public List<Node> calcRoute() { Node start = new Node(startX, startY); Node Goal = new Node(endX,endY); if (start.Equals(Goal)) { throw new Exception("Goal and Start are the same"); } Node[,] came_from = new Node[20, 20]; int[,] g_score = InitMap(); int[,] f_score = InitMap(); g_score[start.y, start.x] = 0; f_score[start.y, start.x] = g_score[start.y, start.x] + HeuresticFunction(start, Goal); start.f_score = f_score[start.y, start.x]; List<Node> openset = new List<Node>(); openset.Add(start); List<Node> closedset = new List<Node>(); while(openset.Any()) { Node current = openset.Min(); if (current.Equals(Goal)) break; openset.Remove(current); closedset.Add(current); Node[] myneihbours = neighbours(current); foreach (Node neighbour in myneihbours) { int tentative_g_score = g_score[current.y, current.x] + 5; if((!openset.Contains(neighbour) || tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbour.y,neighbour.x]) && { came_from[neighbour.y, neighbour.x] = current; g_score[neighbour.y, neighbour.x] = tentative_g_score; f_score[neighbour.y, neighbour.x] = g_score[neighbour.y, neighbour.x] + HeuresticFunction(neighbour, Goal); if (!openset.Contains(neighbour)) openset.Add(neighbour); } } } return path(came_from, Goal, start); }
private Node[] neighbours(Node current) { return new Node[]{new Node(current.x - 1 , current.y), new Node(current.x + 1,current.y), new Node(current.x, current.y - 1), new Node(current.x, current.y + 1)}; }
private int HeuresticFunction(Node from, Node to) { return (int)(Math.Pow((to.x - from.x), 2) + Math.Pow(to.y - from.y,2)); }
private List<Node> path(Node[,] came_from, Node goal,Node start) { List<Node> total_path = new List<Node>(){goal}; Node current = goal; while (!current.Equals(start)) { current = came_from[current.y, current.x]; total_path.Add(current); } return total_path; }