private void GetCurrencyTypes() { using (var context = new ItsOnlyHeroesEntities()) { currencyTypes = context.CurrencyTypes.ToList(); } currencyTypeComboBox.DisplayMember = "CurrencyTypeName"; currencyTypeComboBox.ValueMember = "CurrencyTypeId"; currencyTypeComboBox.Items.AddRange(currencyTypes.ToArray()); var really = currencyTypeComboBox.Items.Contains(currencyTypes[0]); }
private void GetItemTypes() { ItemTypeComboBox.Items.Clear(); using (var context = new ItsOnlyHeroesEntities()) { itemTypes = context.ItemTypes.ToList(); } ItemTypeComboBox.DisplayMember = "ItemTypeName"; ItemTypeComboBox.ValueMember = "ItemTypeId"; ItemTypeComboBox.Items.AddRange(itemTypes.ToArray()); typeDescriptionTextBox.Text = ""; }
private void GetItems() { ItemListBox.Items.Clear(); using (var context = new ItsOnlyHeroesEntities()) { items = context.Items.Where(x => x.Active == true) .Include(x => x.ItemType) .Include(x => x.Stat) .Include(x => x.CurrencyType) .ToList(); } //setting up some defaults. ItemListBox.DisplayMember = "Name"; ItemListBox.ValueMember = "ItemId"; ItemListBox.Items.AddRange(items.ToArray()); }
private void deleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var itemToDelete = (Item)ItemListBox.SelectedItem; if (itemToDelete == null) { return; } using (var context = new ItsOnlyHeroesEntities()) { var item = context.Items.Find(itemToDelete.ItemId); if (item != null) { item.Active = false; context.SaveChanges(); } } }
private void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var itemToSave = (Item)ItemListBox.SelectedItem; if (itemToSave == null) { return; } using (var context = new ItsOnlyHeroesEntities()) { Item item = new Item(); if (itemToSave.ItemId > 0) { item = context.Items.Find(itemToSave.ItemId); } else { context.Items.Add(item); } //there's probably a better way to copy this over, but you only have context from EF items. var updatedItem = GetItemFromView(); item.Name = updatedItem.Name; item.Stat = updatedItem.Stat; item.SellValue = updatedItem.SellValue; item.BuyValue = updatedItem.BuyValue; item.BuyCurrencyId = updatedItem.BuyCurrencyId; item.ItemTypeId = updatedItem.ItemTypeId; item.Active = updatedItem.Active; item.Description = updatedItem.Description; context.SaveChanges(); } //probably not the best way to do this. GetItems(); ItemListBox.SelectedItem = ItemListBox.Items.OfType <Item>() .Where(i => i.ItemId == itemToSave.ItemId) .FirstOrDefault(); }
private void addCurrencyTypeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var newType = ItemTypeComboBox.Text; bool exists = ItemTypeComboBox.Items.OfType <ItemType>() .Where(i => i.ItemTypeName == newType).Any(); if (exists) //if it exists, we should update it. { return; } var newItemType = new ItemType(); newItemType.ItemTypeName = newType; newItemType.ItemTypeDescription = typeDescriptionTextBox.Text; using (var context = new ItsOnlyHeroesEntities()) { context.ItemTypes.Add(newItemType); context.SaveChanges(); } GetItemTypes(); }