public BnfExpression MakePlusRule(NonTerminal listNonTerminal, BnfTerm delimiter, BnfTerm listMember) { listNonTerminal.SetOption(TermOptions.IsList); if (delimiter == null) { listNonTerminal.Rule = listMember | listNonTerminal + listMember; } else { listNonTerminal.Rule = listMember | listNonTerminal + delimiter + listMember; } return(listNonTerminal.Rule); }
public BnfExpression MakeStarRule(NonTerminal listNonTerminal, BnfTerm delimiter, BnfTerm listMember) { if (delimiter == null) { //it is much simpler case listNonTerminal.SetOption(TermOptions.IsList); listNonTerminal.Rule = Empty | listNonTerminal + listMember; return(listNonTerminal.Rule); } NonTerminal tmp = new NonTerminal(listMember.Name + "+"); MakePlusRule(tmp, delimiter, listMember); listNonTerminal.Rule = Empty | tmp; listNonTerminal.SetOption(TermOptions.IsStarList); return(listNonTerminal.Rule); }
} //method #endregion #region Calculating Tail Firsts private void CalculateTailFirsts() { foreach (Production prod in Data.Productions) { StringSet accumulatedFirsts = new StringSet(); bool allNullable = true; //We are going backwards in LR0Items list for (int i = prod.LR0Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { LR0Item item = prod.LR0Items[i]; if (i >= prod.LR0Items.Count - 2) { //Last and before last items have empty tails item.TailIsNullable = true; item.TailFirsts.Clear(); continue; } BnfTerm term = prod.RValues[item.Position + 1]; //Element after-after-dot NonTerminal ntElem = term as NonTerminal; if (ntElem == null || !ntElem.Nullable) //term is a terminal or non-nullable NonTerminal //term is not nullable, so we clear all old firsts and add this term { accumulatedFirsts.Clear(); allNullable = false; item.TailIsNullable = false; if (ntElem == null) { item.TailFirsts.Add(term.Key);//term is terminal so add its key accumulatedFirsts.Add(term.Key); } else { item.TailFirsts.AddRange(ntElem.Firsts); //nonterminal accumulatedFirsts.AddRange(ntElem.Firsts); } continue; } //if we are here, then ntElem is a nullable NonTerminal. We add accumulatedFirsts.AddRange(ntElem.Firsts); item.TailFirsts.AddRange(accumulatedFirsts); item.TailIsNullable = allNullable; } //for i } //foreach prod } //method
}//method private ShiftTable GetStateShifts(ParserState state) { ShiftTable shifts = new ShiftTable(); LR0ItemList list; foreach (LRItem item in state.Items) { BnfTerm term = item.Core.NextElement; if (term == null) { continue; } LR0Item shiftedItem = item.Core.Production.LR0Items[item.Core.Position + 1]; if (!shifts.TryGetValue(term.Key, out list)) { shifts[term.Key] = list = new LR0ItemList(); } list.Add(shiftedItem); } //foreach return(shifts); } //method
//Pipe/Alternative internal static BnfExpression Op_Pipe(BnfTerm term1, BnfTerm term2) { //Check term1 and see if we can use it as result, simply adding term2 as operand BnfExpression expr1 = term1 as BnfExpression; if (expr1 == null) //either not expression at all, or Pipe-type expression (count > 1) { expr1 = new BnfExpression(term1); } //Check term2; if it is an expression and is simple sequence (Data.Count == 1) then add this sequence directly to expr1 BnfExpression expr2 = term2 as BnfExpression; //1. term2 is a simple expression if (expr2 != null && expr2.Data.Count == 1) // if it is simple sequence (plus operation), add it directly { expr1.Data.Add(expr2.Data[0]); return(expr1); } //2. term2 is not a simple expression expr1.Data.Add(new BnfTermList()); //add a list for a new OR element (new "plus" sequence) expr1.Data[expr1.Data.Count - 1].Add(term2); // and put term2 there if it is not Empty pseudo-element return(expr1); }
private void CollectAllElementsRecursive(BnfTerm element) { //Terminal Terminal term = element as Terminal; // Do not add pseudo terminals defined as static singletons in Grammar class (Empty, Eof, etc) // We will never see these terminals in the input stream. // Filter them by type - their type is exactly "Terminal", not derived class. if (term != null && !Data.Terminals.Contains(term) && term.GetType() != typeof(Terminal)) { Data.Terminals.Add(term); return; } //NonTerminal NonTerminal nt = element as NonTerminal; if (nt == null || Data.NonTerminals.Contains(nt)) { return; } if (nt.Name == null) { if (nt.Rule != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nt.Rule.Name)) { nt.Name = nt.Rule.Name; } else { nt.Name = "NT" + (_unnamedCount++); } } Data.NonTerminals.Add(nt); if (nt.Rule == null) { AddError("Non-terminal {0} has uninitialized Rule property.", nt.Name); Data.AnalysisCanceled = true; return; } //check all child elements foreach (BnfTermList elemList in nt.Rule.Data) { for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++) { BnfTerm child = elemList[i]; if (child == null) { AddError("Rule for NonTerminal {0} contains null as an operand in position {1} in one of productions.", nt, i); continue; //for i loop } //Check for nested expression - convert to non-terminal BnfExpression expr = child as BnfExpression; if (expr != null) { child = new NonTerminal(null, expr); elemList[i] = child; } CollectAllElementsRecursive(child); } } }//method
public BnfExpression(BnfTerm element) : base(null) { Data = new BnfExpressionData(); Data.Add(new BnfTermList()); Data[0].Add(element); }