public static HashSet <GroupId> ExtractGroups(this SearchResult result) { var groups = new HashSet <GroupId>(); if (result == null || !result.Properties.Contains("memberof")) { return(groups); } foreach (object memberOfProperty in result.Properties["memberof"]) { var memberOf = memberOfProperty.ToString(); //memberof is CN=groupName,OU=something,OH=else foreach (string cat in LdapSplitRegex.Split(memberOf)) { var cats = cat.Split('='); if (string.Equals(cats[0], "CN", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var groupName = Unescape(cats[1]); groups.Add(new GroupId(groupName, LDAP.GetDomainPath(memberOf))); } } } return(groups); }
private SearchResult TryGetPrincipal(PrincipalSearchType searchType, string principalName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(principalName)) { return(null); } this.LogDebug($"Trying to a {searchType} search for principal \"{principalName}\"..."); PrincipalId principalId = null; var searchString = new StringBuilder(); if (searchType == PrincipalSearchType.Users) { principalId = UserId.Parse(principalName); searchString.Append($"(sAMAccountName={LDAP.Escape(principalId?.Principal ?? principalName)})"); } else if (searchType.HasFlag(PrincipalSearchType.Groups)) { principalId = GroupId.Parse(principalName); searchString.Append("(|"); searchString.Append($"(sAMAccountName={LDAP.Escape(principalId?.Principal ?? principalName)})"); searchString.Append($"(name={LDAP.Escape(principalId?.Principal ?? principalName)})"); searchString.Append(")"); } else if (searchType == PrincipalSearchType.UsersAndGroups) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(searchType)); } HashSet <CredentialedDomain> domains; if (principalId == null) { this.LogDebug($"No domain specified, searching through aliases."); domains = this.domainsToSearch.Value; } else { this.LogDebug($"Domain alias \"{principalId.DomainAlias}\" will be used."); domains = new HashSet <CredentialedDomain>(); domains.Add(new CredentialedDomain(principalId.DomainAlias)); } foreach (var domain in domains) { this.LogDebug($"Searching domain {domain}..."); using (var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=" + domain.Name.Replace(".", ",DC="), domain.UserName, domain.Password)) using (var searcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry)) { searcher.Filter = searchString.ToString(); var result = searcher.FindOne(); if (result != null) { return(result); } } } this.LogDebug($"Principal not found."); return(null); }
public bool IsMemberOfGroup(string groupName) { if (groupName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(groupName)); } var userSearchResult =, this.userId.ToFullyQualifiedName()); if (userSearchResult == null) { return(false); } var groupSet = LDAP.ExtractGroupNames(userSearchResult); var compareName = GroupId.Parse(groupName)?.Principal ?? groupName; if (groupSet.Contains(compareName)) { return(true); } if ( { var groupsToSearch = new Queue <string>(groupSet); var groupsSearched = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); while (groupsToSearch.Count > 0) { var nextGroup = groupsToSearch.Dequeue(); if (groupsSearched.Add(nextGroup)) { var groupSearchResult =, nextGroup); if (groupSearchResult != null) { var groupGroups = LDAP.ExtractGroupNames(groupSearchResult); foreach (var g in groupGroups) { groupsToSearch.Enqueue(g); } } } } return(groupsSearched.Contains(compareName)); } return(false); }
public override IUserDirectoryUser TryParseLogonUser(string logonUser) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logonUser)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logonUser)); } var parts = logonUser.Split(new[] { '\\' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (parts.Length != 2) { return(null); } var domain = LDAP.GetDomainNameFromNetbiosName(parts[0], this.netBiosNameMaps.Value); return(this.TryGetUser($"{parts[1]}@{domain}")); }
public bool IsMemberOfGroup(string groupName) { if (groupName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(groupName)); } var userSearchResult = directory.TryGetPrincipal(PrincipalSearchType.Users, this.userId.ToFullyQualifiedName()); if (userSearchResult == null) { return(false); } var groupSet = LDAP.ExtractGroupNames(userSearchResult); return(groupSet.Contains(GroupId.Parse(groupName)?.Principal ?? groupName)); }
private IEnumerable <IUserDirectoryPrincipal> FindPrincipals(PrincipalSearchType searchType, string searchTerm) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) { yield break; } var categoryFilter = AH.Switch <PrincipalSearchType, string>(searchType) .Case(PrincipalSearchType.UsersAndGroups, "(|(objectCategory=user)(objectCategory=group))") .Case(PrincipalSearchType.Groups, "(objectCategory=group)") .Case(PrincipalSearchType.Users, "(objectCategory=user)") .End(); var st = LDAP.Escape(searchTerm); var filter = $"(&{categoryFilter}(|(userPrincipalName={st}*)(sAMAccountName={st}*)(name={st}*)(displayName={st}*)))"; this.LogDebug("Search term: " + searchTerm); this.LogDebug("Filter string: " + filter); foreach (var domain in this.domainsToSearch.Value) { this.LogDebug("Searching domain: " + domain); using (var entry = new DirectoryEntry(this.GetLdapRoot() + "DC=" + domain.Name.Replace(".", ",DC="), domain.UserName, domain.Password)) using (var searcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry)) { searcher.Filter = filter; using (var results = searcher.FindAll()) { foreach (SearchResult result in results) { var principal = this.CreatePrincipal(result); if (principal == null) { continue; } yield return(principal); } } } } }
private void GetParentGroups(PrincipalId principalId, HashSet <GroupId> groupList, bool recurse) { var escapedUserPrincipalName = LDAP.Escape(principalId.ToString()); var filter = string.Format( "(&(|(objectCategory=user)(objectCategory=group))(|(userPrincipalName={0})(sAMAccountName={1})(name={1})))", LDAP.Escape(principalId.ToString()), LDAP.Escape(principalId.Principal) ); try { using (var entry = new DirectoryEntry($"LDAP://" + principalId.GetDomainSearchPath())) using (var searcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry)) { searcher.Filter = filter; var result = searcher.FindOne(); if (result == null) { return; } foreach (var group in result.ExtractGroups()) { if (groupList.Add(group) && recurse) { this.GetParentGroups(group, groupList, true); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.LogWarning("Failed to get active directory groups: " + ex.Message); } }