partial void DeleteTransactionBuy(TransactionBuy instance);
partial void InsertTransactionBuy(TransactionBuy instance);
partial void UpdateTransactionBuy(TransactionBuy instance);
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String unit = txUnit.Text; String color = txColor.Text; decimal price = checkNumeric(txPrice.Text); int amount = (int)checkNumeric(txAmount.Text); if (color.Equals("")) MessageBox.Show("Color must be filled."); else if (price < 1) MessageBox.Show("Price must be more than 0."); else if (amount < 1) MessageBox.Show("Amount must be more than 0."); else if (unit.Equals("")) MessageBox.Show("Unit must be filled."); else { if (!checkExisted(itemId,color, price, unit)) { ItemInventory item = new ItemInventory(); item.Color = color; item.ItemId = itemId; item.Price = price; item.Quantity = 0; item.Unit = unit; db.ItemInventories.InsertOnSubmit(item); db.SubmitChanges(); } ItemInventory temp = (from x in db.ItemInventories where x.ItemId == itemId && x.Color.Equals(color) && x.Price == price && x.Unit.Equals(unit) select x).First(); temp.Quantity += amount; db.SubmitChanges(); TransactionBuy buy = new TransactionBuy(); buy.Amount = amount; buy.BuyDate = dateTimePicker1.Value; buy.InventoryId = temp.Id; buy.Price = price; db.TransactionBuys.InsertOnSubmit(buy); db.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Inventory is added successfully."); dataGridView1.ClearSelection(); items = (from x in db.ItemInventories where x.ItemId == itemId select x).ToArray(); dataGridView1.DataSource = items; dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[1].Visible = false; txColor.Text = ""; txAmount.Text = ""; txPrice.Text = ""; txUnit.Text = ""; } }