public static string SimpleRepr(object self) { return(String.Format("<{0} object at {1}>", PythonTypeOps.GetName(self), PythonOps.HexId(self))); }
public static object __new__(CodeContext /*!*/ context, PythonType cls, object x) { object value = null; if (x is string) { value = ParseFloat((string)x); } else if (x is Extensible <string> ) { if (!PythonTypeOps.TryInvokeUnaryOperator(context, x, "__float__", out value)) { value = ParseFloat(((Extensible <string>)x).Value); } } else if (x is char) { value = ParseFloat(ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.CharToString((char)x)); } else if (x is Complex) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("can't convert complex to float; use abs(z)"); } else { object d = PythonOps.CallWithContext(context, PythonOps.GetBoundAttr(context, x, "__float__")); if (d is double) { value = d; } else if (d is Extensible <double> ) { value = ((Extensible <double>)d).Value; } else { throw PythonOps.TypeError("__float__ returned non-float (type {0})", PythonTypeOps.GetName(d)); } } if (cls == TypeCache.Double) { return(value); } else { return(cls.CreateInstance(context, value)); } }
/// <summary> /// Implements the default __reduce_ex__ method as specified by PEP 307 case 3 (new-style instance, protocol 2) /// </summary> private static PythonTuple ReduceProtocol2(CodeContext /*!*/ context, object self) { PythonType myType = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(self); object state; object[] funcArgs; object func = context.LanguageContext.NewObject; object getNewArgsCallable; if (PythonOps.TryGetBoundAttr(context, myType, "__getnewargs__", out getNewArgsCallable)) { // TypeError will bubble up if __getnewargs__ isn't callable PythonTuple newArgs = PythonOps.CallWithContext(context, getNewArgsCallable, self) as PythonTuple; if (newArgs == null) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("__getnewargs__ should return a tuple"); } funcArgs = new object[1 + newArgs.Count]; funcArgs[0] = myType; for (int i = 0; i < newArgs.Count; i++) { funcArgs[i + 1] = newArgs[i]; } } else { funcArgs = new object[] { myType }; } if (!PythonTypeOps.TryInvokeUnaryOperator(context, self, "__getstate__", out state)) { object dict; IPythonObject ipo = self as IPythonObject; if (ipo != null) { dict = ipo.Dict; } else if (!PythonOps.TryGetBoundAttr(context, self, "__dict__", out dict)) { dict = null; } PythonDictionary initializedSlotValues = GetInitializedSlotValues(self); if (initializedSlotValues != null && initializedSlotValues.Count == 0) { initializedSlotValues = null; } if (dict == null && initializedSlotValues == null) { state = null; } else if (dict != null && initializedSlotValues == null) { state = dict; } else if (dict != null && initializedSlotValues != null) { state = PythonTuple.MakeTuple(dict, initializedSlotValues); } else /*dict == null && initializedSlotValues != null*/ state {
public static object __new__(CodeContext context, PythonType cls, object x) { Extensible <string> es; if (x is string) { return(ReturnObject(context, cls, ParseBigIntegerSign((string)x, 10))); } else if ((es = x as Extensible <string>) != null) { object value; if (PythonTypeOps.TryInvokeUnaryOperator(context, x, "__long__", out value)) { return(ReturnObject(context, cls, (BigInteger)value)); } return(ReturnObject(context, cls, ParseBigIntegerSign(es.Value, 10))); } if (x is double) { return(ReturnObject(context, cls, DoubleOps.__long__((double)x))); } if (x is int) { return(ReturnObject(context, cls, (BigInteger)(int)x)); } if (x is BigInteger) { return(ReturnObject(context, cls, x)); } if (x is Complex) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("can't convert complex to long; use long(abs(z))"); } if (x is decimal) { return(ReturnObject(context, cls, (BigInteger)(decimal)x)); } object result; int intRes; BigInteger bigintRes; if (PythonTypeOps.TryInvokeUnaryOperator(context, x, "__long__", out result) && !Object.ReferenceEquals(result, NotImplementedType.Value)) { if (result is int || result is BigInteger || result is Extensible <int> || result is Extensible <BigInteger> ) { return(ReturnObject(context, cls, result)); } else { throw PythonOps.TypeError("__long__ returned non-long (type {0})", PythonTypeOps.GetName(result)); } } else if (PythonOps.TryGetBoundAttr(context, x, "__trunc__", out result)) { result = PythonOps.CallWithContext(context, result); if (Converter.TryConvertToInt32(result, out intRes)) { return(ReturnObject(context, cls, (BigInteger)intRes)); } else if (Converter.TryConvertToBigInteger(result, out bigintRes)) { return(ReturnObject(context, cls, bigintRes)); } else { throw PythonOps.TypeError("__trunc__ returned non-Integral (type {0})", PythonTypeOps.GetName(result)); } } throw PythonOps.TypeError("long() argument must be a string or a number, not '{0}'", DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(x).Name); }
private static object FastNew(CodeContext /*!*/ context, object o, int @base = 10) { Extensible <BigInteger> el; if (o is string) { return(__new__(null, (string)o, @base)); } if (o is double) { return(DoubleOps.__int__((double)o)); } if (o is int) { return(o); } if (o is bool) { return(((bool)o) ? 1 : 0); } if (o is BigInteger) { int res; if (((BigInteger)o).AsInt32(out res)) { return(ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.Int32ToObject(res)); } return(o); } if ((el = o as Extensible <BigInteger>) != null) { int res; if (el.Value.AsInt32(out res)) { return(ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.Int32ToObject(res)); } return(el.Value); } if (o is float) { return(DoubleOps.__int__((double)(float)o)); } if (o is Complex) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("can't convert complex to int; use int(abs(z))"); } if (o is Int64) { Int64 val = (Int64)o; if (Int32.MinValue <= val && val <= Int32.MaxValue) { return((Int32)val); } else { return((BigInteger)val); } } else if (o is UInt32) { UInt32 val = (UInt32)o; if (val <= Int32.MaxValue) { return((Int32)val); } else { return((BigInteger)val); } } else if (o is UInt64) { UInt64 val = (UInt64)o; if (val <= Int32.MaxValue) { return((Int32)val); } else { return((BigInteger)val); } } else if (o is Decimal) { Decimal val = (Decimal)o; if (Int32.MinValue <= val && val <= Int32.MaxValue) { return((Int32)val); } else { return((BigInteger)val); } } else if (o is Enum) { return(((IConvertible)o).ToInt32(null)); } if (o is Extensible <string> es) { // __int__ takes precedence, call it if it's available... object value; if (PythonTypeOps.TryInvokeUnaryOperator(DefaultContext.Default, es, "__int__", out value)) { return(value); } // otherwise call __new__ on the string value return(__new__(null, es.Value, @base)); } object result; int intRes; BigInteger bigintRes; if (PythonTypeOps.TryInvokeUnaryOperator(context, o, "__int__", out result) && !Object.ReferenceEquals(result, NotImplementedType.Value)) { if (result is int || result is BigInteger || result is Extensible <int> || result is Extensible <BigInteger> ) { return(result); } else { throw PythonOps.TypeError("__int__ returned non-Integral (type {0})", PythonTypeOps.GetName(result)); } } else if (PythonOps.TryGetBoundAttr(context, o, "__trunc__", out result)) { result = PythonOps.CallWithContext(context, result); if (result is int || result is BigInteger || result is Extensible <int> || result is Extensible <BigInteger> ) { return(result); } else if (Converter.TryConvertToInt32(result, out intRes)) { return(intRes); } else if (Converter.TryConvertToBigInteger(result, out bigintRes)) { return(bigintRes); } else { throw PythonOps.TypeError("__trunc__ returned non-Integral (type {0})", PythonTypeOps.GetName(result)); } } throw PythonOps.TypeError("int() argument must be a string or a number, not '{0}'", PythonTypeOps.GetName(o)); }
internal static void CheckInitArgs(CodeContext context, IDictionary <object, object> dict, object[] args, object self) { if (((args != null && args.Length > 0) || (dict != null && dict.Count > 0))) { PythonType pt = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(self); bool hasObjectInit = pt.HasObjectInit(context); bool hasObjectNew = pt.HasObjectNew(context); // NoneType seems to get some special treatment (None.__init__('abc') works) if (hasObjectNew && self != null) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("object.__init__() takes no parameters"); } else if ((!hasObjectNew && !hasObjectInit) || self == null) { PythonOps.Warn(context, PythonExceptions.DeprecationWarning, "object.__init__() takes no parameters for type {0}", PythonTypeOps.GetName(self)); } } }
public static object __new__(CodeContext context, PythonType cls, [Optional] object?real, [Optional] object?imag) { if (real == null) { throw PythonOps.TypeError($"complex() first argument must be a string or a number, not '{PythonTypeOps.GetName(real)}'"); } if (imag == null) { throw PythonOps.TypeError($"complex() second argument must be a number, not '{PythonTypeOps.GetName(real)}'"); } Complex imag2; if (imag is Missing) { imag2 = Complex.Zero; } else { if (real is string) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("complex() can't take second arg if first is a string"); } if (imag is string) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("complex() second arg can't be a string"); } if (!Converter.TryConvertToComplex(imag, out imag2)) { throw PythonOps.TypeError($"complex() second argument must be a number, not '{PythonTypeOps.GetName(real)}'"); } } Complex real2; if (real is Missing) { real2 = Complex.Zero; } else if (real is string) { real2 = LiteralParser.ParseComplex((string)real); } else if (real is Extensible <string> ) { real2 = LiteralParser.ParseComplex(((Extensible <string>)real).Value); } else if (real is Complex) { if (imag is Missing && cls == TypeCache.Complex) { return(real); } else { real2 = (Complex)real; } } else if (!Converter.TryConvertToComplex(real, out real2)) { throw PythonOps.TypeError($"complex() first argument must be a string or a number, not '{PythonTypeOps.GetName(real)}'"); } double real3 = real2.Real - imag2.Imaginary; double imag3 = real2.Imaginary + imag2.Real; if (cls == TypeCache.Complex) { return(new Complex(real3, imag3)); } else { return(cls.CreateInstance(context, real3, imag3)); } }
internal static IList <byte> CoerceBytes(object obj) { if (!(obj is IList <byte> ret)) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("a bytes-like object is required, not '{0}'", PythonTypeOps.GetName(obj)); } return(ret); }
private static PythonTuple ReduceProtocol2(CodeContext /*!*/ context, object self) { // builtin types which can't be pickled (due to tp_itemsize != 0) if (self is MemoryView) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("can't pickle memoryview objects"); } PythonType myType = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(self); object?state; object?[] funcArgs; var copyreg = context.LanguageContext.GetCopyRegModule(); var func = PythonOps.GetBoundAttr(context, copyreg, "__newobj__"); if (PythonOps.TryGetBoundAttr(context, myType, "__getnewargs__", out object?getNewArgsCallable)) { // TypeError will bubble up if __getnewargs__ isn't callable if (!(PythonOps.CallWithContext(context, getNewArgsCallable, self) is PythonTuple newArgs)) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("__getnewargs__ should return a tuple"); } funcArgs = new object[1 + newArgs.Count]; funcArgs[0] = myType; for (int i = 0; i < newArgs.Count; i++) { funcArgs[i + 1] = newArgs[i]; } } else { funcArgs = new object[] { myType }; } if (!PythonTypeOps.TryInvokeUnaryOperator(context, self, "__getstate__", out state)) { object?dict; if (self is IPythonObject ipo) { dict = ipo.Dict; } else if (!PythonOps.TryGetBoundAttr(context, self, "__dict__", out dict)) { dict = null; } PythonDictionary?initializedSlotValues = GetInitializedSlotValues(self); if (initializedSlotValues != null && initializedSlotValues.Count == 0) { initializedSlotValues = null; } if (dict == null && initializedSlotValues == null) { state = null; } else if (dict != null && initializedSlotValues == null) { state = dict; } else if (dict != null && initializedSlotValues != null) { state = PythonTuple.MakeTuple(dict, initializedSlotValues); } else /*dict == null && initializedSlotValues != null*/ state {
public static string __format__(CodeContext /*!*/ context, object self, [NotNull] string /*!*/ formatSpec) { if (formatSpec != string.Empty) { throw PythonOps.TypeError("unsupported format string passed to {0}.__format__", PythonTypeOps.GetName(self)); } return(PythonOps.ToString(context, self)); }