コード例 #1
        private void PopulateAspects()
            bool attributesPopulated = false;
            bool skillsPopulated     = false;

            if (Archetype != null)
                if (Archetype.AttributeIDs != null)
                    Dictionary <int, float> distributions = new Dictionary <int, float>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < Archetype.AttributeIDs.Count; i++)
                        if (INE.Char.ValidAspect(Archetype.AttributeIDs[i], AspectType.Attributes))
                            distributions.Add(Archetype.AttributeIDs[i], 0);

                    Attributes          = new INEAspectGroup(distributions, AspectType.Attributes);
                    attributesPopulated = true;

                if (Archetype.SkillIDs != null)
                    Dictionary <int, float> distributions = new Dictionary <int, float>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < Archetype.SkillIDs.Count; i++)
                        if (INE.Char.ValidAspect(Archetype.SkillIDs[i], AspectType.Skills))
                            distributions.Add(Archetype.SkillIDs[i], 0);

                    Skills          = new INEAspectGroup(distributions, AspectType.Skills);
                    skillsPopulated = true;

            if (!attributesPopulated)
                Attributes = new INEAspectGroup(AspectType.Attributes);

            if (!skillsPopulated)
                Skills = new INEAspectGroup(AspectType.Skills);
コード例 #2
        //Set Aspects is just to connect UI, it does no other initial value setup other than determining the starting posistion of the target slider
        public void SetAspects(CharacterBuilderUI parent, INEAspectGroup aspectGroup)
            if (parent != null && aspectGroup != null)
                Parent      = parent;
                AspectGroup = aspectGroup;

                AspectsUI = new Dictionary <int, AspectItemUI>();

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, INEAspect> aspect in AspectGroup.Aspects)
                    if (aspect.Value != null)
                        RectTransform newPrefab = Instantiate(AspectPrefab);
                        AspectsUI.Add(aspect.Key, newPrefab.GetComponent <AspectItemUI>());
                        newPrefab.transform.SetParent(AspectListParent.transform, false);
                        AspectsUI[aspect.Key].SetAspect(this, aspect.Key, AspectGroup.AspectName(aspect.Key), aspect.Value.TargetDistribution);