public PythonCompiler(IList<string> sourceFiles, IList<ResourceFile> resourceFiles, string outputAssembly, CompilerSink compilerSink) { this.sourceFiles = sourceFiles; this.resourceFiles = resourceFiles; this.outputAssembly = outputAssembly; this.compilerSink = compilerSink; this.state = new SystemState(); }
static Analyzer() { state = new SystemState(); PythonFile empty = new PythonFile(System.IO.Stream.Null, System.Text.Encoding.Default, "rw"); state.__stderr__ = empty; state.__stdin__ = empty; state.__stdout__ = empty; }
internal EngineModule(string moduleName, IDictionary<string, object> globalsDict, SystemState systemState) { Debug.Assert(moduleName != null); globals = globalsDict; if (globals is IAttributesDictionary) globalsAdapter = globals as IAttributesDictionary; else globalsAdapter = new StringDictionaryAdapterDict(globalsDict); PythonModule pythonModule = new PythonModule(moduleName, globalsAdapter, systemState); defaultModuleScope = new ModuleScope(pythonModule); }
IList<ClassificationSpan> IClassifier.GetClassificationSpans(SnapshotSpan span) { var classifications = new List<ClassificationSpan>(); using (var systemState = new SystemState()) { int startIndex, endIndex; if (span != null) { string spanText = span.GetText(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine((spanText != null) ? spanText : string.Empty); } // Execute the IPy tokenizer var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(span.GetText().ToCharArray(), true, systemState, new CompilerContext(string.Empty, new QuietCompilerSink())); var token = tokenizer.Next(); // Iterate the tokens while (token.Kind != TokenKind.EndOfFile) { // Determine the bounds of the classfication span startIndex = span.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(tokenizer.StartLocation.Line - 1 + span.Start.GetContainingLine().LineNumber).Start.Position + tokenizer.StartLocation.Column; endIndex = span.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(tokenizer.EndLocation.Line - 1 + span.Start.GetContainingLine().LineNumber).Start.Position + tokenizer.EndLocation.Column; if (endIndex > span.Snapshot.GetText().Length) endIndex = span.Snapshot.GetText().Length; if (endIndex > startIndex && !span.Snapshot.TextBuffer.IsReadOnly(new Span(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex))) { // Add the classfication span classifications.Add(new ClassificationSpan(new SnapshotSpan(span.Snapshot, startIndex, endIndex - startIndex), GetClassificationType(token))); } // Get next token token = tokenizer.Next(); } } foreach (var region in span.Snapshot.TextBuffer.GetReadOnlyExtents(span)) { // Add classfication for read only regions classifications.Add(new ClassificationSpan(new SnapshotSpan(span.Snapshot, region), classificationRegistryService.GetClassificationType("PythonReadOnlyRegion"))); } return classifications; }
public PythonModule(string name, IDictionary <object, object> dict, SystemState state) : this(name, dict, state, null, CallerContextFlags.None) { }
private ReflectedPackage MakePackage(SystemState state, string fullName, string name, bool isolated) { ReflectedPackage rp = new ReflectedPackage(); object mod; PythonModule pmod; if (isolated || !Importer.TryGetExistingModule(state, name, out mod)) { // no collisions (yet), create a new module for the package. pmod = new PythonModule(name, new Dict(), state); pmod.PackageImported = true; } else { // there's already a module by this name. We'll just // set the InnerModule but not make it visible until // the user does an import (and we set PackageImported). pmod = mod as PythonModule; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(pmod != null); } rp.fullName = fullName; pmod.InnerModule = rp; __dict__[SymbolTable.StringToId(name)] = pmod; return rp; }
private static object ImportFromPath(SystemState state, string name, string fullName, List path) { PythonModule ret = null; foreach (object dirname in path) { string str; if (Converter.TryConvertToString(dirname, out str)) { // ignore non-string string pathname = Path.Combine(str, name); if (TryLoadPackage(state, fullName, pathname, out ret)) break; if (TryLoadModule(state, fullName, pathname, out ret)) break; } } return ret; }
private static bool TryLoadModule(SystemState state, string fullName, string pathName, out PythonModule ret) { string binary = pathName + ".exe"; string source = pathName + ".py"; PythonModule pmod = null; if (ShouldLoadPreCompiledModule(binary, source)) { pmod = LoadPreCompiled(state, fullName, binary); pmod.Filename = binary; } else if (File.Exists(source)) { pmod = LoadFromSource(state, fullName, source); pmod.Filename = source; } else { ret = null; return false; } pmod.ModuleName = fullName; ret = InitializeModule(fullName, pmod); return true; }
public PythonModule(string name, IDictionary <object, object> dict, SystemState state, InitializeModule init) : this(name, dict, state, init, CallerContextFlags.None) { }
internal static PythonModule MakePythonModule(SystemState state, string name, ReflectedType type) { type.Initialize(); FieldIdDict dict = new FieldIdDict(); foreach (string attrName in type.GetAttrNames(DefaultContext.Default)) { dict[SymbolTable.StringToId(attrName)] = type.GetAttr(DefaultContext.Default, null, SymbolTable.StringToId(attrName)); } PythonModule ret = new PythonModule(name, dict, state); state.modules[name] = ret; return ret; }
internal PythonModule(string name, IAttributesDictionary dict, SystemState state) : this(name, dict, state, null, CallerContextAttributes.None) { }
internal PythonModule(string name, IAttributesDictionary dict, SystemState state, InitializeModule init, CallerContextAttributes callerContextFlags) { Debug.Assert(state != null); __dict__ = dict; ModuleName = name; __dict__[SymbolTable.Builtins] = TypeCache.Builtin; initialize = init; contextFlags = callerContextFlags; systemState = state; }
internal static PythonModule Load(string moduleName, Type compiledModuleType, SystemState state) { CompiledModule compiledModule = (CompiledModule)compiledModuleType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(Ops.EMPTY); return compiledModule.Load(moduleName, new InitializeModule(compiledModule.Initialize), state); }
internal ReflectedPackage GetOrMakePackage(SystemState state, string fullName, string name, bool isolated) { object ret; if (__dict__.TryGetValue(SymbolTable.StringToId(name), out ret)) { // if it's not a module we'll wipe it out below, eg def System(): pass then // import System will result in the namespace being visible. PythonModule pm = ret as PythonModule; ReflectedPackage res; do { res = pm.InnerModule as ReflectedPackage; if (res != null) return res; pm = pm.InnerModule as PythonModule; } while (pm != null); } return MakePackage(state, fullName, name, isolated); }
public Tokenizer(char[] data, bool verbatim, SystemState state, CompilerContext context) { = data; this.length = data.Length; this.verbatim = verbatim; this.current.Line = 1; this.startLoc.Line = 1; this.endLoc.Line = 1; this.context = context; this.systemState = state; if (Options.WarningOnIndentationInconsistency || Options.ErrorOnIndentationInconsistency) { indentFormat = new StringBuilder[MAX_INDENT]; } }
public Tokenizer(SystemState state, CompilerContext context, char[] data) : this(data, false, state, context) { }
private static string RawEncode(SystemState state, string s, object encodingType, string errors) { string encoding = null; if (encodingType == Missing.Value) { encoding = state.getdefaultencoding(); } else { encoding = encodingType as string; if (encoding == null) { if (encodingType != null) throw Ops.TypeError("encode() expected string, got {0}", Ops.StringRepr(Ops.GetDynamicType(encodingType).Name)); encoding = state.getdefaultencoding(); } } if (encoding != null) { string normalizedName = NormalizeEncodingName(encoding); if ("raw_unicode_escape" == normalizedName) { return RawUnicodeEscapeEncode(s); } else if ("string_escape" == normalizedName) { bool dummy = false; return ReprEncode(s, '\'', ref dummy); } } Encoding e = state.DefaultEncoding; if (encoding == null || TryGetEncoding(state, encoding, out e)) { // CLR's encoder exceptions have a 1-1 mapping w/ Python's encoder exceptions // so we just clone the encoding & set the fallback to throw in strict mode e = (Encoding)e.Clone(); switch (errors) { case "strict": e.EncoderFallback = EncoderFallback.ExceptionFallback; break; case "replace": e.EncoderFallback = EncoderFallback.ReplacementFallback; break; default: e.EncoderFallback = new PythonEncoderFallback(encoding, s, Modules.PythonCodecs.LookupError(errors)); break; } return FromByteArray(e.GetBytes(s)); } // look for user-registered codecs Tuple codecTuple = Modules.PythonCodecs.Lookup(encoding); if (codecTuple != null) { return UserDecodeOrEncode(codecTuple[Modules.PythonCodecs.EncoderIndex], s); } throw Ops.LookupError("unknown encoding: {0}", encoding); }
internal PythonModule(ICallerContext context) { contextFlags = context.ContextFlags; systemState = context.SystemState; }
public void Initialize(SystemState state) { if (initialized != 0) return; if (System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref initialized, 1) == 0) { // add mscorlib state.ClrModule.AddReferenceByName(typeof(string).Assembly.FullName); // add system.dll state.ClrModule.AddReferenceByName(typeof(System.Diagnostics.Debug).Assembly.FullName); InitializeBuiltins(state); } }
internal PythonModule(string name, CompiledModule compiledModule, SystemState state, InitializeModule init) : this(name, compiledModule, state, init, CallerContextAttributes.None) { }
/// <summary> /// returns the package associated with the specified namespace and /// updates the associated module to mark the package as imported. /// </summary> public PythonModule TryGetPackage(SystemState state, string name) { PythonModule pm = TryGetPackageAny(state, name) as PythonModule; if (pm != null) { pm.PackageImported = true; return pm; } return null; }
public int Exec(ref Guid pguidCmdGroup, uint nCmdID, uint nCmdexecopt, IntPtr pvaIn, IntPtr pvaOut) { // Handle VS commands to support code snippets if (pguidCmdGroup == VSConstants.VSStd2K) { if (nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.INSERTSNIPPET || nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.SURROUNDWITH) { IVsTextManager2 textManager = (IVsTextManager2)this.serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTextManager)); IVsExpansionManager expansionManager; if (VSConstants.S_OK == textManager.GetExpansionManager(out expansionManager)) { expansionManager.InvokeInsertionUI( vsTextView, this, Constants.IronPythonLanguageServiceGuid, null, 0, 1, null, 0, 1, "Insert Snippet", string.Empty); } return VSConstants.S_OK; } if (this.expansionSession != null) { // Handle VS Expansion (Code Snippets) keys if ((nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.TAB)) { if (expansionSession.GoToNextExpansionField(0) == VSConstants.S_OK) return VSConstants.S_OK; } else if ((nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.BACKTAB)) { if (expansionSession.GoToPreviousExpansionField() == VSConstants.S_OK) return VSConstants.S_OK; } else if ((nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.RETURN || nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.CANCEL)) { if (expansionSession.EndCurrentExpansion(0) == VSConstants.S_OK) { expansionSession = null; return VSConstants.S_OK; } } } // Handle Edit.ListMembers or Edit.CompleteWord commands if ((nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.SHOWMEMBERLIST || nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.COMPLETEWORD)) { if (activeSession != null) { activeSession.Dismiss(); } ShowCompletion(); return VSConstants.S_OK; } // Handle Enter/Tab commit keys if (activeSession != null && (nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.RETURN || nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.TAB)) { if (activeSession.SelectedCompletionSet.SelectionStatus.IsSelected) activeSession.Commit(); else activeSession.Dismiss(); return VSConstants.S_OK; } // Handle Code Snippets after pressing the Tab key without completion if (activeSession == null && (nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.TAB)) { using (var systemState = new SystemState()) { // Get the current line text until the cursor var line = this.textView.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(this.textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition); var text = this.textView.TextSnapshot.GetText(line.Start.Position, this.textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition - line.Start.Position); // Create a tokenizer for the text var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(text.ToCharArray(), true, systemState, new CompilerContext(string.Empty, new QuietCompilerSink())); // Get the last token in the text Token currentToken, lastToken = null; while ((currentToken = tokenizer.Next()).Kind != TokenKind.NewLine) { lastToken = currentToken; } if (lastToken != null && lastToken.Kind != TokenKind.Constant) { var expansionManager = (IVsTextManager2)this.serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTextManager)); var snippetsEnumerator = new SnippetsEnumerator(expansionManager, Constants.IronPythonLanguageServiceGuid); // Search a snippet that matched the token text var expansion = snippetsEnumerator.FirstOrDefault(e => e.title == lastToken.Value.ToString()); if (expansion.title != null) { // Set the location where the snippet will be inserted int startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn; this.vsTextView.GetCaretPos(out startLine, out endColumn); startColumn = endColumn - expansion.title.Length; endLine = startLine; // Insert the snippet InsertCodeExpansion(expansion, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn); return VSConstants.S_OK; } } } } // Hanlde other keys if ((nCmdID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.TYPECHAR)) { char typedChar = (char)(ushort)Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant(pvaIn); if (activeSession == null) { // Handle trigger keys // Check if the typed char is a trigger if (IsTriggerKey(typedChar)) { var result = this.nextCommandTarget.Exec(pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvaIn, pvaOut); ShowCompletion(); return result; } } else { // Handle commit keys // Check if the typed char is a commit key if (IsCommitKey(typedChar)) { if (activeSession.SelectedCompletionSet.SelectionStatus.IsSelected) activeSession.Commit(); else activeSession.Dismiss(); var result = this.nextCommandTarget.Exec(pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvaIn, pvaOut); // Check we should trigger completion after comitting the previous session (for example, after typing dot '.') if (IsTriggerKey(typedChar)) ShowCompletion(); return result; } } } } // we haven't handled this command so pass it onto the next target return this.nextCommandTarget.Exec(pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvaIn, pvaOut); }
public object TryGetPackageAny(SystemState state, string name) { Initialize(state); object ret; if (__dict__.TryGetValue(SymbolTable.StringToId(name), out ret)) { return ret; } return null; }
internal static PythonModule LoadPreCompiled(SystemState state, string fullName, string fileName) { Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.GetFullPath(fileName)); Type[] types = asm.GetTypes(); // TODO: temporary way to make sure this is pre-compiled module if (types.Length != 1) { throw Ops.SystemError("{0} is not pre-compiled module; try again after deleting it.", fileName); } Type type = types[0]; CompiledModule cm = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as CompiledModule; return cm.Load(fullName, new InitializeModule(cm.Initialize), state); }
internal bool LoadAssembly(SystemState state, Assembly assem) { return LoadAssembly(state, assem, false); }
internal static bool TryGetExistingModule(SystemState state, string fullName, out object ret) { // Python uses None/null as a key here to indicate a missing module if (state.modules.TryGetValue(fullName, out ret)) { return ret != null; } return false; }
internal bool LoadAssembly(SystemState state, Assembly assem, bool isInteropAssembly) { bool loaded; if (loadedAssemblies.TryGetValue(assem, out loaded)) { return false; } if (!loaded) { foreach (PythonModuleAttribute pma in assem.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PythonModuleAttribute), false)) { builtins.Add(, pma.type); builtinModuleNames[pma.type] =; } } // GetExportedTypes does not work on dynamic assemblies, and this could be an Interop assembly // generated by Marshal.GetTypeForITypeInfo using Reflection.Emit, // isInteropAssembly flag can now be removed and replaced w/ a call to LoadTypesFromAssembly. Type[] types = isInteropAssembly ? assem.GetTypes() : LoadTypesFromAssembly(assem); foreach (Type type in types) { // Skip nested types. They get loaded during parent type initalization. // if (type.IsNested || (!type.IsPublic && !Compiler.Options.PrivateBinding)) { continue; } // save all the namespaces, types will be lazily initialized // on demand in GetAttr ReflectedPackage pkg = GetOrMakeTopPackage(state, assem, type.Namespace); if (!loaded) { // We dont save all types since it requires us to hold on to the Type object unnecessarily. // We do load all the types, so its not clear if this optimizations is really useful. // Publish all COM types immediately so that ComObject can access it when needed // for generic Runtime-callable-wrappers ComObject.AddType(type.GUID, type); // We need to save top-level types immediately if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Namespace)) { pkg.SaveType(type); } } else { // doing a non-lazy reload... force all types to get loaded pkg.LoadAllTypes(); } } // Assembly was loaded loadedAssemblies[assem] = true; return true; }
private static PythonModule LoadFromSource(SystemState state, string fullName, string fileName) { CompilerContext context = new CompilerContext(fileName); Parser parser = Parser.FromFile(state, context); Statement s = parser.ParseFileInput(); return OutputGenerator.GenerateModule(state, context, s, fullName); }
private ReflectedPackage GetOrMakeTopPackage(SystemState state, Assembly assm, string ns) { ReflectedPackage ret = this; if (ns != null) { string[] pieces = ns.Split(Type.Delimiter); for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; i++) { if (!ret.packageAssemblies.Contains(assm)) ret.packageAssemblies.Add(assm); ret = ret.GetOrMakePackage(state, String.Join(".", pieces, 0, i + 1), pieces[i], isolated); } } if (!ret.packageAssemblies.Contains(assm)) ret.packageAssemblies.Add(assm); return ret; }
// Returning True: such module/file found, and TryLoadXXX should finish. private static bool TryLoadPackage(SystemState state, string fullName, string pathName, out PythonModule ret) { if (!Directory.Exists(pathName)) { ret = null; return false; } string binary = Path.Combine(pathName, "__init__.exe"); string source = Path.Combine(pathName, ""); bool loadBinary = ShouldLoadPreCompiledModule(binary, source); bool loadSource = File.Exists(source); if (loadBinary || loadSource) { PythonModule pmod; if (loadBinary) { pmod = LoadPreCompiled(state, fullName, binary); pmod.Filename = binary; } else { pmod = LoadFromSource(state, fullName, source); pmod.Filename = source; } pmod.ModuleName = fullName; pmod.SetImportedAttr(DefaultContext.Default, SymbolTable.Path, Ops.MakeList(Path.GetFullPath(pathName))); ret = InitializeModule(fullName, pmod); return true; } else { ret = null; return false; } }
private void InitializeBuiltins(SystemState state) { LoadAssembly(state, typeof(Builtin).Assembly); if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix) { // we make our nt package show up as a posix package // on unix platforms. Because we build on top of the // CLI for all file operations we should be good from // there, but modules that check for the presence of // names (e.g. os) will do the right thing. builtins.Add("posix", typeof(PythonNT)); builtins.Remove("nt"); } state.builtin_module_names = Tuple.Make(builtins.Keys); }
internal PythonModule Load(string moduleName, InitializeModule init, SystemState state) { InitializeBuiltins(); PythonModule pmod = new PythonModule(moduleName, this, state, init); this.Module = pmod; return pmod; }
private static PythonModule LoadModuleFromSource(SystemState state, string fullName, string fileName) { PythonModule mod = LoadFromSource(state, fullName, fileName); return(InitializeModule(fullName, mod)); }