コード例 #1
ファイル: ParamTree.cs プロジェクト: weimingtom/IronPythonMod
        public void AddMethod(MethodTracker method)
            if (fFinished)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot add methods to finished param trees");

            ParamTreeNode   curNode   = this;
            ParameterInfo[] pis       = method.GetParameters();
            bool            fIsParams = false;

            if (pis.Length > 0 && ReflectionUtil.IsParamArray(pis[pis.Length - 1]))
                fIsParams = true;

            if (!method.IsStatic)
                Type instType = method.DeclaringType;
                if ((funcType & FunctionType.FunctionMethodMask) == FunctionType.FunctionMethodMask)
                    instType = typeof(InstanceArgument);

                curNode = curNode.AppendChild(method, instType, NodeFlags.None, argumentCount == 1);
                AppendParameters(method, curNode, pis, fIsParams, 1, 0);
                int depthStart = 0;
                if ((funcType & FunctionType.OpsFunction) != 0 &&
                    (funcType & FunctionType.FunctionMethodMask) == FunctionType.FunctionMethodMask)
                    // this is an ops function that is combined w/ an ops method.  We need to support
                    // disambiguating between bound & unbound method calls, so we transform arg 1
                    // to an instance just like we do for non-static functions, and then skip the 1st
                    // parameter in AppendParameters.  In either case we want both depths to
                    // start at 1 (we're appending @ depth 1, and reading from param 1 because we've
                    // used param 0) so we just use depthStart here for both.
                    depthStart = 1;
                    curNode    = curNode.AppendChild(method, typeof(InstanceArgument), NodeFlags.None, argumentCount == 1);

                AppendParameters(method, curNode, pis, fIsParams, depthStart, depthStart);

コード例 #2
ファイル: ParamTree.cs プロジェクト: weimingtom/IronPythonMod
        private void AppendParameters(MethodTracker method, ParamTreeNode curNode, ParameterInfo[] pis, bool fIsParams, int depthStart, int pisStart)
            int argCnt = argumentCount;

            for (int i = depthStart; i < argCnt; i++)
                NodeFlags flags;
                Type      curType = GetCurrentType(pis, i - depthStart + pisStart, fIsParams, out flags);

                if ((flags & NodeFlags.Out) != 0 && (i - depthStart + pisStart) < pis.Length)
                    // got an out param, need one more argument still...

                bool fLastArg = (i == argumentCount - 1);

                curNode = curNode.AppendChild(method, curType, flags, fLastArg);