public FormTransitionKeyboard(SceneTransition t) { InitializeComponent(); transition = (SceneTransitionKeyboard)t; checkBox1.Checked = transition.showOverlay; textBoxCaption.Text = transition.caption; textBoxKey.Text = transition.GetKeyName(); }
public SceneTransition CreateTransition(ScenePart src, ScenePart dest, TransitionID type) { SceneTransition t = SceneTransition.Create(type); t.nextScene = dest; src.transitions.Add(t); dest.AddRef(src); group.Invalidate(); return(t); }
private void editarToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (listTransitions.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } SceneTransition t = scene.transitions[listTransitions.SelectedIndex]; t.Configure(); }
private void removerToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (listTransitions.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } SceneTransition t = scene.transitions[listTransitions.SelectedIndex]; t.nextScene.DecRef(scene); scene.transitions.Remove(t); }
private void thumbnail_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Control thumbnail = (Control)sender; if (selectNextScene) { SceneTransition t = CreateTransition(selected, scenes[(int)thumbnail.Tag], transitionType); t.Configure(); selectNextScene = false; } else { /// Sets the starting scene for the "start from the selected scene" option selected = scenes[(int)thumbnail.Tag]; group.Invalidate(); } }
public void Load(string filename) { try { fname = filename; int firstScene = -1; bool hasFirstScene = false; XmlReader xml = XmlReader.Create(fname); while (xml.Read()) { if (xml.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (xml.Name == "project" && xml.HasAttributes) { title = xml.GetAttribute("title"); author = xml.GetAttribute("author"); } else if (xml.Name == "storyboard" && xml.HasAttributes) { ScenePart.id_inc = int.Parse(xml.GetAttribute("lastId")); hasFirstScene = int.TryParse(xml.GetAttribute("firstScene"), out firstScene); } else if (xml.Name == "scene" && xml.HasAttributes) { ScenePart p = storyboard.CreateScene( xml.GetAttribute("videoSrc"), xml.GetAttribute("title"), int.Parse(xml.GetAttribute("id")) ); p.thumbnail.ImageLocation = xml.GetAttribute("thumbSrc"); p.timeout = int.Parse(xml.GetAttribute("timeout")); int x = int.Parse(xml.GetAttribute("posX")); int y = int.Parse(xml.GetAttribute("posY")); p.thumbnail.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(x, y); } else if (xml.Name == "transition" && xml.HasAttributes) { ScenePart src = storyboard.GetScene(int.Parse(xml.GetAttribute("srcScene"))); ScenePart dest = storyboard.GetScene(int.Parse(xml.GetAttribute("nextScene"))); TransitionID type = (TransitionID)Enum.Parse(typeof(TransitionID), xml.GetAttribute("type")); SceneTransition t = storyboard.CreateTransition(src, dest, type); if (type == TransitionID.Keyboard) { SceneTransitionKeyboard tk = (SceneTransitionKeyboard)t; tk.keycode = int.Parse(xml.GetAttribute("keycode")); if (!bool.TryParse(xml.GetAttribute("showOverlay"), out tk.showOverlay)) { tk.showOverlay = false; } if (xml.GetAttribute("caption") != null) { tk.caption = xml.GetAttribute("caption"); } } } } } xml.Close(); if (hasFirstScene) { storyboard.SetAsFirstScene(firstScene); } } catch (Exception e) { #if DEBUG MessageBox.Show(e.StackTrace); #else MessageBox.Show("Arquivo de projeto inválido."); #endif if (storyboard != null) { storyboard.Clear(); } } }