public override void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CatnameTxt.Text == "") { CategoryErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { CategoryErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (activeCB.SelectedIndex == -1) { activeErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { activeErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (CategoryErrorLbl.Visible || activeErrorLbl.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMSG("fields with * are mandatory", "stop", "Error");//Error is the type of message } else { if (activeCB.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else if (activeCB.SelectedIndex == 1) { stat = 0; } if (edit == 0)//code for save operation { Insertion i = new Insertion(); i.insertCategory(CatnameTxt.Text, stat); r.showCategory(CatdataGridView, categoryIDGV, CatNameGV, CatStatusGV); MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); } else if (edit == 1)//code for update operation { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure, you want to update record?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { Updation u = new Updation(); u.updateCategory(catID, CatnameTxt.Text, stat); r.showCategory(CatdataGridView, categoryIDGV, CatNameGV, CatStatusGV); MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); } } } }
public override void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PurchasedataGridView.Rows.Count > 0) { Int64 purchaseInvoiceID; Insertion i = new Insertion(); using (TransactionScope sc = new TransactionScope()) { purchaseInvoiceID = i.insertPurchaseInvoice(DateTime.Today, retrieval.USER_ID, Convert.ToInt32(SupplierDD.SelectedValue)); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in PurchasedataGridView.Rows) { co += i.insertPurchaseInvoiceDetails(purchaseInvoiceID, Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["ProductIDGV"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["QuantityGV"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(row.Cells["TotGV"].Value.ToString())); if (r.checkProductPriceExistance(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["ProductIDGV"].Value.ToString()))) { u.UpdateProductPrice(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["ProductIDGV"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(row.Cells["PerUnitGV"].Value.ToString())); } else { i.insertProductPrice(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["ProductIDGV"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(row.Cells["PerUnitGV"].Value.ToString())); } object ob = r.getProductQuantity(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["ProductIDGV"].Value.ToString())); int q = Convert.ToInt32(ob); if (ob != null) { q += Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["QuantityGV"].Value.ToString()); u.UpdateStock(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["ProductIDGV"].Value.ToString()), q); } else { i.insertStock(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["ProductIDGV"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["QuantityGV"].Value.ToString())); } } if (co > 0) { MainClass.ShowMSG("Purchase invoice created Successfully.", "Success", "Success"); } else { MainClass.ShowMSG("Unable to create Purchase invoice.", "Error", "Error"); } sc.Complete(); } } }
public override void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (nameTxt.Text == "") { nameErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { nameErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (usernameTxt.Text == "") { usernameErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { usernameErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (passTxt.Text == "") { passErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { passErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (emailTxt.Text == "") { emailErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { emailErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (phoneTxt.Text == "") { phoneErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { phoneErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (StatusDD.SelectedIndex == -1) { statusErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { statusErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (nameErrorLbl.Visible || usernameErrorLbl.Visible || passErrorLbl.Visible || emailErrorLbl.Visible || phoneErrorLbl.Visible || statusErrorLbl.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMSG("fields with * are mandatory", "stop", "Error");//Error is the type of message } else { if (StatusDD.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else if (StatusDD.SelectedIndex == 1) { stat = 0; } if (edit == 0)//code for save operation { Insertion i = new Insertion(); i.insertUser(nameTxt.Text, usernameTxt.Text, passTxt.Text, emailTxt.Text, phoneTxt.Text, stat, 2); r.showUsers(dataGridView1, userIDGV, NameGV, UserNameGV, PassGV, EmailGV, PhoneGV, StatusGV); MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); } else if (edit == 1)//code for update operation { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure, you want to update record?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { Updation u = new Updation(); u.updateUser(userID, nameTxt.Text, usernameTxt.Text, passTxt.Text, emailTxt.Text, phoneTxt.Text, stat); r.showUsers(dataGridView1, userIDGV, NameGV, UserNameGV, PassGV, EmailGV, PhoneGV, StatusGV); MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); } } } }
public override void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SuppNameTxt.Text == "") { suppnameErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { suppnameErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (ContactPersonTxt.Text == "") { contPersonErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { contPersonErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (Phone1Txt.Text == "") { Phone1ErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { Phone1ErrorLbl.Visible = false; } //if (Phone2Txt.Text == "") //{ // Phone2ErrorLbl.Visible = true; //} //else //{ // Phone2ErrorLbl.Visible = false; //} if (AddressTxt.Text == "") { AddressErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { AddressErrorLbl.Visible = false; } //if (TinTxt.Text == "") //{ // TinErrorLbl.Visible = true; //} //else //{ // TinErrorLbl.Visible = false; //} if (StatusDD.SelectedIndex == -1) { StatusErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { StatusErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (suppnameErrorLbl.Visible || contPersonErrorLbl.Visible || Phone1ErrorLbl.Visible || AddressErrorLbl.Visible || StatusErrorLbl.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMSG("fields with * are mandatory", "stop", "Error");//Error is the type of message } else { if (StatusDD.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else if (StatusDD.SelectedIndex == 1) { stat = 0; } if (edit == 0)//code for save operation { Insertion i = new Insertion(); if (Phone2Txt.Text == "" && TinTxt.Text != "") { i.insertSupplier(SuppNameTxt.Text, ContactPersonTxt.Text, Phone1Txt.Text, AddressTxt.Text, stat, null, TinTxt.Text); } else if (Phone2Txt.Text != "" && TinTxt.Text == "") { i.insertSupplier(SuppNameTxt.Text, ContactPersonTxt.Text, Phone1Txt.Text, AddressTxt.Text, stat, Phone2Txt.Text, null); } else if (Phone2Txt.Text == "" && TinTxt.Text == "") { i.insertSupplier(SuppNameTxt.Text, ContactPersonTxt.Text, Phone1Txt.Text, AddressTxt.Text, stat, null, null); } else { i.insertSupplier(SuppNameTxt.Text, ContactPersonTxt.Text, Phone1Txt.Text, AddressTxt.Text, stat, Phone2Txt.Text, TinTxt.Text); } r.showSupplier(SupplierdataGridView, SupplierIDGV, CompanyGV, ContactPersonGV, Phone1GV, Phone2GV, AddressGV, TinGV, StatusGV); MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); } else if (edit == 1)//code for update operation { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure, you want to update record?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { Updation u = new Updation(); u.updateSupplier(suppID, SuppNameTxt.Text, ContactPersonTxt.Text, Phone1Txt.Text, AddressTxt.Text, stat, Phone2Txt.Text, TinTxt.Text); r.showSupplier(SupplierdataGridView, SupplierIDGV, CompanyGV, ContactPersonGV, Phone1GV, Phone2GV, AddressGV, TinGV, StatusGV); MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); } } } }
public override void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProductTxt.Text == "") { productErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { productErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (barcodeTxt.Text == "") { barcodeErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { barcodeErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (ExpiryPicker.Value < DateTime.Now) { ExpiryErrorLbl.Visible = true; ExpiryErrorLbl.Text = "Invalid Date"; } else { ExpiryErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (ExpiryPicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { ExpiryErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (categoryCB.SelectedIndex == -1 || categoryCB.SelectedIndex == 0) { CategoryErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { CategoryErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (productErrorLbl.Visible || barcodeErrorLbl.Visible || CategoryErrorLbl.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMSG("fields with * are mandatory", "stop", "Error");//Error is the type of message } else { if (edit == 0)//code for save operation { Insertion i = new Insertion(); if (ExpiryPicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { i.insertProduct(ProductTxt.Text, barcodeTxt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryCB.SelectedValue)); } else { i.insertProduct(ProductTxt.Text, barcodeTxt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryCB.SelectedValue), ExpiryPicker.Value); } r.showProduct(ProductdataGridView, ProductIDGV, NameGV, BarcodeGV, ExpiryGV, CategoryGV, CategoryIDGV); MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); } else if (edit == 1)//code for update operation { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure, you want to update record?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { Updation u = new Updation(); if (ExpiryPicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { u.updateProduct(proID, ProductTxt.Text, barcodeTxt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryCB.SelectedValue)); } else { u.updateProduct(proID, ProductTxt.Text, barcodeTxt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryCB.SelectedValue), ExpiryPicker.Value); } r.showProduct(ProductdataGridView, ProductIDGV, NameGV, BarcodeGV, ExpiryGV, CategoryGV, CategoryIDGV); MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); } } } }