TryGetType() public static method

Tries to create a matching AMMediaType for the given streamInfo.
public static TryGetType ( InputstreamInfo streamInfo, DirectShow.AMMediaType &mediaType ) : bool
streamInfo MediaPortalWrapper.NativeWrappers.InputstreamInfo stream
mediaType DirectShow.AMMediaType media type
return bool
コード例 #1
        protected override HRESULT LoadTracks()
            // Check if required extradata is present, if not continue packet processing until they are filled
            if (_stream.VideoStream.StreamId == 0)
                DecryptError = true;

            while (_stream.VideoStream.ExtraSize == 0)
                DemuxPacketWrapper demuxPacket = _stream.Read();

                // EOS
                if (demuxPacket.IsEOS)

            //Initialise the tracks, these create our output pins
            AMMediaType mediaType;

            if (MediaTypeBuilder.TryGetType(_stream.VideoStream, out mediaType))
                m_Tracks.Add(new MediaTypedDemuxTrack(this, DemuxTrack.TrackType.Video, mediaType));

            if (MediaTypeBuilder.TryGetType(_stream.AudioStream, out mediaType))
                m_Tracks.Add(new MediaTypedDemuxTrack(this, DemuxTrack.TrackType.Audio, mediaType)
                    LCID = _stream.AudioStream.Language.TryGetLCID()

            m_rtDuration = _stream.Functions.GetTotalTime().ToDS();
コード例 #2
        public override int Info(int lIndex, IntPtr ppmt, IntPtr pdwFlags, IntPtr plcid, IntPtr pdwGroup, IntPtr ppszName, IntPtr ppObject, IntPtr ppUnk)
            if (lIndex >= _streamParser.SelectableTracks.Count)

            var selected = _streamParser.SelectableTracks[lIndex];

            if (ppmt != IntPtr.Zero)
                AMMediaType mt;
                if (MediaTypeBuilder.TryGetType(selected, out mt))
                    IntPtr pmt = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(mt));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(mt, pmt, true);
                    Marshal.WriteIntPtr(ppmt, pmt);
                    Marshal.WriteIntPtr(ppmt, IntPtr.Zero);
            if (pdwFlags != IntPtr.Zero)
                var enabled = (int)(selected.StreamId == _streamParser.InputStream.AudioStream.StreamId ?
                                    AMStreamSelectInfoFlags.Enabled :

                Marshal.WriteInt32(pdwFlags, enabled);
            if (plcid != IntPtr.Zero)
                int lcid = selected.Language.TryGetLCID();
                if (lcid == 0)
                    lcid = LOCALE_NEUTRAL;

                Marshal.WriteInt32(plcid, lcid);
            if (pdwGroup != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (selected.StreamType == StreamType.Audio)
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(pdwGroup, 1);
                else if (selected.StreamType == StreamType.Subtitle)
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(pdwGroup, 2);
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(pdwGroup, 0);
            if (ppszName != IntPtr.Zero)
                var    culture = selected.Language.FromISOName();
                string name    = culture != null ? culture.DisplayName : selected.Language;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    name = "Audio #" + lIndex;

                Marshal.WriteIntPtr(ppszName, Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(name));
            if (ppObject != IntPtr.Zero)
                Marshal.WriteIntPtr(ppObject, Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(selected));
            if (ppUnk != IntPtr.Zero)
                Marshal.WriteIntPtr(ppUnk, IntPtr.Zero);
コード例 #3
        private HRESULT RenameOutputPin(SplitterOutputPin pPin, uint oldStreamId, uint newStreamId)
            // Output Pin was found
            // Stop the Graph, remove the old filter, render the graph again, start it up again
            // This only works on pins that were connected before, or the filter graph could .. well, break
            if (pPin != null && pPin.IsConnected)
                Logger.Info("RenameOutputPin() - Switching {0} Stream {1} to {2}", pPin.Name, oldStreamId, newStreamId);

                IMediaControl pControl = (IMediaControl)FilterGraph;

                FilterState oldState;
                // Get the graph state
                // If the graph is in transition, we'll get the next state, not the previous
                var hr = (HRESULT)pControl.GetState(10, out oldState);

                // Stop the filter graph
                hr = (HRESULT)pControl.Stop();

                // Audio Filters get their connected filter removed
                // This way we make sure we reconnect to the proper filter
                // Other filters just disconnect and try to reconnect later on
                PinInfo  pInfo;
                IPinImpl connectedPin = pPin.Connected;
                hr = (HRESULT)connectedPin.QueryPinInfo(out pInfo);

                // Update Output Pin
                AMMediaType pmt;
                if (MediaTypeBuilder.TryGetType(_streamParser.InputStream.AudioStream, out pmt))

                int  mtIdx           = connectedPin.QueryAccept(pmt);
                bool bMediaTypeFound = (mtIdx >= 0);

                if (pInfo.filter != null)
                    bool bRemoveFilter = !bMediaTypeFound;
                    if (bRemoveFilter)
                        hr = (HRESULT)FilterGraph.RemoveFilter(pInfo.filter);
                        // Use IGraphBuilder to rebuild the graph
                        IGraphBuilder pGraphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)FilterGraph;
                        // Instruct the GraphBuilder to connect us again
                        hr = (HRESULT)pGraphBuilder.Render(pPin);
                        hr = (HRESULT)ReconnectPin(pPin, pmt);


                // Re-start the graph
                if (oldState == FilterState.Paused)
                    hr = (HRESULT)pControl.Pause();
                else if (oldState == FilterState.Running)
                    hr = (HRESULT)pControl.Run();
コード例 #4
        public override int Enable(int lIndex, AMStreamSelectEnableFlags dwFlags)
            bool changed        = false;
            uint oldAudioStream = _streamParser.InputStream.AudioStream.StreamId;

            for (int index = 0; index < _streamParser.SelectableTracks.Count; index++)
                var track = _streamParser.SelectableTracks[index];

                bool isEnabled = (
                    index == lIndex && dwFlags == AMStreamSelectEnableFlags.Enable || // the current index should be enabled
                    dwFlags == AMStreamSelectEnableFlags.EnableAll                    // all should be enabled
                    ) && dwFlags != AMStreamSelectEnableFlags.DisableAll;             // must not be "Disable All"

                changed |= _streamParser.InputStream.EnableStream((int)track.StreamId, isEnabled);
            uint newAudioStream = _streamParser.InputStream.AudioStream.StreamId;

            if (!changed)

            // Update output pin
            var audioPin = Pins.OfType <SplitterOutputPin>().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Track.Type == DemuxTrack.TrackType.Audio);

            if (audioPin != null)
                AMMediaType mt;
                if (MediaTypeBuilder.TryGetType(_streamParser.InputStream.AudioStream, out mt))
                var res = RenameOutputPin(audioPin, oldAudioStream, newAudioStream);

            if (IsActive && dwFlags != AMStreamSelectEnableFlags.DisableAll)
                    IMediaSeeking seeking = (IMediaSeeking)FilterGraph;
                    if (seeking != null)
                        long current;
                        seeking.GetCurrentPosition(out current);
                        // Only seek during playback, not on initial selection
                        if (current != 0)
                            current -= UNITS / 10;
                            seeking.SetPositions(current, AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, null, AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning);
                            current += UNITS / 10;
                            seeking.SetPositions(current, AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, null, AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning);