public void SetTemporaryVariable(string name, Object value, bool declareNew, int contextIndex = -1) { if (contextIndex == -1) { contextIndex = currentElementIndex + 1; } var contextElement = callStack[contextIndex - 1]; if (!declareNew && !contextElement.temporaryVariables.ContainsKey(name)) { throw new StoryException("Could not find temporary variable to set: " + name); } Object oldValue; if (contextElement.temporaryVariables.TryGetValue(name, out oldValue)) { ListValue.RetainListOriginsForAssignment(oldValue, value); } contextElement.temporaryVariables[name] = value; }
static Dictionary <string, object> InkListToJObject(ListValue listVal) { var rawList = listVal.value; var dict = new Dictionary <string, object> (); var content = new Dictionary <string, object> (); foreach (var itemAndValue in rawList) { var item = itemAndValue.Key; int val = itemAndValue.Value; content [item.ToString()] = val; } dict ["list"] = content; if (rawList.Count == 0 && rawList.originNames != null && rawList.originNames.Count > 0) { dict ["origins"] = rawList.originNames.Cast <object> ().ToList(); } return(dict); }
List <Value> CoerceValuesToSingleType(List <Runtime.Object> parametersIn) { ValueType valType = ValueType.Int; ListValue specialCaseList = null; // Find out what the output type is // "higher level" types infect both so that binary operations // use the same type on both sides. e.g. binary operation of // int and float causes the int to be casted to a float. foreach (var obj in parametersIn) { var val = (Value)obj; if (val.valueType > valType) { valType = val.valueType; } if (val.valueType == ValueType.List) { specialCaseList = val as ListValue; } } // Coerce to this chosen type var parametersOut = new List <Value> (); // Special case: Coercing to Ints to Lists // We have to do it early when we have both parameters // to hand - so that we can make use of the List's origin if (valType == ValueType.List) { foreach (Value val in parametersIn) { if (val.valueType == ValueType.List) { parametersOut.Add(val); } else if (val.valueType == ValueType.Int) { int intVal = (int)val.valueObject; var list = specialCaseList.value.originOfMaxItem; InkListItem item; if (list.TryGetItemWithValue(intVal, out item)) { var castedValue = new ListValue(item, intVal); parametersOut.Add(castedValue); } else { throw new StoryException("Could not find List item with the value " + intVal + " in " +; } } else { throw new StoryException("Cannot mix Lists and " + val.valueType + " values in this operation"); } } } // Normal Coercing (with standard casting) else { foreach (Value val in parametersIn) { var castedValue = val.Cast(valType); parametersOut.Add(castedValue); } } return(parametersOut); }