internal bool Matches(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { if (VendorID.HasValue) { if (VendorID.Value != deviceInfo.vendorID) { return(false); } } if (ProductID.HasValue) { if (ProductID.Value != deviceInfo.productID) { return(false); } } if (VersionNumber.HasValue) { if (VersionNumber.Value != deviceInfo.versionNumber) { return(false); } } if (DriverType.HasValue) { if (DriverType.Value != deviceInfo.driverType) { return(false); } } if (TransportType.HasValue) { if (TransportType.Value != deviceInfo.transportType) { return(false); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NameLiteral)) { if (!string.Equals(, NameLiteral, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(false); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NamePattern)) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(, NamePattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public bool HasSameSerialNumber(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serialNumber)) { return(false); } return(serialNumber == deviceInfo.serialNumber); }
public bool HasSameLocation(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) { return(false); } return(location == deviceInfo.location); }
NativeInputDevice FindDetachedDevice(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { var readOnlyDetachedDevices = new ReadOnlyCollection <NativeInputDevice>(detachedDevices); if (CustomFindDetachedDevice != null) { return(CustomFindDetachedDevice(deviceInfo, readOnlyDetachedDevices)); } return(SystemFindDetachedDevice(deviceInfo, readOnlyDetachedDevices)); }
static NativeInputDevice SystemFindDetachedDevice(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo, ReadOnlyCollection <NativeInputDevice> detachedDevices) { var detachedDevicesCount = detachedDevices.Count; for (var i = 0; i < detachedDevicesCount; i++) { var device = detachedDevices[i]; if (device.Info.HasSameVendorID(deviceInfo) && device.Info.HasSameProductID(deviceInfo) && device.Info.HasSameSerialNumber(deviceInfo)) { return(device); } } for (var i = 0; i < detachedDevicesCount; i++) { var device = detachedDevices[i]; if (device.Info.HasSameVendorID(deviceInfo) && device.Info.HasSameProductID(deviceInfo) && device.Info.HasSameLocation(deviceInfo)) { return(device); } } for (var i = 0; i < detachedDevicesCount; i++) { var device = detachedDevices[i]; if (device.Info.HasSameVendorID(deviceInfo) && device.Info.HasSameProductID(deviceInfo) && device.Info.HasSameVersionNumber(deviceInfo)) { return(device); } } for (var i = 0; i < detachedDevicesCount; i++) { var device = detachedDevices[i]; if (device.Info.HasSameLocation(deviceInfo)) { return(device); } } return(null); }
// ReSharper disable once SuggestBaseTypeForParameter public bool Matches(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo, InputDeviceMatcher[] matchers) { if (matchers != null) { var matchersCount = matchers.Length; for (var i = 0; i < matchersCount; i++) { if (matchers[i].Matches(deviceInfo)) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
InputDeviceProfile DetectDevice(string unityJoystickName) { // Try to find a matching profile for this device. InputDeviceProfile deviceProfile = null; var deviceInfo = new InputDeviceInfo { name = unityJoystickName }; // ReSharper disable once ConstantNullCoalescingCondition deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? customDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.Matches(deviceInfo)); deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? systemDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.Matches(deviceInfo)); deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? customDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.LastResortMatches(deviceInfo)); deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? systemDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.LastResortMatches(deviceInfo)); return(deviceProfile); }
void DetectDevice(DeviceHandle deviceHandle, InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { // Try to find a matching profile for this device. InputDeviceProfile deviceProfile = null; // ReSharper disable once ConstantNullCoalescingCondition deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? customDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.Matches(deviceInfo)); deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? systemDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.Matches(deviceInfo)); deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? customDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.LastResortMatches(deviceInfo)); deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? systemDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.LastResortMatches(deviceInfo)); // Find a matching previously attached device or create a new one. if (deviceProfile == null || deviceProfile.IsNotHidden) { var device = FindDetachedDevice(deviceInfo) ?? new NativeInputDevice(); device.Initialize(deviceHandle, deviceInfo, deviceProfile); AttachDevice(device); } }
void DetectDevice(DeviceHandle deviceHandle, InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { // Try to find a matching profile for this device. InputDeviceProfile deviceProfile = null; // ReSharper disable once ConstantNullCoalescingCondition deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? customDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.Matches(deviceInfo)); deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? systemDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.Matches(deviceInfo)); deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? customDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.LastResortMatches(deviceInfo)); deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? systemDeviceProfiles.Find(profile => profile.LastResortMatches(deviceInfo)); // Debug.Log( "MATCHED PROFILE: " + deviceProfile.DeviceName + " (" + deviceProfile.GetType() + ")" ); // Find a matching previously attached device or create a new one. if (!deviceProfile.IsHidden) { var device = FindDetachedDevice(deviceInfo) ?? new NativeInputDevice(); device.Initialize(deviceHandle, deviceInfo, deviceProfile); AttachDevice(device); } }
public bool HasSameLocation(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { return(Info.HasSameLocation(deviceInfo)); }
public bool Matches(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { return(Matches(deviceInfo, Matchers)); }
public bool LastResortMatches(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { return(Matches(deviceInfo, LastResortMatchers)); }
public bool HasSameVersionNumber(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { return(versionNumber == deviceInfo.versionNumber); }
public bool HasSameProductID(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { return(productID == deviceInfo.productID); }
public bool HasSameVendorID(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { return(Info.HasSameVendorID(deviceInfo)); }
internal void Initialize(DeviceHandle deviceHandle, InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { Initialize(deviceHandle, deviceInfo, this.profile); }
public bool HasSameProductID(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { return(Info.HasSameProductID(deviceInfo)); }
internal void Initialize(DeviceHandle deviceHandle, InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo, InputDeviceProfile deviceProfile) { Handle = deviceHandle; Info = deviceInfo; profile = deviceProfile; SortOrder = 1000 + (int)Handle; numUnknownButtons = Math.Min((int)Info.numButtons, maxUnknownButtons); numUnknownAnalogs = Math.Min((int)Info.numAnalogs, maxUnknownAnalogs); buttons = new Int16[Info.numButtons]; analogs = new Int16[Info.numAnalogs]; AnalogSnapshot = null; const int numInputControlTypes = (int)InputControlType.Count + 1; controlSourceByTarget = new InputControlSource[numInputControlTypes]; ClearInputState(); ClearControls(); if (IsKnown) { Name = profile.DeviceName ??; Name = Name.Replace("{NAME}",; Meta = profile.DeviceNotes ??; DeviceClass = profile.DeviceClass; DeviceStyle = profile.DeviceStyle; var analogMappingCount = profile.AnalogCount; for (var i = 0; i < analogMappingCount; i++) { var analogMapping = profile.AnalogMappings[i]; var analogControl = AddControl(analogMapping.Target, analogMapping.Name); analogControl.Sensitivity = Mathf.Min(profile.Sensitivity, analogMapping.Sensitivity); analogControl.LowerDeadZone = Mathf.Max(profile.LowerDeadZone, analogMapping.LowerDeadZone); analogControl.UpperDeadZone = Mathf.Min(profile.UpperDeadZone, analogMapping.UpperDeadZone); analogControl.Raw = analogMapping.Raw; analogControl.Passive = analogMapping.Passive; controlSourceByTarget[(int)analogMapping.Target] = analogMapping.Source; } var buttonMappingCount = profile.ButtonCount; for (var i = 0; i < buttonMappingCount; i++) { var buttonMapping = profile.ButtonMappings[i]; var buttonControl = AddControl(buttonMapping.Target, buttonMapping.Name); buttonControl.Passive = buttonMapping.Passive; controlSourceByTarget[(int)buttonMapping.Target] = buttonMapping.Source; } } else { Name = "Unknown Device"; Meta =; for (var i = 0; i < NumUnknownButtons; i++) { AddControl(InputControlType.Button0 + i, "Button " + i); } for (var i = 0; i < NumUnknownAnalogs; i++) { AddControl(InputControlType.Analog0 + i, "Analog " + i, 0.2f, 0.9f); } } skipUpdateFrames = 1; }
public bool HasSameVendorID(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { return(vendorID == deviceInfo.vendorID); }
public static extern bool GetDeviceInfo(DeviceHandle handle, out InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo);
public bool HasSameVersionNumber(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { return(Info.HasSameVersionNumber(deviceInfo)); }
public static bool GetDeviceInfo(DeviceHandle handle, out InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { deviceInfo = new InputDeviceInfo(); return(false); }
public bool HasSameSerialNumber(InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { return(Info.HasSameSerialNumber(deviceInfo)); }