private void AddAssessment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int assessmentId = (int)AssessmentCombo.SelectedValue; int critId = (int)CriteraComboBox.SelectedValue; int semesterId = (int)SemesterComboBox.SelectedValue; string facultyName = txtFaculty.Text; int score = Int32.Parse(ScoreDomainUpDown.Text); bool isSuccess = db.InsertStudentAssessment(s.UniversityId, assessmentId, critId, score, semesterId, facultyName); if(!isSuccess) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while inserting the assessment.", "Error"); return; } else { AssessmentTree.Nodes.Clear(); Emphasis emph = s.Emphasis; s = db.GetStudentInfoByStudentId(s.UniversityId); s.Emphasis = emph; populateAssessmentTree(); } } catch(FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid integer for score. Please input an integer.", "Error"); return; } }
public static Student ShowAndReturnObject() { var dlg = new FrmAddStudent(); // loop in case we need to validate later while (true) { DialogResult ans = dlg.ShowDialog(); if ( ans == DialogResult.OK ) { if ( dlg.txtFirstName.Text.Length <= 0 ) { MessageBox.Show( "You must enter a first name.", "Error" ); continue; } if (dlg.txtLastName.Text.Length <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a last name.", "Error"); continue; } if (dlg.txtMiddleName.Text.Length <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a middle name.", "Error"); continue; } if (dlg.cmbStatus.Text.Length <= 0 || dlg.cmbStatus.SelectedIndex + 1 <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a status.", "Error"); continue; } if (dlg.cmbEmphasis.Text.Length <= 0 || dlg.cmbEmphasis.SelectedIndex + 1 <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("You must enter an emphasis.", "Error"); continue; } Student stud = new Student { FirstName = dlg.txtFirstName.Text, LastName = dlg.txtLastName.Text, MiddleName = dlg.txtMiddleName.Text, Status = (Status) (dlg.cmbStatus.SelectedIndex + 1), Emphasis = new Emphasis { Id = dlg.cmbEmphasis.SelectedIndex + 1, }, }; return stud; } return null; } }
public ViewStudent(Student stud) { InitializeComponent(); s = stud; populateAssessmentTree(); txtFirstName.Text = s.FirstName; txtMiddleName.Text = s.MiddleName; txtLastName.Text = s.LastName; txtStatus.Text = s.Status.ToString(); txtEmphasis.Text = s.Emphasis.Name; populateAssessmentComboBox(); populateSemesterCombo(); }
public static Student ShowAndReturnObject(Student s) { var dlg = new EditStudent(); dlg.txtFirstName.Text = s.FirstName; dlg.txtMiddleName.Text = s.MiddleName; dlg.txtLastName.Text = s.LastName; dlg.cmbEmphasis.SelectedIndex = s.Emphasis.Id - 1; if (s.Status == 0) { dlg.cmbStatus.Text = "Unknown"; } else { dlg.cmbStatus.SelectedIndex = (int)s.Status; } while (true) { DialogResult ans = dlg.ShowDialog(); if (ans == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.txtFirstName.Text.Length <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a first name.", "Error"); continue; } if (dlg.txtLastName.Text.Length <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a last name.", "Error"); continue; } if (dlg.txtMiddleName.Text.Length <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a middle name.", "Error"); continue; } if (dlg.cmbStatus.Text.Length <= 0 || dlg.cmbStatus.SelectedIndex + 1 <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a status.", "Error"); continue; } if (dlg.cmbEmphasis.Text.Length <= 0 || dlg.cmbEmphasis.SelectedIndex + 1 <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("You must enter an emphasis.", "Error"); continue; } Student stud = new Student { UniversityId = s.UniversityId, FirstName = dlg.txtFirstName.Text, LastName = dlg.txtLastName.Text, MiddleName = dlg.txtMiddleName.Text, Status = (Status)(dlg.cmbStatus.SelectedIndex), Emphasis = new Emphasis { Id = dlg.cmbEmphasis.SelectedIndex + 1, }, }; return stud; } return null; } }
public bool UpdateStudent(Student s) { try { return ExecuteQuery("EditStudent", new { //fN VARCHAR(50), IN lN VARCHAR(50), IN mN VARCHAR(50), IN sT INT, IN eId sId = s.UniversityId, fN = s.FirstName, lN = s.LastName, mN = s.MiddleName, sT = (int)s.Status, eId = s.Emphasis.Id }); } catch (SqlException e) { throw e; } }
public bool InsertStudent(Student s) { try { return ExecuteQuery("AddStudent", new { firstName = s.FirstName, lastName = s.LastName, middleName = s.MiddleName, status = (int)s.Status, emphasisId = s.Emphasis.Id }); } catch(SqlException e) { throw e; } }