static string calculateYearOfWarrantyExpirationForMobilePhone(MobilePhone mobilePhone, int warrantyInMonths, string inputYear) { DateTime warrantyExpirationYear = new DateTime(); switch (warrantyInMonths) { case 12: { warrantyExpirationYear = mobilePhone.DatePurchased.AddYears(1); inputYear = warrantyExpirationYear.Year.ToString(); return(inputYear); } case 24: { warrantyExpirationYear = mobilePhone.DatePurchased.AddYears(2); inputYear = warrantyExpirationYear.Year.ToString(); return(inputYear); } case 60: { warrantyExpirationYear = mobilePhone.DatePurchased.AddYears(5); inputYear = warrantyExpirationYear.Year.ToString(); return(inputYear); } } return("1"); }
static List <MobilePhone> PreliminaryInputPhones() { var listOfPhones = new List <MobilePhone>(); var tempPhone = new MobilePhone(Guid.NewGuid(), "Old", new DateTime(2011, 11, 1).Date, 0, 1000, MobilePhone.PhoneCompanies.Apple, true, "099434553", "Someone"); listOfPhones.Add(tempPhone); tempPhone = new MobilePhone(Guid.NewGuid(), "A iphone X ( boss's phone)", new DateTime(2010, 10, 2).Date, 0, 1000, MobilePhone.PhoneCompanies.Samsung, true, "091324532", "Spiderman"); listOfPhones.Add(tempPhone); tempPhone = new MobilePhone(Guid.NewGuid(), "Barely working", new DateTime(2014, 5, 1).Date, 0, 800, MobilePhone.PhoneCompanies.Sony, false, "099856432", "Jameson"); listOfPhones.Add(tempPhone); tempPhone = new MobilePhone(Guid.NewGuid(), "Bad touchscreen", new DateTime(2000, 2, 2).Date, 0, 400, MobilePhone.PhoneCompanies.Samsung, false, "097421234", "BATMAN"); listOfPhones.Add(tempPhone); return(listOfPhones); }
public MobilePhone AddMobilePhone() { var success = false; var description = ""; var warranty = 0; var price = 0.0; var seller = PhoneCompanies.Apple; var phoneNumber = ""; var owner = ""; Console.WriteLine("Enter a description"); description = Console.ReadLine(); do { Console.WriteLine("Enter the warranty in number of months"); var number = Console.ReadLine(); success = int.TryParse(number, out warranty); if (!success) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong entry, try again"); } } while (!success); do { Console.WriteLine("Enter a price"); var number = Console.ReadLine(); success = double.TryParse(number, out price); if (!success) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong entry, try again"); } } while (!success); do { success = false; Console.WriteLine("Enter a seller out of the listed"); var values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(PhoneCompanies)); foreach (var v in values) { Console.WriteLine(v); } var input = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var v in values) { if (input.ToLower() == v.ToString().ToLower()) { success = true; seller = (PhoneCompanies)v; } } } while (!success); var year = 0; var month = 0; var day = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter the year it was bought in number"); var number = Console.ReadLine(); success = int.TryParse(number, out year); if (!success) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong entry, try again"); } } while (!success); do { Console.WriteLine("Enter the month it was bought in number"); var number = Console.ReadLine(); success = int.TryParse(number, out month); if (!success) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong entry, try again"); } } while (!success || month < 1 || month > 12); do { Console.WriteLine("Enter the day it was bought in number"); var number = Console.ReadLine(); success = int.TryParse(number, out day); if (!success) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong entry, try again"); } } while (!success || day > 30 || day < 1); var time = new DateTime(year, month, day).Date; bool battery; do { Console.WriteLine("Write 'true' if you computer has a battery or 'false' if it doesn't"); var text = Console.ReadLine(); success = bool.TryParse(text, out battery); } while (!success); Console.WriteLine("Enter your phone number"); phoneNumber = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Write the owners first and last name at once"); owner = Console.ReadLine(); var phon = new MobilePhone(Guid.NewGuid(), description, time, warranty, price, seller, battery, phoneNumber, owner); return(phon); }