コード例 #1
ファイル: IcTopDownLauncher.cs プロジェクト: javamng/GitHUB
        private void WriteResultsToFile(DatabaseSequenceSpectrumMatch[] matches, string outputFilePath, FastaDatabase database)
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(outputFilePath))
                writer.WriteLine("Scan\tPre\tSequence\tPost\tModifications\tComposition\tProteinName\tProteinDesc" +
                foreach(var scanNum in _ms2ScanNums)
                    var match = matches[scanNum];
                    if (match == null) continue;

                    var sequence = match.Sequence;
                    var offset = match.Offset;
                    var start = database.GetOneBasedPositionInProtein(offset) + 1 + match.NumNTermCleavages;
                    var end = start + sequence.Length - 1;
                    var proteinName = database.GetProteinName(match.Offset);
                    var protLength = database.GetProteinLength(proteinName);
                    var ion = match.Ion;
                    var proteinDescription = database.GetProteinDescription(match.Offset);
                    var probability = CompositeScorer.GetProbability(match.Score);

                    // Note for DblToString(value, 9, true), by having "9" and "true",
                    // values between 100 and 999 Da will have 7 digits after the decimal place, and
                    // values between 1000 and 9999 will have 6 digits after the decimal place
                        match.Pre,                 // Pre
                        sequence,                  // Sequence
                        match.Post,                // Post
                        match.ModificationText,    // Modifications
                        ion.Composition,           // Composition
                        proteinName,               // ProteinName
                        proteinDescription,        // ProteinDescription
                        protLength,                // ProteinLength
                        start,                     // Start position in protein
                        end,                       // End position in protein
                        ion.Charge,                // precursorCharge
                        StringUtilities.DblToString(ion.GetMostAbundantIsotopeMz(), 9, true), // MostAbundantIsotopeMz
                        StringUtilities.DblToString(ion.Composition.Mass, 9, true),           // Mass
                        match.NumMatchedFragments,                                          // (Number of matched fragments)
                        StringUtilities.DblToString(probability, 4),                        // Probability
                        StringUtilities.DblToString(ExcelMinValue(match.SpecEvalue), 6, true, 0.001),                             // EValue; will be displayed using scientific notation if the value is less than 0.001
                        StringUtilities.DblToString(ExcelMinValue(match.SpecEvalue * database.GetNumEntries()), 6, true, 0.001)   // SpecEValue; will be displayed using scientific notation if the value is less than 0.001

コード例 #2
        public void CountMatchedScansPerProtein()
            var methodName = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;

            const int minTagLength = 6;

            var proteinToScan = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>>();
            const string fastaFilePath = @"D:\Research\Data\CommonContaminants\H_sapiens_Uniprot_SPROT_2013-05-01_withContam.fasta";
            if (!File.Exists(fastaFilePath))
                Assert.Ignore(@"Skipping test {0} since file not found: {1}", methodName, fastaFilePath);

            var fastaDb = new FastaDatabase(fastaFilePath);
            var searchableDb = new SearchableDatabase(fastaDb);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Sequence length: {0}", fastaDb.GetSequence().Length);

            //const string tagFilePath = @"H:\Research\QCShew_TopDown\Production\QC_Shew_Intact_26Sep14_Bane_C2Column3_seqtag.tsv";
            //const string tagFilePath = @"\\protoapps\UserData\Jungkap\Co_culture\23B_pellet_TD_3Feb14_Bane_PL011402.seqtag";
            const string tagFilePath = @"D:\MassSpecFiles\co_culture\23A_pellet_TD_3Feb14_Bane_PL011402.seqtag";
            if (!File.Exists(tagFilePath))
                Assert.Ignore(@"Skipping test {0} since file not found: {1}", methodName, tagFilePath);

            var isHeader = true;
            var numMatchedPairs = 0;
            foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(tagFilePath))
                if (isHeader)
                    isHeader = false;

                var token = line.Split('\t');
                if (token.Length != 3) continue;
                var scan = Convert.ToInt32(token[0]);

                var tag = token[1];
                if (tag.Length < minTagLength) continue;

                foreach (var matchedProtein in searchableDb.FindAllMatchedSequenceIndices(tag)
                    .Select(index => fastaDb.GetProteinName(index)))
                    HashSet<int> matchedScans;
                    if (proteinToScan.TryGetValue(matchedProtein, out matchedScans))
                        matchedScans = new HashSet<int> {scan};
                        proteinToScan.Add(matchedProtein, matchedScans);

            var numMatchedProteins = proteinToScan.Keys.Count;
            var numAllProteins = fastaDb.GetNumEntries();
            Console.WriteLine("NumAllProteins: {0}", numAllProteins);
            Console.WriteLine("NumMatchedProteins: {0}", numMatchedProteins);
            Console.WriteLine("AvgMatchedScansPerProtein: {0}", numMatchedPairs / (float)numAllProteins);
コード例 #3
ファイル: TestProMex.cs プロジェクト: javamng/GitHUB
 public void TestFasta()
     var db = new FastaDatabase(@"\\protoapps\UserData\Jungkap\Lewy\db\ID_005140_7A170668.fasta");