.BaseService.GetStrongList<Base_Data>(); foreach (Base_Data bd in li1) al.Add(bd.Title); Ps_History psp_Type1 = new Ps_History(); psp_Type1.Forecast = 1; psp_Type1.Col4 = Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID; IList<Ps_History> listTypes1 = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_History>("SelectPs_HistoryByForecast", psp_Type1); for (int c = 0; c < al.Count; c++) { bool bl = true; foreach (Ps_History ph in listTypes1) { if (al[c].ToString() == ph.Title) bl = false; } if (bl) { Ps_History pf = new Ps_History(); pf.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "|" + Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID; pf.Forecast = 1; pf.ForecastID = "1"; pf.Title = al[c].ToString(); pf.Col4 = Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID; Services.BaseService.Create<Ps_History>(pf); listTypes1.Add(pf); } } Ps_YearRange py = new Ps_YearRange(); py.Col4 = "������չʵ��"; py.Col5 = Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID; IList<Ps_YearRange> li2 = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_YearRange>("SelectPs_YearRangeByCol5andCol4", py); if (li2.Count > 0) { firstyear1 = li2[0].StartYear; endyear1 = li2[0].FinishYear; } Ps_History psp_Type = new Ps_History(); psp_Type.Forecast = 1; psp_Type.Col4 = Itop.Client.MIS.ProgUID; IList<Ps_History> listTypes = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_History>("SelectPs_HistoryByForecast", psp_Type); DataTable dataTable = Itop.Common.DataConverter.ToDataTable((IList)listTypes, typeof(Ps_History)); DataRow[] rows1 = dataTable.Select("Title='ȫ����GDP����Ԫ��'"); DataRow[] rows4 = dataTable.Select("Title='ȫ����õ�������kWh��'"); #endregion Ps_Forecast_Setup pfs = new Ps_Forecast_Setup(); pfs.Forecast = type; pfs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; //IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); //if (li.Count != 0) //{ // firstyear = li[0].StartYear; // endyear = li[0].EndYear; //} Ps_Calc pcs = new Ps_Calc(); pcs.Forecast = type; pcs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; list1 = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Calc>("SelectPs_CalcByForecast", pcs); HideToolBarButton(); dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("ID"); dt.Columns.Add("Name"); newrow1 = dt.NewRow(); newrow1["ID"] = "ID"; newrow1["Name"] = "����ϵ��"; newrow2 = dt.NewRow(); newrow2["Name"] = "GDP������"; for (int i = firstyear; i <= forecastReport.EndYear; i++) { dt.Columns.Add(i.ToString(), typeof(double)); DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Rows.EditorRow editorRow = new DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Rows.EditorRow(); editorRow.Properties.FieldName = i.ToString().Trim(); editorRow.Properties.Caption =i.ToString().Trim(); editorRow.Height = 20; editorRow.Properties.RowEdit = this.repositoryItemCalcEdit4; this.vGridControl2.Rows.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Rows.BaseRow[] { editorRow }); double s1 = 0; double s2 = 0; double s3 = 0; double s4 = 0; double s5 = 0; double s6 = 0; double s7 = 0; try { s1 = Convert.ToDouble(rows1[0]["y" + i]); } catch { } try { s2 = Convert.ToDouble(rows1[0]["y" + (i-1)]); } catch { } try { s3 = Convert.ToDouble(rows4[0]["y" + i]); } catch { } try { s4 = Convert.ToDouble(rows4[0]["y" + (i - 1)]); } catch { } if (s2 != 0) s5 = (s1 - s2) / s2; if (s4 != 0) s6 = (s3 - s4) / s4; if (s5 != 0) s7 = s6 / s5; newrow1[i.ToString()] = Math.Round(s7,3); newrow2[i.ToString()] =Math.Round( s5,3); foreach (Ps_Calc pcs2 in list1) { if (i == pcs2.Year) { newrow1[i.ToString()] = Math.Round(pcs2.Value1,3); newrow2[i.ToString()] = Math.Round(pcs2.Value2,3); } } } dt.Rows.Add(newrow1); dt.Rows.Add(newrow2); vGridControl2.DataSource = dt; }
private void FormForecast9_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HideToolBarButton(); //chart1.Series.Clear(); //Show(); Application.DoEvents(); //this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; //treeList1.BeginUpdate(); // InitData1(); LoadData(); //treeList1.EndUpdate(); RefreshChart(); //this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; Ps_Forecast_Setup pfs = new Ps_Forecast_Setup(); pfs.Forecast = type; pfs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; pfs.StartYear = int.Parse(firstyear.Replace("y", "")); pfs.EndYear = int.Parse(endyear.Replace("y", "")); IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); if (li.Count != 0) { if ((li[0].StartYear >= forecastReport.StartYear && forecastReport.EndYear >= li[0].EndYear)) { firstyear = li[0].StartYear.ToString(); endyear= li[0].EndYear.ToString(); } else { endyear = "0"; firstyear = "0"; } } //Ps_Forecast_Setup pfs = new Ps_Forecast_Setup(); //pfs.Forecast = type; //pfs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; //pfs.StartYear = int.Parse(firstyear.Replace("y", "")); //pfs.EndYear = int.Parse(endyear.Replace("y", "")); //IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); //if (li.Count != 0) //{ // firstyear=li[0].StartYear.ToString(); // endyear=li[0].EndYear.ToString(); //} ha.Clear(); //Ps_Calc pcs = new Ps_Calc(); //pcs.Forecast = type; //pcs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; // IList<Ps_Calc> list1 = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Calc>("SelectPs_CalcByForecast", pcs); IList<Ps_Calc> list1 = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Calc>("SelectPs_CalcByWhere", " Forecast = '" + type + "' and ForecastID = '" + forecastReport.ID + "'and Value2 != '0' and Value3 != '0' and Value4 != '0' and Value5 != '0' and (Col4 != '') order by Value2"); foreach (Ps_Calc pcs2 in list1) { ha.Add(ha.Count, pcs2.CalcID + "@" + pcs2.Value4 + "-" + pcs2.Value5 + "@" + pcs2.Value2 + "-" + pcs2.Value3 +"@"+ pcs2.Col4); } //foreach (Ps_Calc pcs2 in list1) //{ // if ("�������ʷ�" == pcs2.CalcID) // { // if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) // { // if (!ha.ContainsKey("�������ʷ�")) // ha.Add("�������ʷ�", pcs2.Value2 + "@" + pcs2.Value3); // } // } // else // if ("����ϵ����" == pcs2.CalcID) // { // if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) // { // if (!ha.ContainsKey("����ϵ����")) // ha.Add("����ϵ����", pcs2.Value2 + "@" + pcs2.Value3); // } // } // else // if ("ָ��ƽ����" == pcs2.CalcID) // { // if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) // { // if (!ha.ContainsKey("ָ��ƽ����")) // ha.Add("ָ��ƽ����", pcs2.Value2 + "@" + pcs2.Value3); // } // } // else // if ("��ɫģ�ͷ�" == pcs2.CalcID) // { // if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) // { // if (!ha.ContainsKey("��ɫģ�ͷ�")) // ha.Add("��ɫģ�ͷ�", pcs2.Value2 + "@" + pcs2.Value3); // } // } // else // if ("ר��ָ����" == pcs2.CalcID) // { // if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) // { // if (!ha.ContainsKey("ר��ָ����")) // ha.Add("ר��ָ����", pcs2.Value2 + "@" + pcs2.Value3); // } // } // else // if ("���Ʒ�" == pcs2.CalcID) // { // if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) // { // if (!ha.ContainsKey("���Ʒ�")) // ha.Add("���Ʒ�", pcs2.Value2 + "@" + pcs2.Value3); // } // } // else // if ("��ط�" == pcs2.CalcID) // { // if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) // { // if (!ha.ContainsKey("��ط�")) // ha.Add("��ط�", pcs2.Value2 + "@" + pcs2.Value3); // } // } // else // if ("�˹������編" == pcs2.CalcID) // { // if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) // { // if (!ha.ContainsKey("�˹������編")) // ha.Add("�˹������編", pcs2.Value2 + "@" + pcs2.Value3); // } // } //} if (ha.Count < 1) { simpleButton2.Enabled = false; } else { // JS(); //JS2(); CalcPredictedValue(); } }
private void FormForecast9_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HideToolBarButton(); //chart1.Series.Clear(); //Show(); Application.DoEvents(); //this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; //treeList1.BeginUpdate(); // InitData1(); LoadData(); //treeList1.EndUpdate(); RefreshChart(); //this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; Ps_Forecast_Setup pfs = new Ps_Forecast_Setup(); pfs.Forecast = type; pfs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; pfs.StartYear = int.Parse(firstyear.Replace("y", "")); pfs.EndYear = int.Parse(endyear.Replace("y", "")); IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); SetHistoryYear(); IList<Ps_Calc> list1 = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Calc>("SelectPs_CalcByWhere", " Forecast = '" + type + "' and ForecastID = '" + forecastReport.ID + "'and Value2 != '0' and Value3 != '0' and Value4 != '0' and Value5 != '0' and (Col4 != '') order by Value2"); foreach (Ps_Calc pcs2 in list1) { ha.Add(ha.Count, pcs2.CalcID + "@" + pcs2.Value4 + "-" + pcs2.Value5 + "@" + pcs2.Value2 + "-" + pcs2.Value3 +"@"+ pcs2.Col4); } if (ha.Count < 1) { simpleButton2.Enabled = false; } else { CalcPredictedValue(); } }
private void FormForecast10_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HideToolBarButton(); ////chart1.Series.Clear(); ////Show(); Application.DoEvents(); //this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; //gridView1.BeginUpdate(); Ps_Forecast_Math psp_Type = new Ps_Forecast_Math(); psp_Type.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; psp_Type.Forecast = type; Common.Services.BaseService.Update("DeletePs_Forecast_MathForecastIDAndForecast", psp_Type); psp_Type.Forecast = 0; IList listTypes = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPs_Forecast_MathByForecastIDAndForecast", psp_Type); foreach (Ps_Forecast_Math psp_Typetemp in listTypes) { psp_Type = new Ps_Forecast_Math(); psp_Type = psp_Typetemp; psp_Type.ID = psp_Type.ID+"|10"; psp_Type.Forecast = type; psp_Type.ParentID = psp_Type.ParentID + "|10"; Common.Services.BaseService.Create<Ps_Forecast_Math>(psp_Type); } LoadData(); //gridView1.EndUpdate(); RefreshChart(); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; Ps_Forecast_Setup pfs = new Ps_Forecast_Setup(); pfs.Forecast = type; pfs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; pfs.StartYear = int.Parse(firstyear.Replace("y", "")); pfs.EndYear = int.Parse(endyear.Replace("y", "")); IList<Ps_Forecast_Setup> li = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Forecast_Setup>("SelectPs_Forecast_SetupByForecast", pfs); if (li.Count != 0) { firstyear=li[0].StartYear.ToString(); endyear=li[0].EndYear.ToString(); } ha.Clear(); Ps_Calc pcs = new Ps_Calc(); pcs.Forecast = type; pcs.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; IList<Ps_Calc> list1 = Services.BaseService.GetList<Ps_Calc>("SelectPs_CalcByForecast", pcs); foreach (Ps_Calc pcs2 in list1) { if ("�������ʷ�" == pcs2.CalcID) { if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) { if (!ha.ContainsKey("�������ʷ�")) ha.Add("�������ʷ�", pcs2.Value2); } } else if ("����ϵ����" == pcs2.CalcID) { if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) { if (!ha.ContainsKey("����ϵ����")) ha.Add("����ϵ����", pcs2.Value2); } } else if ("ָ��ƽ����" == pcs2.CalcID) { if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) { if (!ha.ContainsKey("ָ��ƽ����")) ha.Add("ָ��ƽ����", pcs2.Value2); } } else if ("��ɫģ�ͷ�" == pcs2.CalcID) { if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) { if (!ha.ContainsKey("��ɫģ�ͷ�")) ha.Add("��ɫģ�ͷ�", pcs2.Value2); } } else if ("ר��ָ����" == pcs2.CalcID) { if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) { if (!ha.ContainsKey("ר��ָ����")) ha.Add("ר��ָ����", pcs2.Value2); } } else if ("���Ʒ�" == pcs2.CalcID) { if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) { if (!ha.ContainsKey("���Ʒ�")) ha.Add("���Ʒ�", pcs2.Value2); } } else if ("��ط�" == pcs2.CalcID) { if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) { if (!ha.ContainsKey("��ط�")) ha.Add("��ط�", pcs2.Value2); } } else if ("�˹������編" == pcs2.CalcID) { if (pcs2.Value1 > 0) { if (!ha.ContainsKey("�˹������編")) ha.Add("�˹������編", pcs2.Value2); } } } if (ha.Count < 1) { simpleButton2.Enabled = false; } else { JS(); } }