コード例 #1
		public BroadphasePair InternalFindPair(BroadphaseProxy proxy0, BroadphaseProxy proxy1, int hash)
			BroadphasePair[] rawPairArray = m_overlappingPairArray.GetRawArray();
			int proxyId1 = proxy0.GetUid();
			int proxyId2 = proxy1.GetUid();
			//#if 0 // wrong, 'equalsPair' use unsorted uids, copy-past devil striked again. Nat.
			//if (proxyId1 > proxyId2) 
			//    btSwap(proxyId1, proxyId2);

			int index = m_hashTable[hash];

			while (index != BT_NULL_PAIR && EqualsPair(rawPairArray[index], proxyId1, proxyId2) == false)
				index = m_next[index];

			if ( index == BT_NULL_PAIR )
				return null;

			//btAssert(index < m_overlappingPairArray.size());

			return rawPairArray[index];
コード例 #2
		private BroadphasePair InternalAddPair(BroadphaseProxy proxy0,BroadphaseProxy proxy1)
				BroadphaseProxy temp = proxy0;
				proxy0 = proxy1;
				proxy1 = temp;
			int proxyId1 = proxy0.GetUid();
			int proxyId2 = proxy1.GetUid();

			int	hash = (int)(GetHash((uint)proxyId1,(uint)proxyId2) & (m_overlappingPairArray.Capacity-1));	// New hash value with new mask

			BroadphasePair pair = InternalFindPair(proxy0, proxy1, hash);
			if (pair != null)
				return pair;
				/*for(int i=0;i<m_overlappingPairArray.size();++i)
                    if(	(m_overlappingPairArray[i].m_pProxy0==proxy0)&&
                        printf("Adding duplicated %u<>%u\r\n",proxyId1,proxyId2);
                        internalFindPair(proxy0, proxy1, hash);
				int count = m_overlappingPairArray.Count;
				int oldCapacity = m_overlappingPairArray.Capacity;

				// MAN - 2.76 - uses expand noninitializing....??
				//void* mem = &m_overlappingPairArray.expand();

				//this is where we add an actual pair, so also call the 'ghost'
				if (m_ghostPairCallback != null)
					m_ghostPairCallback.AddOverlappingPair(proxy0, proxy1);
				pair = new BroadphasePair(proxy0, proxy1);

				int newCapacity = m_overlappingPairArray.Capacity;

				if (oldCapacity < newCapacity)
					//hash with new capacity
					hash = (int)(GetHash((uint)(proxyId1), (uint)(proxyId2)) & (m_overlappingPairArray.Capacity - 1));

				m_next[count] = m_hashTable[hash];
				m_hashTable[hash] = count;

				return pair;
コード例 #3
		public virtual Object RemoveOverlappingPair(BroadphaseProxy proxy0, BroadphaseProxy proxy1, IDispatcher dispatcher)
				BroadphaseProxy temp = proxy0;
				proxy0 = proxy1;
				proxy1 = temp;
			int proxyId1 = proxy0.GetUid();
			int proxyId2 = proxy1.GetUid();
			int	hash = (int)(GetHash((uint)(proxyId1),(uint)(proxyId2)) & (m_overlappingPairArray.Capacity-1));

			BroadphasePair pair = InternalFindPair(proxy0, proxy1, hash);
			if (pair == null)
				return null;


			Object userData = pair.m_internalInfo1;

			Debug.Assert(pair.m_pProxy0.GetUid() == proxyId1);
			Debug.Assert(pair.m_pProxy1.GetUid() == proxyId2);

			int pairIndex = m_overlappingPairArray.IndexOf(pair);

			Debug.Assert(pairIndex < m_overlappingPairArray.Count);

			// Remove the pair from the hash table.
			int index = m_hashTable[hash];
			Debug.Assert(index != BT_NULL_PAIR);

			int previous = BT_NULL_PAIR;
			while (index != pairIndex)
				previous = index;
				index = m_next[index];

			if (previous != BT_NULL_PAIR)
				Debug.Assert(m_next[previous] == pairIndex);
				m_next[previous] = m_next[pairIndex];
				m_hashTable[hash] = m_next[pairIndex];

			// We now move the last pair into spot of the
			// pair being removed. We need to fix the hash
			// table indices to support the move.

			int lastPairIndex = m_overlappingPairArray.Count - 1;

			if (m_ghostPairCallback != null)
				m_ghostPairCallback.RemoveOverlappingPair(proxy0, proxy1,dispatcher);
			// If the removed pair is the last pair, we are done.
			if (lastPairIndex == pairIndex)
				return userData;

			// Remove the last pair from the hash table.
			BroadphasePair last = m_overlappingPairArray[lastPairIndex];
			/* missing swap here too, Nat. */ 
			int lastHash = (int)(GetHash((uint)(last.m_pProxy0.GetUid()), (uint)(last.m_pProxy1.GetUid())) & (m_overlappingPairArray.Capacity-1));

			index = m_hashTable[lastHash];
			Debug.Assert(index != BT_NULL_PAIR);

			previous = BT_NULL_PAIR;
			while (index != lastPairIndex)
				previous = index;
				index = m_next[index];

			if (previous != BT_NULL_PAIR)
				Debug.Assert(m_next[previous] == lastPairIndex);
				m_next[previous] = m_next[lastPairIndex];
				m_hashTable[lastHash] = m_next[lastPairIndex];

			// Copy the last pair into the remove pair's spot.
			m_overlappingPairArray[pairIndex] = m_overlappingPairArray[lastPairIndex];

			// Insert the last pair into the hash table
			m_next[pairIndex] = m_hashTable[lastHash];
			m_hashTable[lastHash] = pairIndex;


			return userData;
コード例 #4
		public BroadphasePair FindPair(BroadphaseProxy proxy0, BroadphaseProxy proxy1)
				BroadphaseProxy temp;
				temp = proxy0;
				proxy0 = proxy1;
				proxy1 = temp;
			int proxyId1 = proxy0.GetUid();
			int proxyId2 = proxy1.GetUid();

			/*if (proxyId1 > proxyId2) 
                btSwap(proxyId1, proxyId2);*/

			int hash = (int)(GetHash((uint)(proxyId1), (uint)(proxyId2)) & (m_overlappingPairArray.Capacity-1));

			if (hash >= m_hashTable.Count)
				return null;

			int index = m_hashTable[hash];
			while (index != BT_NULL_PAIR && EqualsPair(m_overlappingPairArray[index], proxyId1, proxyId2) == false)
				index = m_next[index];

			if (index == BT_NULL_PAIR)
				return null;

			Debug.Assert(index < m_overlappingPairArray.Count);

			return m_overlappingPairArray[index];