public void addDimConstr(SketchPoint p, SketchLine sl, Parameter par = null) { Vector2d v = ut.normal(sl.StartSketchPoint.Geometry, sl.EndSketchPoint.Geometry), v1 = p.Geometry.VectorTo(sl.StartSketchPoint.Geometry); if (v.AngleTo(v1) > Math.PI / 2) { v.ScaleBy(-1); } pt = p.Geometry.Copy(); pt.TranslateBy(v); ObjectsEnumerator en = sl.Geometry.IntersectWithCurve(, pt), 0.1); if (en != null && en.Count != 0) { pt = en[1] as Point2d; } OffsetDimConstraint offs = ps.DimensionConstraints.AddOffset(sl, p as SketchEntity, ut.midPt(p.Geometry, pt, p.Geometry.DistanceTo(pt) / 5, 0), false); if (par != null) { offs.Parameter.Expression = par.Name; } else { offs.Parameter.Value = 0; } }
public void addMidConsraint(SketchLine line) { pt = line.Geometry.MidPoint; SketchPoint s = ps.SketchPoints.Add(pt, false); ps.GeometricConstraints.AddMidpoint(s, sl); }
public InsertOutlineRequest(Inventor.Application application, Face face, iFeature ifeature, Point2d point1, Point2d point2) { m_inventorApplication = application; m_insertFace = face; m_selectiFeature = ifeature; m_Point1 = point1; m_Point2 = point2; }
/// <summary> /// Generate drawing document with input model document /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">File path for the generated drawing document</param> /// <param name="doc">The Inventor document.</param> private void SaveAsIDW(string filePath, Document doc) { LogTrace("Create a new drawing document"); DrawingDocument drawDoc = (DrawingDocument)inventorApplication.Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum.kDrawingDocumentObject); Inventor.Sheet sheet; LogTrace("Get or create a new drawing sheet"); try { if (drawDoc.Sheets.Count > 0) { sheet = drawDoc.Sheets[1]; sheet.Size = DrawingSheetSizeEnum.kA2DrawingSheetSize; } else { sheet = drawDoc.Sheets.Add(DrawingSheetSizeEnum.kA2DrawingSheetSize); } TransientGeometry oTG = inventorApplication.TransientGeometry; Inventor.Point2d pt = oTG.CreatePoint2d(10, 10); LogTrace("Create a base view"); Inventor.DrawingView dv = sheet.DrawingViews.AddBaseView((_Document)doc, pt, 1, ViewOrientationTypeEnum.kIsoTopLeftViewOrientation, DrawingViewStyleEnum.kShadedDrawingViewStyle, "", null, null); LogTrace("Change scale of base drawing view"); dv.Scale = CalculateViewSize(sheet, dv); LogTrace("Create projected view"); Inventor.Point2d pt2 = oTG.CreatePoint2d(dv.Position.X, dv.Position.Y + dv.Height * 1.2); Inventor.DrawingView projView = sheet.DrawingViews.AddProjectedView(dv, pt2, DrawingViewStyleEnum.kShadedDrawingViewStyle); Inventor.Point2d pt3 = oTG.CreatePoint2d(sheet.Width - 5, sheet.Height / 3); LogTrace("Create part list"); Inventor.PartsList pl = sheet.PartsLists.Add(dv, pt3, PartsListLevelEnum.kPartsOnly); Inventor.Point2d pt4 = oTG.CreatePoint2d(sheet.Width / 2, sheet.Height / 4); LogTrace("Create Revision table"); Inventor.RevisionTable rtable = sheet.RevisionTables.Add(pt4); rtable.ShowTitle = true; rtable.Title = "Revision Table Test"; rtable.RevisionTableRows[1][1].Text = "Inventor IO"; rtable.RevisionTableRows[1][3].Text = "Test revision table in drawing"; rtable.RevisionTableRows[1][4].Text = "Autodesk"; LogTrace("Done:Create Revision table"); LogTrace($"Saving IDW {filePath}"); drawDoc.SaveAs(filePath, false); drawDoc.Close(); LogTrace($"Saved IDW as {filePath}"); } catch (Exception e) { drawDoc.Close(); LogError($"Generate IDW fails: {e.Message}"); } }
public SketchPoint addPoint(SketchLine sl1, SketchLine sl2) { Vector2d v1 = addVec(sp, sl1), v2 = addVec(sp, sl2); pt = sp.Geometry.Copy(); v1.AddVector(v2); v1.ScaleBy(0.4); pt.TranslateBy(v1); return(ps.SketchPoints.Add(pt)); }
private void mouseClick(MouseButtonEnum Button, ShiftStateEnum ShiftKeys, Inventor.Point ModelPosition, Point2d ViewPosition, Inventor.View View) { if (Button == MouseButtonEnum.kLeftMouseButton && pt1 == null) { pt = ModelPosition; pt1 = ViewPosition; pt1.X = pt.X; pt1.Y = pt.Y; interEvts.StatusBarText = "Вторая точка выноски:"; objs.Add(pt1); if (selEvts.SelectedEntities.Count != 0) { dcs = (Inventor.DrawingCurveSegment)selEvts.SelectedEntities[1]; } dc = dcs.Parent; } else if (Button == MouseButtonEnum.kLeftMouseButton && pt2 == null) { try { pt2 = ViewPosition; pt2.X = ModelPosition.X; pt2.Y = ModelPosition.Y; objs.Add(pt2); interEvts.Stop(); obj = dc.ModelGeometry; try { compOcc = ((Inventor.FaceProxy)obj).ContainingOccurrence; } catch (Exception) { try { compOcc = ((Inventor.EdgeProxy)obj).ContainingOccurrence; } catch (Exception ex1) { MessageBox.Show(ex1.ToString()); } } gInt = m_DrwDoc.ActiveSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(dc); objs.Add(gInt); ball = m_DrwDoc.ActiveSheet.Balloons.Add(objs); ball.BalloonValueSets.Add(m_AsmDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } }
private void addSS(string name, Inventor.Point2d insPt) { try { foreach (SketchedSymbol ss in m_DrwDoc.ActiveSheet.SketchedSymbols) { if (ss.Name.StartsWith(name)) { return; } } m_DrwDoc.ActiveSheet.SketchedSymbols.Add(m_DrwDoc.SketchedSymbolDefinitions[name], insPt); } catch (Exception) { } }
private void RotateSketch(PartComponentDefinition oPartCompDef, string name, double x, double y, double angle) { ObjectCollection oSketchObjects; oSketchObjects = m_inventorApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection(); TransientGeometry oTransGeo; oTransGeo = m_inventorApplication.TransientGeometry; Inventor.Point2d centorPoint = oTransGeo.CreatePoint2d(x, y); PlanarSketch oSketch = oPartCompDef.Sketches["Footprint" + name]; foreach (SketchEntity oSketchEntity in oSketch.SketchEntities) { oSketchObjects.Add(oSketchEntity); } oSketch.RotateSketchObjects(oSketchObjects, centorPoint, angle, false, true); }
private void mouseClick(MouseButtonEnum Button, ShiftStateEnum ShiftKeys, Inventor.Point ModelPosition, Point2d ViewPosition, Inventor.View View) { if (Button == MouseButtonEnum.kLeftMouseButton) { if (pt1 == null) { //m_View = (DrawingView)View; pt = ModelPosition; pt1 = ViewPosition; pt1.X = pt.X; pt1.Y = pt.Y; interEvts.StatusBarText = "Вторая точка разрыва:"; } else { pt = ModelPosition; pt2 = ViewPosition; pt2.X = pt.X; pt2.Y = pt.Y; interEvts.Stop(); try { if (horizont) { oBreak = m_View.BreakOperations.Add(BreakOrientationEnum.kHorizontalBreakOrientation, pt1, pt2, BreakStyleEnum.kRectangularBreakStyle, num, gap, 1, false); } else { oBreak = m_View.BreakOperations.Add(BreakOrientationEnum.kVerticalBreakOrientation, pt1, pt2, BreakStyleEnum.kRectangularBreakStyle, num, gap, 1, false); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); mouseEvts.OnMouseClick -= new MouseEventsSink_OnMouseClickEventHandler(mouseClick); } } } }
public SketchLine addPerpendicular(SketchLine line, SketchLine dir, SketchLine sl = null) { vec = addVec(sp, dir); vec.ScaleBy(0.5); pt = line.Geometry.MidPoint; pt.TranslateBy(vec); SketchLine l; if (sl == null) { l = ps.SketchLines.AddByTwoPoints(line.Geometry.MidPoint as object, pt as object); } else { l = ps.SketchLines.AddByTwoPoints(line.Geometry.MidPoint, sl.EndSketchPoint); } l.Construction = true; addMidConsraint(line, l); ps.GeometricConstraints.AddParallel(l as SketchEntity, dir as SketchEntity); return(l); }
void SelectEvents_OnSelect( Inventor.ObjectsEnumerator JustSelectedEntities, Inventor.SelectionDeviceEnum SelectionDevice, Inventor.Point ModelPosition, Inventor.Point2d ViewPosition, Inventor.View View) { if (_state == CommandState.Idle) { return; } if (JustSelectedEntities.Count != 1) { return; } if (!(JustSelectedEntities[1] is ComponentOccurrence)) { return; } ComponentOccurrence selectedOccurrence = JustSelectedEntities[1] as ComponentOccurrence; switch (_state) { case CommandState.SourceComponentSelection: if (_targetComponent != null) { if (selectedOccurrence.Definition == _targetComponent.Definition) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Source and Target components cannot be the same, or refer to the same document...", "Error selecting component", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); break; } } _state = CommandState.Idle; _sourceComponent = selectedOccurrence; SourceComponentSelected(this, new EventArgs()); break; case CommandState.TargetComponentSelection: if (_sourceComponent != null) { if (selectedOccurrence.Definition == _sourceComponent.Definition) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Source and Target components cannot be the same, or refer to the same document...", "Error selecting component", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); break; } } _state = CommandState.Idle; _targetComponent = selectedOccurrence; TargetComponentSelected(this, new EventArgs()); break; default: _state = CommandState.Idle; break; } }
private void OnPreSelect(ref object PreSelectEntity, out bool DoHighlight, ref Inventor.ObjectCollection MorePreSelectEntities, Inventor.SelectionDeviceEnum SelectionDevice, Inventor.Point ModelPosition, Inventor.Point2d ViewPosition, Inventor.View View) { if (PreSelectEntity is SurfaceGraphicsFace) { DoHighlight = true; } else { DoHighlight = false; } }
//do select in screen public void DoSelect() { switch (oSelectOption) { case SelectOptionsEnum.eApplication: if (m_inventorApplication.SoftwareVersion.Major > 13) { m_inventorApplication.UserInterfaceManager.DoEvents(); } else { System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); } break; case SelectOptionsEnum.eDocument: if (m_inventorApplication.SoftwareVersion.Major > 13) { m_inventorApplication.UserInterfaceManager.DoEvents(); } else { System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); } break; case SelectOptionsEnum.eWindow: if (selectingWin) { selectingWin = false; // ready for next status //get new corner and size of window InteractionEventsManager oInterEventsM = new InteractionEventsManager(m_inventorApplication); Size otempSize = new Size(0, 0); Inventor.Point2d otempInvPoint2d = m_inventorApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(0, 0); oInterEventsM.DoSelectRegion(ref otempSize, ref otempInvPoint2d); //record the size and corner point. if (otempSize.Height == 0 || otempSize.Width == 0) { // the user may escape the selecting without selecting anything // so do nothing return; } oHasSelectWindow = true; oSelectParam_Win.oCornerPt.X = Convert.ToInt32(otempInvPoint2d.X); oSelectParam_Win.oCornerPt.Y = Convert.ToInt32(otempInvPoint2d.Y); oSelectParam_Win.oSize = otempSize; } else { //just change selection mode. so update the bitmap directly if (m_inventorApplication.SoftwareVersion.Major > 13) { m_inventorApplication.UserInterfaceManager.DoEvents(); } else { System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); } } break; } updateBitmap(); }
private void m_MouseEvents_OnMouseUp(Inventor.MouseButtonEnum Button, Inventor.ShiftStateEnum ShiftKeys, Inventor.Point ModelPosition, Inventor.Point2d ViewPosition, Inventor.View View) { //if the interaction event is MyScreenshot, create the image if (m_InteractionEvents.Name == "MyScreenshot") { m_InteractionEvents.InteractionGraphics.PreviewClientGraphics.Delete(); m_inventorApplication.ActiveView.Update(); if (oGiLineStripG != null) { oGiLineStripG.Delete(); oGiLineStripG = null; } if (oGiLineG != null) { oGiLineG.Delete(); oGiLineG = null; } //stop interaction event m_InteractionEvents.SetCursor(CursorTypeEnum.kCursorBuiltInArrow); m_flagMouseDown = false; if (m_MouseEvents != null) { m_MouseEvents.OnMouseDown -= m_MouseEvents_OnMouseDown; m_MouseEvents.OnMouseMove -= m_MouseEvents_OnMouseMove; m_MouseEvents.OnMouseUp -= m_MouseEvents_OnMouseUp; m_MouseEvents = null; } m_InteractionEvents.Stop(); m_InteractionEvents = null; //prepare size of the image region, in pixel oSize = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Abs(ViewPosition.X - m_MouseStartViewPt.X)), Convert.ToInt32(Math.Abs(ViewPosition.Y - m_MouseStartViewPt.Y))); if (ViewPosition.X > m_MouseStartViewPt.X & ViewPosition.Y > m_MouseStartViewPt.Y) { oCornerPt = m_MouseStartViewPt; } else if (ViewPosition.X > m_MouseStartViewPt.X & ViewPosition.Y < m_MouseStartViewPt.Y) { oCornerPt.X = m_MouseStartViewPt.X; oCornerPt.Y = ViewPosition.Y; } else if (ViewPosition.X <m_MouseStartViewPt.X& ViewPosition.Y> m_MouseStartViewPt.Y) { oCornerPt.X = ViewPosition.X; oCornerPt.Y = m_MouseStartViewPt.Y; } else { oCornerPt = ViewPosition; } //take the view position in screen, calculate //the real pixel data of the corners oCornerPt.X = (int)View.Left + oCornerPt.X; oCornerPt.Y = (int)View.Top + oCornerPt.Y; } }
private void m_SelectEvents_OnSelect(Inventor.ObjectsEnumerator JustSelectedEntities, Inventor.SelectionDeviceEnum SelectionDevice, Inventor.Point ModelPosition, Inventor.Point2d ViewPosition, Inventor.View View) { if (JustSelectedEntities.Count != 0) { object selectObj1 = JustSelectedEntities[1]; //object selectObj2 = JustSelectedEntities[2]; System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show((string)("Selected Entity Type: " + Information.TypeName(selectObj1)) + " , Interactive selection successful!", "Interactive Selection"); } }
private void m_MouseEvents_OnMouseDown(Inventor.MouseButtonEnum Button, Inventor.ShiftStateEnum ShiftKeys, Inventor.Point ModelPosition, Inventor.Point2d ViewPosition, Inventor.View View) { //if the interaction event is MyScreenshot, //then get the view position and model position if (m_InteractionEvents.Name == "MyScreenshot") { m_MouseStartViewPt = ViewPosition; m_StartModelPt = ModelPosition; m_flagMouseDown = true; //clean the last graphics m_InteractionEvents.InteractionGraphics.PreviewClientGraphics.Delete(); m_inventorApplication.ActiveView.Update(); //gi node oGiNode = m_InteractionEvents.InteractionGraphics.PreviewClientGraphics.AddNode(1); oCoordSet = m_InteractionEvents.InteractionGraphics.GraphicsDataSets.CreateCoordinateSet(1); //color set oColorSet = m_InteractionEvents.InteractionGraphics.GraphicsDataSets.CreateColorSet(1); oColorSet.Add(1, 255, 0, 0); TransientGeometry tg = m_inventorApplication.TransientGeometry; Inventor.Point tempP = tg.CreatePoint(ViewPosition.X, ViewPosition.Y, 0); oCoordSet.Add(1, tempP); oCoordSet.Add(2, tempP); oCoordSet.Add(3, tempP); oCoordSet.Add(4, tempP); oCoordSet.Add(5, tempP); try { if (oGiLineStripG != null) { oGiLineStripG.Delete(); oGiLineStripG = null; } oGiLineStripG = oGiNode.AddLineStripGraphics(); oGiLineStripG.CoordinateSet = oCoordSet; oGiLineStripG.ColorSet = oColorSet; oGiLineStripG.BurnThrough = true; } catch (Exception ex) { //a problem in Inventor 2009( R13 ) with //LineStripGraphics.BurnThrough. Use LineGraphics as workaround if (oGiLineG != null) { oGiLineG.Delete(); oGiLineG = null; } oGiLineG = oGiNode.AddLineGraphics(); oGiLineG.CoordinateSet = oCoordSet; oGiLineG.ColorSet = oColorSet; oGiLineG.BurnThrough = true; } } }
private void StartEvent(bool region_or_object) { //start interaction event if (m_InteractionEvents == null) { m_InteractionEvents = m_inventorApplication.CommandManager.CreateInteractionEvents(); } else { m_InteractionEvents.Stop(); } m_InteractionEvents.InteractionDisabled = false; if (region_or_object) { //get mouse event if (m_MouseEvents == null) { m_MouseEvents = m_InteractionEvents.MouseEvents; m_MouseEvents.MouseMoveEnabled = true; m_MouseStartViewPt = m_inventorApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(0, 0); m_flagMouseDown = false; m_MouseEvents.OnMouseUp += m_MouseEvents_OnMouseUp; m_MouseEvents.OnMouseMove += m_MouseEvents_OnMouseMove; m_MouseEvents.OnMouseDown += m_MouseEvents_OnMouseDown; } } else { //get select event if (m_SelectEvents == null) { m_SelectEvents = m_InteractionEvents.SelectEvents; m_SelectEvents.SingleSelectEnabled = false; m_SelectEvents.WindowSelectEnabled = true; m_SelectEvents.OnSelect += m_SelectEvents_OnSelect; } } m_InteractionEvents.OnTerminate += m_InteractionEvents_OnTerminate; m_InteractionEvents.Name = "MyScreenshot"; //start m_InteractionEvents.Start(); while (m_InteractionEvents != null) { if (m_inventorApplication.SoftwareVersion.Major > 13) { m_inventorApplication.UserInterfaceManager.DoEvents(); } else { System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); } } }
public void DoSelectObject(ref Size bmSize, ref Inventor.Point2d bmCornetPt) { StartEvent(false); bmSize = oSize; bmCornetPt = oCornerPt; }
public void DoSelectRegion(ref Size bmSize, ref Inventor.Point2d bmCornetPt) { StartEvent(true); bmSize = oSize; bmCornetPt = oCornerPt; }
private void m_SelectEvents_OnSelect(Inventor.ObjectsEnumerator JustSelectedEntities, Inventor.SelectionDeviceEnum SelectionDevice, Inventor.Point ModelPosition, Inventor.Point2d ViewPosition, Inventor.View View) { //reserved for future }
private void mSelectEvents_OnSelect(Inventor.ObjectsEnumerator JustSelectedEntities, Inventor.SelectionDeviceEnum SelectionDevice, Inventor.Point ModelPosition, Inventor.Point2d ViewPosition, Inventor.View View) { if (JustSelectedEntities.Count != 0) { object selectedObj = JustSelectedEntities[1]; System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show((string)("Selected Entity: " + Information.TypeName(selectedObj)), "Simple Interaction"); } }
// version 2010-05-23: to solve the issue in Perspective View private void m_MouseEvents_OnMouseMove(Inventor.MouseButtonEnum Button, Inventor.ShiftStateEnum ShiftKeys, Inventor.Point ModelPosition, Inventor.Point2d ViewPosition, Inventor.View View) { //if the interaction event is MyScreenshot, draw selecting rectangle. if (m_InteractionEvents.Name == "MyScreenshot" && m_flagMouseDown) { TransientGeometry tg = m_inventorApplication.TransientGeometry; Inventor.Point P1 = tg.CreatePoint(m_MouseStartViewPt.X, -m_MouseStartViewPt.Y, 0); Inventor.Point P3 = tg.CreatePoint(ViewPosition.X, -ViewPosition.Y, 0); Inventor.Point P4 = tg.CreatePoint(P1.X, P3.Y, 0); Inventor.Point P2 = tg.CreatePoint(P3.X, P1.Y, 0); //update coordinates oCoordSet[1] = P1; oCoordSet[2] = P2; oCoordSet[3] = P3; oCoordSet[4] = P4; oCoordSet[5] = P1; //add line strip if (oGiLineStripG != null) { //SetTransformBehavior, default value for PixelScale is 1 oGiLineStripG.SetTransformBehavior(P1, DisplayTransformBehaviorEnum.kFrontFacingAndPixelScaling, 1); oGiLineStripG.SetViewSpaceAnchor(P1, m_MouseStartViewPt, ViewLayoutEnum.kTopLeftViewCorner); } else if (oGiLineG != null) { //SetTransformBehavior, default value for PixelScale is 1 oGiLineG.SetTransformBehavior(P1, DisplayTransformBehaviorEnum.kFrontFacingAndPixelScaling, 1); oGiLineG.SetViewSpaceAnchor(P1, m_MouseStartViewPt, ViewLayoutEnum.kTopLeftViewCorner); } m_inventorApplication.ActiveView.Update(); } }