コード例 #1
        public Function Parse(TokenStream stream)
            // Parse the prototype from the stream, this captures the name, arguments and return type.
            Prototype prototype = new PrototypeParser().Parse(stream);

            // Create the function.
            var function = new Function();

            // Assign the function prototype to the parsed prototype.
            function.Prototype = prototype;

            // Parse the body.
            Block body = new BlockParser().Parse(stream);

            // Set the name of the body block.

            // Assign the body.
            function.Body = body;

コード例 #2
        public Function Parse(ParserContext context)
            // Create the attribute buffer list.
            List <Attribute> attributes = new List <Attribute>();

            // Parse attribute if applicable.
            while (context.Stream.Current.Type == TokenType.SymbolBracketL)
                // Invoke attribute parser.
                Attribute attribute = new AttributeParser().Parse(context);

                // Append the resulting attribute onto the buffer list.

            // Parse the prototype from the stream, this captures the name, arguments and return type.
            Prototype prototype = new PrototypeParser().Parse(context);

            // Create the function.
            Function function = new Function();

            // Assign the function attributes.
            function.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

            // Assign the function prototype to the parsed prototype.
            function.Prototype = prototype;

            // Parse the body.
            Block body = new BlockParser().Parse(context);

            // Set the name of the body block.

            // Assign the body.
            function.Body = body;

            // Return the function.