private TreeNode AddClass(Class cls, TreeNodeCollection nodes) { TreeNode node = nodes.Add(cls.Name, cls.Name); node.ImageKey = "class"; node.SelectedImageKey = "class"; node.Tag = cls; node.ToolTipText = String.Format("Defined by: {3} \nImplements (inst): {4} \nImplements (cls): {5} \nState: {6} \n\n" + "Instance vars: {7} \nClass vars: {2} \nClass-instance vars: {0} \nPools: {9}", String.Join(" ", cls.ClassInstanceVariables), // 0 cls.ClassMethods.Count, // 1 String.Join(" ", cls.ClassVariables), // 2 cls.DefiningProtocol, // 3 String.Join(" ", cls.ImplementedInstanceProtocols), // 4 String.Join(" ", cls.ImplementedClassProtocols), // 5 cls.InstanceState, // 6 String.Join(" ", cls.InstanceVariables), // 7 cls.Name, // 8 String.Join(" ", cls.SharedPools), // 9 cls.SuperclassName); // 10 return node; }
private void CreateNewClassMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.SystemImplementation == null) return; Class cls = new Class(this.SystemImplementation); cls.Name = ""; if (this.Class != null) cls.SuperclassName = this.Class.Name; if (!this.ClassHolder.SetValue(cls)) return; }
private void CreateMissingClassMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.SystemImplementation == null) return; List<Definitions.Description.Global> globals = new List<Definitions.Description.Global>(); foreach (var prot in this.SystemImplementation.SmalltalkSystem.SystemDescription.Protocols) globals.AddRange(prot.StandardGlobals.Where(g => (g.Definition == null) || (g.Definition is Definitions.Description.GlobalClass))); SelectDialog<Definitions.Description.Global> dlg = new SelectDialog<Definitions.Description.Global>(); dlg.CheckBoxes = true; dlg.Items = globals.Where(g => !this.SystemImplementation.GlobalItems.Any(x => x.Name == g.Name)).OrderBy(g => g.Name); dlg.Columns = new SelectDialogColumn<Definitions.Description.Global>[] { new SelectDialogColumn<Definitions.Description.Global>("Global", 200, (g => g.Name)), new SelectDialogColumn<Definitions.Description.Global>("Protocol", 200, (g => g.Protocol.Name)) }; if (dlg.ShowDialog(this.TopLevelControl) != DialogResult.OK) return; foreach(var g in dlg.SelectedItems) { Class cls = new Class(this.SystemImplementation); cls.Name = g.Name; cls.SuperclassName = "Object"; cls.Description = g.Description; cls.ImplementedClassProtocols.Add(g.Protocol.Name); cls.Initializer.Source = g.Initializer; cls.InstanceState = InstanceStateEnum.NamedObjectVariables; cls.DefiningProtocol = g.Protocol.Name; if (!this.SystemImplementation.GlobalItems.Contains(cls)) this.SystemImplementation.GlobalItems.Add(cls); } this.SystemImplementation.GlobalItems.TriggerChanged(); }
/// <summary> /// Get (or try to get) the first and the best protocol that implements the given message. /// </summary> /// <param name="methodName">Selector of the message to look for.</param> /// <param name="methodType">Type of the method (instance / class) to look for.</param> /// <param name="cls">Class where to start looking for the method.</param> /// <param name="protocolName">Optional protocol that may contain the message.</param> /// <returns>Message definition for the given selector or null if one was not found.</returns> public static Definitions.Description.Message GetMessageForMethod(string methodName, MethodType methodType, Class cls, string protocolName) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodName)) throw new ArgumentNullException("methodName"); if (methodType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("methodType"); if (cls == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cls"); while (cls != null) { Definitions.Description.Message msg = null; var prot = cls.Parent.SmalltalkSystem.SystemDescription.Protocols.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == protocolName); if (prot != null) msg = prot.Messages.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Selector == methodName); if (msg != null) return msg; List<Class> classesList; List<Class> superclassesList; Dictionary<string, Class> classesMap; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> protocolNameClassesMap; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> protocolNameSuperslassesMap; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameClassesMap; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameSuperclassesMap; Dictionary<string, List<string>> methodNameProtocolNamesMap; Dictionary<string, List<string>> allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap; Dictionary<string, Definitions.Description.Protocol> protocolMap; HashSet<string> subclassResponsibilityMethods; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameLocalImplementorsMap; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameSuperImplementorsMap; MethodHelper.BuildLists(cls, cls, methodType, out classesList, out superclassesList, out classesMap, out protocolNameClassesMap, out protocolNameSuperslassesMap, out methodNameClassesMap, out methodNameSuperclassesMap, out methodNameProtocolNamesMap, out allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap, out protocolMap, out subclassResponsibilityMethods, out methodNameLocalImplementorsMap, out methodNameSuperImplementorsMap); List<string> pns; methodNameProtocolNamesMap.TryGetValue(methodName, out pns); if ((pns != null) && (pns.Count > 0)) { protocolMap.TryGetValue(pns[0], out prot); if (prot != null) msg = prot.Messages.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Selector == methodName); } if (msg != null) return msg; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cls.SuperclassName)) cls = null; else cls = cls.Parent.Classes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == cls.SuperclassName); } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Build lists of interesting class, protocol and method relations. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentClass">Current class to build lists for.</param> /// <param name="includeUpToClass">Build the list form the <paramref name="currentClass">currentClass</paramref> up-to this class.</param> /// <param name="methodType">Type of methods to include in the lists (instance or class)</param> /// <param name="classesList">List of classes from <paramref name="currentClass">currentClass</paramref> up-to <paramref name="includeUpToClass">includeUpToClass</paramref></param> /// <param name="superclassesList">List of classes from <paramref name="includeUpToClass">includeUpToClass</paramref> (but not included) up-to the root class.</paramref></param> /// <param name="classesMap">Map of class-name to class-object of the classes in <paramref name="classesList">classesList</paramref></param> /// <param name="protocolNameClassesMap">Mep between the protocols involved in <paramref name="classesList">classesList</paramref> and the classes where they are implemented</param> /// <param name="methodNameClassesMap">Map between the methods involved in <paramref name="classesList">classesList</paramref> and the classes where they are implemented</param> /// <param name="methodNameProtocolNamesMap">Map between the methods defined by the protocols involved in <paramref name="classesList">classesList</paramref> and <paramref name="superclassesList">superclassesList</paramref> and the protocol where they are defined</param> /// <param name="protocolMap">>Map of protocol-name to protocol-object of the protocols in <paramref name="protocolNameClassesMap">protocolNameClassesMap</paramref></param> /// <param name="subclassResponsibilityMethods">Collection of methods that are subclass-responsibility (must be implemented in this class)</param> /// <param name="methodNameLocalImplementorsMap">Map of method names and list of local implementors of those relative to <paramref name="currentClass"/>currentClass</paramref>, but excluding the class itself.</param> public static void BuildLists(Class currentClass, Class includeUpToClass, MethodType methodType, out List<Class> classesList, out List<Class> superclassesList, out Dictionary<string, Class> classesMap, out Dictionary<string, List<Class>> protocolNameClassesMap, out Dictionary<string, List<Class>> protocolNameSuperslassesMap, out Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameClassesMap, out Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameSuperclassesMap, out Dictionary<string, List<string>> methodNameProtocolNamesMap, out Dictionary<string, List<string>> allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap, out Dictionary<string, Definitions.Description.Protocol> protocolMap, out HashSet<string> subclassResponsibilityMethods, out Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameLocalImplementorsMap, out Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameSuperImplementorsMap ) { classesList = new List<Class>(); superclassesList = new List<Class>(); classesMap = new Dictionary<string, Class>(); protocolMap = new Dictionary<string, Definitions.Description.Protocol>(); protocolNameClassesMap = new Dictionary<string, List<Class>>(); protocolNameSuperslassesMap = new Dictionary<string, List<Class>>(); methodNameClassesMap = new Dictionary<string, List<Class>>(); methodNameSuperclassesMap = new Dictionary<string, List<Class>>(); methodNameProtocolNamesMap = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); subclassResponsibilityMethods = new HashSet<string>(); methodNameLocalImplementorsMap = new Dictionary<string, List<Class>>(); methodNameSuperImplementorsMap = new Dictionary<string, List<Class>>(); if (currentClass == null) return; if (includeUpToClass == null) includeUpToClass = currentClass; // Build a list of classes up to the wanted class ... and map between names and classes List<Class> col = classesList; foreach (Class cls in currentClass.WithAllSuperclasses()) { col.Add(cls); classesMap[cls.Name] = cls; if (cls == includeUpToClass) col = superclassesList; } // Build a map between the protocols involved in <classesList> and the classes where they are implemented foreach (Class cls in classesList) { var protocols = (methodType == MethodType.Instance) ? cls.ImplementedInstanceProtocols : cls.ImplementedClassProtocols; foreach (string pn in protocols) { if (!protocolNameClassesMap.ContainsKey(pn)) protocolNameClassesMap.Add(pn, new List<Class>()); protocolNameClassesMap[pn].Add(cls); } } // Build a map between the protocols involved in <superclassesList> and the classes where they are implemented foreach (Class cls in superclassesList) { var protocols = (methodType == MethodType.Instance) ? cls.ImplementedInstanceProtocols : cls.ImplementedClassProtocols; foreach (string pn in protocols) { if (!protocolNameSuperslassesMap.ContainsKey(pn)) protocolNameSuperslassesMap.Add(pn, new List<Class>()); protocolNameSuperslassesMap[pn].Add(cls); } } // Build a map between the methods involved in <classesList> and the classes where they are implemented foreach (Class cls in classesList) { var mths = (methodType == MethodType.Instance) ? cls.InstanceMethods : cls.ClassMethods; foreach (Method mth in mths) { if (!methodNameClassesMap.ContainsKey(mth.Selector)) methodNameClassesMap.Add(mth.Selector, new List<Class>()); methodNameClassesMap[mth.Selector].Add(cls); } } // Build a map between the methods involved in <superclassesList> and the classes where they are implemented foreach (Class cls in superclassesList) { var mths = (methodType == MethodType.Instance) ? cls.InstanceMethods : cls.ClassMethods; foreach (Method mth in mths) { if (!methodNameSuperclassesMap.ContainsKey(mth.Selector)) methodNameSuperclassesMap.Add(mth.Selector, new List<Class>()); methodNameSuperclassesMap[mth.Selector].Add(cls); } } // Build a map between the methods defined by the protocols involved in <classesList> and the protocol where they are defined foreach (string pn in protocolNameClassesMap.Keys) { var prot = currentClass.Parent.SmalltalkSystem.SystemDescription.Protocols.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == pn); if (prot != null) { if (!protocolMap.ContainsKey(pn)) protocolMap.Add(pn, prot); foreach (var msg in prot.Messages) { if (!methodNameProtocolNamesMap.ContainsKey(msg.Selector)) methodNameProtocolNamesMap.Add(msg.Selector, new List<string>()); methodNameProtocolNamesMap[msg.Selector].Add(pn); } } } // Build a map between the methods defined by the protocols involved in <classesList> and <superclassesList> the protocol where they are defined foreach (var pair in methodNameProtocolNamesMap) allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap[pair.Key] = new List<string>(pair.Value); foreach (string pn in protocolNameSuperslassesMap.Keys) { var prot = currentClass.Parent.SmalltalkSystem.SystemDescription.Protocols.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == pn); if (prot != null) { if (!protocolMap.ContainsKey(pn)) protocolMap.Add(pn, prot); foreach (var msg in prot.Messages) { if (!allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap.ContainsKey(msg.Selector)) allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap.Add(msg.Selector, new List<string>()); allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap[msg.Selector].Add(pn); } } } // Build a list of method names that have a super implementor with #subclassResponsibility. Dictionary<string, bool?> srm = new Dictionary<string, bool?>(); foreach (Class cls in currentClass.WithAllSuperclasses()) { var mths = (methodType == MethodType.Instance) ? cls.InstanceMethods : cls.ClassMethods; foreach (Method mth in mths) { bool? sr = null; srm.TryGetValue(mth.Selector, out sr); if (sr == null) { if (MethodHelper.IsSubclassResponsibility(mth)) sr = (cls != currentClass); else if (MethodHelper.HasImplementation(mth)) sr = false; else sr = true; // Not really subcl.res., but a method without code, so this needs attention as well } srm[mth.Selector] = sr; } } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, bool?> pair in srm) { if (pair.Value ?? false) subclassResponsibilityMethods.Add(pair.Key); } // Find out which methods have local implementors HashSet<string> methodNames = new HashSet<string>(); methodNames.UnionWith(methodNameClassesMap.Keys); methodNames.UnionWith(methodNameProtocolNamesMap.Keys); foreach (string selector in methodNames) methodNameLocalImplementorsMap[selector] = new List<Class>(); foreach (Class cls in currentClass.AllSubclasses().OrderBy(c => c.Name)) { var mths = (methodType == MethodType.Instance) ? cls.InstanceMethods : cls.ClassMethods; foreach (Method mth in mths) { if (methodNameLocalImplementorsMap.ContainsKey(mth.Selector)) methodNameLocalImplementorsMap[mth.Selector].Add(cls); } } // Find out which methods wiht super implementors foreach (string selector in methodNames) methodNameSuperImplementorsMap[selector] = new List<Class>(); foreach (Class cls in includeUpToClass.AllSuperclasses()) { var mths = (methodType == MethodType.Instance) ? cls.InstanceMethods : cls.ClassMethods; foreach (Method mth in mths) { if (methodNameSuperImplementorsMap.ContainsKey(mth.Selector)) methodNameSuperImplementorsMap[mth.Selector].Add(cls); } } }
private void FillView() { if (this.ListItemChanging) return; this.Enabled = false; this.listMethods.Items.Clear(); if (this.Class == null) return; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ProtocolName)) return; if (this.MethodType == null) return; this.listMethods.BeginUpdate(); Font normalFont = this.listMethods.Font; Font boldFont = new Font(normalFont, FontStyle.Bold); List<Class> classesList; List<Class> superclassesList; Dictionary<string, Class> classesMap; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> protocolNameClassesMap; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> protocolNameSuperslassesMap; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameClassesMap; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameSuperclassesMap; Dictionary<string, List<string>> methodNameProtocolNamesMap; Dictionary<string, List<string>> allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap; Dictionary<string, Definitions.Description.Protocol> protocolMap; HashSet<string> subclassResponsibilityMethods; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameLocalImplementorsMap; Dictionary<string, List<Class>> methodNameSuperImplementorsMap; MethodHelper.BuildLists(this.Class, this.IncludeUpToClass, this.MethodType, out classesList, out superclassesList, out classesMap, out protocolNameClassesMap, out protocolNameSuperslassesMap, out methodNameClassesMap, out methodNameSuperclassesMap, out methodNameProtocolNamesMap, out allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap, out protocolMap, out subclassResponsibilityMethods, out methodNameLocalImplementorsMap, out methodNameSuperImplementorsMap); /* *** CREATE THE LIST OF METHODS *** * The logic is as follows: * 1. Consider methods that: * a. Are implemented by the this.Class itself * b. Are implemented by any superclass up to and incl. this.IncludeUpToClass * c. Are defined (actually messages) in any protocol that this.Class wants to implement * d. Are defined (actually messages) in any protocol that any superclass up to and incl. this.IncludeUpToClass wants to implement * * Obviously, depending on this.MethodType we concider only the class methods/protocols or the instance ones * 2. Filter methods so: * a. If this.ProtocolName is "ANY", then include everything. * b. If this.ProtocolName is "PRIVATE", then include method found in 1.a. or 1.b. but NOT also in 1.c. and 1.d. * c. Include methods found in 1.c. or 1.d. according to the name of the selected protocol * d. Similar to b., but also method in any protocol that any of the superclasses wants to implements * * 3. Create list items for each method with following details: * a. Method selector * b. Lists if protocols defining it (similar to 1.c and 1.d but up to the root class) * c. Local implementors of the methods (subclasses of this.Class, but NOT this.Class itself) * d. Super implementors of the methods (superclasses of this.IncludeUpToClass, but NOT this.IncludeUpToClass itself) * 4. Decorate (color) each item: * a. Only defined (in protocols) but not implemented: Gray * b. Implementation is empty and super implementor exists that says subclassResponsibility: Red * c. Found in 1.a. or 1.c. (as oposite to 1.b and 1.d): Bold Font */ HashSet<string> methodNames = new HashSet<string>(); methodNames.UnionWith(methodNameClassesMap.Keys); methodNames.UnionWith(methodNameProtocolNamesMap.Keys); foreach (string selector in methodNames.OrderBy(s => s)) { bool include; if (this.ProtocolName == "ANY") include = true; else if (this.ProtocolName == "PRIVATE") include = !methodNameProtocolNamesMap.ContainsKey(selector) || (methodNameProtocolNamesMap[selector].Count == 0); else include = allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap.ContainsKey(selector) && allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap[selector].Contains(this.ProtocolName); if (include) { ListViewItem lvi = this.listMethods.Items.Add(selector, "method"); lvi.Tag = selector; lvi.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false; // Is the method implemented by any class (as oposite by only defined by a protocol implemented by the class) if (!methodNameClassesMap.ContainsKey(selector)) lvi.ForeColor = Color.Gray; // Is this a method that we must override? if (subclassResponsibilityMethods.Contains(selector)) lvi.ForeColor = Color.Red; IEnumerable<string> definingProtocols = new string[0]; if (allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap.ContainsKey(selector)) definingProtocols = allMethodNameProtocolNamesMap[selector]; // This is a method defined in locally implemented protocol if (definingProtocols.Any(pn => protocolNameClassesMap.ContainsKey(pn) && protocolNameClassesMap[pn].Contains(this.Class))) lvi.Font = boldFont; // This is a locally implemented method if (methodNameClassesMap.ContainsKey(selector) && methodNameClassesMap[selector].Contains(this.Class)) lvi.Font = boldFont; IEnumerable<Class> implementingClasses = new Class[0]; if (methodNameClassesMap.ContainsKey(selector)) implementingClasses = methodNameClassesMap[selector]; // Protocols: (which protocols defines the method) string protocols = String.Join(", ", definingProtocols.OrderBy(p => p)); lvi.SubItems.Add((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(protocols) ? "PRIVATE" : protocols)); lvi.SubItems[lvi.SubItems.Count - 1].Font = lvi.Font; lvi.SubItems[lvi.SubItems.Count - 1].ForeColor = lvi.ForeColor; // Local Implementors: (excluding the current class) lvi.SubItems.Add(String.Join(", ", methodNameLocalImplementorsMap[selector].Select(c => c.Name))).Font = normalFont; // Super Implementors: (excluding listed classes) lvi.SubItems.Add(String.Join(", ", methodNameSuperImplementorsMap[selector].Select(c => c.Name))).Font = normalFont; lvi.ToolTipText = String.Format("Defined: {0}\nImplemented: {1}", protocols, String.Join(", ", implementingClasses.Select(c => c.Name))); lvi.Selected = (this.MethodName == selector); } } this.listMethods.EndUpdate(); if (this.listMethods.SelectedItems.Count > 0) this.listMethods.SelectedItems[0].EnsureVisible(); this.Enabled = true; }