コード例 #1
        // Private methods.
        /// <summary>
        /// Crawls the feed at the specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asyncResult">The asynchronous result.</param>
        /// <param name="feedId">The feed.</param>
        /// <param name="timeId">The time.</param>
        /// <param name="category">The category.</param>
        /// <param name="regionId">The region.</param>
        /// <param name="obj">The standard feed object.</param>
        /// <returns>The crawl result.</returns>
        private CrawlResult CrawlFeed(
			SpiderAsyncResult asyncResult,
			YouTubeStandardFeed feedId,
			YouTubeTimeId timeId,
			string category,
			string regionId,
			ref DbObjectStandardFeed obj)
            // If the asynchronousn operation has been canceled, do nothing.
            if (asyncResult.IsCanceled) return CrawlResult.Canceled;

            // Compute the feed key.
            string key = this.EncodeFeedKey(feedId, timeId, category, regionId);

            // Compute the feed URI starting at index 1 and ask for 1 result.
            Uri uri = YouTubeUri.GetStandardFeed(feedId, regionId, category, timeId, 1, 1);

            // Create a new video request.
            YouTubeRequestFeed<Video> request = new YouTubeRequestFeed<Video>(this.crawler.YouTube.Settings);

            // Set the feed URL.
            obj.Url = uri.AbsoluteUri;

                // Begin an asynchronous request for the standard feed.
                AsyncWebResult result = request.Begin(uri, (AsyncWebResult webResult) => { }) as AsyncWebResult;

                // Add the result of the web operation to the collection of web requests.
                AsyncWebOperation operation = asyncResult.AddAsyncWeb(request, result);

                // Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete.

                // Remove the result of the web operation from the collection of web requests.

                // Complete the request and get the video feed.
                Feed<Video> feed = request.End(result);

                // If the operation completed successfully, set the browsable to true.
                obj.Browsable = true;
                // Set the response HTTP code.
                obj.HttpCode = (int)(result as AsyncWebResult).Response.StatusCode;

                // Return the result.
                return (feed.FailuresAtom.Count == 0) && (feed.FailuresEntry.Count == 0) ? CrawlResult.Success : CrawlResult.Warning;
            catch (WebException exception)
                if (exception.Status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled)
                    return CrawlResult.Canceled;
                    // If the operation failed with a web exception, set the browsable to false.
                    obj.Browsable = false;
                    // Set the response HTTP code.
                    obj.HttpCode = (int)(exception.Response as HttpWebResponse).StatusCode;
                    // Return the result.
                    return CrawlResult.Fail;
            catch (Exception)
                // If the operation failed with a web exception, set the browsable to false.
                obj.Browsable = false;
                // Set the response HTTP code to null.
                obj.HttpCode = null;
                // Return the result.
                return CrawlResult.Fail;
コード例 #2
        // Public methods.
        /// <summary>
        /// Begins an asynchronous spider crawling using the specified user state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        /// <param name="userState">The user state.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the asynchronous spider operation.</returns>
        public IAsyncResult BeginCrawl(SpiderCallback callback, object userState = null)
            // Update the spider state.

                // Compute the standard feeds to crawl.
                Dictionary<string, DbObjectStandardFeed> feeds = new Dictionary<string, DbObjectStandardFeed>();

                // For all standard feeds.
                foreach (YouTubeStandardFeed feed in InetApi.YouTube.Api.V2.YouTube.StandardFeeds)
                    // If the feed is not selected, continue.
                    if (!this.GetFeedSelected(feed)) continue;

                    // Get the valid times for this feed.
                    YouTubeTimeId[] times = YouTubeUri.GetValidTime(feed);

                    // For all times corresponding to this feed.
                    foreach (YouTubeTimeId time in times)
                        // Create a new standard feed object.
                        DbObjectStandardFeed obj = new DbObjectStandardFeed();
                        obj.Id = this.EncodeFeedKey(feed, time, null, null);
                        obj.FeedId = (int)feed;
                        obj.TimeId = (int)time;
                        obj.Category = null;
                        obj.Region = null;
                        feeds.Add(obj.Id, obj);

                        // For all assignable and non-deprecated categories.
                        foreach (YouTubeCategory category in this.crawler.YouTube.Categories)
                            // If the category supports browsable regions.
                            if (category.Browsable != null)
                                // Create a new standard feed object.
                                obj = new DbObjectStandardFeed();
                                obj.Id = this.EncodeFeedKey(feed, time, category.Label, null);
                                obj.FeedId = (int)feed;
                                obj.TimeId = (int)time;
                                obj.Category = category.Term;
                                obj.Region = null;
                                feeds.Add(obj.Id, obj);

                                // For all browsable regions.
                                foreach (string region in category.Browsable)
                                    // Create a new standard feed object.
                                    obj = new DbObjectStandardFeed();
                                    obj.Id = this.EncodeFeedKey(feed, time, category.Label, region);
                                    obj.FeedId = (int)feed;
                                    obj.TimeId = (int)time;
                                    obj.Category = category.Label;
                                    obj.Region = region;
                                    feeds.Add(obj.Id, obj);

                // Raise the crawl feeds started event.
                if (this.FeedsCrawlStarted != null) this.FeedsCrawlStarted(this, new SpiderInfoEventArgs<CrawlInfo>(this, new CrawlInfo(feeds)));

                // Create a new spider asynchronous result.
                SpiderAsyncResult asyncResult = new SpiderAsyncResult(userState);

                // Set the crawl result counters.
                int counterSuccess = 0;
                int counterWarning = 0;
                int counterFailed = 0;
                int counterPending = feeds.Count;

                // Execute the crawl on the thread pool.
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((object state) =>
                        // Set the feed index.
                        int index = 0;
                        // For each feed in the feeds collection.
                        foreach(KeyValuePair<string, DbObjectStandardFeed> feed in feeds)
                            // Check if the crawl has been canceled.
                            if (asyncResult.IsCanceled) break;

                            // Increment the feed index.

                            // Get the object.
                            DbObjectStandardFeed obj = feed.Value;

                            // Call the feed started event handler.
                            if (this.FeedCrawlStarted != null) this.FeedCrawlStarted(this, new SpiderInfoEventArgs<FeedStartedInfo>(this, new FeedStartedInfo(obj, index, feeds.Count)));

                            // Crawl the feed.
                            CrawlResult result = this.CrawlFeed(
                                ref obj);

                            // Call the feed finished event handler.
                            if (this.FeedCrawlFinished != null) this.FeedCrawlFinished(this, new SpiderInfoEventArgs<FeedFinishedInfo>(this, new FeedFinishedInfo(obj, index, feeds.Count, result)));

                        // Set the result.
                        asyncResult.Result = feeds;

                        // Raise the crawl feeds finished event.
                        if (this.FeedsCrawlFinished != null) this.FeedsCrawlFinished(this, new SpiderInfoEventArgs<CrawlInfo>(this, new CrawlInfo(feeds)));

                        // Update the spider state.
                // Returns the spider object as the asynchronous state.
                return asyncResult;
            catch (Exception)
                // If an exception occurs, update the spider state.
                // Rethrow the exception.