コード例 #1
ファイル: TypeSystemHelpers.cs プロジェクト: cdxntchou/corert
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns method as defined on a non-generic base class or on a base
        /// instantiation.
        /// For example, If Foo&lt;T&gt; : Bar&lt;T&gt; and overrides method M,
        /// if method is Bar&lt;string&gt;.M(), then this returns Bar&lt;T&gt;.M()
        /// but if Foo : Bar&lt;string&gt;, then this returns Bar&lt;string&gt;.M()
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetType">A potentially derived type</param>
        /// <param name="method">A base class's virtual method</param>
        public static MethodDesc FindMethodOnTypeWithMatchingTypicalMethod(this TypeDesc targetType, MethodDesc method)
            // If method is nongeneric and on a nongeneric type, then it is the matching method
            if (!method.HasInstantiation && !method.OwningType.HasInstantiation)

            // Since method is an instantiation that may or may not be the same as typeExamine's hierarchy,
            // find a matching base class on an open type and then work from the instantiation in typeExamine's
            // hierarchy
            TypeDesc typicalTypeOfTargetMethod = method.GetTypicalMethodDefinition().OwningType;
            TypeDesc targetOrBase = targetType;

                TypeDesc openTargetOrBase = targetOrBase;
                if (openTargetOrBase is InstantiatedType)
                    openTargetOrBase = openTargetOrBase.GetTypeDefinition();
                if (openTargetOrBase == typicalTypeOfTargetMethod)
                    // Found an open match. Now find an equivalent method on the original target typeOrBase
                    MethodDesc matchingMethod = targetOrBase.FindMethodOnExactTypeWithMatchingTypicalMethod(method);
                targetOrBase = targetOrBase.BaseType;
            } while (targetOrBase != null);

            Debug.Fail("method has no related type in the type hierarchy of type");