コード例 #1
        public PagedResult <ITestBatch> GetBatchList(PagedResultArgs args = null)
            if (args == null)
                args = new PagedResultArgs(0, 30);

            //mongo aggregation is a pipeline. Each operation is performed on (and modifies) the currently matched set, in order.
            var aggregateArgArray = new BsonDocument[] {
                //sort by insertion, so the $first below works
                //group by the batch ID, calculate the total and passed tests, get the batchdate from the first result in the set.
                //note: that batchdate might not be the exact time the batch started, it's the time the first completed test was
                //succesfully inserted, so there's a race condition there w/ unit testing. It would be more accurate to get
                //the earliest date from the grouped elements
                //now project the grouping, this is the "Select" part of the query. Exclude the _id field.
                //now sort the batches by their date - b/c of the race condition and the lazy query the batches might be out of order, even though we
                //sorted by ID when grouping!
                BsonDocument.Parse("{$skip:" + args.Index * args.ResultsPerPage + "}"),
                BsonDocument.Parse("{$limit:" + args.ResultsPerPage + "}")
            //limit to the most recent 50 groupings. Have to do a javascript grouping b/c linq driver doesn't support group yet.
            var batchGroupings = GetCollection <TestResult>().Aggregate(aggregateArgArray).ResultDocuments;
            var theBatches     = batchGroupings.Select(x => { try { return((ITestBatch)BsonSerializer.Deserialize <TestBatch>(x)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new TestBatch()
                        BatchID = ex.Message.ToString()
                    }); } }).Where(x => x != null).ToList();
            //now get the count and return the pagedResults;
            //aggregate pipeline with two groupings. Reduce the collection to distinct batch IDs, then reduce that to a count
            var theCount = GetCollection <TestResult>().Aggregate(
            int totalCount = theCount.ResultDocuments.First().GetElement("count").Value.AsInt32;

            return(new PagedResult <ITestBatch>(theBatches, totalCount, args));
            //return result.ResultDocuments.Select(x=>x.Get)
            //  .Select(x=>new TestBatch() {
            //    TotalTests = x.Count(),
            //    TotalPasses=x.Where(y=>y.NavigationSuccessful == true).Count(),
            //    BatchID = x._,
            //    BatchDate=x.First().DateRan}).Cast<ITestBatch>().ToList();
コード例 #2
 public PagedResult(IEnumerable <T> source, int totalMatches, PagedResultArgs args)
     this._source      = source;
     this.PageArgs     = args;
     this.TotalMatches = totalMatches;