protected void btnAccept_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validateControl()) { Painting p = new Painting(); p.Comment = txtComment.Text; if (cbCompetition.SelectedValue != null && cbCompetition.SelectedValue != "") p.CompetitionId = Convert.ToInt32(cbCompetition.SelectedValue); if (cbCustomer.SelectedValue != null && cbCustomer.SelectedValue != "") p.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(cbCustomer.SelectedValue); if (cbExhibition.SelectedValue != null && cbExhibition.SelectedValue != "") p.ExhibitionId = Convert.ToInt32(cbExhibition.SelectedValue); p.IsExhibited = rbdPaid.Checked; p.IsPaid = rbdPaid.Checked; if (rdbBad.Checked) p.Mark = 1; else if (rdbNormal.Checked) p.Mark = 2; else if (rdbGood.Checked) p.Mark = 3; else if (rdbBest.Checked) p.Mark = 4; p.PaintingDescription = txtDescription.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtPrice.Text)) p.Price = Convert.ToInt32(txtPrice.Text); p.UploadDate = DateTime.Now; p.LastModify = DateTime.Now; if (cbStudent.SelectedValue != null && cbStudent.SelectedValue != "") p.StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(cbStudent.SelectedValue); p.PaintingURL = UploadImage(flImage); if (!Validate_Image_ONCE()) { Flash.dictFlash.Add("danger", "This student had painting in this competition !!!"); Response.Redirect("New.aspx"); } else { if (PaintingDAO.Create(p)) { Flash.dictFlash.Add("success", String.Format("Created painting [<b>{0}</b>] successfully", flImage.FileName)); Response.Redirect("Index.aspx"); } else { Flash.dictFlash.Add("danger", " Cannot create Painting !!!"); Response.Redirect("New.aspx"); } } } }
public static bool Destroy(Painting a) { DBUtilities.Connection(); try { string sql = "Delete from Paintings where Id = @1"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, DBUtilities.objConnection); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@1", a.Id); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } finally { DBUtilities.Close_Connection(); } }
public static bool Create(Painting a) { DBUtilities.Connection(); try { string sql = "Insert into Paintings (PaintingDescription,PaintingURL,Mark,UploadDate,LastModify,CompetitionId,StudentId,ExhibitionId,CustomerId,Comment,IsExhibited,Price,IsPaid)"; sql += " values (@1,@2,@3,@4,@5,@6,@7,@8,@9,@10,@11,@12,@13)"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, DBUtilities.objConnection); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@1", a.PaintingDescription); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@2", a.PaintingURL); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@3", a.Mark); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@4", a.UploadDate); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@5", a.LastModify); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@6", a.CompetitionId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@7", a.StudentId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@8", a.ExhibitionId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@9", a.CustomerId); if (a.Comment == null) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@10", ""); else cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@10", a.Comment); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@11", a.IsExhibited); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@12", a.Price); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@13", a.IsPaid); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } finally { DBUtilities.Close_Connection(); } }
protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int CompetitionID = Convert.ToInt32(hdID.Value); if (validateControl()) { User u = (User)Session["current_user"]; //Check Student unique Competition Dictionary<string, object> query = new Dictionary<string, object>(); query.Add("CompetitionId", CompetitionID); query.Add("StudentId", Convert.ToInt32(u.Id)); DataTable dt = PaintingDAO.Where(query); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { //Upload painting Painting p = new Painting(); p.PaintingDescription = txtDesc.Text; p.PaintingURL = UploadImage(fileUploadField); p.CompetitionId = CompetitionID; p.UploadDate = DateTime.Now; p.LastModify = DateTime.Now; p.StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(u.Id); if (PaintingDAO.Create(p)) { Flash.dictFlash.Add("success", String.Format("Upload painting [<b>{0}</b>] successfully", fileUploadField.FileName)); Response.Redirect("Show.aspx?ID=" + hdID.Value); } else { Flash.dictFlash.Add("danger", " Cannot create Painting !!!"); Response.Redirect("Show.aspx?ID=" + hdID.Value); } } else { Flash.dictFlash.Add("warning", String.Format("You have sent picture with this competition")); } } }
public static Painting Find(int id) { DBUtilities.objConnection = new SqlConnection(DBUtilities.connStr); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string sql = "Select * from Paintings where Id = @Id"; SqlDataAdapter adap = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, DBUtilities.objConnection); adap.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", id); adap.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Painting p = new Painting(); p.Id = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Id"]); p.PaintingDescription = dt.Rows[0]["PaintingDescription"].ToString(); p.PaintingURL = dt.Rows[0]["PaintingURL"].ToString(); p.Mark = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Mark"]); p.UploadDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["UploadDate"]); p.LastModify = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["LastModify"]); p.CompetitionId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["CompetitionId"]); p.StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["StudentId"]); p.ExhibitionId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ExhibitionId"]); p.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["CustomerId"]); p.Comment = dt.Rows[0]["Comment"].ToString(); p.IsExhibited = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["IsExhibited"]); p.Price = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Price"]); p.IsPaid = p.IsExhibited = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["IsPaid"]); return p; } return null; }
public static bool Update(Painting a) { DBUtilities.Connection(); try { string sql = "Update Paintings set "; Type myType = a.GetType(); IList<PropertyInfo> props = new List<PropertyInfo>(myType.GetProperties()); int i = 1; int j = 1; foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props) { object propValue = prop.GetValue(a, null); if (propValue != null && prop.Name != "Id") { if (j < props.Count) sql += String.Format("{0} = @{1} ,", prop.Name, i); else sql += String.Format("{0} = @{1} where ID= @{2}", prop.Name, i, i + 1); i++; } j++; } i = 1; j = 1; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, DBUtilities.objConnection); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props) { object propValue = prop.GetValue(a, null); if (propValue != null && prop.Name != "Id") { if (j < props.Count) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(String.Format("@{0}", i), propValue); else { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(String.Format("@{0}", i), propValue); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(String.Format("@{0}", i + 1), a.Id); } i++; } j++; } cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } finally { DBUtilities.Close_Connection(); } }