private void barButtonItem1_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { TreeListNode focusedNode = treeList1.FocusedNode; if (focusedNode == null) { return; } if (!base.AddRight) { MsgBox.Show("您没有权限进行此项操作!"); return; } FindNodes(treeList1.FocusedNode); string nodestr = treenode.GetValue("Title").ToString(); if (treeList1.FocusedNode.GetValue("Col1").ToString() == "no" || focusedNode.GetValue("ParentID").ToString()=="0") { MsgBox.Show( focusedNode.GetValue("Title").ToString()+"不允许添加子分类!"); return; } FrmAddPN frm = new FrmAddPN(); frm.Text = "增加" + focusedNode.GetValue("Title") + "的子分类"; frm.SetLabelName = "子分类名称"; if (focusedNode.GetValue("Title").ToString() == "二、220千伏直供负荷") frm.SetCheckVisible(); if(frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Ps_Table_500Result table1 = new Ps_Table_500Result(); table1.ID += "|" + GetProjectID; table1.Title = frm.ParentName; table1.ParentID = focusedNode.GetValue("ID").ToString(); table1.ProjectID = GetProjectID; table1.Col1 = "child"; table1.Col2 = treeList1.FocusedNode.GetValue("Col1").ToString(); table1.Sort = OperTable.Get500ResultMaxSort()+1; if (frm.BCheck == true) table1.Col3 = "check"; try { Common.Services.BaseService.Create("InsertPs_Table_500Result", table1); dataTable.Rows.Add(Itop.Common.DataConverter.ObjectToRow(table1, dataTable.NewRow())); } catch(Exception ex) { MsgBox.Show("增加子分类出错:" + ex.Message); } } }
//添加父分类 private void barButtonItem8_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { if (!base.AddRight) { MsgBox.Show("您没有权限进行此项操作!"); return; } TreeListNode focusedNode = treeList1.FocusedNode; //if (focusedNode == null) //{ // return; //} FrmAddPN frm = new FrmAddPN(); frm.SetCheckVisible(); frm.SetCheckText("不计特殊"); if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Ps_Table_500PH table_yd = new Ps_Table_500PH(); table_yd.ID += "|" + GetProjectID; table_yd.Title = frm.ParentName; table_yd.ParentID = "0"; table_yd.Sort = OperTable.Get500MaxSort() + 1; table_yd.ProjectID = GetProjectID; try { Common.Services.BaseService.Create("InsertPs_Table_500PH", table_yd); } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.Show("增加分类出错:" + ex.Message); } string[] lei = new string[6] { "地区最大负荷", "接入地区220千伏及以下电网装机容量", "220kV联络线与区外交换电力", "电源满发供电出力", "高峰电力盈亏", "停一台最大单机后供电出力" }; for (int i = 0; i < lei.Length; i++) { Ps_Table_500PH table1 = new Ps_Table_500PH(); table1.ID += "|" + GetProjectID; table1.Title = lei[i]; table1.ParentID = table_yd.ID; table1.ProjectID = GetProjectID; table1.Col1 = "0"; if (frm.BCheck) table1.Col2 = "no"; else table1.Col2 = "no1"; table1.Sort = i+1; try { Common.Services.BaseService.Create("InsertPs_Table_500PH", table1); } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.Show("增加项目出错:" + ex.Message); } } UpdateFuHe(table_yd.Title, table_yd.ID,"yf"); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; treeList1.BeginUpdate(); LoadData1(table_yd.ID); FoucsLocation(table_yd.ID, treeList1.Nodes); treeList1.EndUpdate(); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
//添加地区 private void barButtonItem8_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { if (!base.AddRight) { MsgBox.Show("您没有权限进行此项操作!"); return; } TreeListNode focusedNode = treeList1.FocusedNode; FrmAddPN frm = new FrmAddPN(); frm.SetCheckVisible(); frm.SetCheckText("不计特殊"); frm.checkEdit1.Visible = false; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string title = frm.ParentName; string connstr=" Title='"+title+"' and ProjectID='"+GetProjectID+"'"; IList templist = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPs_Table_100PHListByConn", connstr); if (templist.Count>0) { MessageBox.Show(title + " 地区已存在!", "提示"); return; } Ps_Table_100PH table_yd = new Ps_Table_100PH(); table_yd.ID += "|" + GetProjectID; table_yd.Title = frm.ParentName; table_yd.ParentID = "0"; table_yd.Sort = OperTable.Get100MaxSort() + 1; table_yd.ProjectID = GetProjectID; try { Common.Services.BaseService.Create("InsertPs_Table_100PH", table_yd); } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.Show("增加分类出错:" + ex.Message); return; } string[] lei = new string[14] { "分区综合最高负荷", "本区220kV主变35kV侧可供负荷", "本区35kV及以下小电源直接供电负荷", "110kV用户专变负荷", "需110kV降压供电负荷", "本区现有110kV降压变电容量", "本区110kV容载比", "本区需110kV变电容量", "本区变电容量盈亏", "目前已立项的变电容量", "规划新增变电容量", "变电容量合计", "容载比", "备注" }; for (int i = 0; i < lei.Length; i++) { string parentID = ""; Ps_Table_100PH table1 = new Ps_Table_100PH(); table1.ID += "|" + GetProjectID; parentID = table1.ID; table1.Title = lei[i]; table1.ParentID = table_yd.ID; table1.ProjectID = GetProjectID; table1.Col1 = "0"; if (frm.BCheck) table1.Col2 = "no"; else table1.Col2 = "no1"; table1.Sort = i + 1; try { Common.Services.BaseService.Create("InsertPs_Table_100PH", table1); } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.Show("增加项目出错:" + ex.Message); return; } if (lei[i].ToString() == "目前已立项的变电容量") { //根据地区计算相应结果填入 IList yllist = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPs_Table_100PHListByConn", " ID='" + table1.ID + "' and ProjectID='" + GetProjectID + "'"); Ps_Table_100PH psr = yllist[0] as Ps_Table_100PH; string AreaName = title; for (int j = yAnge.BeginYear; j <= yAnge.EndYear; j++) { string year=j.ToString(); string con = "and a.BuildEd='" + year + "' and a.ProjectID='" + ProjectUID + "' and a.AreaName='" + AreaName + "' and substring(a.BianInfo,1,charindex('@',a.BianInfo,0)-1)='110'"; double vol = Convert.ToDouble(Common.Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectTZGSsubLL", con)); psr.GetType().GetProperty("y" + j.ToString()).SetValue(psr, Math.Round(vol, 2), null); } try { Common.Services.BaseService.Update<Ps_Table_100PH>(psr); } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.Show("计算已立项的变电容量出错:" + ex.Message); return; } } } //UpdateFuHe(table_yd.Title, table_yd.ID,"yf"); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; treeList1.BeginUpdate(); LoadData(); FoucsLocation(table_yd.ID, treeList1.Nodes); treeList1.EndUpdate(); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
//添加父分类 private void barButtonItem8_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { if (!base.AddRight) { MsgBox.Show("您没有权限进行此项操作!"); return; } TreeListNode focusedNode = treeList1.FocusedNode; //if (focusedNode == null) //{ // return; //} FrmAddPN frm = new FrmAddPN(); frm.SetCheckVisible(); frm.SetCheckText("不计特殊"); frm.checkEdit1.Visible = false; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { for (int i = 0; i < treeList1.Nodes.Count; i++) { if (treeList1.Nodes[i].GetValue("Title").ToString() == frm.ParentName && treeList1.Nodes[i].GetValue("ParentID").ToString() == "0") { MessageBox.Show(frm.ParentName + " 地区已存在!"); return; } } Ps_Table_500PH table_yd = new Ps_Table_500PH(); table_yd.ID += "|" + GetProjectID; table_yd.Title = frm.ParentName; table_yd.ParentID = "0"; table_yd.Sort = OperTable.Get500MaxSort() + 1; table_yd.ProjectID = GetProjectID; try { Common.Services.BaseService.Create("InsertPs_Table_500PH", table_yd); } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.Show("增加分类出错:" + ex.Message); } Ps_Table_500PH table1 = new Ps_Table_500PH(); table1.ID += "|" + GetProjectID; table1.Title = "500千伏公用变电站供电负荷"; table1.ParentID = table_yd.ID; table1.ProjectID = GetProjectID; table1.Col1 = "0"; if (frm.BCheck) table1.Col2 = "no"; else table1.Col2 = "no1"; table1.Sort = 1; try { Common.Services.BaseService.Create("InsertPs_Table_500PH", table1); } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.Show("增加项目出错:" + ex.Message); } UpdateFuHe(table_yd.Title, table_yd.ID,"yf"); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; treeList1.BeginUpdate(); LoadData1(table_yd.ID); FoucsLocation(table_yd.ID, treeList1.Nodes); treeList1.EndUpdate(); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }