コード例 #1
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: tespechit/Instagram_Bot
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // open folder where databse is created
            //Process.Start($@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)}\Dorset Dev Studio");

            textBoxUsername.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.username;
            textBoxPassword.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.password;

            try // load `don't run between times` from user settings , could fail on first load
                dateTimePicker1.Value        = Properties.Settings.Default.sleepTimeSpan1_From;
                dateTimePicker2.Value        = Properties.Settings.Default.sleepTimeSpan1_To;
                dateTimePicker3.Value        = Properties.Settings.Default.sleepTimeSpan2_From;
                dateTimePicker4.Value        = Properties.Settings.Default.sleepTimeSpan2_To;
                numericUpDownBanLength.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.banLength;
            catch { }

            buttonStopBot.Enabled = false;

            Text += $"{(ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed ? " - Version:" + ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion.ToString() : " - [NOT INSTALLED]")} ({DateTime.Now.Year})";

            // fix TLS file download issues on win 7 machines, if win 7 users get an SSL/TLS error tell them to install windows updates, it WILL fix the problem.
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

            // This file must be in the working directory but does not like to be deployed with app
            if (!File.Exists("chromedriver.exe"))
                notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(2 * 1000, "Instagram Bot", "Installing drivers...", ToolTipIcon.None);
                WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
                webClient.DownloadFile("https://github.com/DorsetDevStudio/Instagram_Bot/blob/master/Instagram_Bot/Resources/Downloads/chromedriver.exe?raw=true", @"chromedriver.exe");

            if (textBoxUsername.Text.Length == 0)// first time user
                notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(5 * 1000, "Welcome to Instagram Bot", "To get started enter your Instagram login details and click Start.", ToolTipIcon.None);

            //MessageBox.Show("Please ensure your sound is turned up.","Instagram Bot is talking to you!");

                "Enter your Instagram username and password and then click start. If prompted by Instagram you should follow the security challenge and enter the pin.",
                async: true);
コード例 #2
ファイル: c_bot_core.cs プロジェクト: miladv33/Instagram_Bot
        public C_bot_core(int bot_id, bot_mode mode, string username, string password, bool stealthMode = false, bool enableVoices = true, List <timeSpans> sleepTimes = null, int banLength = 5)
            ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();

            options.AddArgument("--user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5355d Safari/8536.25");
            // not reuqired and cause some login issues
            // var profiledir = $@"C:\Users\{Environment.UserName}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default";
            IwebDriver = new ChromeDriver(options);

            if (bot_id == 1)

            if (bot_id == 1 && mode == bot_mode.unfollow)
            var core           = new C_Bot_Common(IwebDriver);
            var thingsToSearch = new List <string>()
                "dj", "traktor", "serato", "virtualdj", "mixvibes", "pioneerdj", "UK", "london", "dorset", "bournemouth", "britain", "greatbritain", "sun", "tan", "birmingham", "liverpool", "manchenter", "scotland", "england", "ireland"

            // add tags based of the current day
            if (DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd").ToLower() == "sunday")
                    new List <string> {
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd") + "lunch",
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd") + "roast"
            if (DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd").ToLower() == "wednesday")
                    new List <string> {
            if (DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd").ToLower() == "friday")
                    new List <string> {
            if (DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd").ToLower() == "monday")
                    new List <string> {
            // end add tags based of the current day
            if (File.Exists(@"c:\hashtags.txt"))
                thingsToSearch.Clear();// just use users hashtags
                foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(@"c:\hashtags.txt"))
                    if (!thingsToSearch.Contains(line.Replace("#", "").Trim()))
                        thingsToSearch.Add(line.Replace("#", "").Trim());
                if (enableVoices)
                    C_voice_core.speak($"{thingsToSearch.Count} hashtags loaded from hashtags file");
            if (File.Exists(@"c:\ignore_hashtags.txt"))
                foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(@"c:\ignore_hashtags.txt"))
                    thingsToSearch.Remove(line.Replace("#", "").Trim());
            // Generic comments to post
            // values from c:\comments.txt also loaded at startup.
            // Values from c:\ignore_comments.txt will be ignored.
            var phrasesToComment = new List <string>()
                "I #like it! @" + username,
                "#nice :) @" + username,
                "#interesting, where is that? @" + username,
                "#Perfection, you should be a #photographer! @" + username,
                "Perfection, you've missed your calling! @" + username,
                "#Perfection, almost looks #professional! @" + username,
                "interesting approach me thinks @" + username,
                "Wish I could take #photos like yours! @" + username,
                "It's #" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd") + " people @" + username,
                "#Happy " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd") + " everybody :) from @" + username,
                "I likes it! #djbigmoo",
                "#nice :) #djbigmoo",
                "#interesting, where is that? ",
                "Perfection, you should be a #photographer!",
                "#Perfection, you've missed your calling!",
                "#Perfection, almost looks professional! #djbigmoo",
                "haha, interesting approach me thinks",
                "Wish I could take #photos like yours!",
                "It's #" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd") + " people",
                "#Happy " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd") + " everybody :)",

            if (File.Exists(@"c:\comments.txt"))
                phrasesToComment.Clear();// only use users comments if provided
                foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(@"c:\comments.txt"))
                    if (!phrasesToComment.Contains(line.Replace("#", "").Trim()))
                        phrasesToComment.Add(line.Replace("#", "").Trim());
                if (enableVoices)
                    C_voice_core.speak($"{phrasesToComment.Count} comments loaded from comments file");
            if (File.Exists(@"c:\ignore_comments.txt"))
                foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(@"c:\ignore_comments.txt"))
            /* END CONFIG */
            core.LogInToInstagram(username, password, enableVoices);

            Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000);

            /* MAIN LOOP */
            // record stats before we start so we can monitor performance for every session the bot is runing
            core.GetStats(username, enableVoices);
            if (mode == bot_mode.unfollow)
                while (true)
                    core.BulkUnfollow(username, enableVoices, banLength);
            if (mode == bot_mode.search_follow_comment_like)
                Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000);

                List <string> _tagsSearched = new List <string>();

                // loop forever, performing a new search and then following, liking and spamming the hell out of everyone.
                while (true)
                    //core.FollowSuggected(enableVoices, banLength, followingBannedUntil);
                    var mySearch = thingsToSearch[new Random().Next(0, thingsToSearch.Count - 1)];

                    // once we've searched all tags , clear history and start again
                    if (_tagsSearched.Count == thingsToSearch.Count)

                    if (_tagsSearched.Contains(mySearch))
                        continue;// dont repeat searchs


                    DateTime commentingBannedUntil  = DateTime.Now;
                    DateTime followingBannedUntil   = DateTime.Now;
                    DateTime unfollowingBannedUntil = DateTime.Now;
                    DateTime likingBannedUntil      = DateTime.Now;

                    if (enableVoices)
                        C_voice_core.speak($"Ok, let's get some followers");
                    // just navigate to search
                    Thread.Sleep(4 * 1000);                                                                                                              // save results
                    var postsToLike = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var link in IwebDriver.FindElements(By.TagName("a")))
                        //if (link.GetAttribute("href").ToUpper().StartsWith("/p/"))
                        if (postsToLike.Count >= maxPostsPerSearch) // limit per search

                    if (postsToLike.Count == 0)
                        continue;// go to next tag
                    if (enableVoices)
                        C_voice_core.speak($"{postsToLike.Count} posts found");
                    int postCounter = 0;
                    // load results in turn and like/follow them
                    foreach (var link in postsToLike)
                        //we may need to sleep, need to check if we should be bwtewwn each post
                        //handle `don't run between` times
                        if (!_sleeping) // check if we should be
                            foreach (timeSpans timeSpan in sleepTimes)
                                if (DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay > timeSpan.from.TimeOfDay &&
                                    DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay < timeSpan.to.TimeOfDay)
                                    _sleeping = true;
                                    if (enableVoices)
                                        C_voice_core.speak($"I'm tired, yawn, sleeping until {timeSpan.to.ToShortTimeString()}");
                        while (_sleeping) // check if we shouldnt be
                            bool _sleep = false;
                            foreach (timeSpans timeSpan in sleepTimes)
                                if (DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay > timeSpan.from.TimeOfDay &&
                                    DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay < timeSpan.to.TimeOfDay)
                                    _sleep = true;
                            if (!_sleep) // just woke up
                                if (enableVoices)
                                    C_voice_core.speak($"Nap over, damn it");
                                _sleeping = false;
                            Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000);// sleep 1 second
                        if (link.Contains("https://www.instagram.com/"))
                            IwebDriver.Navigate().GoToUrl("https://www.instagram.com/" + link);
                        Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000);

                        string instagram_post_user = "";
                        foreach (var obj in IwebDriver.FindElements(By.TagName("a")))
                            if (obj.GetAttribute("title").ToUpper() == obj.Text.ToUpper() && obj.Text.Length > 5)
                                instagram_post_user = obj.Text.Replace("_", " ").ToLower().Trim();
                        // testing new database functionality
                        new Classes.C_DataLayer().AddInstaUser(IU: new Classes.InstaUser()
                            username = instagram_post_user.Replace(" ", "_")
                        followingBannedUntil = core.FollowPostUser(enableVoices, banLength, followingBannedUntil, instagram_post_user);

                        // disabling comment function as cannot make it work at the moment.

                        //commentingBannedUntil = core.CommentOnPost(username, enableVoices, banLength, secondsBetweenActions_min, secondsBetweenActions_max, phrasesToComment, commentingBannedUntil, instagram_post_user);

                        var _likeBanminutesLeft = (likingBannedUntil - DateTime.Now).Minutes;
                        var _likeBanSecondsLeft = (likingBannedUntil - DateTime.Now).Seconds;
                        if (_likeBanSecondsLeft > 0)
                            if (_likeBanSecondsLeft == 0) // must be a few seconds left
                                if (enableVoices)
                                    C_voice_core.speak($"like ban in place for {_likeBanSecondsLeft} more seconds");
                                if (enableVoices)
                                    C_voice_core.speak($"like ban in place for {_likeBanminutesLeft} more minute{(_likeBanminutesLeft > 1 ? "s" : "")}");
                            likingBannedUntil = core.LikePost(enableVoices, banLength, likingBannedUntil, instagram_post_user);

                        // todo: test and perfect intercation with activity page
                        // core.BulkFollowBack(enableVoices, banLength, followingBannedUntil);

                    // end unfollow people that dont follow back
                    core.GetStats(username, enableVoices);
                    if (enableVoices)
                        C_voice_core.speak($"Let's take a short break.");
                    Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(minutesBetweenBulkActions_min, minutesBetweenBulkActions_max) * 60000);// wait between each bulk action
                /* end of MAIN LOOP */
                throw new Exception("bot mode not implemented");
コード例 #3
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: tespechit/Instagram_Bot
 static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
     C_voice_core.speak((e.ExceptionObject as Exception).Message, true);
     MessageBox.Show((e.ExceptionObject as Exception).Message, "Unhandled UI Exception");
コード例 #4
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: tespechit/Instagram_Bot
 static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)
     C_voice_core.speak(e.Exception.Message, true);
     MessageBox.Show(e.Exception.Message, "Unhandled Thread Exception");